NEW: Bidens Offered 'Safe Harbor' to Hunter Biden, Messages Appear to Confirm Influence Peddling Scheme


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
As with Watergate a slow, steady drip, drip, drip of slow motion reveals. Only this is much worse than Watergate.

A new report from Jonathan Turley is raising eyebrows after new messages were uncovered that appear to confirm the Biden family’s alleged influence-peddling scheme.

According to his write-up in The New York Post, text messages show Joe Biden appearing to know about his embattled son’s business dealings. The current president’s brother, Jim Biden, also comforted Hunter Biden in another message while indicating that Joe Biden was directly involved in what they were doing.


Enter Jim Biden, the president’s troubled brother, who also has a long, checkered history of trading on Joe Biden’s name. In another message following the Times’ report, Jim Biden offered Hunter Biden “a safe harbor.” It’s what he said next that is really eye-opening, though.

The new messages indicate that the Bidens were worried that Hunter was in a free fall as these dealings were becoming known and revenue was declining.

Jim Biden appears to be rushing to get Hunter to work on the problem with the family.
He assures him that they can find him “a safe harbor” and that “I can work with you[r] father alone!”

The messages may refer to the fact that Hunter’s past complaint was that he was giving as much as half of his proceeds to his father and was now facing towering financial demands.

The offer for safe harbor appears to be related to a drug binge that Hunter Biden was on at the time, not fear of criminal prosecution. Jim Biden was asking his nephew to come back, but the reason doesn’t appear to be related to well-being. When you read the next line, I suspect that “can” was actually meant to be “can’t” in the message, as that would make far more sense. Regardless, no matter which word was meant, the point of the message is the same: Jim and Hunter Biden were working directly with Joe Biden during a period of corrupt foreign business dealings.

That we have emails proving that Hunter Biden was upset for having to give so much of his money to his father only underscores that message. Joe Biden can no longer lie his way out of this. There’s too much evidence that he knew what his son was doing.

The story tries to make the “safe harbor” sound sinister but the end of the story it says it was about trying to help him get off drugs.

When will you assholes stop trying to make being a good father a problem?
Joe Biden is not a good father. Joe knew full well that Hunter was a demented drug addict in dire need of professional help. So what did Joe do? He took his son on a flight to China on Air force 2, so that Hunter could make some seriously sketchy deals with shady Chinese companies. This allowed Hunter to have almost unlimited funds to fuel his drug addictions and sexual perversions. Why on earth would a "good father" do that? Joe Biden is not a good father.
Joe Biden's own son calls him "Pedo Peter". Joe Biden's own daughter wrote about her father's inappropriate activities involving them being nude together. No, no folks, Joe Biden is not a good father. He is also a terrible grandfather to one of his grandchildren (Navy) and that is just plain cruel.
The story tries to make the “safe harbor” sound sinister but the end of the story it says it was about trying to help him get off drugs.

When will you assholes stop trying to make being a good father a problem?
A good father doesn't shower naked with his adolescent daughter who later wrote that she had to wait till he went to bed so she could then safely shower by herself.
This thread seems to have a bunch of leftists with fingers in their ears screaming "I can't hear you."
Once congress gets rid of those in the FBI covering for the Biden cabal, the charges will follow.
It's always "just you wait". And then nothing happens. Just like this situation. Nothing will happen. And then you'll claim the next head of FBI was a deep state plant as well. It never ends with you psycho nut jobs.
As with Watergate a slow, steady drip, drip, drip of slow motion reveals. Only this is much worse than Watergate.

A new report from Jonathan Turley is raising eyebrows after new messages were uncovered that appear to confirm the Biden family’s alleged influence-peddling scheme.
According to his write-up in The New York Post, text messages show Joe Biden appearing to know about his embattled son’s business dealings. The current president’s brother, Jim Biden, also comforted Hunter Biden in another message while indicating that Joe Biden was directly involved in what they were doing.

Enter Jim Biden, the president’s troubled brother, who also has a long, checkered history of trading on Joe Biden’s name. In another message following the Times’ report, Jim Biden offered Hunter Biden “a safe harbor.” It’s what he said next that is really eye-opening, though.
The offer for safe harbor appears to be related to a drug binge that Hunter Biden was on at the time, not fear of criminal prosecution. Jim Biden was asking his nephew to come back, but the reason doesn’t appear to be related to well-being. When you read the next line, I suspect that “can” was actually meant to be “can’t” in the message, as that would make far more sense. Regardless, no matter which word was meant, the point of the message is the same: Jim and Hunter Biden were working directly with Joe Biden during a period of corrupt foreign business dealings.
That we have emails proving that Hunter Biden was upset for having to give so much of his money to his father only underscores that message. Joe Biden can no longer lie his way out of this. There’s too much evidence that he knew what his son was doing.

If Democrats had this evidence against Trump he would have been Impeached immediately and still in jail now.

The Democrat Party is unoffocially a corrupt, criminal, treasonous organization that violates Constitution and law while protecting its own.

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