New Details on Boston Bombing


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
FBI seeks images in Boston Marathon bomb probe; new details emerge on explosives - CBS News

Richard Barrett, the former U.N. coordinator for an al Qaeda and Taliban monitoring team who has also worked for British intelligence, said the relatively small size of the devices in Boston and the timing of the blasts suggest a domestic attack rather than an al Qaeda-inspired one.

"This happened on Patriots' Day — it is also the day Americans are supposed to have their taxes in — and Boston is quite a symbolic city," said Barrett, now senior director at the Qatar International Academy for Security Studies.
you know what the lowest life form on earth is? a fucking scummy terrorist.
During the coverage, I heard that security video captured images of someone placing objects in trash cans. That comment wasn't repeated again.
Then I heard there were some unexploded devices recovered.
That comment was also not repeated.
For some reason, and I don't know why, I thought of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic bombings with this. It is hard to say anything definitive at this point.
Maybe this is the reason...

Boston Marathon bombs packed with gunpowder, shrapnel | Reuters

Trauma surgeons at several Boston hospitals said at press briefings that a number of victims had a range of metallic shrapnel material removed during surgery, including pellets and what appeared to be carpenter nails.

"The vast majority of the injuries were to lower extremities," said Dr. Tracey Dechert, a trauma surgeon at Boston Medical Center, which treated 23 people and performed amputations on five of them.

The inclusion of material such as nails in the device would be reminiscent of the 1996 bombing at the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, which killed two people and injured about 150 others. Anti-abortion activist Eric Rudolph, who eluded capture for years, pleaded guilty to the attack and is currently serving consecutive life sentences.
How smart do these bombs sound in that they were made specifically to maim and keep shrapnel below waist level? Is this something you could find on the internet on how to make or are these bombs something more sophisticated?
No disrespect but this sounds like opinion and speculation not details.

I'm sure by now the forensics guys are running on expresso & Ding-dongs. & no, they're not going to post anything here. Nor is the rest of the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, CIA, DIA, the rest of the alphabet soup of spooks, NSA, National Geospatial (whatever their official name is these days. The politicians may let slip stuff, but all the field people are working their contacts & tracking down the hundreds of leads that NSA, cell phone companies, e-mails, yadda-yadda-yadda just dumped on them 24 hours + ago.

It may take them months to sort through all the data, run down all the blind alleys, & finally hit paydirt ...
No disrespect but this sounds like opinion and speculation not details.

I know. I agree. There doesn't seem to be any solid leads, which is distressing. No offense taken.

Not a lead but I did here it has finally been confirmed the bombs were packed with ball bearings and other stuff no one has yet specified what the other stuff was. Side note I just saw on CNN a letter laced ricin poison addressed to a congressional office was intercepted no details on who's office.

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