New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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George Barnhill, one of the prosecutors who first handled the case, defended the actions of the McMichaels and their neighbor in the truck. In a letter to the Glynn County Police Department obtained by NBC News, Barnhill wrote that the men had "solid first hand probable cause" to chase Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him.

Barnhill also said he believed Travis McMichael "was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself" under Georgia law.
“Probable cause” is the standard applied towards law enforcement. A citizens arrest requires eyewitness account. The DA is mistaken in their approach.
Again, nobody can claim that someone is trespassing on my property except the wife and me. No one else has the legal authority to do so.
FALSE! Trespassing is a crime. Period. Anybody can report it.

The danger is in knowing enough that you think you are right, but not knowing enough to understand you are wrong.

The owner or representative may file the complaint. The McMorons were neither. And the person has to refuse to leave before they are trespassing unless they damaged the property. So what were you saying again?
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
Do you believe that black joggers are justly detained and questioned at the will of white trash

Funny that you refer to the only people in this incident that didn't have a criminal record "trash". Speaks volumes I must say.
Funny that you just insinuated that all people with records should be hunted and killed

People are tired of these animals.
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.
Wait, you guys have been saying that they targeted him because he was a black man and they had no idea who he was. That isnt the case now, is it. They saw surveillance of him, recognized him, then spotted him running down the road after another possible burglary was reported.

Once again you retards didnt wait for the facts to come out. Why on earth do you lefties keep repeating this idiotic mistake? You get burned EVERY FUCKING TIME! :laugh:
The danger is in knowing enough that you think you are right, but not knowing enough to understand you are wrong.

The owner or representative may file the complaint. The McMorons were neither. And the person has to refuse to leave before they are trespassing unless they damaged the property. So what were you saying again?
From your link >> "
"There must be no consent from the other person."

" (ie, the owner of the property) You got some info that the construction home's owners consented to Arbery being there ? If so, let's hear it. :biggrin:

Secondly, I see nothing in your link that alludes to what you've said here. If you think it does, say where in the link it is.

Trespassing is a crime. Period. Anybody can report it.
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
Do you believe that black joggers are justly detained and questioned at the will of white trash

Funny that you refer to the only people in this incident that didn't have a criminal record "trash". Speaks volumes I must say.
Funny that you just insinuated that all people with records should be hunted and killed

People are tired of these animals.
I got a record, you think you want a go at me?

“Probable cause” is the standard applied towards law enforcement. A citizens arrest requires eyewitness account. The DA is mistaken in their approach.
Read my post again.
Barnhill said nothing about "citizens arrest", YOU SAID THAT.

Barnhill said >>
"probable cause to chase Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him."

YOU are who is mistaken.
And so it begins.... trashing the victim to save racists.
Wait, you guys have been saying that they targeted him because he was a black man and they had no idea who he was. That isnt the case now, is it. They saw surveillance of him, recognized him, then spotted him running down the road after another possible burglary was reported.

Once again you retards didnt wait for the facts to come out. Why on earth do you lefties keep repeating this idiotic mistake? You get burned EVERY FUCKING TIME! :laugh:

hehheh Some liars think if they repeat their lie often enough someone is bound to believe it.
59#991 reply to 46#901 Re FreeDomain vigilantism or self defense - basically Arbery is bad - black folk need to calm down and accept acquittal of killers when it comes.

The truth, just posted a few minutes ago.

This guy puts no more facts on the table than I have so far but comes to a conclusion that the MAGA gunmen will be acquitted. He blurts out anti news media propaganda throughout so I can l tell he is not looking at his facts from an unbiased neutral basis.

We can’t review factual accuracy without a full transcript. If anyone can find one I’ll be glad to review that.,

However He spends time theorizing what’s going on in Arbery’s mind while
he starts ‘faking’ jogging’ when running towards his death. That’s when this u-Tube goofball loses me as a reliable source of facts.

I don’t copy the part where philosopher Stefan asks for your donations. I think he targets rightwingers for dough.
Published on May 10, 2020​
On Wednesday May 6 2020, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation reported that Gregory McMichael, a former law enforcement official, and his son, Travis McMichael, were arrested in connection with the February 23 shooting of Ahmaud Arbery - 74 days after the killing. Ahmaud Arbery was shot and killed on Feb. 23 in southeast Georgia. Was this self-defense, or rampant vigilantism? Philosopher Stefan Molyneux takes you into the deep and hidden history of this terrible day. You will never see this killing the same way again. Please note that I got some updated local information about the location of Ahmaud's mother's house, so I removed the "length of run" references - my apologies! SOURCES:
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Again, nobody can claim that someone is trespassing on my property except the wife and me. No one else has the legal authority to do so.
FALSE! Trespassing is a crime. Period. Anybody can report it.

