New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?

The police report says:

According to the initial police report, the McMichaels told police that they pursued Arbery because he resembled a suspect in a string of local burglaries.

And soon we will almost certainly find out that he WAS the man behind the burglaries. And leftists will moan and cry as usual when their fake news story gets destroyed piece by piece.

Ok on the day of the shooting what did her burglarize?
The dwelling under construction.
Liar. There is no evidence Arbery burglarized that house. The 911 caller did not say anything was taken. The homeowner said nothing was taken. The video of Arbery inside the home does not show him taking anything or looking to take anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Nothing needed to be taken, dumbass.
Merely being in the dwelling without permission is considered burglary in Georgia.

See my previous post, you won’t like it!
No, it's not. Merely being in the building may qualify for trespassing.

What do you think the difference is between trespassing and burglary?
Trespassing can be charged in public places, and other types of property such as vehicles and boats. Usually associated with damaging the property.

However if the property is a dwelling, then first degree burglary it is. Sorry to break it to you.
But is it a dwelling? Nope. Right now it’s lumber. Nobody is dwelling there because the damn thing is wide open. Nobody has as of yet ever dwelled there, you can see that by the video. It’s property at the moment not living space so it could be argued that the only thing that happened is trespass and not burglary. You don’t kill people for trespassing. You sure as hell don’t kill someone if you DON’T OWN THE PROPERTY! How did the McMichaels know that Arbery wasn’t one of the people working on the house? Arbery could have been a friend of the owner with permission to be there. McMichaels didn’t approach him nicely and question why Arbery was there. They grabbed guns, blocked his path and shot him twice in the chest no questions asked and worst of all IT WASN’T THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Hey they got a place for somone like you in hollywood....writing fiction for some of their idiotic movies.

Anyhow most of what you mention is irrelevant....the only thing relevant to this case is the fact that the black guy attacked a white guy with a shotgun....the video makes that clear....why do liberals refuse to watch the video?

Let me guess...afraid of the truth?

Honestly, it takes a special kind of idiot to completely dismiss as irrelevant the fact that the two guys armed themselves and then got in a pick up and chased this guy down. That will actually be at the very center of this case and, if you don't understand why, you should probably stop commenting.

By the way, I'm a white guy in his late 50's, conservative, NRA member, CWP holder, I carry every day and I hate criminals.

I am profoundly confident in my belief that Travis McMichael and Gregory McMichael will be found guilty of the charges against them and will that they will spend a very, very long time in prison...

In my book being a conservative means being able to conserve something. With this attitude, you won't be able to conserve even your pants, let alone due process or America. You do understand the case is a manufactured case by people who hate you? Literal socialist propaganda and you are slurping it up like a dog.
Wow personal attacks? Lol I am preserving something. I’m believe all men are created equal. Arbery was not treated as equal. I believe in equal justice. That justice took until May for Arbury because this incident happened in February. I believe a mans property is his business and other people need to but out. The owner of the property set up the camera because he knew people were trespassing to look at the construction. The property was Mr. English's business not McMichaels. English did not ask them to look after his property therefore it wasn’t their concern. The should have reported it to the police and let the cops do their job. The issue didn’t require immediate action because nothing was taken and nobodies life was in danger; nobody lived there. Mr English doesn’t consider Arbery a burglar. That makes what McMichael did murder or at the very least manslaughter. I believe that Arbery’s right were violated by two vigilantes.
How were his rights violated? He attacked the guy. Why are you defending the attacker?
They were trying to prevent him from proceeding any further. That's a violation of his civil rights.
Lol WHAT! Where do you see this???
I see that with them blocking the road he's jogging down. Who knows what you see?
If you keep saying that sir you’re going to be thrown out of jail or held in contempt
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

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He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.
His car was in the road. How on earth is that "in the way" of someone running?
Of course the truck was blocking the road. He had to run around it. What part of that is beyond your limited comprehension?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.
His car was in the road. How on earth is that "in the way" of someone running?
Of course the truck was blocking the road. He had to run around it. What part of that is beyond your limited comprehension?
Where do you see this!? Lol your cracking me up haha
She sounds dumb as a rock....pobably a negro...aka low i.q. aka....brainwashed and braindead.

You can't buy idiot dipshit moments like this...
This female raised a criminal! He’s breaking into houses he’s attacking people with guns! He’s bringing handguns to school to shoot it up.. She’s a horrible mother she should be in jail we should’ve did this back in the 70s with these black mothers welfare queens

What houses did he break into? What did he steal?

He didn't bring a gun to school to "shoot it up". He brought a gun onto school property; very different.

And how in the holy fuck have you determined that she's a "black mother welfare queen"? Does your racism run so deep that you've decided that no black woman can have a decent job and provide for her family?

I'd like the authorities to arrest you mother. She deserves to be in prison for raising such an absolute fucking dipshit...
She’s a horrible mother she should be in jail for raising a failure of a child! She’s asking for these two innocent meant to die she should be fucking sent back to Africa
Why should she be sent "back to Africa?" Is she even from there?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.
His car was in the road. How on earth is that "in the way" of someone running?
Of course the truck was blocking the road. He had to run around it. What part of that is beyond your limited comprehension?
Can you imagine if the truck was actually blocking the road what you would actually say? Lol
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.
His car was in the road. How on earth is that "in the way" of someone running?
Of course the truck was blocking the road. He had to run around it. What part of that is beyond your limited comprehension?
Can you imagine if the truck was actually blocking the road what you would actually say? Lol
^^^ an idiot who think a parked car in the middle of a street isn't blocking the road.

Moron .... if it's not blocking the road, why'd they park it in the middle of a road? Why not park it on the grass? They were trying to get him to stop, weren't they?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.
His car was in the road. How on earth is that "in the way" of someone running?
Of course the truck was blocking the road. He had to run around it. What part of that is beyond your limited comprehension?
Can you imagine if the truck was actually blocking the road what you would actually say? Lol
^^^ an idiot who think a parked car in the middle of a street isn't blocking the road.

Moron .... if it's not blocking the road, why'd they park it in the middle of a road? Why not park it on the grass? They were trying to get him to stop, weren't they?
Don’t you think if they wanted to block the road they would’ve turn the car sideways? Lol
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.
His car was in the road. How on earth is that "in the way" of someone running?
Of course the truck was blocking the road. He had to run around it. What part of that is beyond your limited comprehension?
Can you imagine if the truck was actually blocking the road what you would actually say? Lol
^^^ an idiot who think a parked car in the middle of a street isn't blocking the road.

Moron .... if it's not blocking the road, why'd they park it in the middle of a road? Why not park it on the grass? They were trying to get him to stop, weren't they?
Don’t you think if they wanted to block the road they would’ve turn the car sideways? Lol
They didn't need to, Travis was blocking the other lane, armed with a shotgun.
She sounds dumb as a rock....pobably a negro...aka low i.q. aka....brainwashed and braindead.

You can't buy idiot dipshit moments like this...
This female raised a criminal! He’s breaking into houses he’s attacking people with guns! He’s bringing handguns to school to shoot it up.. She’s a horrible mother she should be in jail we should’ve did this back in the 70s with these black mothers welfare queens

What houses did he break into? What did he steal?

