New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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...And the truth begins to bubble to the alllllways does...response from the media? Chiirrrrrp....chiiiirrrrp...chiiiirrrrp.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It wasn't a construction site. It was a home that was undergoing remodeling.

Get your facts straight before you start flapping your gums.
Same thing. Still not an occupied dwelling. No locks got broke, no fences were jumped. Simple trespass is not a felony.
That property could’ve been vacant and it’s still could be a felony under GA law
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It wasn't a construction site. It was a home that was undergoing remodeling.

Get your facts straight before you start flapping your gums.

Regardless if it was a construction site or a remodel....he was trespassing....and looking to steal something when he entered the property.
He was a good boy! He dindu nuffin!! He juss jawgin in he boots!
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It wasn't a construction site. It was a home that was undergoing remodeling.

Get your facts straight before you start flapping your gums.

Regardless if it was a construction site or a remodel....he was trespassing....and looking to steal something when he entered the property.
And it looked like it had a lot of equipment and resources
I saw the video, nothing but lumber is visible.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
Under GA law this is a break in, it’s a dwelling, he didn’t have permission. And there is 5 mins to the tape of him in the house that hasn’t been released yet hehe
Construction sites are in no way considered an occupied dwelling. I get people walking up in our job sites all the time and I never once considered shooting them.
It’s is considered a break in. In Georgia law any structure whether being occupied or unoccupied or vacant with the intent to be a burglar is under Georgia law first-degree felony.. he entered a drawing twice, there is five more minutes to the video, which I believe will show him looking for something to steal, I think he stole a hammer.
And if you have firsthand knowledge of a felony crime you can pursue a citizens arrest..

So any reasonable person will understand that AA was looking to steal something, the video will show, also the 4-5 break in’s he might be involved in.
For fucks sake quit lying about shit.
This sort of shit is very wearisome.
Truth and all that right? Got a loicense fo dat troof m8?
...And the truth begins to bubble to the alllllways does...response from the media? Chiirrrrrp....chiiiirrrrp...chiiiirrrrp.
Fox News is still scared to say anything.. sad.. they are allowing a democrat lynching
NO ONE will say's the same pattern every time. Everyone freaks out and then it generally turns out to be something completely different.
You know it is nothing because EVERYONE just shuts the fuck up.
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?
Check the 911 calls
There was a 911 call that said a man was running.

LOL is jogging no longer allowed in America
read the entire call. And he was jogging in work boots. there's that. hey, maybe he was a video taping a commercial for work boot joggers.
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
if you do odds are you will be as dead as the black jogger
Not going to just stand there like a dumbass and get shot without a fight.
well ok

if you want to die its no skin off my nose

and the same goes for the black jogger/burgler
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?
Check the 911 calls
There was a 911 call that said a man was running.

LOL is jogging no longer allowed in America
read the entire call. And he was jogging in work boots. there's that. hey, maybe he was a video taping a commercial for work boot joggers.

hehheh I wonder why the media is not talking about how the black dude carried a gun to a High School Basketball game......he was convicted and placed on probation for that for 5 years.......then he broke his probation by engaging in theft......but the legal system did nothing about it....according one report one reason for that was he had a mental condition.

Irregardless he should not have been loose out on the streets runnning around...he was a menace to society and if the legal system had functioned the way they should the black dude would not have been killed had he been in jail where he belonged or in some kind of psych ward.

Check my post again.

When you see you are wrong about the first shot because you think the second shot is the first shot get back to me.

You can watch it normal speed and easily see you are so wrong.

Here is what you need to see.

that is what I took the screen shots From.
the first shot takes place before contact is visible and when both men are in front of the truck.

when I did it frame by frame the first shot happens right when Arbery’s shadow on the pavement.dissappers

that means he was shot at before making contact contact with Junior, He turned only AFTER HE WAS shot at. Wounded or not.

Who cares?

when you spend as much time on blacks murdering whites then we might get somewhere

but the media is making this a race issue
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?

Only after you prove he was out for a jog.
He had work boots on!!! Hahaha hahaha their jogger was running in work boots hahaha hahaha

Military does that every day


so he's in the military?
Wonder if the Press/Dems would be making this a big deal if the races were reversed?
Do you think that they would?

When was the last time a group of armed black men ran down and kill a jogger without charges?
Did you know that the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1?
The rape ratio is more than 6000 to 1.
The armed robbery ratio is more than 22,000 to 1.
I am opposed to crime and hate.
But I am also opposed left wing bullcrap racist demagoguery.
Yes, I’m aware.

Thst doesn’t give anyone the right to just start running down black people.
A suspect is not guilty, a suspect is suspect of a crime and an investigation occurs to find evidence
What crime was the jogger a suspect in other than jogging?

He wasnt jogging. He was running from the scene of his crime.
What crime, please give the details that the murderers had?
Check the 911 calls
There was a 911 call that said a man was running.

LOL is jogging no longer allowed in America
read the entire call. And he was jogging in work boots. there's that. hey, maybe he was a video taping a commercial for work boot joggers.

hehheh I wonder why the media is not talking about how the black dude carried a gun to a High School Basketball game......he was convicted and placed on probation for that for 5 years.......then he broke his probation by engaging in theft......but the legal system did nothing about it....according one report one reason for that was he had a mental condition.

Irregardless he should not have been loose out on the streets runnning around...he was a menace to society and if the legal system had functioned the way they should the black dude would not have been killed had he been in jail where he belonged or in some kind of psych ward.
I really don't care what he has done in the past. The fact is no one confronted him. No one, neither gentleman got in his face. The video doesn't lie. The black man ran at the truck and then he, he engaged in a confrontation, Again, the video doesn't lie. If he's allowed to walk around inside someone's house, then they have every right to mingle on the street next to and in the truck. Why did the black guy attack the dude at the front of the truck? that's truly the only question.

