New Bernie Sanders voter

Though I in fact believe voting to be stupid, he's still too stupid to vote....For Bernie or anyone else.
Though I in fact believe voting to be stupid, he's still too stupid to vote....For Bernie or anyone else.
yeah but this is their prime people.....we say they coddle criminals they say they don't, then they propose this.......does the left drug their people....they really cant look at anything's amazing.
I believe that Bernie and Biden are done. The other munchkins don't have a prayer except in those tiny blue dots.
Democrats take sides with Illegal Aliens because they want future generation(s) of grateful voters.

Democrats take sides with Imprisoned Convicts voting because they want scores of thousands of grateful voters, immediately.

Apparently, the lessons of November 8, 2016, have yet to be properly interpreted by these Idiot Democrats.

The fact that the Proper Conclusion is staring them in the face is no barrier to their Mass Delusion.
I believe that Bernie and Biden are done. The other munchkins don't have a prayer except in those tiny blue dots.
If the economy continues after it's great 1st quarter start, we could be looking at at Trump Sweep of the States, 36-14

bernie sanders isnt a democratic socialist tho... when he condemns the coup in venezuela and supports worker cooperatives is when he'll be an actual socialist

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