He didn't bring a gun to school to "shoot it up". He brought a gun onto school property; very different.

And how in the holy fuck have you determined that she's a "black mother welfare queen"? Does your racism run so deep that you've decided that no black woman can have a decent job and provide for her family?

I'd like the authorities to arrest you mother. She deserves to be in prison for raising such an absolute fucking dipshit...
She’s a horrible mother she should be in jail for raising a failure of a child! She’s asking for these two innocent meant to die she should be fucking sent back to Africa
Why should she be sent "back to Africa?" Is she even from there?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?
maybe they live across the street or something. why do you think it matters? I can stop anyone and ask them questions. you still haven't answered why you feel that's a crime.

They don't live across the street. Brandishing a gun is illegal dumbass!

If they just wanted to talk to him, why carry a gun?
post the statute then. The guy in the back of the truck an ex police officer I'd think knows his laws and what he can do. Experience they call that. why does it matter if they had a gun? you still didn't answer. In fact you haven't answered or provided any evidence for your position. I have the video for mine. still waiting.

Why should I do that? It has been posted numerous times in the thread. Are you too fucking lazy to do your homework. What are you 12 years old?
well it states pointing a weapon. you still haven't stated when that happened. why not? five times now I've asked you to show us that evidence. Why do you avoid that? so,so far no statute has been posted to describe a crime.
The suspect obviously points the gun at the victim and in the struggle shoots the victim. Watch the video with your eyes open. That might help, dumbass!
obviously when? tell me where in the video that occurs. come on son, I've asked now six times. you still avoid the answer. what you said is inadmissible at this point.

it happens in front of the truck - the first of three shots. As the shooter and victim struggle for control of the shotgun as the fight moves to the left. The man who was shot for jogging while black is the only one acting in self defense because he was attacked.

View attachment 335636

He was attacked while charging... this must be the stupidest thing I read all day.

Once the person charged at a man with shotgun, yeah he was attacked as SELF DEFENSE.
Why are these people so perplexed by something so obvious?

Because they are adult children aka. leftists.

And then a few conservatives who are very content on never EVER conserving anything.
This isn’t self defense when two armed people block the path of an unarmed man for no reason of their own and shoot him in the chest, it’s an execution.

BTW I’m not a leftist, I’m a church going, God praising,Trump Supporting conservative and a 40 year registered Republican. What I’m not is a conservative sheeple who feels like they have to justify stupidity by making it a political issue.

You must not have watched the is clear as day that the jogger had plenty of room to keep on jogging down the road...his path was not blocked.

It is also very clear that the jogger veered to the left and attacked the guy with the shotgun.

I will tell you what you really are ---a politically correct moron that is very confused....let me try and help you....first quit watching the alphabet media news and fox is not much better.....the media are the ones who have made this case a political case....essentially engaging in race baiting to incite hysteria amongst blacks as well as a lot of duped white folk.

Let me ask you this since you think the white guy shot the black guy in cold blood? Since that is what you believe...if it is true he must have had some reason for committing murder. What was his motive?

Also you need to remember the father called the police before they took off in pursuit of the black criminal...vigilantes do not call the police.

Something else you know the criminal history of the black dude....he took a gun to school....a felony. He was placed on 5yrs probation for that and then violated his probation by the time of his death he was in violation of his probation....he should have been in jail but because of black privilege aka the double-standard that comes into play when blacks committ crimes.

Also the black guy had a mental history...the former D.A.cited his mental history as one reason they did not put him in jail....someone had sympathy for him because he had mental problems..
Rest assured I saw the video. I saw two armed individuals illegally blocking a jogger.
Arberys past has zero to do with this incident unless you are saying that the McMichaels knew Arbreys wrap sheet before this incident which could be seen as some level of premeditation on the part of the McMichaels. The reality is according to the police Arbery had no stolen property on him nor was he armed. Two against one, guns,not good odds to charge someone. It was straight up bullying of Arbery not protecting the neighborhood and not citizens arrest.
Where do you see this?
On every news station out there.
View attachment 335679
In the video Arbery’s jogging down the road. The truck as you can see is stopped, the truck door is open and to the right there’s one of the McMichaels standing in the road. Arbery’s swerves to the yellow arrow so as not to pass by the door and McMichael in the street waiting for him. After that the camera pans and it’s hard to see until McMichael and Arbery’s are fighting over the gun. They chased, blocked and harassed Arbery. They had no right to do so. They knew they were armed. They killed a 25 year old over nothing. They violated Arbery’s rights. That’s what the jury will see. They will rot in jail now that the feds are investigating and they don’t have the protection of the local police department.

First of all he is not standing to the right...he is standing to the left and slightly to the front of the truck. Your first mistake

Now for your second error.....arbery does not swerve to the yellow arrow...instead he goes to the right to get around the truck Then he immediately swerves to the left and attacks the white guy standing there with the shotgun.....if you watch the video again look through the windshield and you will see the black guy crossing
the front of the truck and attacking the white guy trying to take away his gun.

No...they did not chase....they simply followed him in the truck and then went ahead of him and no time was arbery blocked...he had plenty of room to get around the truck and he did and then instead of jogging on down the road he quickly swerved to the left and attacked the white guy.

When you have a weapon and someone attacks you and tries to get possession of your weapon you are legally entitled to use lethal force in self defense..spelled out by the Georgia law on self defense.

Thus it is easily seen your narrative is full of have a severe lack of ability to observe and report what is readily seen by most. Why is that? Some kind of cognitive problem?
Watch the video again...I am talking about the complete video.....not the edited one the msm has put out....maybe that is what got you watched the wrong video???
He went around the truck. Your words. Why? Because McMichael was in the road BLOCKING HIS WAY. If he hadn’t felt threatened, if he hadn’t been blocked by McMichael and the truck door which is wide open, he would have passed to the left of the truck. But clearly he was blocked and went to the right.

Chase was the word the police used, not mine. The police said McMichael CHASED Arbery, not followed. Read the articles I posted it’s there.

you are neglecting to acknowledge they fact that the McMichaels aren’t cops. It’s not their job to follow, chase or confront anyone. It’s not their job to assume somebody they don’t know on a property of someone they don’t know is a thief. Their job it to report it and let the cops handle it not go all Wild West on a stranger gun him down in the middle of the road. You refuse to acknowledge that McMichael had no business being in that road committing a traffic violation. Arbery wouldn’t have been anywhere near McMichael if McMichael hadn’t been acting like a dick and instigated the whole thing. They gave chase, confronted a person and shot him for nothing and now they have to pay the price.
His car was in the road. How on earth is that "in the way" of someone running?
Of course the truck was blocking the road. He had to run around it. What part of that is beyond your limited comprehension?
Can you imagine if the truck was actually blocking the road what you would actually say? Lol
^^^ an idiot who think a parked car in the middle of a street isn't blocking the road.

