New Discovery Found From Ancient Israel

Wow...and I just thought it was an interesting article about something really old.

So did I, idb . . . what pray do you now find to be different about it after having learned that the monument was built by Canaanites on their very own land ?
How do you know that, Sherlock?

Elementary my dear Watson . . . going back 5,000 years easily predates the time when ancient Hebrew thieves first stole it from the Canaanites.
Do you expect reparations?

Know any Canaanites?
There is an El Canaan Tribe now living in southern Lebanon...Curious, I read that the object was in the shape of a Crescent Moon...Does that make Yahweh a Moon God? Oh yes, He/She uses a Lunar Calendar!
Fun though this is, discussing who owned what and when, I think everyone's overlooking the great pandemics of the 6th-8th centuries CE, better known as the Plagues of Justinian. This series of plagues, now thought to be Bubonic, were reputed to have wiped out the populations of huge swathes of North Africa, Egypt and the Levant as well as other areas of the East Roman and Persian Empires; on aggregate 25% of human beings in the Middle East. I suspect we really ought to focus on who owned what after 750CE.
Fun though this is, discussing who owned what and when, I think everyone's overlooking the great pandemics of the 6th-8th centuries CE, better known as the Plagues of Justinian. This series of plagues, now thought to be Bubonic, were reputed to have wiped out the populations of huge swathes of North Africa, Egypt and the Levant as well as other areas of the East Roman and Persian Empires; on aggregate 25% of human beings in the Middle East. I suspect we really ought to focus on who owned what after 750CE.

That's a pretty convenient date, lol.

I still think all this ancient history stuff is not conducive to solving the issues at hand today. But I have also learned from this site that there is probably no solving it what so ever. The arabs do not want the Jews in the Middle East AT ALL, and the Jews do not want to leave.
Fun though this is, discussing who owned what and when, I think everyone's overlooking the great pandemics of the 6th-8th centuries CE, better known as the Plagues of Justinian. This series of plagues, now thought to be Bubonic, were reputed to have wiped out the populations of huge swathes of North Africa, Egypt and the Levant as well as other areas of the East Roman and Persian Empires; on aggregate 25% of human beings in the Middle East. I suspect we really ought to focus on who owned what after 750CE.

That's a pretty convenient date, lol.

I still think all this ancient history stuff is not conducive to solving the issues at hand today. But I have also learned from this site that there is probably no solving it what so ever. The arabs do not want the Jews in the Middle East AT ALL, and the Jews do not want to leave.
Ancient History is the Zionist claim to the land.
Fun though this is, discussing who owned what and when, I think everyone's overlooking the great pandemics of the 6th-8th centuries CE, better known as the Plagues of Justinian. This series of plagues, now thought to be Bubonic, were reputed to have wiped out the populations of huge swathes of North Africa, Egypt and the Levant as well as other areas of the East Roman and Persian Empires; on aggregate 25% of human beings in the Middle East. I suspect we really ought to focus on who owned what after 750CE.

It is fascinating history.
Fun though this is, discussing who owned what and when, I think everyone's overlooking the great pandemics of the 6th-8th centuries CE, better known as the Plagues of Justinian. This series of plagues, now thought to be Bubonic, were reputed to have wiped out the populations of huge swathes of North Africa, Egypt and the Levant as well as other areas of the East Roman and Persian Empires; on aggregate 25% of human beings in the Middle East. I suspect we really ought to focus on who owned what after 750CE.
It is fascinating history.
Fascinating drivel.
Fun though this is, discussing who owned what and when, I think everyone's overlooking the great pandemics of the 6th-8th centuries CE, better known as the Plagues of Justinian. This series of plagues, now thought to be Bubonic, were reputed to have wiped out the populations of huge swathes of North Africa, Egypt and the Levant as well as other areas of the East Roman and Persian Empires; on aggregate 25% of human beings in the Middle East. I suspect we really ought to focus on who owned what after 750CE.

That's a pretty convenient date, lol.

I still think all this ancient history stuff is not conducive to solving the issues at hand today. But I have also learned from this site that there is probably no solving it what so ever. The arabs do not want the Jews in the Middle East AT ALL, and the Jews do not want to leave.

Its a problem.
Fun though this is, discussing who owned what and when, I think everyone's overlooking the great pandemics of the 6th-8th centuries CE, better known as the Plagues of Justinian. This series of plagues, now thought to be Bubonic, were reputed to have wiped out the populations of huge swathes of North Africa, Egypt and the Levant as well as other areas of the East Roman and Persian Empires; on aggregate 25% of human beings in the Middle East. I suspect we really ought to focus on who owned what after 750CE.

That's a pretty convenient date, lol.

I still think all this ancient history stuff is not conducive to solving the issues at hand today. But I have also learned from this site that there is probably no solving it what so ever. The arabs do not want the Jews in the Middle East AT ALL, and the Jews do not want to leave.

