New CNN poll shows record low support for Obamacare


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Hard to believe with what all that we know now that 35% still support this trainwreck.

CNN Poll: Heath care law support drops to all-time low

Washington (CNN) – Support for the country's new health care law has dropped to a record low, according to a new national poll.

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Monday also indicates that most Americans predict that the Affordable Care Act will actually result in higher prices for their own medical care.

CNN/ORC International survey full results

Only 35% of those questioned in the poll say they support the health care law, a 5-point drop in less than a month. Sixty-two percent say they oppose the law, up four points from November.

Nearly all of the newfound opposition is coming from women.

"Opposition to Obamacare rose six points among women, from 54% in November to 60% now, while opinion of the new law remained virtually unchanged among men," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. "That's bad news for an administration that is reaching out to moms across the country in an effort to make Obamacare a success."

According to the survey, 43% say they oppose the health care law because it is too liberal, with 15% saying they give the measure a thumbs down because it is not liberal enough. That means half the public either favors Obamacare, or opposes it because it's not liberal enough, down four points from last month.

Sixty-three percent say they believe the new law will increase the amount of money they personally pay for medical care, which may not be a good sign for a law known as the "Affordable Care Act."

The survey also indicates that 42% say they will be personally worse off under Obamacare, with 16% saying the law will help them, and four in 10 saying it will have no effect on them.

Just over six in 10 say they believe they will be able to receive care from the same doctors that they now use, with 35% saying they will not be able to see the same doctors.

The Affordable Care Act, which is the signature domestic achievement for President Barack Obama, was passed along party lines in 2010, when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. Since that passage, Republicans have fought to either repeal, defund, or severely restrict the law. A push by congressional conservatives to defund the law was the catalyst for October's 16-day long partial federal government shutdown, the first in nearly two decades.

The roll out of the law was extremely flawed, from the rocky startup of in October to the controversy over millions of Americans being told they would lose their current insurance plans because they didn't meet standards mandated by the new health care law.

Despite all the problems, the President said things are starting to improve, adding that more than 500,000 Americans enrolled in the Affordable Care Act through during the first three weeks of December.

"So all told, millions of Americans, despite problems with the website, are now poised to be covered by quality affordable health care," he said at a news conference.

The poll was conducted for CNN by ORC International December 16-19, with 1,035 adults nationwide questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

CNN Poll: Heath care law support drops to all-time low ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Yeah. Negative advertising campaigns will have an effect, won't they.

Yeah ... The Administration will have spent over a $1 billion on advertising for the ACA by the end of the year.
That must be the bad advertising you are talking about ... What a waste of taxpayer money.

If calling a bucket of crap "fertilizer" helps the cause ... I am sure the Liberals in charge have already done that.

And since Drifter does not tell the main conclusion about this, here is the finding from his link:

"That means half the public either favors Obamacare, or opposes it because it's not liberal enough, down four points from last month."
And since Drifter does not tell the main conclusion about this, here is the finding from his link:

"That means half the public either favors Obamacare, or opposes it because it's not liberal enough, down four points from last month."

Nice spin.

Sixty-three percent say they believe the new law will increase the amount of money they personally pay for medical care, which may not be a good sign for a law known as the "Affordable Care Act."The survey also indicates that 42% say they will be personally worse off under Obamacare, with 16% saying the law will help them, and four in 10 saying it will have no effect on them.
Let's be honest here...Obama, Reid and Pelosi lied to the American people in order to get the ACA passed. The main stream media supported those lies because their slobbering love affair with Barack Obama had them wearing blinders. Now it's obvious that we were lied to and many in the media are embarrassed that they let themselves be used like that...hence a slightly more hostile environment at White House press briefings. This is something that will only get worse as the ACA roll out continues...simply because it's SUCH bad legislation.
Let's be honest here...Obama, Reid and Pelosi lied to the American people in order to get the ACA passed. The main stream media supported those lies because their slobbering love affair with Barack Obama had them wearing blinders. Now it's obvious that we were lied to and many in the media are embarrassed that they let themselves be used like that...hence a slightly more hostile environment at White House press briefings. This is something that will only get worse as the ACA roll out continues...simply because it's SUCH bad legislation.

Congressional Approval Sinks to Record Low

Hilarious. Get this. Republican confidence in the Republican controlled house is even lower than Democrat's confidence in the GOP controlled house. And I've never seen political confidence in single digits. And Republicans think the country wants their policies? Truly "hilarious".
And since Drifter does not tell the main conclusion about this, here is the finding from his link:

"That means half the public either favors Obamacare, or opposes it because it's not liberal enough, down four points from last month."

Nice spin.

Sixty-three percent say they believe the new law will increase the amount of money they personally pay for medical care, which may not be a good sign for a law known as the "Affordable Care Act."The survey also indicates that 42% say they will be personally worse off under Obamacare, with 16% saying the law will help them, and four in 10 saying it will have no effect on them.

Your argument does not matter, because a good support.

You need to tell the full truth.
Congressional Approval Sinks to Record Low

Hilarious. Get this. Republican confidence in the Republican controlled house is even lower than Democrat's confidence in the GOP controlled house. And I've never seen political confidence in single digits. And Republicans think the country wants their policies? Truly "hilarious".

I would choose a less than favorable rating for the Congressional Republicans in the House and Senate.
At the same time as a Conservative ... I certainly wouldn't say that they were not being Liberal enough.
Their inability to stand their ground in the face of opposition that amounts to no more than name calling and blame slinging is embarrassing.

If they are going to be called obstructionist and be blamed for everything ... they might as well earn the tag and bury the Democrats at the same time.

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