New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Check my post again.

When you see you are wrong about the first shot because you think the second shot is the first shot get back to me.

You can watch it normal speed and easily see you are so wrong.

Here is what you need to see.

that is what I took the screen shots From.
the first shot takes place before contact is visible and when both men are in front of the truck.

when I did it frame by frame the first shot happens right when Arbery’s shadow on the pavement.dissappers

that means he was shot at before making contact contact with Junior, He turned only AFTER HE WAS shot at. Wounded or not.

At precisely 23 seconds on the video you hear the first shot...both men are at the yellow stripe in the road. the timing of your photo must be the video a few times...stop it at 21,22 and 23 seconds and you will get the proper view...their position in the middle of road by the yellow stripe when the first shot is may have to do it a few times to make sure you got it right.
The same reason they used the photo of trayvon martin when he was like 10 yrs. old....they fooled a lot of people with that photo......even obama....hence his statement of....'If i had a son he would look like trayvon'

That old,old photo of trayvon from years ago is what sparked the whole bruha...people actually believed that was how trayvon looked on the night the ambushed George Zimmerman.

The media constantly racebaits...stirs up racial animositys at every chance they get. Nothing but a propaganda machine designed to weaken America and turn Americans against other Americans.
The worst one I have known of was the KTLA doctoring of the videotape of Rodney King's arrest. And the scum who did it, were hailed as heros by others in their sick media, despite 54 people dead, in the LA riots, as a result of that concocted video. Millions in damages.

ABC News was caught editing 911 call made by Zimmerman to police. These people are reckless in pursuit of their Marxist-Leninist goals for America.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most. And the reason nobody does much if there is no damage or nothing stolen? It cost the victim more in lost wages to hang around court all day.

Let’s say the miscreant is fined a total of $300 and there was no damage. That means the property owner has to appear in court and testify that he put signs up and when he saw the trespasser told him to leave. Chances are the owner just lost $500 in wages or vacation to come and watch the bad guy lose less.

If something is damaged the Judge will order restitution for the damages. Ok. That makes sense. You go to get your cash back. I can dig that. But no damages? You would have to work really hard to get me to take the subpoena.
Well, I'm sure we've all been thoroughly enlightened by the elft wing racists here, and their very helpful information re the issues black people have re the dangers parked pickup trucks to black joggers, they must run into them a lot and injure themselves, according to esalla, and of course Old Lady informed us all of the rights of black people to help themselves to anything they see laying around in yards and houses where nobody is home. Many of us were not aware of the hazards of parked vehicles to black people nor the new laws passed that grant black people the right to help themselves to other peoples' stuff as long as the can see it.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.

Whereas I have no difficulty in either understanding that laws are different state to state. For example. In Georgia with my Carry License I can conceal about any weapon I want, so long as the weapon is legal. With Reciprocity I can carry in Florida with my Georgia license. But I have to obey Florida laws. I can also carry in Colorado, but the types of weapons are limited. Colorado has more restrictive laws than Georgia.

Some states allow right turn on Red. Other states do not. Let’s combine these two. Let’s say I carry my licensed weapon concealed into a business which has no guns allowed sign on the door. Believe it or not I have not committed a crime. If found the store employees can tell me to leave. As long as I depart when instructed to do so, I have not committed a crime. If I remain in defiance of the legal order. Then I have.

In Georgia it is perfectly legal to not inform the cop you are carrying concealed. It is dumb. But it is legal. Personally I keep my CWL behind my drivers license. I present both to the cop if I am stopped while armed. This way he knows and knows I am licensed to do so. The one time I did this for a minor fender bender the cop asked me to put the gun in my car and of course I did so. No problem and no citation was issued.

But back to Trespassing. If I am not committing a crime ignoring a no weapons sign what makes you think the cops are going to go hog wild if there is nothing stolen and no damage?

The reason for those with half a brain is that the paperwork will take longer than the guy is in jail. The last time I sat in Magistrates Court. I go every six months or so just to watch and listen. Call it a voyeur experience if you like. Sorry. The last time the two Trespassing cases were both no damage and were $100 plus court costs. Hardly worth the trouble.

in both cases the testimony was that the teenagers had been told to leave and when the cops checked back later found the kids had returned. Oh the location was a public park which was closed at night

Judging from my time being a voyeur in court Trespassing just does not have the priority.

