New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?
What people suspect is not relevant, there must be evidence. Since there was no burglary even reported after the fact your idea is meaningless.

I suspect you of burglary, can I come over there and shoot you?
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

Here's a nice short answer to your longggggg waste of space, and JIBBERISH post. GBI ? LOL. You don't even know that this whole thing is POLITICAL - race rioting and black votes.

You think you know about this. YOU DON'T.

I know People like you are hurting Trump politically when you sympathize with whites who kill blacks for no reason.

Exactly....I will not wast time replying to his nonsense. Hope he had fun going to all that trouble to post garbage.

of course you can’t.. Hate can’t overcome the facts and the law. It’s not political it’s called equal justuce under the law and you don’t accept that black men deserve to be treated equal to whites.

where is James The Nazi Fields right

This is TrumpO’s Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Friday, June 28, 2019
Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia

James Alex Fields Jr. Formerly Pleaded Guilty to Killing Heather Heyer; Injuring Dozens of Others

James Alex Fields Jr., 22, the Ohio man who drove his car into a crowd of counter-protestors at the “Unite the Right Rally” on Aug. 12, 2017, killing one woman and injuring dozens, was sentenced today in the Western District of Virginia to life in prison for his crimes. Fields previously pleaded guilty to 29 violations of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 18 U.S.C. § 249, for the attack.
“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice“Hatred and bigotry have no place in our nation. Violent actions inspired by such warped thinking are a disgrace to our people and our values, and the Department of Justice

He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

You get “racist of the day“ for suggesting that white Goon Sr and white Goon Jr should not be arrested for the aggravated assault and murder of a black man who was jogging on a public road because a little time earlier “he was walking, and not just on the street” ... He was “walking” on private private property, a construction site. A home under construction from which Arbery was there for a few minutes and then continued his jog.

Fif that you think he deserves to be dead.

There may be a problem with racist claims that Arberry went for the shotgun before the first shit was fired. The truck is parked at an angle so Arberry could have been off the pavement when the first shot was fired.

That means Junior shot before Arberry turned to try to take the rifle away.

top photo is white shoulder of Arberry about the time the first shot is fired.

the bottom shows the position of the truck and if Arbery Is a car length past the truck he is right on the edge if the ride when ordered to stop and shit at

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It doesn't do you any good to lie. You're just another Democrat SUCK-UP, who's sucking up to the wildminded, black community for VOTES. That's what driving this idiotic arrest, and you're just as guilty as the spineless, politicians frauds who are perpetrating it.

What a stinking, impure way of going through life.
Amen, they don’t care that hundreds of black men die yearly on their plantation
Which plantation is that?
Chicago, Detroit, LA, Baltimore and every other demofk city
And the condition of Baltimore makes it AOK to shoot joggers in Georgia to KKK members like you
Who did that?
Who did what?

You would ask less nonsense questions if you took your meds
I’m unaware of any one shooting a black man jogging
Well at least you know that you are unaware...........................

I fully concur
Good so no one is guilty of anything related to this incident
You tell yourself that Popeye
I do
I want all of you to place yourself in the black guys shoes. You know you have done nothing wrong and two guys come at you with guns.

And right here is where you are clearly wrong; he is also on other cameras, security cameras, which you haven't seen or are ignoring as evidence. The same people who alerted the two guys in the truck are the same people who called the police after seeing the guy's behavior and actions on private property. He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

We still don't know where he parked his car, or if he was dropped off by accomplices in that neighborhood. We know he didn't jog some 12 miles one way to get there.

There is a problem with that. He was looking at new construction houses. That is at most trespassing. Guess what. Only the owner or his agent can file a complaint on that.

There were no Burglary reports filed with the police for January or February. So what was a lot of problems with this sort of thing? Why did the victims not report the crimes? Their insurance would require a police report wouldn’t it?

There are two possibilities. A) Nothing was ever stolen. B) The property stolen could not be reported to the police because it was illegal. I mean drugs or drug money.

If the McMorons were chasing Ahmad because he had stolen drugs or drug money it still means that the McMorons were Felons. Worse for them, possession of a firearm during a crime is an automatic Felony in Georgia.

Yeah, cuz nobody ever steals stuff from construction sites or unoccupied new homes ... Guess what, all citizens have a duty to call the cops and their local neighbohood watch to report crimes and suspicious behavior. Just because that annoys black people is no reason for white people to buy your stupid excuses.

He might have stolen a couple nails. He was wearing shorts and a t shirt and not carrying anything. The most you could say is that he was “casing” the joint, looking for something to come back and steal later. In which case you might have him for a crime later.