Moron .... if it's not blocking the road, why'd they park it in the middle of a road? Why not park it on the grass? They were trying to get him to stop, weren't they?
Don’t you think if they wanted to block the road they would’ve turn the car sideways? Lol
They didn't need to, Travis was blocking the other lane, armed with a shotgun.
I just think the road would actually be blocked with the car like you said! Then Travis got a stud in front of the truck and pointed his big old gun At him.. I wonder why? Lol
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?

The police report says:

According to the initial police report, the McMichaels told police that they pursued Arbery because he resembled a suspect in a string of local burglaries.

And soon we will almost certainly find out that he WAS the man behind the burglaries. And leftists will moan and cry as usual when their fake news story gets destroyed piece by piece.

Ok on the day of the shooting what did her burglarize?
The dwelling under construction.
Liar. There is no evidence Arbery burglarized that house. The 911 caller did not say anything was taken. The homeowner said nothing was taken. The video of Arbery inside the home does not show him taking anything or looking to take anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Nothing needed to be taken, dumbass.
Merely being in the dwelling without permission is considered burglary in Georgia.

See my previous post, you won’t like it!
No, it's not. Merely being in the building may qualify for trespassing.

What do you think the difference is between trespassing and burglary?
Trespassing can be charged in public places, and other types of property such as vehicles and boats. Usually associated with damaging the property.

However if the property is a dwelling, then first degree burglary it is. Sorry to break it to you.
But is it a dwelling? Nope. Right now it’s lumber. Nobody is dwelling there because the damn thing is wide open. Nobody has as of yet ever dwelled there, you can see that by the video. It’s property at the moment not living space so it could be argued that the only thing that happened is trespass and not burglary. You don’t kill people for trespassing. You sure as hell don’t kill someone if you DON’T OWN THE PROPERTY! How did the McMichaels know that Arbery wasn’t one of the people working on the house? Arbery could have been a friend of the owner with permission to be there. McMichaels didn’t approach him nicely and question why Arbery was there. They grabbed guns, blocked his path and shot him twice in the chest no questions asked and worst of all IT WASN’T THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Hey they got a place for somone like you in hollywood....writing fiction for some of their idiotic movies.

Anyhow most of what you mention is irrelevant....the only thing relevant to this case is the fact that the black guy attacked a white guy with a shotgun....the video makes that clear....why do liberals refuse to watch the video?

Let me guess...afraid of the truth?

Honestly, it takes a special kind of idiot to completely dismiss as irrelevant the fact that the two guys armed themselves and then got in a pick up and chased this guy down. That will actually be at the very center of this case and, if you don't understand why, you should probably stop commenting.

By the way, I'm a white guy in his late 50's, conservative, NRA member, CWP holder, I carry every day and I hate criminals.

I am profoundly confident in my belief that Travis McMichael and Gregory McMichael will be found guilty of the charges against them and will that they will spend a very, very long time in prison...

In my book being a conservative means being able to conserve something. With this attitude, you won't be able to conserve even your pants, let alone due process or America. You do understand the case is a manufactured case by people who hate you? Literal socialist propaganda and you are slurping it up like a dog.

No. This case is literally a textbook do not do that literally tens of thousands of gun owners have been trained on. Literally.

First. Do not pull or point your weapon unless you intend to use it. Travis broke that rule jumping out of his truck intending to hold the AA at gunpoint for the cops. Second. Do not go looking for trouble. Travis broke that rule too as did Daddy. It was never going to end well. Not in Georgia. Georgia where hundreds of people are in prison right now for Aggravated Assault.

Third. If you do shoot someone shit your fucking mouth. Say nothing until you have a lawyer. Both of the McMichaels broke that rule which is why we have a statement to police that the “conservatives” are busy ignoring.

Fourth. Never forget your license to carry is not a badge and you are not a cop. You do not have powers of arrest. So even the attempt to stop AA was a crime. Especially as part of an armed posse of self appointed yahoos.

Now many people have said that the Aggravated Assault statute was too restrictive. There were meetings in the State Senate to change it. No way it gets changed now. Not with the McMorons literally demonstrating that all the doom and gloom predictions by the anti gunners are totally true. They have set back the effort to protect gun owners by at least a decade.

Worse yet we have to rehash the fucking Hate Crimes law again. So that is going to be an election issue this year thanks to the notoriously corrupt D.A. in Glynn County. Again.

So no. Conservatives are not conserving or preserving. OK. They are preserving the worst traits and stereotypes from history. That is not a thing to proclaim. Not if you consider your beliefs to be based in law and order.

Conservative pundits including those with law degrees disagree with you. But they are wrong and you are right. Cops in Georgia disagree with you. But they are wrong and you are right. Lawyers, Judges, and the gun owners I know. Friends and acquaintances. My neighbors and folks around town alike all say that this was the worst shooting we have had in decades. But they are all wrong and you are right.

Precedence in Georgia law says you are wrong. But anyone who says so is a black apologist to you blithering idiots.

I said it many pages in this thread ago. If you really want to help the McMichaels start collecting money. Because they are going to need a million dollars or more to have any chance at defending themselves in court. The Prosecutor will have access to unlimited funds and power.

You idiots are not helping the McMichaels or your cause. If you want to help, write a check and send it to his family. They are going to need it. Because I figure they have about one chance in ten of a hung jury. They have almost no chance of complete exoneration. But with enough money and a good enough lawyer they might be able to plea bargain themselves out in five to ten. Because the Jury will send them up for twenty to life if it goes to trial. The McMichaels are not going to be facing a rookie Prosecutor. They are going up against the Varsity. The best in the State. All because the Good Old Boys club tried to sweep it under the rug.

Sadly. If they had been arrested at the time of the shooting for the same charges, they might have gotten off with three years or less. Manslaughter and Aggravated Assault. Now to show the outrage at the abuse of position for the Prosecutor in Glynn County they are going for the Max. And the Prosecutors who tried to sweep it under the rug are up for a review which could lose them their law licenses. Corruption runs deep in Georgia. But when it is exposed they throw those few to the wolves to protect the rest.

We have been trying to tell you idiots. But you won’t listen. So keep talking. And keep pushing your insane ideals. I bet you can talk Travis right into death row. He was a hot head who grabbed a gun and in this State that is an express ticket to an extended stay at the Gray Bar Hotel.
The owner of the property Mr. English said nothing was ever taken, he did not know the McMichaels and only met one of them once when he bought the property. At no time did English ever ask McMichaels to do anything on his behalf. This begs the question what business was it of the McMichaels? Absolutely none. Do people in Georgia always find it agreeable to stick their nose in another mans business? The McMichaels seem to think so.
It’s not up to him, they have property of concern, they don’t want a pattern developed it’s really simple. Go to the south side of Chicago

It is up to him. It is his property. Only he can file a complaint for Trespassing. And his testimony at the trial is going to be really harmful for the defense.
The owner of the property Mr. English said nothing was ever taken, he did not know the McMichaels and only met one of them once when he bought the property. At no time did English ever ask McMichaels to do anything on his behalf. This begs the question what business was it of the McMichaels? Absolutely none. Do people in Georgia always find it agreeable to stick their nose in another mans business? The McMichaels seem to think so.
his lawyer said that, most likely because hes getting threats, but he did pass our images of AA breaking in many times

Yeah, I call bull on that. On the 911 you hear a caller detailing how this is not the first time. The entire neighborhood was aware.

