New Black Panther Party Issues “Wanted Dead or Alive” Posters for George Zimmerman

look at these idiots trying make justify the gunning down on the street of a minor.

They are jsut sure he deserved to die
We expected the race card to be played.

we called that one. The terrorist card has been worn out.

Well, since Zimmerman appears to have targeted the kid because of his race, yes, the "race card" is going to be "played".

Zimmerman followed the kid because that's what neighborhood watch people do.

THE police told him to stop following a citizen for no infraction.

You just dont care that hes dead because your a racist
way to go all you race baiters, you happy now?

Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Friday, March 23, 2012, 11:23 PM

By: Rachel Pulaski

MSNBC analyst and Democratic strategist Karen Finney blamed Rush Limbaugh, the Koch brothers and others for the death of Trayvon Martin. Now the New Black Panther Party is circulating “Wanted Dead or Alive” posters of George Zimmerman. All Voices reported:

Yesterday afternoon at a press conference, the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense circulated a “wanted dead or alive” poster for George Zimmerman for shooting to death a Florida teenager four weeks ago.

Sanford press Conf Harvey - YouTube

the rest with comments at.

Where is the "DEAD OR ALIVE" poster? I see only the "party of self defense"?
So say two of the bigots on this board. Just what kind of reaction did you expect?

If the KKK was doing this every time a BLACK killed a WHITE, it would be TEN FOLD! But you don't give a shit about blackie killing whitie do you?

Fuck off shit for brains.

Would a black that killed a white be sent home without being taken downtown? Makes me wonder whose brain has really turned to shit. :doubt:
So say two of the bigots on this board. Just what kind of reaction did you expect?

If the KKK was doing this every time a BLACK killed a WHITE, it would be TEN FOLD! But you don't give a shit about blackie killing whitie do you?

Fuck off shit for brains.

Would a black that killed a white be sent home without being taken downtown? Makes me wonder whose brain has really turned to shit. :doubt:

I've read it was a FLYER; still no photo. Just "party of self defense" and WANTED. Godlike productions reports this, no FOX or other major outlet? WHY?
We expected the race card to be played.

we called that one. The terrorist card has been worn out.

Well, since Zimmerman appears to have targeted the kid because of his race, yes, the "race card" is going to be "played".

Zimmerman followed the kid because that's what neighborhood watch people do.

Do all neighborhood watch people use racial slurs?

Did George Zimmerman Complain About ‘F*cking C**ns’ In 911 Call Before Killing Trayvon Martin?

George Zimmerman's Long, Lonely War Against Black Youths Doing Things
We expected the race card to be played.

we called that one. The terrorist card has been worn out.

Well, since Zimmerman appears to have targeted the kid because of his race, yes, the "race card" is going to be "played".

Yes, lets ignore the other factors so it can be played well.

No, let's not ignore them. What are the other factors you'd like to discuss? The fact that Zimmerman hasn't been arrested or the weapon used to kill the young man confiscated? Okay, let's. What "other factors"?
Zimmerman killed a child.

Never forget that.

He shot him dead after calling him a coon.

Jesus the right has gone brain dead

He almost got away with it. How many have gotten away with it in the past? All the killings and lynchings.

We see the same attitude here on this forum.

Can anyone really blame blacks if they fight back?

I believe Zimmerman was wrong to appoint himself as a vigilante neighborhood watch and I believe its wrong for the Black Panthers to do the same thing Zimmerman did.

BUT - If some monster killed your child for no reason, every one of you who are defending Zimmerman, would want justice. If the law wouldn't do it, you would feel justified to do it yourself.
Well, since Zimmerman appears to have targeted the kid because of his race, yes, the "race card" is going to be "played".

Yes, lets ignore the other factors so it can be played well.

No, let's not ignore them. What are the other factors you'd like to discuss? The fact that Zimmerman hasn't been arrested or the weapon used to kill the young man confiscated? Okay, let's. What "other factors"?

What is in detail, the confrontation that took place.

I speak directly to when the two came upon each other within arms length.

Give me the precise details, Do that and we can move on.............
Zimmerman killed a child.

Never forget that.

He shot him dead after calling him a coon.

Jesus the right has gone brain dead

He almost got away with it. How many have gotten away with it in the past? All the killings and lynchings.

We see the same attitude here on this forum.

Can anyone really blame blacks if they fight back?

I believe Zimmerman was wrong to appoint himself as a vigilante neighborhood watch and I believe its wrong for the Black Panthers to do the same thing Zimmerman did.

BUT - If some monster killed your child for no reason, every one of you who are defending Zimmerman, would want justice. If the law wouldn't do it, you would feel justified to do it yourself.

Zimmerman's "neighborhood watch" was not following neighborhood watch guidelines of the National Sheriff's Departments' program;

Trayvon Martin: Zimmerman was not following Neighborhood Watch rules -
My two fave words...


and "load".

better get a real grip in my world.....

What's up with everyone?

This is a horrid horrid incident. It's not black on white. It's not white on black. It's just a horrid incidident.

Npw I know that wanker has waded in, but cripes, what the hell makes this an international incident?
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Yes, lets ignore the other factors so it can be played well.

No, let's not ignore them. What are the other factors you'd like to discuss? The fact that Zimmerman hasn't been arrested or the weapon used to kill the young man confiscated? Okay, let's. What "other factors"?

What is in detail, the confrontation that took place.

I speak directly to when the two came upon each other within arms length.

Give me the precise details, Do that and we can move on.............

The punk tried to kill Zimmerman. Oh wait. Nobody really knows.
Well, since Zimmerman appears to have targeted the kid because of his race, yes, the "race card" is going to be "played".

Zimmerman followed the kid because that's what neighborhood watch people do.

THE police told him to stop following a citizen for no infraction.

You just dont care that hes dead because your a racist

That's where you're wrong, you idiotic waste of oxygen, I care VERY MUCH that this kid is dead, that's why I want a thorough investigation into his shooting. I'm just not willing to jump on the 'Lynch Zimmerman' train before that investigation is complete, unlike you race-baiting fucking morons on the Left.
Yes, lets ignore the other factors so it can be played well.

No, let's not ignore them. What are the other factors you'd like to discuss? The fact that Zimmerman hasn't been arrested or the weapon used to kill the young man confiscated? Okay, let's. What "other factors"?

What is in detail, the confrontation that took place.

I speak directly to when the two came upon each other within arms length.

Give me the precise details, Do that and we can move on.............

And where are you going to get that "detail"? One of the guys...the one that was talking to his girlfriend about the guy that was following him and wondering what he should dead and can't tell his side of the "story".

So, you'll get the "story" from the guy who called the young man a racial slur, talked about how "these guys" always get away, has a history of violent behavior and then shot an unarmed kid...then you'll be satisfied?


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