New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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The same reason they used the photo of trayvon martin when he was like 10 yrs. old....they fooled a lot of people with that photo......even obama....hence his statement of....'If i had a son he would look like trayvon'

That old,old photo of trayvon from years ago is what sparked the whole bruha...people actually believed that was how trayvon looked on the night the ambushed George Zimmerman.

The media constantly racebaits...stirs up racial animositys at every chance they get. Nothing but a propaganda machine designed to weaken America and turn Americans against other Americans.
The worst one I have known of was the KTLA doctoring of the videotape of Rodney King's arrest. And the scum who did it, were hailed as heros by others in their sick media, despite 54 people dead, in the LA riots, as a result of that concocted video. Millions in damages.

We are in desperate need of congressional action to stop the lying and biased media.....the spreading of propaganda by our msm must be is a threat to our national security.
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You go off about every four hours just like a cuckoo clock.

Police report: He died in Nike sneakers.
Maybe so but if one is going out for a jog, they go right straight to the jog. They don't go poking around a construction site, and then go jogging.
The confused poster who claims racism in America is illegal in America must have confused America with the could anyone do dat? hehheh

Racism is illegal in England but they are much farther down the path of political correctness than we are....but we are headed in that direction.
That’s a citizens arrest you goof.

He cites OCGA17-4-60
YOU are the goof . No Barnhill did NOT mention citizens arrest, and merely chasing and stopping somebody is certainly NOT a citizens arrest, you idiot. A citizens arrest is turning someone over to the police, for jailing, that's not what Barnhill said.

Again, Barn said >> "probable cause to chase Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him."

Citizens arrest was YOUR words, not Barnhill's. Now you're mistaken twice. Wanna try for a 3rd strike ? :rolleyes:
Ive posted this research thus far;
View attachment 334481
This is photo of instant that Arbery’s shadow disappears from view and first of three shots is heard.

Bang!!!! Don’t know if Arbery was hit or not.

MAGA Gunman Sr. Is recording the action on his eye phone.

View attachment 334480

This photo shows the position of Junior’s white hat. I assume ten or more feet from the front of his truck. MAGA Gunman Jr was clearly across the double yellow line when he fired the first shot.

View attachment 334485
Bottom red arrow shows Arbery’s white shirt as MAGA Gunman Jr is retreating backwards after firing the first shot.

the timing of the first shot and the position of the two men is critical.

I want to know why we are not seeing the video that MAGA Gunman Sr was filming of his “coward” son shooting at an unarmed man.

Do you want to know that, before spouting off that Arbery attacked Gunman Jr and it’s his own damned fault he’s dead.
"Unarmed" means nothing. If someone is attacking you, you have the right to shoot. Liberals know nothing about guns, and self-defense isn't even in their vocabulary. Yes, Arbery attacked McMichael, and yes, of course it's his own damned fault he’s dead.

52#1030 reply to 52#1029 Re: {c} ambush
"Unarmed" means nothing. If someone is attacking you, you have the right to shoot.

But what if MAGA Gunman Jr fired a shot at Arbery before Arbery attacked him?

You need to stop lying that you know that Arbery was attacking MAGA Gunman Jr prior to the first shot.

Top screen shot: Red arrow shows the area that Aubrey’s shadow disappears from view and the first of three shots is heard.

Middle screen shot: Red arrow shows the position of Junior’s white hat. I assume ten or more feet from the front of his truck. MAGA Gunman Jr was clearly across the double yellow line when he fired the first shot.

Bottom screen shot: Red arrow shows Arbery’s white shirt as MAGA Gunman Jr is retreating backwards after firing the first shot.

Where do you see Arbery attacking the coward MAGA Gunman Jr between the top screen shot and the middle screen shot?

There was a gun shot as soon as Arbery passed the front of the MAGA gunmen’s truck.

MAGA Gunman Sr was positioned in the bed of the truck to video record the {c} ambush.
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You are wasting board space with your photos which prove nothing....perhaps in your deluded mind you see something.....but if anyone wants the truth.....the two videos posted above explains what happened......see post #1019 to see the 2 videos that tell the truth about this incident.
52#1032 reply to 52#1031
You are wasting board space with your photos which prove nothing..

These three screen shots prove matter of factly that none of you white extremists can prove that Arberry attacked MAGA Gunman JR before coward JR fired the first shot.

There were three shots fired. White extremists are focused only on the second and third shots that occurred to the left of the double yellow line.

The first shot took place as Arbury passed the front of the passenger side of the truck clearly to the right side of the road.