Only the police did not seem to be aware since no reports were ever filed.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?

The police report says:

According to the initial police report, the McMichaels told police that they pursued Arbery because he resembled a suspect in a string of local burglaries.

And soon we will almost certainly find out that he WAS the man behind the burglaries. And leftists will moan and cry as usual when their fake news story gets destroyed piece by piece.

Ok on the day of the shooting what did her burglarize?
The dwelling under construction.
Liar. There is no evidence Arbery burglarized that house. The 911 caller did not say anything was taken. The homeowner said nothing was taken. The video of Arbery inside the home does not show him taking anything or looking to take anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Nothing needed to be taken, dumbass.
Merely being in the dwelling without permission is considered burglary in Georgia.

See my previous post, you won’t like it!
No, it's not. Merely being in the building may qualify for trespassing.

What do you think the difference is between trespassing and burglary?
Trespassing can be charged in public places, and other types of property such as vehicles and boats. Usually associated with damaging the property.

However if the property is a dwelling, then first degree burglary it is. Sorry to break it to you.
But is it a dwelling? Nope. Right now it’s lumber. Nobody is dwelling there because the damn thing is wide open. Nobody has as of yet ever dwelled there, you can see that by the video. It’s property at the moment not living space so it could be argued that the only thing that happened is trespass and not burglary. You don’t kill people for trespassing. You sure as hell don’t kill someone if you DON’T OWN THE PROPERTY! How did the McMichaels know that Arbery wasn’t one of the people working on the house? Arbery could have been a friend of the owner with permission to be there. McMichaels didn’t approach him nicely and question why Arbery was there. They grabbed guns, blocked his path and shot him twice in the chest no questions asked and worst of all IT WASN’T THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Hey they got a place for somone like you in hollywood....writing fiction for some of their idiotic movies.

Anyhow most of what you mention is irrelevant....the only thing relevant to this case is the fact that the black guy attacked a white guy with a shotgun....the video makes that clear....why do liberals refuse to watch the video?

Let me guess...afraid of the truth?

Honestly, it takes a special kind of idiot to completely dismiss as irrelevant the fact that the two guys armed themselves and then got in a pick up and chased this guy down. That will actually be at the very center of this case and, if you don't understand why, you should probably stop commenting.

By the way, I'm a white guy in his late 50's, conservative, NRA member, CWP holder, I carry every day and I hate criminals.

I am profoundly confident in my belief that Travis McMichael and Gregory McMichael will be found guilty of the charges against them and will that they will spend a very, very long time in prison...

In my book being a conservative means being able to conserve something. With this attitude, you won't be able to conserve even your pants, let alone due process or America. You do understand the case is a manufactured case by people who hate you? Literal socialist propaganda and you are slurping it up like a dog.

No. This case is literally a textbook do not do that literally tens of thousands of gun owners have been trained on. Literally.

First. Do not pull or point your weapon unless you intend to use it. Travis broke that rule jumping out of his truck intending to hold the AA at gunpoint for the cops. Second. Do not go looking for trouble. Travis broke that rule too as did Daddy. It was never going to end well. Not in Georgia. Georgia where hundreds of people are in prison right now for Aggravated Assault.

Third. If you do shoot someone shit your fucking mouth. Say nothing until you have a lawyer. Both of the McMichaels broke that rule which is why we have a statement to police that the “conservatives” are busy ignoring.

Fourth. Never forget your license to carry is not a badge and you are not a cop. You do not have powers of arrest. So even the attempt to stop AA was a crime. Especially as part of an armed posse of self appointed yahoos.

Now many people have said that the Aggravated Assault statute was too restrictive. There were meetings in the State Senate to change it. No way it gets changed now. Not with the McMorons literally demonstrating that all the doom and gloom predictions by the anti gunners are totally true. They have set back the effort to protect gun owners by at least a decade.

Worse yet we have to rehash the fucking Hate Crimes law again. So that is going to be an election issue this year thanks to the notoriously corrupt D.A. in Glynn County. Again.

So no. Conservatives are not conserving or preserving. OK. They are preserving the worst traits and stereotypes from history. That is not a thing to proclaim. Not if you consider your beliefs to be based in law and order.

Conservative pundits including those with law degrees disagree with you. But they are wrong and you are right. Cops in Georgia disagree with you. But they are wrong and you are right. Lawyers, Judges, and the gun owners I know. Friends and acquaintances. My neighbors and folks around town alike all say that this was the worst shooting we have had in decades. But they are all wrong and you are right.

Precedence in Georgia law says you are wrong. But anyone who says so is a black apologist to you blithering idiots.

I said it many pages in this thread ago. If you really want to help the McMichaels start collecting money. Because they are going to need a million dollars or more to have any chance at defending themselves in court. The Prosecutor will have access to unlimited funds and power.

You idiots are not helping the McMichaels or your cause. If you want to help, write a check and send it to his family. They are going to need it. Because I figure they have about one chance in ten of a hung jury. They have almost no chance of complete exoneration. But with enough money and a good enough lawyer they might be able to plea bargain themselves out in five to ten. Because the Jury will send them up for twenty to life if it goes to trial. The McMichaels are not going to be facing a rookie Prosecutor. They are going up against the Varsity. The best in the State. All because the Good Old Boys club tried to sweep it under the rug.

Sadly. If they had been arrested at the time of the shooting for the same charges, they might have gotten off with three years or less. Manslaughter and Aggravated Assault. Now to show the outrage at the abuse of position for the Prosecutor in Glynn County they are going for the Max. And the Prosecutors who tried to sweep it under the rug are up for a review which could lose them their law licenses. Corruption runs deep in Georgia. But when it is exposed they throw those few to the wolves to protect the rest.

We have been trying to tell you idiots. But you won’t listen. So keep talking. And keep pushing your insane ideals. I bet you can talk Travis right into death row. He was a hot head who grabbed a gun and in this State that is an express ticket to an extended stay at the Gray Bar Hotel.
You keep making stuff evidence that Travis intended to hold anyone at gunpoint.....thousands of people in Georgia and other states carry guns around with no intent to hold anyone ....that is just some braindead fantasy you have manufactured...completely absurd.

Also a rule is not a law....some gun club or shooting instructor may tell the students do not pull your gun unless you intend to use it....might be good advice in certain situations but not all situations.

Pulling a gun means pulling it out of the holster or your do you pull out a shotgun hehheh. You are so ridiculous.

Then you say Travis jumped out of his truck...trying to make it sound like when the black moron ran up to the truck Travis just jumped out and shot him....more spinning on your part....Travis was out of the truck quite a while before travis ran up on the truck....Travis did not point the shotgun at Travis until he was attacked and even then he had a very difficult time to get it pointed in a manner to score a lethal shot as the Negro kept grabbing the gun...but the black dudes real big mistake was letting go of the gun in order to start punching Travis...this allowed Travis to get a clean shot at his attacker and dispatch the insane negro...Kudos for Travis.