Now Burglary has some priority. If Ahmad had stolen something it would be a bigger priority. But it would also be a felony case if enough value had been taken. But Ahmad had not stolen anything. No burglary reports in two months. What could he have stolen from a house under construction that was able to be concealed in shorts and a T shirt? Half a dozen bent nails?

The overreaction by the McMorons is the crime. Read the link. Aggravated Assault is pointing a weapon at someone loaded or not, so they are afraid of death or bodily harm. The only legal reason is if the weapon holder has a reasonable fear. In other words self defense.

Ahmad was the victim. Not because he was black. But because by the book the McMorons broke the law. If Ahmad had stopped and been detained for trespassing at gunpoint he could have filed charges of kidnapping against the McMorons since he did not commit any crimes other than possible Trespassing at the most. And the reason nobody does much if there is no damage or nothing stolen? It cost the victim more in lost wages to hang around court all day.

Let’s say the miscreant is fined a total of $300 and there was no damage. That means the property owner has to appear in court and testify that he put signs up and when he saw the trespasser told him to leave. Chances are the owner just lost $500 in wages or vacation to come and watch the bad guy lose less.

If something is damaged the Judge will order restitution for the damages. Ok. That makes sense. You go to get your cash back. I can dig that. But no damages? You would have to work really hard to get me to take the subpoena.

All you show here is that the moron was stupid for trying to take the guy's gun away from him. Your attempt at some bizarre 'analysis' in order to to spin your nonsense is kind of hilarious, though, and it just shows these guys should have never been charged, and it's merely a political stunt to appease a lot of loud racist halfwits and try to intimidate white people from defending themselves from black dumbasses.
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
How so?!?

There was no intent to harass......all they wanted to do was to find out if this guy was a burglar or not....they wanted to talk to him and try and get to the bottom of it.....was he up to no good or not.

They stated they wanted to do a citizens arrest but for whatever reason they did not attempt that.

When the jogger got to the truck the father in the back did not even get out but remained there...showed no inclination to try and arrest or detain the jogger

Then suddenly the jogger turns into an attacker....why?...can be debated but there really is no rational can only conjecture as to why he would do that.
You have no right to stop and question anyone you choose. Neither do people in Georgia. The killers said that their intent was to perform a citizens arrest which was illegal without probable cause of which there was none then or now.

You are chasing your own tail in this thread and will never succeed

He wasn't stopped and detained, idiot. He raced up to the truck and attacked the guy with the shotgun. No way they will get convicted, unless they get an all black jury made up of the racist relatives of career criminals, which of course is what your ilk hopes happens. If they were out to murder the idiot, he would have been dead a long way back up the road, dumbass; certainly dead long before he got up to the truck.
Again simpleton they have ADMITTED to wanting to perform a citizens arrest. This act was illegal because there was no crime, not then or even one that can be fabricated now.

That said if he was running with a TV there would at least have been probable cause.

They will plead down to life to avoid a hanging

What a pity

Tell us again how dangerous parked vehicles are to black people. Your observation re that earlier was fascinating stuff.
You can report it. But nobody can press charges except the owner or his representative. Also, and this is the difficult part. The person committing the crime has to refuse to leave when ordered to do so. Since no one ordered him, and he left, no crime. Sorry Charlie.
I find it strange that Georgia law would be so different from Florida law. I'm still tending to think that they are the same. In Florida, there are signs posted on construction sites, Serious crime to trespass there. And if caught, you get a no trespass warning. If you return, you go to jail.
SHOW in the statute where it says what you said.
Retard alert, the retard thinks trespassers on construction sites can be shot on site or followed and gunner down in the street

Retard alert

Did I mention that there is a retard alert

Warning retard with gun alert
we only suspect he was defending himself,,,if he only complied he would be alive and the rednecks would be in jail,,,

If you think the rednecks would be in jail if Ahmaud could be certain he would not be shot or harmed if he replied yes sir yes master what can I tell you. Please please don’t shoot me I won’t jog in your neighborhood ever again and they didn’t. Then you have to Agree the gun goobers were committing a crime before they murder ed an unarmed black guy jogging on a public street. So why are you defending the gun goobers? And questioning the victim of an assault in his freedom and life.,
at the time he died he had a gun in his hand,,,

the rest is speculation based on racist views,,,
What justification was there for harassing the jogger

Be specific
1st amendment,,,
How so?!?

