New Corona Variant, that might be very dangerous, spreads in South Africa

Remember a few months back the mu virus was reported in South America and a few other countries. It was reported to be spreading rapidly and the WHO put it on their mutation watch list. A few months latter it had disappeared from media. The reason is that it's transmission rate paled in comparison to delta variant. It takes time for the scientists to collect the data and evaluate it. The Media simply can not wait for the facts, so it spreads opinion mixed with misinformation in order to generate interest as this is their bread and butter, creating news.
These critics keep talking about fear and panic: I don't see any of that, just our government officials being responsible and taking sensible precautions. They're the ones that are freaking out. No one else is.
Remember a few months back the mu virus was reported in South America and a few other countries. It was reported to be spreading rapidly and the WHO put it on their mutation watch list. A few months latter it had disappeared from media. The reason is that it's transmission rate paled in comparison to delta variant. It takes time for the scientists to collect the data and evaluate it. The Media simply can not wait for the facts, so it spreads opinion mixed with misinformation in order to generate interest as this is their bread and butter, creating news.
Actually PBS said it was too early to determine much but it would take another week to know the facts they weren't speculating about anything.
Both Biden and Trump have increased and decreased travel restrictions depending on the covid threat.
The knock on Trump was that, when he implemented the China ban, it was far down the list of recommendations given to him. But he ignored all the others and went right to Chi-eeee-na, both because Xi spurned him and to pander to xenophobic hysteria.
I guess I'm still used to the old discussion boards of years ago for people actually said what they mean and we're civil about it. Sarcasm really doesn't have a place in good discussions.

I guess I'm still used to the old discussion boards of years ago for people actually said what they mean and we're civil about it. Sarcasm really doesn't have a place in good discussions.
The heart of the problem is the people who are paid or formally aligned with a political group. They are not here on this board or most social media to exchange ideas and information and to debate. They don't care what you have to say. They have no interest in any real debate. That is not why they are here. You would probably be surprised at how many of these people are in the employ of foreign governments, political candidates, various political organizations, or media personalities.

It you are really looking for good debate search for private moderated forums that require that members prove their real identity. These hardly exist anymore because most people love the anonymity of social media which allows them to be whoever they choose and create their own facts without fear of personal exposure.

I was a member of a local group that discussed local political issues. It is amazing the difference between that and this board. People with remarkable different views were not only civil but friendly toward their opponents. People often found themselves agreeing with some of the oppositions ideas. However, I have to admit that it wasn't near as much fun as this Charade.
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Dipshit, there is no way for you to know about omicron because this is a CIA-controlled situation. If omicron fails to cause anxiety in the prisoners, they will seed-in something else to substitute for omicron while the prisoners are still thinking it’s omicron. There will be no way for you to know what you’re infected with when you go into the hospital. It could be influenza, but they will be making $100,000 for your capture. CIA, NIH, WHO and communist China have working hard on this money-making venture, and no one knows where the virus came from.
A CIA situation, you guys are really nuts. It's a viral situation health agencies are involved they don't have an agenda like you people do.
I can't remember everything but I think trump suggested that maybe people could somehow ingest it, speaking about the disinfectant solutions. I couldn't believe he was that dumb to ask such a question. I remember afterwards the disinfectant companies and others suggested that no one try ingesting disinfectant solutions fearing that some of his followers might actually do it.
To me he was asking if the components that make those things work could be made or altered to help humans.
To me he was asking if the components that make those things work could be made or altered to help humans.
He was making suggestions to The experts which sounded like a child trying to tell adults what to do, and as far as the comment about the disinfectants you did use the word injection or possible injection. When the press voiced concerned about his comments he said he was saying it sarcastically. That's the spin he put on his own comments. Which reminds me of the old adage. " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. "
yep i am just glad xiden and the dems got on board and realized it wasn’t xenophobic
It's not political with them, as it was with trump; it is what it is, a public health crisis and the virus is the enemy, not fellow Americans.
It's not political with them, as it was with trump; it is what it is, a public health crisis and the virus is the enemy, not fellow Americans.
agreed the dems made it political because it was trump and made the absurd claims
Outrage about what?

Oh, you must be one of the crowd of tards in this topic who thought I was against Trump's China travel ban. :lol:
Pretty sure you was, I support Biden for doing the same. I'm not a hypocrite.
Whoa there Joey Biden, sounds like a racist policy you done come up with, pal.
Think of all the poor Africans you're about to discriminate against.
How in the ever loving fuck did you turn legit Covid mutation prevention into a race/nationality thing, you fucking magaturd retard? My gawd, you're a fucking turnip. Politics has fucked your noggin into pudding.
it’d it was a lie and absurd to ban travel why is xiden following suit?
Biden is proactive as far as public health is concerned, if the experts think this is a good move it's fine with him and it should be fine with most Americans. They only have our best interest at heart, they're not thinking of themselves.
Well, believe it. As he always does, he showed up to that press conference completely unprepared and embarrassingly ignorant of the topics. Then he saw a poster board on stage and tried to riff on it and tried to sound smart, like an 8 year old trying to do a book report in front of the class for a book he never actually read. Embarrassing.
Pretty sure you was, I support Biden for doing the same. I'm not a hypocrite.
You're wrong. I did not call Trump a racist or xenophobe for banning travel from China. So that makes two of us who are not hypocrites.
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