Then you mention aggravated assault....I seriously doubt you have a good understanding of what that is ...especially in this cite laws but as has been said you do not have the intelligence needed to adequately interpet the law. Sure you have been around para-legals but that obviously has not helped you...if you had actually gone to law school you might have learned a bit about how to interpet and apply attempt over and over to use the law to subvert the fail everytime.

Again and again and again you claim they had no right to make a citizens arrest....bullshite....I cited the Georgia law on that and others have as well.....and here it is again..................In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrest someone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.” But if it is a felony, the citizen can stop someone from escaping if the citizen has “reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.”

The older white guy had knowledge of a crime from watching a video of the black dude trespassing hence he was entitled to make a citizens arrest....though he did not make a citizens arrest nor attempt to make a citizens arrest.

Thus you keep citing irrelevant bullshit....because you do not want to get down to the nitty gritty of this case aka what is really your ramble and ramble trying to divert everyones attention away from the fact that the black dude is the one who committed assault and the jury will have no problem understanding that when they see the video and that is why the blacks got so upset with the guy for releasing the clearly shows the black dude comitting assault.

You also conveiniently forget the elder McMichael had decades of law enforcement experience....he was not just some yahoo as you want to claim.

I do agree with you they should not have been talking without a lawyer....a lot of innocent people make that mistake...thinking because they are innocent they have nothing to worry about....failing to understand how whatever the say can be twisted or in some cases words have been added to their statements they did not even make in order to convict them....thus it is good advice to tell everyone...if you ever get involved with the criminal justice system....just shut up and tell them you want a lawyer.

Then you talk about a 'posse' in another effort to spin a scenario that did not exist aka a group out to lynch some negro....there was the Father and there was the son and they were not out to lynch anyone....they simply wanted this guy caught in order to protect their neighborhood....and there is little doubt that the negro was a danger to the he had well demonstrated previously....carrying a loaded weapon to school, stealing, having a mental history, assault and wandering around at night going into and onto other folks property...if anyone does not see the danger in that they have no business commenting on this case.

Then you go on and on about how they are ceretain to be convicted....ridiculous...of course they will need a good lawyer but that is true of just about everyone that has been charged with a crime....the state actually has a very weak case.....especially with the video and the criminal history of the black guy not even to mention his mental health history.... a lot of folks thought just like you when they predicted George Zimmerman would go to jail....Z prevailed and he did not even have a video to prove the black guy assaulted him...what he did have going for him was a honest jury who saw through the states efforts to railroad a innocent man.

Thus in this case if the McMichaels can also get a honest jury....without a majority of negroes on it...then they should prevail....if there are a lot of negroes on it then the likliehood of a hung jury is very probable.

I do not see them convicted in any way shape or form....they may have to have
two or three trials before the state understands they will not be able to convict them but eventually they will walk.
The owner of the property Mr. English said nothing was ever taken, he did not know the McMichaels and only met one of them once when he bought the property. At no time did English ever ask McMichaels to do anything on his behalf. This begs the question what business was it of the McMichaels? Absolutely none. Do people in Georgia always find it agreeable to stick their nose in another mans business? The McMichaels seem to think so.
his lawyer said that, most likely because hes getting threats, but he did pass our images of AA breaking in many times

Yeah, I call bull on that. On the 911 you hear a caller detailing how this is not the first time. The entire neighborhood was aware.

Only the police did not seem to be aware since no reports were ever filed.

You got any proof of that or is that just heresay....not that it is relevant but I just get tired of seeing you pulling crap out of your ass.

You got any proof of that?
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?

The police report says:

According to the initial police report, the McMichaels told police that they pursued Arbery because he resembled a suspect in a string of local burglaries.

And soon we will almost certainly find out that he WAS the man behind the burglaries. And leftists will moan and cry as usual when their fake news story gets destroyed piece by piece.

Ok on the day of the shooting what did her burglarize?
The dwelling under construction.
Liar. There is no evidence Arbery burglarized that house. The 911 caller did not say anything was taken. The homeowner said nothing was taken. The video of Arbery inside the home does not show him taking anything or looking to take anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Nothing needed to be taken, dumbass.
Merely being in the dwelling without permission is considered burglary in Georgia.

See my previous post, you won’t like it!
No, it's not. Merely being in the building may qualify for trespassing.

What do you think the difference is between trespassing and burglary?
Trespassing can be charged in public places, and other types of property such as vehicles and boats. Usually associated with damaging the property.

However if the property is a dwelling, then first degree burglary it is. Sorry to break it to you.
But is it a dwelling? Nope. Right now it’s lumber. Nobody is dwelling there because the damn thing is wide open. Nobody has as of yet ever dwelled there, you can see that by the video. It’s property at the moment not living space so it could be argued that the only thing that happened is trespass and not burglary. You don’t kill people for trespassing. You sure as hell don’t kill someone if you DON’T OWN THE PROPERTY! How did the McMichaels know that Arbery wasn’t one of the people working on the house? Arbery could have been a friend of the owner with permission to be there. McMichaels didn’t approach him nicely and question why Arbery was there. They grabbed guns, blocked his path and shot him twice in the chest no questions asked and worst of all IT WASN’T THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Hey they got a place for somone like you in hollywood....writing fiction for some of their idiotic movies.

Anyhow most of what you mention is irrelevant....the only thing relevant to this case is the fact that the black guy attacked a white guy with a shotgun....the video makes that clear....why do liberals refuse to watch the video?

Let me guess...afraid of the truth?

Honestly, it takes a special kind of idiot to completely dismiss as irrelevant the fact that the two guys armed themselves and then got in a pick up and chased this guy down. That will actually be at the very center of this case and, if you don't understand why, you should probably stop commenting.

By the way, I'm a white guy in his late 50's, conservative, NRA member, CWP holder, I carry every day and I hate criminals.

I am profoundly confident in my belief that Travis McMichael and Gregory McMichael will be found guilty of the charges against them and will that they will spend a very, very long time in prison...

In my book being a conservative means being able to conserve something. With this attitude, you won't be able to conserve even your pants, let alone due process or America. You do understand the case is a manufactured case by people who hate you? Literal socialist propaganda and you are slurping it up like a dog.

No. This case is literally a textbook do not do that literally tens of thousands of gun owners have been trained on. Literally.

First. Do not pull or point your weapon unless you intend to use it. Travis broke that rule jumping out of his truck intending to hold the AA at gunpoint for the cops. Second. Do not go looking for trouble. Travis broke that rule too as did Daddy. It was never going to end well. Not in Georgia. Georgia where hundreds of people are in prison right now for Aggravated Assault.

Third. If you do shoot someone shit your fucking mouth. Say nothing until you have a lawyer. Both of the McMichaels broke that rule which is why we have a statement to police that the “conservatives” are busy ignoring.

Fourth. Never forget your license to carry is not a badge and you are not a cop. You do not have powers of arrest. So even the attempt to stop AA was a crime. Especially as part of an armed posse of self appointed yahoos.

Now many people have said that the Aggravated Assault statute was too restrictive. There were meetings in the State Senate to change it. No way it gets changed now. Not with the McMorons literally demonstrating that all the doom and gloom predictions by the anti gunners are totally true. They have set back the effort to protect gun owners by at least a decade.

