New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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George Barnhill, one of the prosecutors who first handled the case, defended the actions of the McMichaels and their neighbor in the truck. In a letter to the Glynn County Police Department obtained by NBC News, Barnhill wrote that the men had "solid first hand probable cause" to chase Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him.

Barnhill also said he believed Travis McMichael "was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself" under Georgia law.
Still waiting for all those black deaths were the perpetrators are caught but the DA decides to give them a pass.
:puhleeze:No you're not waiting, There have been hundreds of cases of black vs black shootings where the shooter was given a pass, because the shooting was self-defense, just like McMichael/Arbery. :biggrin:
No, they pursued and attempted to detain. Without a legal right to do so.
They were legal. :biggrin: Now how about the SUCK-UP pants ?
Gonna show us ?

Image result for saggy pants
{a} “‘McMichael claimed to cops he recognized Arbery from surveillance video capturing a recent burglary in his mostly white neighborhood — “​

Hold point {a} for a bit because there was no actual ‘recent’ burglary in his neighborhood. However If MAGA Gunman Sr was referencing the Surveillance video from a block away of a man walking onto an open construction site for several minutes and then leaving on his own accord to start jogging down the street justified the use of lethal force to arrest him is certainly problematic for his defense against the charges of murder and physical assault charged against him.
You pesented no proof that there was "
no actual ‘recent’ burglary in his neighborhood."

Maybe you thought we were just going to take your word for it. HA ha ha.

:puhleeze:The use of lethal force was justified by self-defense (AS IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW) :biggrin:
George Barnhill, one of the prosecutors who first handled the case, defended the actions of the McMichaels and their neighbor in the truck. In a letter to the Glynn County Police Department obtained by NBC News, Barnhill wrote that the men had "solid first hand probable cause" to chase Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him.

Barnhill also said he believed Travis McMichael "was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself" under Georgia law.

I concur....though I do expect this case to go to trial because of all the political pressure......the media has gone hog wild trying to misrepresent what actually happened. Politicians in nigha town aka atlanta,ga. are using whatever power to try and lynch two good citizens.

Brunswick Ga. is a fair distance from Atlanta.....they may be able to resist all the political pressure coming from nigha town.
They had no legal reason to pursue or detain.

Do I have the right to pursue and detain you for jogging your ignorant mouth
You have the right to pursue and detain.

Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
Do you believe that black joggers are justly detained and questioned at the will of white trash

Funny that you refer to the only people in this incident that didn't have a criminal record "trash". Speaks volumes I must say.
Funny that you just insinuated that all people with records should be hunted and killed

They did not have to hunt for him.....he was running down the stree right in front of their house.....all they did was follow him and try to talk to him. He was not arrested, he was not detained....his freedom of movement was not denied.
George Barnhill, one of the prosecutors who first handled the case, defended the actions of the McMichaels and their neighbor in the truck. In a letter to the Glynn County Police Department obtained by NBC News, Barnhill wrote that the men had "solid first hand probable cause" to chase Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him.

Barnhill also said he believed Travis McMichael "was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself" under Georgia law.

I concur....though I do expect this case to go to trial because of all the political pressure......the media has gone hog wild trying to misrepresent what actually happened. Politicians in nigha town aka atlanta,ga. are using whatever power to try and lynch two good citizens.

Brunswick Ga. is a fair distance from Atlanta.....they may be able to resist all the political pressure coming from nigha town.
They did with Martin as well
I want all of you to place yourself in the black guys shoes. You know you have done nothing wrong and two guys come at you with guns.

And right here is where you are clearly wrong; he is also on other cameras, security cameras, which you haven't seen or are ignoring as evidence. The same people who alerted the two guys in the truck are the same people who called the police after seeing the guy's behavior and actions on private property. He was not 'just jogging'; in fact he wasn't jogging at all, he was walking, and not just on the street, either.

We still don't know where he parked his car, or if he was dropped off by accomplices in that neighborhood. We know he didn't jog some 12 miles one way to get there.

There is a problem with that. He was looking at new construction houses. That is at most trespassing. Guess what. Only the owner or his agent can file a complaint on that.

There were no Burglary reports filed with the police for January or February. So what was a lot of problems with this sort of thing? Why did the victims not report the crimes? Their insurance would require a police report wouldn’t it?

There are two possibilities. A) Nothing was ever stolen. B) The property stolen could not be reported to the police because it was illegal. I mean drugs or drug money.

If the McMorons were chasing Ahmad because he had stolen drugs or drug money it still means that the McMorons were Felons. Worse for them, possession of a firearm during a crime is an automatic Felony in Georgia.

Yeah, cuz nobody ever steals stuff from construction sites or unoccupied new homes ... Guess what, all citizens have a duty to call the cops and their local neighbohood watch to report crimes and suspicious behavior. Just because that annoys black people is no reason for white people to buy your stupid excuses.

He might have stolen a couple nails. He was wearing shorts and a t shirt and not carrying anything. The most you could say is that he was “casing” the joint, looking for something to come back and steal later. In which case you might have him for a crime later.

Even if that was true. Even if he was “casing” the joint. that does not change the fact that the Felons involved according to Georgia Law were the McMorons.

No....the black jogger had a felony conviction.....taking a gun to school....a very serious offense....just something else that indicates the black dude was just not right in the head.
You’re not being honest. I asked about murderers not being charged. Until there was public attention, the local DA had ever intention of letting the McMichael’s walk.
Right . And that "public attention" (as you call it) is exactly what got the DA to charge. You just made the point I've been saying all through this thread. Thank you.

The so-called "public attention" is the BLACK public attention, THREAT of race riots + the threat of thousands of LOST VOTES, come election time. Ho hum. This is just another 1) lock up the white guys to keep the blacks from rioting, and 2) make sure you don't lose any (black) votes.

Same old disgusting thing that's been going on in this country for years. (Zimmerman, Wilson, Slager, Shelby, Baltimore 6, Yanez, etc, etc)
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What will determine if the McMichaels get acquitted is >>

1. The potential for race rioting in the town.

2. The quantity of votes that the city fathers stand to lose by acquitting.

Whole thing smells worse than a whole clan of skunks. Very sad commentary on life in the US in 2020.
You’re not being honest. I asked about murderers not being charged. Until there was public attention, the local DA had ever intention of letting the McMichael’s walk.
Right . And that "public attention" (as you call it) is exactly what got the DA to charge. You just made the point I've been saying all through this thread. Thank you.

The so-called "public attention" is the BLACK public attention, THREAT of race riots + the threat of thousands of LOST VOTES, come election time. Ho hum. This is just another 1) lock up the white guys to keep the blacks from rioting, and 2) make sure you don't lose any (black) votes.

Same old disgusting thing that's been going on in this country for years. (Zimmerman, Wilson, Slager, Shelby, Baltimore 6, Yanez, etc, etc)
The public attention got the DA to turn it over to the GBI, who promptly did what the locals failed to do.
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