New Deal/Progressivism vs Free Market or Libertarianism

What would your actual plans consist of? Can you name specific points and laws to improve the economy? Monetary, Fiscal policy?
Much of today's laws and government runs off the "New Deal" put in place by FDR..

The government today does not have a revenue problem, they have a spending problem..

The real problem is no one wants to cut the real spending, they only cut future spending..

There is no model that works when you spend more than you take in..

Part of the problem there is that in government spending a cut is defined as a smaller than desired increase
What would your actual plans consist of? Can you name specific points and laws to improve the economy? Monetary, Fiscal policy?
Major cuts. Our government is too bloated
Lower corporate tax
Import tariffs
American job incentive
Fix the illegal immigrant problem. Here is my thread on my plan for that:TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Huge fines on American money not in America. Incentive for that to be brought back as well.
Rich people cant be scared of our policies..
Cut welfare and make people work or they can starve. If they don't respect themselves, I don't respect them.
Then I would work on balancing the budget.
I would work on cutting welfare to foreign countries
Hello to everyone on this forum this will be my first post. I'm quite sure this is a discussion of much disagreement here, and for me it's something I have much difficulty concluding what economic school of thought I agree with. In particular if anyone can recommend books, articles, or any type of study material that may help me better understand the upside or downside of different economic when's it


Start with this. It's 2 minutes and absolutely fantastic

ummm yea the GOP suck lol
Whats your point?
Do you have any intelligence to add, or is it just hackery?
Employment growth under various presidents, presented in this manner is definitely misleading. I'm not partisan, but there's a myriad of other factors that effect the economy and may contribute to downward or upward trends. The Fed rate, Regulations, Congress, and so forth. 2008 crisis I see largely caused by derivatives and outright fraud.
lol, you're the one stating stupid stuff. I'd say the economic system that came from the new deal during the 40's, 50's and 60's is the best example.

why always be 100% stupid and liberal. 40's 50's 60's was after world war when we had only economy left standing in the world! See why we say stupid? What other conclusion is possible.
Most of you are raving ideologues.

dear stupid, Jesus and Hitler were raving ideologues. It can be good or bad. Do you understand??

Raving meaning wild and irrational. Ideologue an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology. For starters I'm not a liberal whatsoever in the slightest sense. If you look at what I originally posted, I'm looking for some type of actual education and help thereof. You really add nothing to the conversation, except your divisiveness and Ill thought out insults. Why don't you try presenting some facts and information? Or possibly link to a study? I agree that programs to spread home ownership was a mistake, and most certainly contributed to the crash. But based on your reply and others I've seen before I'm unconvinced, understand that I never voted for Obama nor do I consider myself a republican or anything of the sorts. Most banks were leveraged substantially, upwards of 100 to 1. They helped create artificial demand for these mortgages with things like Mortgage Backed Securities and Collateralized Debt Obligations. When you have large amounts of derivatives and a small amount of assets, what's there to offset your possible loses? AIG?? The American Tax payers that's who loses. So blaming everything on people who couldn't pay their mortgages doesn't convince me. There are several different factors that went into the crash, but the need for these subprime mortgages was deeply vested in Commercial Banks and Holding companies. The head of the CFTC Brooksley Bern was warning government bureaucrats and congressional politicians about this back in the late 90's. You can for one definitely thank Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin and of course Alan Greenspan for these things.
, but the need for these subprime mortgages was deeply vested in Commercial Banks and Holding companies. .

of course you are being absurd and stupid:

1) Fed printed money to blow up and expand bubble without which bubble would have been 100% impossible

2) when bubble burst 75% of Alt A and Subprime mortgages were held by Fan/Fred who were mandated by a very liberal govt to meet "affordable housing goals" in excess of 50% of all their mortgages when the bubble burst.

3) Federal and state govt's had no less that 132 other programs to get folks into homes that the free market said they could not afford.

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