New Bill In Congress Would Ban Private Citizens From Owning Body Armor

Confused again?

Is your game government tyranny or self defense from "thugs"?

I think it is possible that you are so frightened that you sleep in full body armor.

Also, it's rare for someone to continue fighting after being shot, even with body armor on.

Bullshit. It is not rare. The kind of body armor they make these days enables you to keep fighting after being shot.

Its not rare for someone to keep fighting after being shot completely unarmored. This of course, is dependent upon the caliber, load, range, and number of projectiles one is shot with.

Getting hit with a .22 pistol round could be shrugged off for a bit, depending on the location and penetration. Getting plugged with a round from a .45? not so much. Hell a guy in cheap armor may not get punctured by a .45 round, but he sure as hell is going to get knocked down by it.
What's more disturbing? The fact that a congressman has brought a bill limiting civilian possession of military body armor.....or the fact that American civilians posess military body armor?

The bill is considerably more disturbing to anyone who values freedom and liberty.
So, @LoneLaugher ...

Are you going to ban sheet metal and rubber and plywood?

Are you going to put people who buy rubber, sheet metal, plywood and 1/4 inch bolts on a terrorist watch list?

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