Even if that was true. Even if he was “casing” the joint. that does not change the fact that the Felons involved according to Georgia Law were the McMorons.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?
What people suspect is not relevant, there must be evidence. Since there was no burglary even reported after the fact your idea is meaningless.

I suspect you of burglary, can I come over there and shoot you?
But it does make the attackers guilty. And it should serve as a lesson for the next delusional dolt who sees himself as the vigilante for the hood.
There ARE NO "attackers".. The only attacker (as shown by the video) is Arbery. And the only lesson is that in communities with sizable black voting populations, you can't rely on the politicans and police to back you up, for your legal rights of self-defense, if/whenever the person attacking you is black.

I wonder how many of these "Blame the white guy" cases there now have been in America. Must be 100, just since the Zimmerman fiasco.

No you see the aggressor is the two idiots who grabbed their guns and went to chase Ahmad down.
Ok. Let’s review. Self Defense does not apply when you chase the guy down. It is not stand your ground when you are the aggressor. Any questions?
Yeah, let's review.
Simply going to somebody to ask some questions, isn't being an aggressor.

Firing a gun when somebody (Arbery) is attacking you with their fists, is stand your ground self-defense.

What incompetency the schools are exhibiting these days. Sad.

OK. Let’s say you are running down the street. A Pick Up drives around you and two black guys get out with shotguns. Are you being attacked? Are they being aggressive?
I’d run the other way!

And of course, Pick Up Trucks are immobile objects. And I suspect if he did, and was shot, you would swear the McMorons were firing at a fleeing felon.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?
What people suspect is not relevant, there must be evidence. Since there was no burglary even reported after the fact your idea is meaningless.

I suspect you of burglary, can I come over there and shoot you?
So you only approve of black joggers getting murdered
I want all of you to place yourself in the black guys shoes. You know you have done nothing wrong and two guys come at you with guns.

And right here is where you are clearly wrong; he is also on other cameras, security cameras, which you haven't seen or are ignoring as evidence. The same people who alerted the two guys in the truck are the same people who called the police after seeing the guy's behavior and actions on private property. He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

We still don't know where he parked his car, or if he was dropped off by accomplices in that neighborhood. We know he didn't jog some 12 miles one way to get there.

There is a problem with that. He was looking at new construction houses. That is at most trespassing. Guess what. Only the owner or his agent can file a complaint on that.

There were no Burglary reports filed with the police for January or February. So what was a lot of problems with this sort of thing? Why did the victims not report the crimes? Their insurance would require a police report wouldn’t it?

There are two possibilities. A) Nothing was ever stolen. B) The property stolen could not be reported to the police because it was illegal. I mean drugs or drug money.

If the McMorons were chasing Ahmad because he had stolen drugs or drug money it still means that the McMorons were Felons. Worse for them, possession of a firearm during a crime is an automatic Felony in Georgia.

Yeah, cuz nobody ever steals stuff from construction sites or unoccupied new homes ... Guess what, all citizens have a duty to call the cops and their local neighbohood watch to report crimes and suspicious behavior. Just because that annoys black people is no reason for white people to buy your stupid excuses.

He might have stolen a couple nails. He was wearing shorts and a t shirt and not carrying anything. The most you could say is that he was “casing” the joint, looking for something to come back and steal later. In which case you might have him for a crime later.

Even if that was true. Even if he was “casing” the joint. that does not change the fact that the Felons involved according to Georgia Law were the McMorons.
He was suspected of other break ins in the neighborhood. But stay uniformed
I want all of you to place yourself in the black guys shoes. You know you have done nothing wrong and two guys come at you with guns.

And right here is where you are clearly wrong; he is also on other cameras, security cameras, which you haven't seen or are ignoring as evidence. The same people who alerted the two guys in the truck are the same people who called the police after seeing the guy's behavior and actions on private property. He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

We still don't know where he parked his car, or if he was dropped off by accomplices in that neighborhood. We know he didn't jog some 12 miles one way to get there.

There is a problem with that. He was looking at new construction houses. That is at most trespassing. Guess what. Only the owner or his agent can file a complaint on that.

There were no Burglary reports filed with the police for January or February. So what was a lot of problems with this sort of thing? Why did the victims not report the crimes? Their insurance would require a police report wouldn’t it?

There are two possibilities. A) Nothing was ever stolen. B) The property stolen could not be reported to the police because it was illegal. I mean drugs or drug money.

If the McMorons were chasing Ahmad because he had stolen drugs or drug money it still means that the McMorons were Felons. Worse for them, possession of a firearm during a crime is an automatic Felony in Georgia.