Worse yet we have to rehash the fucking Hate Crimes law again. So that is going to be an election issue this year thanks to the notoriously corrupt D.A. in Glynn County. Again.

So no. Conservatives are not conserving or preserving. OK. They are preserving the worst traits and stereotypes from history. That is not a thing to proclaim. Not if you consider your beliefs to be based in law and order.

Conservative pundits including those with law degrees disagree with you. But they are wrong and you are right. Cops in Georgia disagree with you. But they are wrong and you are right. Lawyers, Judges, and the gun owners I know. Friends and acquaintances. My neighbors and folks around town alike all say that this was the worst shooting we have had in decades. But they are all wrong and you are right.

Precedence in Georgia law says you are wrong. But anyone who says so is a black apologist to you blithering idiots.

I said it many pages in this thread ago. If you really want to help the McMichaels start collecting money. Because they are going to need a million dollars or more to have any chance at defending themselves in court. The Prosecutor will have access to unlimited funds and power.

You idiots are not helping the McMichaels or your cause. If you want to help, write a check and send it to his family. They are going to need it. Because I figure they have about one chance in ten of a hung jury. They have almost no chance of complete exoneration. But with enough money and a good enough lawyer they might be able to plea bargain themselves out in five to ten. Because the Jury will send them up for twenty to life if it goes to trial. The McMichaels are not going to be facing a rookie Prosecutor. They are going up against the Varsity. The best in the State. All because the Good Old Boys club tried to sweep it under the rug.

Sadly. If they had been arrested at the time of the shooting for the same charges, they might have gotten off with three years or less. Manslaughter and Aggravated Assault. Now to show the outrage at the abuse of position for the Prosecutor in Glynn County they are going for the Max. And the Prosecutors who tried to sweep it under the rug are up for a review which could lose them their law licenses. Corruption runs deep in Georgia. But when it is exposed they throw those few to the wolves to protect the rest.

We have been trying to tell you idiots. But you won’t listen. So keep talking. And keep pushing your insane ideals. I bet you can talk Travis right into death row. He was a hot head who grabbed a gun and in this State that is an express ticket to an extended stay at the Gray Bar Hotel.
You keep making stuff evidence that Travis intended to hold anyone at gunpoint.....thousands of people in Georgia and other states carry guns around with no intent to hold anyone ....that is just some braindead fantasy you have manufactured...completely absurd.

Also a rule is not a law....some gun club or shooting instructor may tell the students do not pull your gun unless you intend to use it....might be good advice in certain situations but not all situations.

Pulling a gun means pulling it out of the holster or your do you pull out a shotgun hehheh. You are so ridiculous.

Then you say Travis jumped out of his truck...trying to make it sound like when the black moron ran up to the truck Travis just jumped out and shot him....more spinning on your part....Travis was out of the truck quite a while before travis ran up on the truck....Travis did not point the shotgun at Travis until he was attacked and even then he had a very difficult time to get it pointed in a manner to score a lethal shot as the Negro kept grabbing the gun...but the black dudes real big mistake was letting go of the gun in order to start punching Travis...this allowed Travis to get a clean shot at his attacker and dispatch the insane negro...Kudos for Travis.

Then you mention aggravated assault....I seriously doubt you have a good understanding of what that is ...especially in this cite laws but as has been said you do not have the intelligence needed to adequately interpet the law. Sure you have been around para-legals but that obviously has not helped you...if you had actually gone to law school you might have learned a bit about how to interpet and apply attempt over and over to use the law to subvert the fail everytime.

Again and again and again you claim they had no right to make a citizens arrest....bullshite....I cited the Georgia law on that and others have as well.....and here it is again..................In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrest someone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.” But if it is a felony, the citizen can stop someone from escaping if the citizen has “reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.”

The older white guy had knowledge of a crime from watching a video of the black dude trespassing hence he was entitled to make a citizens arrest....though he did not make a citizens arrest nor attempt to make a citizens arrest.

Thus you keep citing irrelevant bullshit....because you do not want to get down to the nitty gritty of this case aka what is really your ramble and ramble trying to divert everyones attention away from the fact that the black dude is the one who committed assault and the jury will have no problem understanding that when they see the video and that is why the blacks got so upset with the guy for releasing the clearly shows the black dude comitting assault.

You also conveiniently forget the elder McMichael had decades of law enforcement experience....he was not just some yahoo as you want to claim.

I do agree with you they should not have been talking without a lawyer....a lot of innocent people make that mistake...thinking because they are innocent they have nothing to worry about....failing to understand how whatever the say can be twisted or in some cases words have been added to their statements they did not even make in order to convict them....thus it is good advice to tell everyone...if you ever get involved with the criminal justice system....just shut up and tell them you want a lawyer.

Then you talk about a 'posse' in another effort to spin a scenario that did not exist aka a group out to lynch some negro....there was the Father and there was the son and they were not out to lynch anyone....they simply wanted this guy caught in order to protect their neighborhood....and there is little doubt that the negro was a danger to the he had well demonstrated previously....carrying a loaded weapon to school, stealing, having a mental history, assault and wandering around at night going into and onto other folks property...if anyone does not see the danger in that they have no business commenting on this case.

Then you go on and on about how they are ceretain to be convicted....ridiculous...of course they will need a good lawyer but that is true of just about everyone that has been charged with a crime....the state actually has a very weak case.....especially with the video and the criminal history of the black guy not even to mention his mental health history.... a lot of folks thought just like you when they predicted George Zimmerman would go to jail....Z prevailed and he did not even have a video to prove the black guy assaulted him...what he did have going for him was a honest jury who saw through the states efforts to railroad a innocent man.

Thus in this case if the McMichaels can also get a honest jury....without a majority of negroes on it...then they should prevail....if there are a lot of negroes on it then the likliehood of a hung jury is very probable.

I do not see them convicted in any way shape or form....they may have to have
two or three trials before the state understands they will not be able to convict them but eventually they will walk.
"no evidence that Travis intended to hold anyone at gunpoint..


Suuure, uh-huh.

Travis was just standing in Arbery's path with a loaded shotgun while yelling, "stop," because he was really just auditioning for American Idol.
The owner of the property Mr. English said nothing was ever taken, he did not know the McMichaels and only met one of them once when he bought the property. At no time did English ever ask McMichaels to do anything on his behalf. This begs the question what business was it of the McMichaels? Absolutely none. Do people in Georgia always find it agreeable to stick their nose in another mans business? The McMichaels seem to think so.
It’s not up to him, they have property of concern, they don’t want a pattern developed it’s really simple. Go to the south side of Chicago

It is up to him. It is his property. Only he can file a complaint for Trespassing. And his testimony at the trial is going to be really harmful for the defense.

Nonsense...again you prove you lack legal expertise despite all your tutoring from para-legals bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa As has been pointed out to you many times nothing that happened before the black guy assaulted the younger McMichaels has any matter what happened before....even if he had been followed, harassed, or falsely arrested (none of which happened) gave him (the insane negro) the right to committ assault...try and wrap your head around that if you want to stop looking so stupid.
“AT 22 secs into the video the first shot is fired”.. MacTheKnife is the video...............

