New Black Panther Party Issues “Wanted Dead or Alive” Posters for George Zimmerman

I thought you people liked to be tuff on crime.

Oh but not when it black kids being murdered
You murder a child in the dark on the street for nothing and I think the police should take you in dead or alive.
So say two of the bigots on this board. Just what kind of reaction did you expect?

We expected the race card to be played.

we called that one. The terrorist card has been worn out.

Well, since Zimmerman appears to have targeted the kid because of his race, yes, the "race card" is going to be "played".

so do you think the npb are going after the latino community now? That'll be a sight to see.
I don't want him lynched either, but wonder where the DEAD OR ALIVE posters/flyers idea came from.

Wanted posters are a tool used by Law Enforcement officials to alert others to be aware of criminals that may be in thier area of jurisdiction.

I finally found PART of the flyer/poster, whether it was from the NBPP is still a question. Also disgusting IF it was.

OK. Good . Individuals are free to exercise thier speech as in this case...but one has to question the intent ...what is thier goal?
wanted dead or alive means just that doesnt it.

Its a wanted poster and that is how they want this treated.

So is Rush taking the side of the fucking coon hater? Just wondered in light of his recent woman hating incident if he is weighing in on this.

No you are not. You are just Baiting and Trolling. May I see your ID and Fishing License. :D
You see black people with a sign like this and your racist mind goes straight to full on terror.

Your a racist
Ignoring racist crimes committed by minorities
is really the more racist act
way to go all you race baiters, you happy now?

Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Friday, March 23, 2012, 11:23 PM

By: Rachel Pulaski

MSNBC analyst and Democratic strategist Karen Finney blamed Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers and others for the death of Trayvon Martin. Now the New Black Panther Party is circulating “Wanted Dead or Alive” posters of George Zimmerman. All Voices reported:

Yesterday afternoon at a press conference, the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense circulated a “wanted dead or alive” poster for George Zimmerman for shooting to death a Florida teenager four weeks ago.

Sanford press Conf Harvey - YouTube

the rest with comments at.
New Black Panther Party Issues “Wanted Dead or Alive” Posters for George Zimmerman | The Gateway Pundit

Second time today I've read "race baiter's", must be a phrase given to the echo chamber members from Limbaugh or Hannity or another RW propaganda purveyor.
You see black people with a sign like this and your racist mind goes straight to full on terror.

Your a racist
With thie group's past history? Really? WE are questioning the intent and WE are the racists?
"race baiter's"
Perhaps the term being the correct one,,,,

is the real reason
You murder a child in the dark on the street for nothing and I think the police should take you in dead or alive.

That's just it, TM. It is not about what you think. It never has been. It's about the Rule of Law. Thankfully because of National Interest and Outrage, this is now under a Microscope, and not under a carpet, we have done our job, try to find peace in that. Be vigilant, let Justice take it's course. We are all watching.
wanted dead or alive means just that doesnt it.

Its a wanted poster and that is how they want this treated.


Posters created for vigilantism, without law enforcement approval, is OK. The fact that when issued by a group not of government is asking for a crime to be committed.

And thats just cool with you. You are a poster child for the claim that the left uses situational ethics.
But the Left needs something to keep them united
and identity politics alive
A wanted poster is a police poster.

Its a sign saying they want the police to treat this like a crime.

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