New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
If you do it with a weapon

I can give you a link. But first you are going to explain why you want a link. What will be your position aftwerwards?

So OldLady was just another typical attempt to gum up the conversation...straight from the liberal rule book.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are three active threads on this and I have been posting on the one in Breaking News today.

Of course I had a reason for asking for a link. There is no link because that statement is bullshit. No one has released any of the particulars on that case. That I have found, anyway. But if I had been given a link that informed me differently, I would have appreciated it.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
If you do it with a weapon

I can give you a link. But first you are going to explain why you want a link. What will be your position aftwerwards?

So OldLady was just another typical attempt to gum up the conversation...straight from the liberal rule book.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are three active threads on this and I have been posting on the one in Breaking News today.

Of course I had a reason for asking for a link. There is no link because that statement is bullshit. No one has released any of the particulars on that case. That I have found, anyway. But if I had been given a link that informed me differently, I would have appreciated it.
Pay attention Mom, he just stole a 48 inch TV, he had it in his front pocket
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?
Check the 911 calls
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?

Only after you prove he was out for a jog.
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
If you do it with a weapon

I can give you a link. But first you are going to explain why you want a link. What will be your position aftwerwards?

So OldLady was just another typical attempt to gum up the conversation...straight from the liberal rule book.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are three active threads on this and I have been posting on the one in Breaking News today.

Of course I had a reason for asking for a link. There is no link because that statement is bullshit. No one has released any of the particulars on that case. That I have found, anyway. But if I had been given a link that informed me differently, I would have appreciated it.

So if informed differently...if informed that he had indeed been arrested on a gun charge..that would have changed your mind about something? I can still provide the link but lets make sure it isnt a waste of time first. I've dealt with liberals too long.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?

Only after you prove he was out for a jog.
He had work boots on!!! Hahaha hahaha their jogger was running in work boots hahaha hahaha

Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?
Check the 911 calls
There was a 911 call that said a man was running.

LOL is jogging no longer allowed in America
The danger is in knowing enough that you think you are right, but not knowing enough to understand you are wrong.

The owner or representative may file the complaint. The McMorons were neither. And the person has to refuse to leave before they are trespassing unless they damaged the property. So what were you saying again?
From your link >> "
"There must be no consent from the other person."

" (ie, the owner of the property) You got some info that the construction home's owners consented to Arbery being there ? If so, let's hear it. :biggrin:

Secondly, I see nothing in your link that alludes to what you've said here. If you think it does, say where in the link it is.

Trespassing is a crime. Period. Anybody can report it.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?

Only after you prove he was out for a jog.
He had work boots on!!! Hahaha hahaha their jogger was running in work boots hahaha hahaha

Military does that every day


Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
If you do it with a weapon

I can give you a link. But first you are going to explain why you want a link. What will be your position aftwerwards?

So OldLady was just another typical attempt to gum up the conversation...straight from the liberal rule book.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are three active threads on this and I have been posting on the one in Breaking News today.

Of course I had a reason for asking for a link. There is no link because that statement is bullshit. No one has released any of the particulars on that case. That I have found, anyway. But if I had been given a link that informed me differently, I would have appreciated it.

So if informed differently...if informed that he had indeed been arrested on a gun charge..that would have changed your mind about something? I can still provide the link but lets make sure it isnt a waste of time first. I've dealt with liberals too long.
The gun charge was when he was 19, at a school sporting event. He was carrying in a gun free zone.

The shoplifting charge was in 2018. Totally separate. My reading of that post was that he was saying Arbery had shoplifted with a gun. Now how those two things go together, I'm not sure. But that was why I asked for a link.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?

Only after you prove he was out for a jog.
He had work boots on!!! Hahaha hahaha their jogger was running in work boots hahaha hahaha

You go off about every four hours just like a cuckoo clock.

Police report: He died in Nike sneakers.
Funny how the media keeps calling black burglary suspect 1 as a “jogger”.

Because that's what he was
Then what were all the calls to 9-1-1 for?

Why don't you ask the two racist bubbas who killed him?

Being racist is not illegal...though I have seen nothing yet that would indicate they are racist....if the suspect had been white I am sure they would not have acted any differently.

A thief is a thief and good citizens will always try and help the police catch them.
Actually the practice of racism is illegal
It has now been revealed the black guy...Ahmaud Arbery has a criminal history....well no surprise there.
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery previously investigated him

The murderers will not be charged and will become right wing heroes. Don't act surprised when it happens.
Yeah, I think so too. Then blacks will riot and the racists will lecture us about how wrong it is for us to have rioted and how the justice process was done fairly and the two men were innocent as proven by the courts decision and racism in Georgia had nothing to do with a majority white grand jury not indicting these killers.
51#1016 reply to 51#1000 Re: {b} Surveillance Video {c} ambushed
He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.

What specific crime do you know of from that video was committed by Mr. Arbery?

For now, sticking with the facts and the opinion of his mother young Mr Arbery was out for a jog when for a few minutes a {b} surveillance camera saw him walk onto a construction site and the he left with nothing in his hands and started jogging. I accept that as fact as seen on both videos released from authorities to date. While jogging Arbery was shot three times by the two men who have been arrested for when they {c} ambushed him and killed him.
Arbery’s mother, Wanda Cooper Jones, has said she thinks her 25-year-old son, a former high school football player, was just jogging in the neighborhood before he was killed.​
On Saturday, the GBI confirmed that it has obtained other photos of video that might shed light on the case. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution published footage from a surveillance camera at a Brunswick home near where Arbery was shot that shows someone who appears to be Arbery walking into a home under construction. Arbery then came back out and ran down the street. Someone else comes out across the street from the construction site, and then a vehicle drives off farther down the street, near where Travis McMichael lives.​
Lawyers for Arbery’s family say the video bolsters their position that Arbery did nothing wrong, and shows he did not commit a felony. Under Georgia law, someone who isn’t a sworn police officer can arrest and detain another person only if a felony is committed in the presence of the arresting citizen.​
“Ahmaud’s actions at this empty home under construction were in no way a felony under Georgia law,” the lawyers wrote in a social media post. “This video confirms that Mr. Arbery’s murder was not justified and the actions of the men who pursued him and ambushed him were unjustified.” {c} ambushed.​

Lawyers for Arbery’s family say in the link above that Arbery was {c} Ambushed. I find the use of that term interesting.
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Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322

The same reason they used the photo of trayvon martin when he was like 10 yrs. old....they fooled a lot of people with that photo......even obama....hence his statement of....'If i had a son he would look like trayvon'

That old,old photo of trayvon from years ago is what sparked the whole bruha...people actually believed that was how trayvon looked on the night he ambushed George Zimmerman.

The media constantly racebaits...stirs up racial animositys at every chance they get. Nothing but a propaganda machine designed to weaken America and turn Americans against other Americans.
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You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.
The two videos that destroy all of the leftwingers arguments regarding this might want to save them....the powers that be are attempting to censor them aka delete them from the internet.

The same reason they used the photo of trayvon martin when he was like 10 yrs. old....they fooled a lot of people with that photo......even obama....hence his statement of....'If i had a son he would look like trayvon'

That old,old photo of trayvon from years ago is what sparked the whole bruha...people actually believed that was how trayvon looked on the night the ambushed George Zimmerman.

The media constantly racebaits...stirs up racial animositys at every chance they get. Nothing but a propaganda machine designed to weaken America and turn Americans against other Americans.
The worst one I have known of was the KTLA doctoring of the videotape of Rodney King's arrest. And the scum who did it, were hailed as heros by others in their sick media, despite 54 people dead, in the LA riots, as a result of that concocted video. Millions in damages.
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