Check my post again.

When you see you are wrong about the first shot because you think the second shot is the first shot get back to me.

You can watch it normal speed and easily see you are so wrong.

Here is what you need to see.

that is what I took the screen shots From.
the first shot takes place before contact is visible and when both men are in front of the truck.

when I did it frame by frame the first shot happens right when Arbery’s shadow on the pavement.dissappers

that means he was shot at before making contact contact with Junior, He turned only AFTER HE WAS shot at. Wounded or not.

Who cares?

when you spend as much time on blacks murdering whites then we might get somewhere

but the media is making this a race issue

The media is constantly trying to incite racial violence....I do not think they will be satisfied till there is a race war. They have a lot of blood on their hands.
The former police officer in the video is making judgments about law and legal issues as if he is a well-scholared lawyer. Unfortunately, taxpayers pay out huge sums of money every year in law suites lost because law enforcement officers are notorious for not knowing, understanding, or being well-versed on laws and their applications. Endless examples are found on youtube. There are people who make a living from confronting law enforcement officers and instigating confrontations where officers routinely violate laws and are hence, sued. Trespassing is a big popular one. I don't know Georgia law but in most states, a person must be asked to asked leave a property if there are no signs declaring no trespassing or keep out. Only with signs or a request to leave and failure to vacate can a trespass charge be made.
The former police officer in the video is making judgments about law and legal issues as if he is a well-scholared lawyer. Unfortunately, taxpayers pay out huge sums of money every year in law suites lost because law enforcement officers are notorious for not knowing, understanding, or being well-versed on laws and their applications. Endless examples are found on youtube. There are people who make a living from confronting law enforcement officers and instigating confrontations where officers routinely violate laws and are hence, sued. Trespassing is a big popular one. I don't know Georgia law but in most states, a person must be asked to asked leave a property if there are no signs declaring no trespassing or keep out. Only with signs or a request to leave and failure to vacate can a trespass charge be made.
According to Georgia law The dwelling could be vacant occupied or not occupied and if you’re seeing is trying to steal which the 5 min video will show he is, The house had a lot of equipment brand new stuff in there, They even had a camera because they were worried about people stealing. And according to Georgia law if you witness his felony you could make a citizens arrest
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
If you do it with a weapon

I can give you a link. But first you are going to explain why you want a link. What will be your position aftwerwards?

So OldLady was just another typical attempt to gum up the conversation...straight from the liberal rule book.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are three active threads on this and I have been posting on the one in Breaking News today.

Of course I had a reason for asking for a link. There is no link because that statement is bullshit. No one has released any of the particulars on that case. That I have found, anyway. But if I had been given a link that informed me differently, I would have appreciated it.

So if informed differently...if informed that he had indeed been arrested on a gun charge..that would have changed your mind about something? I can still provide the link but lets make sure it isnt a waste of time first. I've dealt with liberals too long.
The gun charge was when he was 19, at a school sporting event. He was carrying in a gun free zone.

The shoplifting charge was in 2018. Totally separate. My reading of that post was that he was saying Arbery had shoplifted with a gun. Now how those two things go together, I'm not sure. But that was why I asked for a link.
so shoplifting isn't a crime to you? just curious.
52#1030 reply to 52#1029 Re: {c} ambush
"Unarmed" means nothing. If someone is attacking you, you have the right to shoot.

But what if MAGA Gunman Jr fired a shot at Arbery before Arbery attacked him?

You need to stop lying that you know that Arbery was attacking MAGA Gunman Jr prior to the first shot.

Top screen shot: Red arrow shows the area that Aubrey’s shadow disappears from view and the first of three shots is heard.

Middle screen shot: Red arrow shows the position of Junior’s white hat. I assume ten or more feet from the front of his truck. MAGA Gunman Jr was clearly across the double yellow line when he fired the first shot.

Bottom screen shot: Red arrow shows Arbery’s white shirt as MAGA Gunman Jr is retreating backwards after firing the first shot.

Where do you see Arbery attacking the coward MAGA Gunman Jr between the top screen shot and the middle screen shot?

There was a gun shot as soon as Arbery passed the front of the MAGA gunmen’s truck.

MAGA Gunman Sr was positioned in the bed of the truck to video record the {c} ambush.
but the gunman didn't fire a shot before the black man attached him and grabbed the gun. so with that one line being wrong, the rest of your diatribe is invalid.
The former police officer in the video is making judgments about law and legal issues as if he is a well-scholared lawyer. Unfortunately, taxpayers pay out huge sums of money every year in law suites lost because law enforcement officers are notorious for not knowing, understanding, or being well-versed on laws and their applications. Endless examples are found on youtube. There are people who make a living from confronting law enforcement officers and instigating confrontations where officers routinely violate laws and are hence, sued. Trespassing is a big popular one. I don't know Georgia law but in most states, a person must be asked to asked leave a property if there are no signs declaring no trespassing or keep out. Only with signs or a request to leave and failure to vacate can a trespass charge be made.
According to Georgia law The dwelling could be vacant occupied or not occupied and if you’re seeing is trying to steal which the 5 min video will show he is, The house had a lot of equipment brand new stuff in there, They even had a camera because they were worried about people stealing. And according to Georgia law if you witness his felony you could make a citizens arrest
How long have you practiced law in Georgia?
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