CDZ New Beijing Coronavirus Outbreak

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Friends in Beijing confirm the main parts of this Reuters’ report. We will see if China’s strong domestic tracing, testing, and isolation of infected persons can control this Covid-19 outbreak, as it finally did the Wuhan outbreak.

Whatever one thinks of China’s authoritarian government, or of its bureaucratic bungling of the original outbreak in Wuhan, it is clear that its general epidemic control public health policies have so far proven effective within China ... even against this often asymptomatic disease. The cooperation and confidence of most Chinese with the anti-epidemic drive means China’s authoritarian one party dictatorship and XiJinping’s personal leadership will likely emerge stronger from this episode.

BEIJING (Reuters) - After weeks with almost no new coronavirus infections, Beijing has recorded dozens of new cases in recent days, all linked to a major wholesale food market, raising concerns about a resurgence of the disease.

There had been almost no new cases in the city for almost two months until an infection was reported on June 12, and since then the total number has climbed to 51, including eight more in the first seven hours of Sunday.... Contract tracing showed all the infected people had either worked or shopped inside Xinfadi, said to be the largest food market in Asia, or had been in contact with someone who was there.

“Beijing has entered an extraordinary period,” city spokesman Xu Hejian told a news conference on Sunday. The market was closed before dawn on Saturday and the district containing the market put itself on a “wartime” footing....

As of 3 p.m. on Sunday, 10 neighbourhoods in Beijing, such as Financial Street, had raised their risk levels from low to medium.

“Beijing will not turn into a second Wuhan, spreading the virus to many cities all over the country and needing a lockdown,” a government epidemic expert told Health Times on Sunday.... The outbreak will likely be controlled after the initial spike of a few days, according to the report by Health Times, a paper run by state media People’s Daily.

Like other countries around the world, China is concerned to prevent a second wave from emerging after easing lockdowns that hammered its economy earlier this year....

An epidemiologist with the Beijing government said on Sunday that a DNA sequencing of the virus showed the latest outbreak in the market could have come from Europe....

Long queues for tests formed outside a hospital near the market on Sunday, pictures in the People’s Daily showed. Beijing health authority spokesman Gao Xiaojun told the news conference on Sunday that anyone in the city with a fever will be given tests for the coronavirus, a blood test and a CT scan.

Beijing steps up coronavirus measures as dozens of cases emerge from a food market
Whatever one thinks of China’s authoritarian government, or of its bureaucratic bungling of the original outbreak in Wuhan, it is clear that its general epidemic control public health policies have so far proven effective within China ... even against this often asymptomatic disease.
How is that clear?

no one can actually believe the numbers being given by communist china
Mac-7 asks:
“How is that clear? No one can actually believe the numbers being given by communist china.”

If you understood China better you might have more faith in this Western report. Whatever the exact numbers of infected and dead, which even in the West is hard to determine, China’s strict even draconian measures do seem to have controlled the spread of this virus, as have the Koreans (but not the U.S.) with far less draconian measures.

Tens of millions of doctors and nurses in thousands of hospitals and communities communicate with their families and relatives every day, and — at the moment at least — anecdotal reports seem to confirm the claims in the papers. In China, when there are real dangers or epidemic outbreaks, it is hard to stop the grapevine from spreading information informally. Even false and panicky information gets circulated. The general public knows the history of local and regional authorities lying to them and is very suspicious of all government reports. Published and official CP declarations that coverups by local authorities concerning Covid-19 will be treated severely by central authorities give local doctors “space” to express themselves more freely at the moment on this issue — without formally challenging the Party and its directives.
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Got a link for Europe? Yahoo news, moritsugu and kang: 'the virus had been fouñd on a chopping board for imported salmon.'(beijing closes market, locks down area in New virus outbreak')
So no link means that usmb prisoneers don't know if such a sequence exists nor what its amino acid music sounds like in comparison with other covid sequences in the genome (evolution of the saxophone thread.)
The article I provided was for information purposes, and I said most of the “main parts of this Reuters’ report” were confirmed by personal contacts in Beijing. Since then there have been literally hundreds of reports following this outbreak. The Reuter’s’ report itself only states that “An epidemiologist with the Beijing government said on Sunday that a DNA sequencing of the virus showed the latest outbreak in the market could have come from Europe,” and does NOT claim this news is confirmed. It actually is not very important.

In fact, the vast majority of new cases in China in the last two months were traced to transmission from (mostly returning Chinese students and business people) outside China, where the virus is essentially out of control. As a result China has banned foreigners, strongly restricted foreign aircraft landing in China, and imposed strict quarantine measures on returning citizens, leading to a crisis for foreign businesses and international schools in that country. It is a norm for Chinese doctors to track such new cases and analyze the DNA sequences to discover if they have mutated further from the norms of what is sometimes popularly called the “European” or “Asian” strain.
China’s strict even draconian measures do seem to have controlled the spread of this virus
It only seems like that to you because The CCP lies and covers up the truth

since most people with the wuFlu do not show symptoms all china has to do is lie about the number of deaths and you will never know the difference
No, it's important to analyze all differences in the genome, not just in comparison to strain mutations. One should not forget that the reservoir-vector in nature is still unknown: this justifiably takes the limelight away from human hosts while focusing on the biology of the virus "in the wild," embarassing failures in ebola biology being an example of what not to do. This focus may hold promise in vaccine development as well.

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Report from Beijing —

Life in Beijing neighborhoods near the outbreak goes on. My daughter and her husband and my American grandchild are safe. Happily the tests taken by mom and dad came back as expected ... negative.

So far about 230 recent infections have been confirmed in the Chinese Capital. Only 12 Beijing deaths reported due to Covid-19 since the January Wuhan outbreak. Under 5,000 total deaths have been reported in the whole country. The overall numbers may be understated for various reasons, but clearly the extreme measures taken have effectively limited the spread (at least temporarily) within China domestically.

Tracing and testing is widespread. Over 2 million tests have been given in Beijing alone. They claim they can now do one million a day if necessary. Everybody, including American “resident foreigners,” have a “health ID status” updated onto their smartphones. Everyone gets frequent alerts as new infections are discovered. If somebody at a local restaurant you visited or ordered food from was infected ... you know about it, and the place is closed.

In neighborhoods like Fengtai rated as more dangerous, even just to enter supermarkets you must now show your personal ID status. Ditto for travel on public transport, and always for entering a hospital. The subways never shut down, even in the early days, but rules change. The system is flexible. Everybody wears masks to enter stores and on crowded streets. Public schools had partially re-opened, then shut down again. Probably they will re-open for the new semester. Parents certainly hope so. Temperature is taken as you enter many public buildings and department stores.

People and the authorities seem confident they will control this latest outbreak. Most everybody cooperates. Months ago the media told the story of a common criminal who long lived in the “underground,” who finally gave up and turned himself in. He complained he couldn’t work or travel or even buy groceries without his health ID!

Most of the checking is done by beefed up neighborhood committees of volunteers that have long existed in the city, by store and public employees. Beijing may not be representative of other places, however. Health workers from other cities have been sent in to Beijing, even reportedly from Wuhan.

Tests are mostly voluntary, but encouraged. It is a great way to improve your ID health status. If anybody tests positive they are notified two days later and go to a hospital for follow up tests and clinical observation. If again confirmed infected, even without symptoms, apparently they get CAT scans and remain in hospital quarantine.
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