Video Shows Fatal Shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, Unarmed Black Man in Georgiavideo-unarmed-black-man-killed-ahmaud-arbery-georgia-jogging/

AT 22 secs into the video the first shot is fired ....look at it again and you will see the shooter to the left of the yellow line and the black guy with one foot on the yellow line.

However you claim the black guy was all the way to the right of the truck when the first shot was fired....which was a very close range and no shooter could have missed with a shot gun at that close range. In fact if what you claim were true the first shot would have killed the black guy.

Watch this and even if you cannot see very well and are biased you will note that the jogger goes around the right side of the truck veers left all the way over to where the guy with the shotgun is and attacks him....the moment of the attackcan be seen and thus it cannot be denied.

Are you still saying the Gunman armed with a shotgun never crossed the double yellow lines to the right side of the road .

Your days of lying for killers are over.

In the link above go to video labeled



do you see the heel of fat boy big man with a shotgun shooting at an unarmed jogger with daddy catching it all on video?

Where is he- it’s the left side of the truck
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The owner of the property Mr. English said nothing was ever taken, he did not know the McMichaels and only met one of them once when he bought the property. At no time did English ever ask McMichaels to do anything on his behalf. This begs the question what business was it of the McMichaels? Absolutely none. Do people in Georgia always find it agreeable to stick their nose in another mans business? The McMichaels seem to think so.
his lawyer said that, most likely because hes getting threats, but he did pass our images of AA breaking in many times

Yeah, I call bull on that. On the 911 you hear a caller detailing how this is not the first time. The entire neighborhood was aware.

Only the police did not seem to be aware since no reports were ever filed.

You got any proof of that or is that just heresay....not that it is relevant but I just get tired of seeing you pulling crap out of your ass.

You got any proof of that?

But according to Glynn County Police Lt. Cheri Bashlor, just one automobile burglary in the neighborhood was reported when a 9mm pistol was stolen January 1 from an unlocked truck outside the McMichaels’ home.
Facts of this case......a father and son associated with law enforcement and never in trouble of any kind, never arrested for anything but are called criminals by the liberals


The black jogger............who comidtted a felony (brought a gun to school) was convicted placed on 5 yrs probation.

The he engaged in theft thus violating his probation.....but nothing was done...he should have been in jail. If he had been where he belonged he would still be alive.

Yet the liberals want us to believe he is just so innocent...he ranks right up there with Mother Teresa

Then just like the the Zimmerman case the media plays games with the best possible photo of the black dude they could find......but show the white dudes in their jail outfit.

Keep tuned this case is getting crazier by the second.

Latest emerges of the black dude visiting that same home at night....what is that all about? Did he have some sort of obsession with that house....maybe Satan lured him in the devil made him do it???
Miscarriage of justice,, poor guys are being lynched by democrats

And the Earth is Flat. We faked the moon landing. Artificial Sweeteners are good for you, and Anna Nicole married for Love. Any other insane conspiracy theories you believe in besides these?
They did nothing wrong, if you stop pretending the black did nothing wrong it might dawn on you that this is serious. These men deserve to be treated fairly. Just stop pretending this kid did nothing wrong it insane.
Oh, they'll be treated fairly -- once they're incarcerated. Inmates love cops.
you sound like a terrorist.. you want two innocent men in jail to die for political reasons, to race bait.. you are a terrorist
Well they murdered someone, so why is it unfair for them to face the same consequences?
In self defense? You terrorist
It wasn't in self defense. Georgia law does not protect the aggressor in an altercation with self defense. And Travis McMichael was the aggressor by arming himself with no knowledge of Arbery but with the intent to chase him down and stop him.
We clearly see the black kid darting in front of the truck to attack the son.. standing there with a shotgun is not an active and aggression he saying stop stop we want to talk to you
Liar, McMichael couldn't have just been standing there. Scotty didn't beam him from about 4 feet to the left of the truck to being in front of it.
He was asking him to stop so they could talk..
Which brings me back to ... with Travis block the road with a shotgun, why should Arbery have assumed they only wanted to talk?

Because they had been chasing the person for a good time. There is more info on this in the police report. But it is very inconceivable that at this point, he did not know what the deal was.
There was no reason for them to stop Arbery so there was no reason for why Arbery would know why they wanted him to stop.

They suspected him of burglary.

He was reported to 911.

No reason? Please...

How did they know he was suspected of burglary if the call went to 911?

The police report says:

According to the initial police report, the McMichaels told police that they pursued Arbery because he resembled a suspect in a string of local burglaries.

And soon we will almost certainly find out that he WAS the man behind the burglaries. And leftists will moan and cry as usual when their fake news story gets destroyed piece by piece.

Ok on the day of the shooting what did her burglarize?
The dwelling under construction.
Liar. There is no evidence Arbery burglarized that house. The 911 caller did not say anything was taken. The homeowner said nothing was taken. The video of Arbery inside the home does not show him taking anything or looking to take anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Nothing needed to be taken, dumbass.
Merely being in the dwelling without permission is considered burglary in Georgia.

See my previous post, you won’t like it!
No, it's not. Merely being in the building may qualify for trespassing.

What do you think the difference is between trespassing and burglary?
Trespassing can be charged in public places, and other types of property such as vehicles and boats. Usually associated with damaging the property.

However if the property is a dwelling, then first degree burglary it is. Sorry to break it to you.
But is it a dwelling? Nope. Right now it’s lumber. Nobody is dwelling there because the damn thing is wide open. Nobody has as of yet ever dwelled there, you can see that by the video. It’s property at the moment not living space so it could be argued that the only thing that happened is trespass and not burglary. You don’t kill people for trespassing. You sure as hell don’t kill someone if you DON’T OWN THE PROPERTY! How did the McMichaels know that Arbery wasn’t one of the people working on the house? Arbery could have been a friend of the owner with permission to be there. McMichaels didn’t approach him nicely and question why Arbery was there. They grabbed guns, blocked his path and shot him twice in the chest no questions asked and worst of all IT WASN’T THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Hey they got a place for somone like you in hollywood....writing fiction for some of their idiotic movies.

Anyhow most of what you mention is irrelevant....the only thing relevant to this case is the fact that the black guy attacked a white guy with a shotgun....the video makes that clear....why do liberals refuse to watch the video?

Let me guess...afraid of the truth?

Honestly, it takes a special kind of idiot to completely dismiss as irrelevant the fact that the two guys armed themselves and then got in a pick up and chased this guy down. That will actually be at the very center of this case and, if you don't understand why, you should probably stop commenting.

By the way, I'm a white guy in his late 50's, conservative, NRA member, CWP holder, I carry every day and I hate criminals.

I am profoundly confident in my belief that Travis McMichael and Gregory McMichael will be found guilty of the charges against them and will that they will spend a very, very long time in prison...

In my book being a conservative means being able to conserve something. With this attitude, you won't be able to conserve even your pants, let alone due process or America. You do understand the case is a manufactured case by people who hate you? Literal socialist propaganda and you are slurping it up like a dog.

No. This case is literally a textbook do not do that literally tens of thousands of gun owners have been trained on. Literally.

