New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh
The bubbas were not police officers and they would have been committing a serious felony had they identified themselves as such. You keep acting as if the bubbas had some sort of authority to pull guns on someone on a public street. They did not. They initiated hostilities and therefore cannot claim self-defense.
In Georgia law if you witness a felony being committed which was you have every right to make a citizens arrest. The father knew the law and they got them selves a criminal
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh
The bubbas were not police officers and they would have been committing a serious felony had they identified themselves as such. You keep acting as if the bubbas had some sort of authority to pull guns on someone on a public street. They did not. They initiated hostilities and therefore cannot claim self-defense.
In Georgia law if you witness a felony being committed which was you have every right to make a citizens arrest. The father knew the law and they got them selves a criminal
Quit making shit up.
...he resembled a suspect behind recent break-ins in the neighborhood.
Yeah, this is the same general excuse George Zimmerman used to justify his pursuit of Treyvon Martin, the concern over break-ins that had been happening in the neighborhood.

Nonetheless "resembling a suspect" in no way equates to "having witnessed a crime [felony] being committed, the basis on which a citizen's arrest can be made.

Too bad the statute doesn't mention what to do if the "suspect" you're attempt to "arrest" thinks you're full of shit and refuses to cooperate because you're not law enforcement officers.

It is irrelevant whether or not they attempted to make an illegal citizens in...even if they did that did not give the black guy any right or excuse to attack anyone.

The bottom line is simply this....the black guy attacked someone with a shotgun which constitutes assault....the fellow with the shotgun thus had the legal right to use lethal force....also there is the possibility that the black guy when he pulled on the barrel of the gun might have caused the gun to go off in if the guy holding the gun had his finger on the trigger when the gun was pulled away from him would have cause his finger to put pressure on the trigger causing the gun to fire.
Either way....there is no one to blame but the black guy himself for his death.

For those who want the truth................

Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe

This isnt first-degree murder this isn’t second-degree murder, this is self-defense because the gun holder was attacked. Which under Georgia law he had every right to do.

AA is linked to 5 other burglaries, there will be more information out, there is a long video of them inside of the dwelling, which will come out.

All you race baiters Are disgusting human beings

Yesterday you claimed a hammer fell out of AA's shorts during the altercation. Today, you claim he is connected to five burglaries. You have a reputation here for using falsehoods for making your points. How about providing some links backing up your claims. Perhaps you have some reliable links.

This isnt first-degree murder this isn’t second-degree murder, this is self-defense because the gun holder was attacked. Which under Georgia law he had every right to do.

AA is linked to 5 other burglaries, there will be more information out, there is a long video of them inside of the dwelling, which will come out.

All you race baiters Are disgusting human beings

Yesterday you claimed a hammer fell out of AA's shorts during the altercation. Today, you claim he is connected to five burglaries. You have a reputation here for using falsehoods for making your points. How about providing some links backing up your claims. Perhaps you have some reliable links.

This officer says that information will be coming out.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
How so?!?

There was no intent to harass......all they wanted to do was to find out if this guy was a burglar or not....they wanted to talk to him and try and get to the bottom of it.....was he up to no good or not.

They stated they wanted to do a citizens arrest but for whatever reason they did not attempt that.

When the jogger got to the truck the father in the back did not even get out but remained there...showed no inclination to try and arrest or detain the jogger

Then suddenly the jogger turns into an attacker....why?...can be debated but there really is no rational can only conjecture as to why he would do that.
You have no right to stop and question anyone you choose. Neither do people in Georgia. The killers said that their intent was to perform a citizens arrest which was illegal without probable cause of which there was none then or now.

You are chasing your own tail in this thread and will never succeed

He wasn't stopped and detained, idiot. He raced up to the truck and attacked the guy with the shotgun. No way they will get convicted, unless they get an all black jury made up of the racist relatives of career criminals, which of course is what your ilk hopes happens. If they were out to murder the idiot, he would have been dead a long way back up the road, dumbass; certainly dead long before he got up to the truck.
Again simpleton they have ADMITTED to wanting to perform a citizens arrest. This act was illegal because there was no crime, not then or even one that can be fabricated now.

That said if he was running with a TV there would at least have been probable cause.

They will plead down to life to avoid a hanging

What a pity

Tell us again how dangerous parked vehicles are to black people. Your observation re that earlier was fascinating stuff.
The pickup was being operated by a stalker, illegal in my state, not sure about in redneck Georgia

You have no idea what a stalker is dumbass.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.
Retard alert, the retard thinks trespassers on construction sites can be shot on site or followed and gunner down in the street

Retard alert

Did I mention that there is a retard alert

Warning retard with gun alert

Speaking of retard.....the black dude had a mental problem of some sort..
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Stop lying. Clearly Arbury ran up on them and initiated the hostilities by attempting to take the gun. If he had taken the gun he probably would have committed a murder. In Georgia you have the right to open carry. Just holding a shotgun does not give someone the right to jump them and attempt to disarm them. Apparently, Arbury was a suspect in several crimes and was trying to evade capture. Course, you being a liberal are going to assume he's innocent because he wasn't packing heat. Most crimes are committed by unarmed criminals.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It wasn't a construction site. It was a home that was undergoing remodeling.

Get your facts straight before you start flapping your gums.

Regardless if it was a construction site or a remodel....he was trespassing....and looking to steal something when he entered the property.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
if you do odds are you will be as dead as the black jogger
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It’s is considered a break in. In Georgia law any structure whether being occupied or unoccupied or vacant with the intent to be a burglar is under Georgia law first-degree felony.. he entered a drawing twice, there is five more minutes to the video, which I believe will show him looking for something to steal, I think he stole a hammer.
And if you have firsthand knowledge of a felony crime you can pursue a citizens arrest..

So any reasonable person will understand that AA was looking to steal something, the video will show, also the 4-5 break in’s he might be involved in.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It wasn't a construction site. It was a home that was undergoing remodeling.

Get your facts straight before you start flapping your gums.
Same thing. Still not an occupied dwelling. No locks got broke, no fences were jumped. Simple trespass is not a felony.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It wasn't a construction site. It was a home that was undergoing remodeling.

Get your facts straight before you start flapping your gums.

Regardless if it was a construction site or a remodel....he was trespassing....and looking to steal something when he entered the property.
And it looked like it had a lot of equipment and resources in there
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It wasn't a construction site. It was a home that was undergoing remodeling.

Get your facts straight before you start flapping your gums.

Regardless if it was a construction site or a remodel....he was trespassing....and looking to steal something when he entered the property.
And it looked like it had a lot of equipment and resources
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