Yeah, cuz nobody ever steals stuff from construction sites or unoccupied new homes ... Guess what, all citizens have a duty to call the cops and their local neighbohood watch to report crimes and suspicious behavior. Just because that annoys black people is no reason for white people to buy your stupid excuses.

He might have stolen a couple nails. He was wearing shorts and a t shirt and not carrying anything. The most you could say is that he was “casing” the joint, looking for something to come back and steal later. In which case you might have him for a crime later.

Even if that was true. Even if he was “casing” the joint. that does not change the fact that the Felons involved according to Georgia Law were the McMorons.

If he was on the property illegally, that's at least trespassing and conspiracy.
But it does make the attackers guilty. And it should serve as a lesson for the next delusional dolt who sees himself as the vigilante for the hood.
There ARE NO "attackers".. The only attacker (as shown by the video) is Arbery. And the only lesson is that in communities with sizable black voting populations, you can't rely on the politicans and police to back you up, for your legal rights of self-defense, if/whenever the person attacking you is black.

I wonder how many of these "Blame the white guy" cases there now have been in America. Must be 100, just since the Zimmerman fiasco.

No you see the aggressor is the two idiots who grabbed their guns and went to chase Ahmad down.
Ok. Let’s review. Self Defense does not apply when you chase the guy down. It is not stand your ground when you are the aggressor. Any questions?
Yeah, let's review.
Simply going to somebody to ask some questions, isn't being an aggressor.

Firing a gun when somebody (Arbery) is attacking you with their fists, is stand your ground self-defense.

What incompetency the schools are exhibiting these days. Sad.

OK. Let’s say you are running down the street. A Pick Up drives around you and two black guys get out with shotguns. Are you being attacked? Are they being aggressive?
I’d run the other way!

And of course, Pick Up Trucks are immobile objects. And I suspect if he did, and was shot, you would swear the McMorons were firing at a fleeing felon.
Nope I would call them murderers.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
In Chicago every weekend.

you should read a paper
Give me an example since it’s so common. Should be easy.
Google is your friend

That’s what I thought. You can’t back up what you claim. I’m not doing your homework for you.
Both of your links indicate that the perpetrators were charged and jailed.
If the defendants in this case were just looking to ask the victim what he was up to in their area, what's the problem?

Don't they have freedom of speech?

The man was "jogging" in attire which is unusual to say the least, and far from his own domicile.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
In Chicago every weekend.

you should read a paper
Give me an example since it’s so common. Should be easy.
Google is your friend

That’s what I thought. You can’t back up what you claim. I’m not doing your homework for you.
So you don’t think blacks die weekly in Chicago? Ohhhkay
You’re not being honest. I asked about murderers not being charged. Until there was public attention, the local DA had ever intention of letting the McMichael’s walk.
If the defendants in this case were just looking to ask the victim what he was up to in their area, what's the problem?

Don't they have freedom of speech?

The man was "jogging" in attire which is unusual to say the least, and far from his own domicile.
Because they were attempting to intercept and detain him, not just “ask questions”. They had no right to chase him and confront him.
The only ones "deranged" in this whole mess are the crazy people, black or white, who are capitulating to the deranged ravings of the black community lynch mob lunatic fringe, who scream racist at every little thing that happens. They also back up a black person however guilty and criminal they may be, and condemn whites, however innocent they may be.

Hey colfax....esalla....savanahh man......Notfooled by W. You guys going to start wearing your pants low too now ? Your black activist Gods require that, you know ? And you'll have to listen to only nasty, racist rap "music" too. No more Taylor Swift, Ricky Scaggs, or Rolling Stones.

There are some other requirements you'll need to be full fledged SUCK-UPS, as well. I'll let you you know in future posts. I'm a bit busy right now. :biggrin:

And don't forget to renew your memberships in the New Black Panther Party.

View attachment 334310 View attachment 334311

No, my eduction, experience, and training taught me to treat people equally without regard to color. I was raised by Parents who believed that all people, of all color, were people. If I was better than another, it was an individual thing, and if it ever got to the point that I thought my skin color made me superior, I was a disgrace to the family.

To quote something I told others a few years ago. I may believe I am superior. Superior training, and experience. Superior skills at a few tasks. None of that has anything to do with how much melatonin I have in my skin. It doesn’t have a damned thing to do with my ethnicity. It has everything to do with me, and my efforts, in this life.

I don’t care what color anyone is. I don’t care what religion, or where they come from. Which is why I keep turning it around on you all and you never answer. Would you think you were attacked if a pick up truck with two black guys holding shotguns cut you off and tried to stop you while waving shotguns around were attacking you? If you say yes, in your heart, you are viewing it through the glasses where race is the factor. If you say anything different about them than you do the McMorons, then you are racist.