They all need to learn to live together, that includes the Jews. They all use to live together at one time without so much squabble.
Fun though this is, discussing who owned what and when, I think everyone's overlooking the great pandemics of the 6th-8th centuries CE, better known as the Plagues of Justinian. This series of plagues, now thought to be Bubonic, were reputed to have wiped out the populations of huge swathes of North Africa, Egypt and the Levant as well as other areas of the East Roman and Persian Empires; on aggregate 25% of human beings in the Middle East. I suspect we really ought to focus on who owned what after 750CE.
It is fascinating history.
Fascinating drivel.

I don't find history drivel=silly nonsense;

It has lead us to where were at today, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. What it does show is everyone has a right to be here, and we are all different and should embrace the difference between us and learn from each other , instead of wanting everyone to be like us and think like us, we need to learn to live together.
"If I own land & die & someone else moves in on it with no title or deed, does my land become theirs?"

"In Roman law, usucapio laws allowed someone who was in possession of a good without title to become the lawful proprietor if the original owner didn't show up after some time (one or two years), unless the good was obtained illegally (by theft or force). Stemming from Roman law and its successor, the Napoleonic Code adopted as the basis of law in France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and also in part, by the Netherlands and Germany, adverse possession generally recognizes two time periods for the acquisition of property: 30 years and some lesser time period, depending on the bona fides of the possessor and the location of the parties involved."

Adverse possession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE

Thank you for confirming that Palestinian land theft in israel is not acceptable.
"If I own land & die & someone else moves in on it with no title or deed, does my land become theirs?"

"In Roman law, usucapio laws allowed someone who was in possession of a good without title to become the lawful proprietor if the original owner didn't show up after some time (one or two years), unless the good was obtained illegally (by theft or force). Stemming from Roman law and its successor, the Napoleonic Code adopted as the basis of law in France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and also in part, by the Netherlands and Germany, adverse possession generally recognizes two time periods for the acquisition of property: 30 years and some lesser time period, depending on the bona fides of the possessor and the location of the parties involved."

Adverse possession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE

Thank you for confirming that Palestinian land theft in israel is not acceptable.

How's that? Read the law carefully. Jews from Europe stole the land and they obtained the land by force, hence no amount of squatting makes it theirs.
"If I own land & die & someone else moves in on it with no title or deed, does my land become theirs?"

"In Roman law, usucapio laws allowed someone who was in possession of a good without title to become the lawful proprietor if the original owner didn't show up after some time (one or two years), unless the good was obtained illegally (by theft or force). Stemming from Roman law and its successor, the Napoleonic Code adopted as the basis of law in France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and also in part, by the Netherlands and Germany, adverse possession generally recognizes two time periods for the acquisition of property: 30 years and some lesser time period, depending on the bona fides of the possessor and the location of the parties involved."

Adverse possession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE

Thank you for confirming that Palestinian land theft in israel is not acceptable.

How's that? Read the law carefully. Jews from Europe stole the land and they obtained the land by force, hence no amount of squatting makes it theirs.
B.S God gave them the land, the Ayrabs took it away and the U.N. gave it back. End of story.
"If I own land & die & someone else moves in on it with no title or deed, does my land become theirs?"

"In Roman law, usucapio laws allowed someone who was in possession of a good without title to become the lawful proprietor if the original owner didn't show up after some time (one or two years), unless the good was obtained illegally (by theft or force). Stemming from Roman law and its successor, the Napoleonic Code adopted as the basis of law in France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and also in part, by the Netherlands and Germany, adverse possession generally recognizes two time periods for the acquisition of property: 30 years and some lesser time period, depending on the bona fides of the possessor and the location of the parties involved."

Adverse possession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE

Thank you for confirming that Palestinian land theft in israel is not acceptable.

How's that? Read the law carefully. Jews from Europe stole the land and they obtained the land by force, hence no amount of squatting makes it theirs.
B.S God gave them the land, the Ayrabs took it away and the U.N. gave it back. End of story.

The Arabs took it away from the Christians, not the Jews. And God has nothing to do with it you moron.
"If I own land & die & someone else moves in on it with no title or deed, does my land become theirs?"

"In Roman law, usucapio laws allowed someone who was in possession of a good without title to become the lawful proprietor if the original owner didn't show up after some time (one or two years), unless the good was obtained illegally (by theft or force). Stemming from Roman law and its successor, the Napoleonic Code adopted as the basis of law in France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and also in part, by the Netherlands and Germany, adverse possession generally recognizes two time periods for the acquisition of property: 30 years and some lesser time period, depending on the bona fides of the possessor and the location of the parties involved."

Adverse possession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE

Thank you for confirming that Palestinian land theft in israel is not acceptable.

How's that? Read the law carefully. Jews from Europe stole the land and they obtained the land by force, hence no amount of squatting makes it theirs.
B.S God gave them the land, the Ayrabs took it away and the U.N. gave it back. End of story.

The Arabs took it away from the Christians, not the Jews. And God has nothing to do with it you moron.

