New Corona Variant, that might be very dangerous, spreads in South Africa

What are you talking about you dumb ass....

Trump banned travel first from countries on terror lists......that would be 8 muslim countries out of 50 or so muslim no, dumb ass, it wasn't based on religion...

Taking them one at a time. Trumps Muslim ban is based on "do what I say, not what I do." You are defending it not being a Muslin ban because Trump was so bad at writing the executive order. It's similar to the argument behind Lincolns "emancipation proclamation" not actually freeing any slaves, as it had no jurisdiction within the CSA until the south had been defeated.

The Muslim ban was by intent, not by Trumps authorship skills.
What are you talking about you dumb ass....

Then, when the Chinese flu first broke out, he banned travel from China, the country of origin of the Chinese flu....and shitheads like you called him a racist and xenophobe for doing it...
It was xenophobic on it's face. Trump said over and over that the coronavirus was no worse than the seasonal flu. So Trump banning travel from China over the seasonal flu was clearly an overreaction.

Except it wasn't an overreaction because Trump lied about the danger from China being no worse than the seasonal flu. So it was right to criticize Trumps actions, based on the lies that Trump told.
All I hear about is how fast this "variation" spreads. Nothing about how SEVERE it is. Okay, if it spreads like wildfire but is a what?

Why does no one ask these questions but just panics?

/nevermind, too late to ask reasonable questions I guess

That's the point of the travel restrictions. Good on the President for actually taking advice from the scientists, and acting on it. If the variant isn't as severe, that will show in a few weeks, with the number of hospitalizations, and death rate.
Because unlike you and the lying bloggers you follow, scientists don't just make stuff up. They need more data, to attempt to answer this.

This reminds me of the joke, but put a republican in place of the lawyer.

An engineer, a physicist, and a lawyer were being interviewed for a position as chief executive officer of a large corporation.
The engineer was interviewed first, and was asked a long list of questions, ending with "How much is two plus two?"
The engineer made a series of calculations before announcing, "Four."
The physicist was next interviewed, and was asked the same questions.
Before answering the last question, he excused himself and did research.
After, he also announced "Four."
The lawyer was interviewed last, and was asked the same questions.
At the end of his interview, before answering the last question, he drew all the shades in the room, looked outside the door to see if anyone was there, and asked "How much do you want it to be?"
That's the point of the travel restrictions. Good on the President for actually taking advice from the scientists, and acting on it. If the variant isn't as severe, that will show in a few weeks, with the number of hospitalizations, and death rate.

Except you don't know if Trump did it on the advice of scientists, or purely for xenophobia. Since Trump was saying publicly that there was no reason to shut down travel from China, but he did it any way, for a reason his own public statements didn't support.

But that was because Trump lied, telling the public a completely different story than what the intelligence briefings told him.
U.S. to restrict travel from South Africa, 7 other countries as new Covid variant emerges

From the article:

  • The United States will restrict travel for non-U.S. citizens from South Africa and seven other countries starting on Monday as a new Covid variant emerges.
  • President Joe Biden was briefed on Friday by White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci. The briefing came as other nations announced travel restrictions on southern Africa.
  • In addition to South Africa, the affected countries are Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi.

OP Comment(s):

Whoa there Joey Biden, sounds like a racist policy you done come up with, pal. Think of all the poor Africans you're about to discriminate against. Maybe we'll a have to start a callin' you Trump Lite. Like, you know, diet Trump? What a crock. Someone, anyone, please pass the jelly . . .
My God this is not about racism, this is about a new variant; let's err on the side of caution for a change. We can't keep getting caught with our pants down. The stupidity has to end if we're ever going to get over this damn covid.
All I hear about is how fast this "variation" spreads. Nothing about how SEVERE it is. Okay, if it spreads like wildfire but is a what?

Why does no one ask these questions but just panics?