I defend the ones who are the victims, white or black. I do not care.

New video shows Arbrey running into a home under construction moments before encounter with the two men:

And for those leftists who will attack the source because they don't like the contents, here is a source even you lefties would approve of:

And allow me to repeat. The most criminal thing he did was Trespass. That requires either the owner, or his agent, to press charges. Until then the most the cops would do is tell the person to leave. Even if the Owner or Agent wanted to press charges, the cops would give the offender a chance to leave. Trespassing is refusing to leave when directed. Not just going onto the property.

Again, the criminals were the McMorons.
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough

No problem. I asked this before. Give us a similar situation. One where the victim was murdered by known individuals. Individuals we know did it. People who were acting in a similar manner and not charged by police. We’ll get upset about that too. I was one of those folks demanding action in the case of John Geer who was murdered by police. It is still one of the cases I use to show the lack of accountability by Police. Shooting of John Geer - Wikipedia

Geer was white. I thought it was an outrageous case, worthy of outrage. So tell me, what murder in chicago has all of the elements of this one. Come on Skippy, surely being the murder expert of Chicago you can snap your fingers and come up with one, with links.
47#939 reply to 1#1 Re: The problem with MAGA Gunman Sr’s stated legal defense.
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Since you started this thread we have learned a lot about the MAGA citizen gunmen as well.

From your link we are learned that

{a} “‘McMichael claimed to cops he recognized Arbery from surveillance video capturing a recent burglary in his mostly white neighborhood — “​

Hold point {a} for a bit because there was no actual ‘recent’ burglary in his neighborhood. However If MAGA Gunman Sr was referencing the Surveillance video from a block away of a man walking onto an open construction site for several minutes and then leaving on his own accord to start jogging down the street justified the use of lethal force to arrest him is certainly problematic for his defense against the charges of murder and physical assault charged against him.

Point {a} is critical to his apparent statement to police from your Original Post link to the NY Post. It strongly rejects the gunman’s legal basis for making a citizens arrest using a firearm.

{b} -“that he intended to make a citizen’s arrest, the paper reported”

So point {b} is also a hugely detrimental for MAGA Gunman Sr. because he admits by default that he had no right to arrest and detain Arbery or (a) a burglary never reported or (b) trespassing on a construction site for a few minutes.
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I want all of you to place yourself in the black guys shoes. You know you have done nothing wrong and two guys come at you with guns.

And right here is where you are clearly wrong; he is also on other cameras, security cameras, which you haven't seen or are ignoring as evidence. The same people who alerted the two guys in the truck are the same people who called the police after seeing the guy's behavior and actions on private property. He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

We still don't know where he parked his car, or if he was dropped off by accomplices in that neighborhood. We know he didn't jog some 12 miles one way to get there.

There is a problem with that. He was looking at new construction houses. That is at most trespassing. Guess what. Only the owner or his agent can file a complaint on that.

There were no Burglary reports filed with the police for January or February. So what was a lot of problems with this sort of thing? Why did the victims not report the crimes? Their insurance would require a police report wouldn’t it?

There are two possibilities. A) Nothing was ever stolen. B) The property stolen could not be reported to the police because it was illegal. I mean drugs or drug money.

If the McMorons were chasing Ahmad because he had stolen drugs or drug money it still means that the McMorons were Felons. Worse for them, possession of a firearm during a crime is an automatic Felony in Georgia.

Yeah, cuz nobody ever steals stuff from construction sites or unoccupied new homes ... Guess what, all citizens have a duty to call the cops and their local neighbohood watch to report crimes and suspicious behavior. Just because that annoys black people is no reason for white people to buy your stupid excuses.

He might have stolen a couple nails. He was wearing shorts and a t shirt and not carrying anything. The most you could say is that he was “casing” the joint, looking for something to come back and steal later. In which case you might have him for a crime later.

Even if that was true. Even if he was “casing” the joint. that does not change the fact that the Felons involved according to Georgia Law were the McMorons.

If he was on the property illegally, that's at least trespassing and conspiracy.

Again, nobody can claim that someone is trespassing on my property except the wife and me. No one else has the legal authority to do so. So was it the Owner of the property who followed them? No. It was too neighborhood yahoos. Was it the designated agent of the owner? No. Two neighborhood idiots took it upon themselves. When they took it upon themselves that made them, the McMorons the criminals.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
In Chicago every weekend.

you should read a paper
Give me an example since it’s so common. Should be easy.
Google is your friend

That’s what I thought. You can’t back up what you claim. I’m not doing your homework for you.
Both of your links indicate that the perpetrators were charged and jailed.
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