The danger is in knowing enough that you think you are right, but not knowing enough to understand you are wrong.

The owner or representative may file the complaint. The McMorons were neither. And the person has to refuse to leave before they are trespassing unless they damaged the property. So what were you saying again?

Did you see this?

The truth, just posted a few minutes ago.

This guy puts no more facts on the table than I have so far but comes to a conclusion that the MAGA gunmen will be acquitted. He blurts our anti news media propaganda throughout so I can tell he is not looking at his facts from an unbiased neutral basis.

We can’t review factual accuracy without a transcript. If anyone can find one I’ll be glad to review that.,

However He spends time theorizing what’s going on in Arbery’s mind while
he starts ‘faking’ jogging’ when running towards his death. That’s when this u-Tube goofball loses me as a reliable source of facts.

The McMichaels pair will be acquitted, if they get a fair trial, by an impartial jury, separate from the racial politics of the town.

This is what happened in many of these cases before. (Zimmerman, Shelby, Yanez, Wilson, Slager, Baltimore 6, Stockley, etc)
59#991 reply to 46#. Re Free Domain video whatever that is

The truth, just posted a few minutes ago.

This guy puts no more facts on the table than I have so far but comes to a conclusion that the MAGA gunmen will be acquitted. He blurts out anti news media propaganda throughout so I can l tell he is not looking at his facts from an unbiased neutral basis.

We can’t review factual accuracy without a transcript. If anyone can find one I’ll be glad to review that.,

However He spends time theorizing what’s going on in Arbery’s mind while
he starts ‘faking’ jogging’ when running towards his death. That’s when this u-Tube goofball loses me as a reliable source of facts.

He has been correct in every case like this before, I trust his judgement. He laid a good hypothesis. You trust the judgement of people who were wrong on every single case instead?

Of course he has no more facts, you can't make up facts, well unless you are a part of some fake news organization.
“Probable cause” is the standard applied towards law enforcement. A citizens arrest requires eyewitness account. The DA is mistaken in their approach.
Read my post again.
Barnhill said nothing about "citizens arrest", YOU SAID THAT.

Barnhill said >>
"probable cause to chase Arbery, a "burglary suspect," and stop him."

YOU are who is mistaken.

That’s a citizens arrest you goof.

He cites OCGA17-4-60
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
Do you believe that black joggers are justly detained and questioned at the will of white trash

Funny that you refer to the only people in this incident that didn't have a criminal record "trash". Speaks volumes I must say.
Funny that you just insinuated that all people with records should be hunted and killed

People are tired of these animals.
I got a record, you think you want a go at me?

You should never have been allowed back into the society of decent people.
Again, nobody can claim that someone is trespassing on my property except the wife and me. No one else has the legal authority to do so.
FALSE! Trespassing is a crime. Period. Anybody can report it.

The danger is in knowing enough that you think you are right, but not knowing enough to understand you are wrong.

The owner or representative may file the complaint. The McMorons were neither. And the person has to refuse to leave before they are trespassing unless they damaged the property. So what were you saying again?

Did you see this?

Molyneaux is always good and cuts through the BS. He explains what the media wants to hide as they attempt to distort the realities of the world. He will be banned from youtube and twitter sooner or later of course.
50# reply to 50#905 Re: vigilantism or self defense freedomain
You trust the judgement of people who were wrong on every single case instead?

You want to discuss this matter based on facts and truth yet you start with that lie.,

I trust in my own judgment from my own research and examination of the facts we have. I didn’t need some YouTube philosopher to do my research fir me.

why was Arbery’s mother first told by the police that her son was killed in connection with a “Breaking and entering”?

I was right on this forum about James the Nazi Fields committing a federal hate crime - where you on the extreme white side of that?

Ive posted this research thus far;

This is photo of instant that Arbery’s shadow disappears from view and first of three shots is heard.

Bang!!!! Don’t know if Arbery was hit or not.

MAGA Gunman Sr. Is recording the action on his eye phone.

This photo shows the position of Junior’s white hat. I assume ten or more feet from the front of his truck. MAGA Gunman Jr was clearly across the double yellow line when he fired the first shot.

Bottom red arrow shows Arbery’s white shirt as MAGA Gunman Jr is retreating backwards after firing the first shot.

the timing of the first shot and the position of the two men is critical.

I want to know why we are not seeing the video that MAGA Gunman Sr was filming of his “coward” son shooting at an unarmed man.

Do you want to know that, before spouting off that Arbery attacked Gunman Jr and it’s his own damned fault he’s dead.
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Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
If you do it with a weapon

I can give you a link. But first you are going to explain why you want a link. What will be your position aftwerwards?

So OldLady was just another typical attempt to gum up the conversation...straight from the liberal rule book.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
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