There was no intent to harass......all they wanted to do was to find out if this guy was a burglar or not....they wanted to talk to him and try and get to the bottom of it.....was he up to no good or not.

They stated they wanted to do a citizens arrest but for whatever reason they did not attempt that.

When the jogger got to the truck the father in the back did not even get out but remained there...showed no inclination to try and arrest or detain the jogger

Then suddenly the jogger turns into an attacker....why?...can be debated but there really is no rational can only conjecture as to why he would do that.
You have no right to stop and question anyone you choose. Neither do people in Georgia. The killers said that their intent was to perform a citizens arrest which was illegal without probable cause of which there was none then or now.

You are chasing your own tail in this thread and will never succeed

He wasn't stopped and detained, idiot. He raced up to the truck and attacked the guy with the shotgun. No way they will get convicted, unless they get an all black jury made up of the racist relatives of career criminals, which of course is what your ilk hopes happens. If they were out to murder the idiot, he would have been dead a long way back up the road, dumbass; certainly dead long before he got up to the truck.
Again simpleton they have ADMITTED to wanting to perform a citizens arrest. This act was illegal because there was no crime, not then or even one that can be fabricated now.

That said if he was running with a TV there would at least have been probable cause.

They will plead down to life to avoid a hanging

What a pity

Tell us again how dangerous parked vehicles are to black people. Your observation re that earlier was fascinating stuff.
The pickup was being operated by a stalker, illegal in my state, not sure about in redneck Georgia
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
Do you believe that black joggers are justly detained and questioned at the will of white trash
More racial slurs coming from the New Black Panther Party queen.

Image result for new black panther party queen
Tell us more Ike
Gosh, they were all so young
Anybody ever wonder why the media uses a 25 year old high school yearbook picture when more recent mugshots are available?

View attachment 334322
Was that his shoplifting mugshot? They put you in jail for that in Georgia?
No Georgia executes you for shoplifting now, at least if you are a darkie
Wow, convicting without trial is so leftist
Do you have your hood on?

That’s a demofks gear. I believe in equality

I care that black men die weekly in Chicago and the demofks say nothing. I say it frequently that people should stop the killings. You all turn your heads and cough
Do you believe that black joggers are justly detained and questioned at the will of white trash
More racial slurs coming from the New Black Panther Party queen.

Image result for new black panther party queen
Tell us more Ike
Gosh, they were all so young
We all were, once
...he resembled a suspect behind recent break-ins in the neighborhood.
Yeah, this is the same general excuse George Zimmerman used to justify his pursuit of Treyvon Martin, the concern over break-ins that had been happening in the neighborhood.

Nonetheless "resembling a suspect" in no way equates to "having witnessed a crime [felony] being committed, the basis on which a citizen's arrest can be made.

Too bad the statute doesn't mention what to do if the "suspect" you're attempt to "arrest" thinks you're full of shit and refuses to cooperate because you're not law enforcement officers.

This isnt first-degree murder this isn’t second-degree murder, this is self-defense because the gun holder was attacked. Which under Georgia law he had every right to do.

AA is linked to 5 other burglaries, there will be more information out, there is a long video of them inside of the dwelling, which will come out.

All you race baiters Are disgusting human beings
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
Am I in before someone claims that wasn't a real black police officer?
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it, or maybe he is working on it. No B & E , no thief.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
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Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh
The bubbas were not police officers and they would have been committing a serious felony had they identified themselves as such. You keep acting as if the bubbas had some sort of authority to pull guns on someone on a public street. They did not. They initiated hostilities and therefore cannot claim self-defense.
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