Look who is calling who a "moron." Well Hoss, you won again.
Look who is calling who a "moron." Well Hoss, you won again

Really since Israel doesn't believe in their own Torah by once again hosting the annual Gay Lesbian Parade, it pretty much makes the whole OT null and void.
They can't use that anymore, using a book they wrote to make a case, like they are so special God personally gave them land. Get a grip on life. Israel is a joke and only believes in their almighty weapons of war.
Look who is calling who a "moron." Well Hoss, you won again

Really since Israel doesn't believe in their own Torah by once again hosting the annual Gay Lesbian Parade, it pretty much makes the whole OT null and void.
They can't use that anymore, using a book they wrote to make a case, like they are so special God personally gave them land. Get a grip on life. Israel is a joke and only believes in their almighty weapons of war.

Those Zionists say they want peace & yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks, & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble life loving, peace loving Palestinians to protect Israel & all of the surround Arab countries as well. Don't you agree?
Look who is calling who a "moron." Well Hoss, you won again

Really since Israel doesn't believe in their own Torah by once again hosting the annual Gay Lesbian Parade, it pretty much makes the whole OT null and void.
They can't use that anymore, using a book they wrote to make a case, like they are so special God personally gave them land. Get a grip on life. Israel is a joke and only believes in their almighty weapons of war.

Those Zionists say they want peace & yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks, & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble life loving, peace loving Palestinians to protect Israel & all of the surround Arab countries as well. Don't you agree?

Nope they now want Assad gone and Iran as well. They would kill the Pals in a heartbeat if the world was not watching. That is what I believe.
Look who is calling who a "moron." Well Hoss, you won again

Really since Israel doesn't believe in their own Torah by once again hosting the annual Gay Lesbian Parade, it pretty much makes the whole OT null and void.
They can't use that anymore, using a book they wrote to make a case, like they are so special God personally gave them land. Get a grip on life. Israel is a joke and only believes in their almighty weapons of war.

Those Zionists say they want peace & yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks, & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble life loving, peace loving Palestinians to protect Israel & all of the surround Arab countries as well. Don't you agree?

Nope they now want Assad gone and Iran as well. They would kill the Pals in a heartbeat if the world was not watching. That is what I believe.

Give 'em Gaza & you get rocket missiles for a thank you. Hey I have an idea. Israel should next give the Palestinians all of the West Bank with Jerusalem as the capital so the Palestinians will love Israel. Don't you agree?
Look who is calling who a "moron." Well Hoss, you won again

Really since Israel doesn't believe in their own Torah by once again hosting the annual Gay Lesbian Parade, it pretty much makes the whole OT null and void.
They can't use that anymore, using a book they wrote to make a case, like they are so special God personally gave them land. Get a grip on life. Israel is a joke and only believes in their almighty weapons of war.

Those Zionists say they want peace & yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks, & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble life loving, peace loving Palestinians to protect Israel & all of the surround Arab countries as well. Don't you agree?

Nope they now want Assad gone and Iran as well. They would kill the Pals in a heartbeat if the world was not watching. That is what I believe.

Give 'em Gaza & you get rocket missiles for a thank you. Hey I have an idea. Israel should next give the Palestinians all of the West Bank with Jerusalem as the capital so the Palestinians will love Israel. Don't you agree?
Nah, after what happened when they got Gaza, if they were handed the WB they would be so pissed-off Hamas would make it mandatory for everyone to wear bomb belts.
Look who is calling who a "moron." Well Hoss, you won again

Really since Israel doesn't believe in their own Torah by once again hosting the annual Gay Lesbian Parade, it pretty much makes the whole OT null and void.
They can't use that anymore, using a book they wrote to make a case, like they are so special God personally gave them land. Get a grip on life. Israel is a joke and only believes in their almighty weapons of war.

Those Zionists say they want peace & yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks, & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble life loving, peace loving Palestinians to protect Israel & all of the surround Arab countries as well. Don't you agree?

Nope they now want Assad gone and Iran as well. They would kill the Pals in a heartbeat if the world was not watching. That is what I believe.

Give 'em Gaza & you get rocket missiles for a thank you. Hey I have an idea. Israel should next give the Palestinians all of the West Bank with Jerusalem as the capital so the Palestinians will love Israel. Don't you agree?

How can you "give back" (Gaza) something that was never your's?
Look who is calling who a "moron." Well Hoss, you won again

Really since Israel doesn't believe in their own Torah by once again hosting the annual Gay Lesbian Parade, it pretty much makes the whole OT null and void.
They can't use that anymore, using a book they wrote to make a case, like they are so special God personally gave them land. Get a grip on life. Israel is a joke and only believes in their almighty weapons of war.

Those Zionists say they want peace & yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks, & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble life loving, peace loving Palestinians to protect Israel & all of the surround Arab countries as well. Don't you agree?

Nope they now want Assad gone and Iran as well. They would kill the Pals in a heartbeat if the world was not watching. That is what I believe.

Give 'em Gaza & you get rocket missiles for a thank you. Hey I have an idea. Israel should next give the Palestinians all of the West Bank with Jerusalem as the capital so the Palestinians will love Israel. Don't you agree?

How can you "give back" (Gaza) something that was never your's?

Dear dear Montelatici ~ Easy . . . it's euphemistically called Israeli generosity. ~ Susan
PS I'm so happy and pleased that you're on this board!

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