White extremists need to admit they cannot see if Arbery attacked Junior before the first shot was fired.
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52#1032 reply to 52#1031
You are wasting board space with your photos which prove nothing..

These three screen shots prove matter of factly that none of you white extremists can prove that Arberry attacked MAGA Gunman JR before coward JR fired the first shot.

There were three shots fired. White extremists are focused only on the second and third shots that occurred to the left of the double yellow line.

The first shot took place as Arbury passed the front of the passenger side of the truck clearly to the right side of the road.

White extremists need to admit they cannot see if Arbery attacked Junior before the first shot was fired.

That is not true....if you watch the video can see the jogger veer to the left very quickly...just as soon as he gets in front of the hesitation can look through the windshield of the truck via the video and see him crossing over to the left where the guy with the shotgun is...the first shot does not go off until the jogger makes contact with the shooter....and there is the possibility that the jogger himself triggered the shot by pulling on the barrel of the gun....if the shooter had his finger on the trigger...which obviously he must have then the jogger by pulling on the gun would have caused the shot to go off as a result of the gun being pulled towards the shooter would cause the shooters trigger finger to pull backwards by the force of the gun being pulled forward.
52#1032 reply to 52#1031
You are wasting board space with your photos which prove nothing..

These three screen shots prove matter of factly that none of you white extremists can prove that Arberry attacked MAGA Gunman JR before coward JR fired the first shot.

There were three shots fired. White extremists are focused only on the second and third shots that occurred to the left of the double yellow line.

The first shot took place as Arbury passed the front of the passenger side of the truck clearly to the right side of the road.

White extremists need to admit they cannot see if Arbery attacked Junior before the first shot was fired.

That is not true....if you watch the video can see the jogger veer to the left very quickly...just as soon as he gets in front of the hesitation can look through the windshield of the truck via the video and see him crossing over to the left where the guy with the shotgun is...the first shot does not go off until the jogger makes contact with the shooter....and there is the possibility that the jogger himself triggered the shot by pulling on the barrel of the gun....if the shooter had his finger on the trigger...which obviously he must have then the jogger by pulling on the gun would have caused the shot to go off as a result of the gun being pulled towards the shooter would cause the shooters trigger finger to pull backwards by the force of the gun being pulled forward.

The jurors will be able to see all this much easier because the video will be played in slow motion for them to analyze frame by frame.
the first shot does not go off until the jogger makes contact with the shooter..

Your BUBBAS Are in deep prison time shit if you are defending them.

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Nonsense and you are spamming the board with those photos which prove nothing.

The msm blatantly lied when they said the guys caught up with the black guy and got out of their truck and assaulted fact their whole narrative about this incident is false. Not even to mention how they edited the video to prevent people from seeing the black guy attacking the white guy.
the first shot does not go off until the jogger makes contact with the shooter..

Your BUBBAS Are in deep prison time shit if you are defending them.

View attachment 334625View attachment 334626View attachment 334627View attachment 334628View attachment 334629

Nonsense and you are spamming the board with those photos which prove nothing.

The msm blatantly lied when they said the guys caught up with the black guy and got out of their truck and assaulted fact their whole narrative about this incident is false. Not even to mention how they edited the video to prevent people from seeing the black guy attacking the white guy.

BTW are you still defending Trayvon? hehheh remember what you said about Zimmerman bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Last I heard Z was living a very good life..

Check my post again.

When you see you are wrong about the first shot because you think the second shot is the first shot get back to me.

You can watch it normal speed and easily
see you are so wrong.

it’s difficult to prove you wrong when I can’t post the screen shots when each shot was fired.

The first shot is taken when both men are in front of the truck and and before anyone can see physical contact being made between the two men.

and it is so ckear. Too bad I cant post the photo evidence.
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Check my post again.

When you see you are wrong about the first shot because you think the second shot is the first shot get back to me.

You can watch it normal speed and easily see you are so wrong.

The above is what you need to have to scroll down to where it says: warning graphic video.........stop it at 22 or 23 secs ... that is when the first shot is tell me what you see.
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Check my post again.

When you see you are wrong about the first shot because you think the second shot is the first shot get back to me.

You can watch it normal speed and easily see you are so wrong.

Here is what you need to see.

that is what I took the screen shots From.
the first shot takes place before contact is visible and when both men are in front of the truck.

when I did it frame by frame the first shot happens right when Arbery’s shadow on the pavement.dissappers

that means he was shot at before making contact contact with Junior, He turned only AFTER HE WAS shot at. Wounded or not.
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