/nevermind, too late to ask reasonable questions I guess
No one is panicking, more time is needed to evaluate it that's all in the meantime a lot of people are taking precautions just in case it's a very bad one. Remember the phrase better to be safe than sorry. In this case we'll just be a little safer thanks to Biden and his administration's efforts.
My God this is not about racism, this is about a new variant; let's err on the side of caution for a change. We can't keep getting caught with our pants down. The stupidity has to end if we're ever going to get over this damn covid.
My My My, how your tune has changed in such a short time. Funny how the policy to restrict travel was racist and xenophobic when Trump did it and now you don't want to get caught with your pants down. Sorry, buddy, according to dementia Joe, pants are optional. The stupidity will end Nov. 8, 2022.
My My My, how your tune has changed in such a short time. Funny how the policy to restrict travel was racist and xenophobic when Trump did it and now you don't want to get caught with your pants down. Sorry, buddy, according to dementia Joe, pants are optional. The stupidity will end Nov. 8, 2022.
I did not trust trump's judgment, perhaps you don't know or didn't realize everything is about him how he feels. Remember all the times he played down the virus, even contradicted the scientists involved, of course he always thought he knew better. Biden not do this alone, he consulted with the experts and they concluded this was a good preventative measure to take at this time when we don't know much about it. They said they would know more in about a week and then it'll either stay in place if if needed or it will be removed it's that simple and here are people you can trust.
Except you don't know if Trump did it on the advice of scientists, or purely for xenophobia. Since Trump was saying publicly that there was no reason to shut down travel from China, but he did it any way, for a reason his own public statements didn't support.

But that was because Trump lied, telling the public a completely different story than what the intelligence briefings told him.
JoeXi’s CIA handlers have not told him that the ”big evolution jump” is bullshit. It’s propaganda that is using mutations from other regions of the genome that are less important than mutations in the spike region.
Mandates are no more than suggestions to a free populace. Mandates are NOT laws.
I don't recall ANY President in my lifetime ever issuing some mandate.
Not even President Eisenhower during the Polio epidemic.Because
one cannot Federalize any mandate.So all 50 states agree to
order mandates per each state for the Polio Vaccine.
Biden isn't merely a Tyrant ... He's a dirty Rotten Scoundrel ta boot.
Each week a new dirty deal for Americans.While he and his Brother
and Son get richer.Doing bidness with China.
Eisenhower called for a V-day where every American can schedule
a shot.After all 50 states approved.
I did not trust trump's judgment, perhaps you don't know or didn't realize everything is about him how he feels. Remember all the times he played down the virus, even contradicted the scientists involved, of course he always thought he knew better. Biden not do this alone, he consulted with the experts and they concluded this was a good preventative measure to take at this time when we don't know much about it. They said they would know more in about a week and then it'll either stay in place if if needed or it will be removed it's that simple and here are people you can trust.
Nice attempt at diversion. Now do you want to explain how you were justified at calling Trump racist and xenophobic for implementing the exact same type of travel ban from China but somehow you fail to see your hypocrisy when you advocate for the same from dementia Joe. You're already beginning to resemble a pretzel.
I did not trust trump's judgment, perhaps you don't know or didn't realize everything is about him how he feels. Remember all the times he played down the virus, even contradicted the scientists involved, of course he always thought he knew better. Biden not do this alone, he consulted with the experts and they concluded this was a good preventative measure to take at this time when we don't know much about it. They said they would know more in about a week and then it'll either stay in place if if needed or it will be removed it's that simple and here are people you can trust.
Not Hardly.Trump likes to boast.But his love for Americans and America is
now legendary.We now have a real clue as to these Scientist and experts.
They are a majority of hucksters.
Trump understood that a Bigger Government makes for a Smaller Citizen.
Biden is just the opposite.And We the People are his experiment.
His subjects.
Nice attempt at diversion. Now do you want to explain how you were justified at calling Trump racist and xenophobic for implementing the exact same type of travel ban from China but somehow you fail to see your hypocrisy when you advocate for the same from dementia Joe. You're already beginning to resemble a pretzel.
It was prudent { well managed } for Trump to make the call to not allow
travel into the states from China.And yes the Covid Virus came from a Wuhan Lab.
It Is the China Virus.Fauci was proved on multiple levels as being a Liar.
A Proven Liar.
I don't recall ANY President in my lifetime ever issuing some mandate.
Not even President Eisenhower during the Polio epidemic.Because
one cannot Federalize any mandate.So all 50 states agree to
order mandates per each state for the Polio Vaccine.
Biden isn't merely a Tyrant ... He's a dirty Rotten Scoundrel ta boot.
Each week a new dirty deal for Americans.While he and his Brother
and Son get richer.Doing bidness with China.
Eisenhower called for a V-day where every American can schedule
a shot.After all 50 states approved.
Eisenhower's FDA didn't ask for a 55 year cloaking of information about the polio vaccine either. I've never been required to get a booster polio or smallpox vaccine either.
IF Trump called it a hoax you would have a point....he called the democrat response a hoax......dipshit.
Yes, he called the Democrats' call for immediate and aggressive action a hoax because he was stupid enough to bleev it would all be over in a few days.

Ergo, he called Covid a hoax.
Nobody is buying the fear mongering bullshit anymore.

Oh wait....some are.


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