First. Do not pull or point your weapon unless you intend to use it. Travis broke that rule jumping out of his truck intending to hold the AA at gunpoint for the cops. Second. Do not go looking for trouble. Travis broke that rule too as did Daddy. It was never going to end well. Not in Georgia. Georgia where hundreds of people are in prison right now for Aggravated Assault.

Third. If you do shoot someone shit your fucking mouth. Say nothing until you have a lawyer. Both of the McMichaels broke that rule which is why we have a statement to police that the “conservatives” are busy ignoring.

Fourth. Never forget your license to carry is not a badge and you are not a cop. You do not have powers of arrest. So even the attempt to stop AA was a crime. Especially as part of an armed posse of self appointed yahoos.

Now many people have said that the Aggravated Assault statute was too restrictive. There were meetings in the State Senate to change it. No way it gets changed now. Not with the McMorons literally demonstrating that all the doom and gloom predictions by the anti gunners are totally true. They have set back the effort to protect gun owners by at least a decade.

Worse yet we have to rehash the fucking Hate Crimes law again. So that is going to be an election issue this year thanks to the notoriously corrupt D.A. in Glynn County. Again.

So no. Conservatives are not conserving or preserving. OK. They are preserving the worst traits and stereotypes from history. That is not a thing to proclaim. Not if you consider your beliefs to be based in law and order.

Conservative pundits including those with law degrees disagree with you. But they are wrong and you are right. Cops in Georgia disagree with you. But they are wrong and you are right. Lawyers, Judges, and the gun owners I know. Friends and acquaintances. My neighbors and folks around town alike all say that this was the worst shooting we have had in decades. But they are all wrong and you are right.

Precedence in Georgia law says you are wrong. But anyone who says so is a black apologist to you blithering idiots.

I said it many pages in this thread ago. If you really want to help the McMichaels start collecting money. Because they are going to need a million dollars or more to have any chance at defending themselves in court. The Prosecutor will have access to unlimited funds and power.

You idiots are not helping the McMichaels or your cause. If you want to help, write a check and send it to his family. They are going to need it. Because I figure they have about one chance in ten of a hung jury. They have almost no chance of complete exoneration. But with enough money and a good enough lawyer they might be able to plea bargain themselves out in five to ten. Because the Jury will send them up for twenty to life if it goes to trial. The McMichaels are not going to be facing a rookie Prosecutor. They are going up against the Varsity. The best in the State. All because the Good Old Boys club tried to sweep it under the rug.

Sadly. If they had been arrested at the time of the shooting for the same charges, they might have gotten off with three years or less. Manslaughter and Aggravated Assault. Now to show the outrage at the abuse of position for the Prosecutor in Glynn County they are going for the Max. And the Prosecutors who tried to sweep it under the rug are up for a review which could lose them their law licenses. Corruption runs deep in Georgia. But when it is exposed they throw those few to the wolves to protect the rest.

We have been trying to tell you idiots. But you won’t listen. So keep talking. And keep pushing your insane ideals. I bet you can talk Travis right into death row. He was a hot head who grabbed a gun and in this State that is an express ticket to an extended stay at the Gray Bar Hotel.
You keep making stuff evidence that Travis intended to hold anyone at gunpoint.....thousands of people in Georgia and other states carry guns around with no intent to hold anyone ....that is just some braindead fantasy you have manufactured...completely absurd.

Also a rule is not a law....some gun club or shooting instructor may tell the students do not pull your gun unless you intend to use it....might be good advice in certain situations but not all situations.

Pulling a gun means pulling it out of the holster or your do you pull out a shotgun hehheh. You are so ridiculous.

Then you say Travis jumped out of his truck...trying to make it sound like when the black moron ran up to the truck Travis just jumped out and shot him....more spinning on your part....Travis was out of the truck quite a while before travis ran up on the truck....Travis did not point the shotgun at Travis until he was attacked and even then he had a very difficult time to get it pointed in a manner to score a lethal shot as the Negro kept grabbing the gun...but the black dudes real big mistake was letting go of the gun in order to start punching Travis...this allowed Travis to get a clean shot at his attacker and dispatch the insane negro...Kudos for Travis.

Then you mention aggravated assault....I seriously doubt you have a good understanding of what that is ...especially in this cite laws but as has been said you do not have the intelligence needed to adequately interpet the law. Sure you have been around para-legals but that obviously has not helped you...if you had actually gone to law school you might have learned a bit about how to interpet and apply attempt over and over to use the law to subvert the fail everytime.

Again and again and again you claim they had no right to make a citizens arrest....bullshite....I cited the Georgia law on that and others have as well.....and here it is again..................In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrest someone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.” But if it is a felony, the citizen can stop someone from escaping if the citizen has “reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.”

The older white guy had knowledge of a crime from watching a video of the black dude trespassing hence he was entitled to make a citizens arrest....though he did not make a citizens arrest nor attempt to make a citizens arrest.

Thus you keep citing irrelevant bullshit....because you do not want to get down to the nitty gritty of this case aka what is really your ramble and ramble trying to divert everyones attention away from the fact that the black dude is the one who committed assault and the jury will have no problem understanding that when they see the video and that is why the blacks got so upset with the guy for releasing the clearly shows the black dude comitting assault.

You also conveiniently forget the elder McMichael had decades of law enforcement experience....he was not just some yahoo as you want to claim.

I do agree with you they should not have been talking without a lawyer....a lot of innocent people make that mistake...thinking because they are innocent they have nothing to worry about....failing to understand how whatever the say can be twisted or in some cases words have been added to their statements they did not even make in order to convict them....thus it is good advice to tell everyone...if you ever get involved with the criminal justice system....just shut up and tell them you want a lawyer.

Then you talk about a 'posse' in another effort to spin a scenario that did not exist aka a group out to lynch some negro....there was the Father and there was the son and they were not out to lynch anyone....they simply wanted this guy caught in order to protect their neighborhood....and there is little doubt that the negro was a danger to the he had well demonstrated previously....carrying a loaded weapon to school, stealing, having a mental history, assault and wandering around at night going into and onto other folks property...if anyone does not see the danger in that they have no business commenting on this case.

Then you go on and on about how they are ceretain to be convicted....ridiculous...of course they will need a good lawyer but that is true of just about everyone that has been charged with a crime....the state actually has a very weak case.....especially with the video and the criminal history of the black guy not even to mention his mental health history.... a lot of folks thought just like you when they predicted George Zimmerman would go to jail....Z prevailed and he did not even have a video to prove the black guy assaulted him...what he did have going for him was a honest jury who saw through the states efforts to railroad a innocent man.

Thus in this case if the McMichaels can also get a honest jury....without a majority of negroes on it...then they should prevail....if there are a lot of negroes on it then the likliehood of a hung jury is very probable.

I do not see them convicted in any way shape or form....they may have to have
two or three trials before the state understands they will not be able to convict them but eventually they will walk.
"In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrestsomeone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.” But if it is a felony, the citizen can stop someone from escaping if the citizen has “reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.”

Great, what felony did Arbery commit that was witnessed by McMichael or that he had immediate knowledge of?
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