New disease hitting our schoolkids right after obama lets in 50,000 illegal kids

First off it's NINE HUNDRED MILLION$ we are owed. You have no idea what you're talking about so go on ahead and talk shit for your leftist voter drive......we on the front line of this invasion can only tell you this.....stay the fuck out of Arizona...we got enough vermin as it is.

Say hi to my Dad in Yuma...
Waaaay back when...folks used to sleep with their windows closed at night, fearful they would get the plague because they THOUGHT it was carried on the wind. They were right in some small way, though. Skeeters did travel at night, sometimes with the wind. Most had no clue a little biting bug was the culprit. And rats. They carried it too. So burning stuff didn't do diddly squat if the rat didn't get burned with it.

There is no evidence this disease is from illegals. SOME diseases might be, but to blame all illnesses on those kids is kinda stretching it.
I am sure he would like to shoot illegals from his house...

The majority of them just want to work and send money home.....we have no beef with them. If I were in their shoes I'd be up here to make some money. They can't fight their government because they have no guns. They can't get a piece of the Mehican oil money because 12 families run the country....the cops are all corrupt....the cartels deal in kidnapping women as a sideline. They are mostly poor, ignorant, superstitious, and illiterate.....just the kind of voter the democrat party is looking for. :cry:
Seems the refugees have been vaccinated. If anyone is disease ridden, it's more likely to be the kids of the tards who think vaccines cause autism.

Disease Threat From Immigrant Children Wildly Overstated - The Texas Observer[/QUOTE]

From July 10th, prior to this recent event. Article makes broad claims when many of the health care workers trying to process in all these kids found that they DID HAVE DISEASES. That shoots down the general claim if individual kids have been found with all kinds of communicable diseases.

From last year, not about this event.

Not too bright, are you.

At least I know how to find supporting material, dumbass.
Waaaay back when...folks used to sleep with their windows closed at night, fearful they would get the plague because they THOUGHT it was carried on the wind. They were right in some small way, though. Skeeters did travel at night, sometimes with the wind. Most had no clue a little biting bug was the culprit. And rats. They carried it too. So burning stuff didn't do diddly squat if the rat didn't get burned with it.

There is no evidence this disease is from illegals. SOME diseases might be, but to blame all illnesses on those kids is kinda stretching it.

It is valid to say it might be a stretch, but it is not valid to say we KNOW it has NOTHING to do with those kids.

WHY put our children in jeopardy with unscreened illegals?
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

When was Phoenix not, "infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders?"

Run along moron.

Yes, he's a moron but so are you if you don't agree with that.

Its the desert but they use more water than if they lived in a rain forest. That equals every creepy crawly critter you can think of and many you've never heard of.

And it has nothing at all do with refugee children or illegal aliens.

Needless to say, its just plain wrong to say "they brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases".

Quit screeching the sky is falling, turn off faux and the other race baiters and use your head.

Go fuck're the only one who would, freak.

Ludly is a kind of idiot cousin that frequents here. Its best if you just spit at his shoes and move on.
Like I told ya once already, run along moron.

I see not only are you incapable of very deep thoughts, but you avoid original thoughts.....

Well, good for you; I appreciate consistency, especially among those who are so obviously impaired.

I think your question has been answered; it has been BETTER and there is ZERO reason to add more problems on top of existing ones.

So therefore it is pointless to try and improve the health of people in Phoenix?
Like I told ya once already, run along moron.

I see not only are you incapable of very deep thoughts, but you avoid original thoughts.....

Well, good for you; I appreciate consistency, especially among those who are so obviously impaired.

Talking shit about nothing....that's you "progs" way of ain't bright enough to understand that.



So since you are responding to him, you must not regard him as a troll?

Was this question:

Long developed immunities in Latin America couldn't explain the lack of published reports for clusters?

Supposed to be serious? I thought it was rhetorical, being only slightly less silly than an invasion of infected Japanese children via Guatemala.

No an entire continent would not develop an immunity to a virus that would continue to infect Phillipinos, Dutch, and Japanese.

lol, REALLY?

So three entire continents couldn't have developed immunity to small pox before Columbus arrived?

That is interesting...fantasy. The entire old world of Europe, Africa and Asia had immunities to small pox by 1500 and though some still would get sick and die it was devastating to Amerindian populations with mortality rates near 90% across two continents.

Glad you find thinking to be so hilarious, Samson.
Like I told ya once already, run along moron.

I see not only are you incapable of very deep thoughts, but you avoid original thoughts.....

Well, good for you; I appreciate consistency, especially among those who are so obviously impaired.

Talking shit about nothing....that's you "progs" way of ain't bright enough to understand that.



So since you are responding to him, you must not regard him as a troll?


Its interesting that I discovered and identified a troll?

No really, but some are more easily amused than others: consider yourself blessed
Like I told ya once already, run along moron.

I see not only are you incapable of very deep thoughts, but you avoid original thoughts.....

Well, good for you; I appreciate consistency, especially among those who are so obviously impaired.

Talking shit about nothing....that's you "progs" way of ain't bright enough to understand that.



So since you are responding to him, you must not regard him as a troll?


Its interesting that I discovered and identified a troll?

No really, but some are more easily amused than others: consider yourself blessed

I am blessed with a wife that loves me for some reason I cannot fathom and two bright, honest and hard working kids who still have their faith in God.

I am also blessed with a weird sense of humor that no one gets, not even me.

But I don't think you identified a troll. You are merely dismissing him as a troll, and you really do know that.

He didn't grok your attempt at a joke because he lives where you insulted. Human nature there, no trolldom.
Was this question:

Long developed immunities in Latin America couldn't explain the lack of published reports for clusters?

Supposed to be serious? I thought it was rhetorical, being only slightly less silly than an invasion of infected Japanese children via Guatemala.

No an entire continent would not develop an immunity to a virus that would continue to infect Phillipinos, Dutch, and Japanese.

lol, REALLY?

So three entire continents couldn't have developed immunity to small pox before Columbus arrived?

That is interesting...fantasy. The entire old world of Europe, Africa and Asia had immunities to small pox by 1500 and though some still would get sick and die it was devastating to Amerindian populations with mortality rates near 90% across two continents.

Glad you find thinking to be so hilarious, Samson.

What's hilarious is your attempt to defend the preposterous position that in 2014 South Americans are immune to a virus that has been recorded in Europe and Asia during this century.

And then to further you ludicrous notions, these same immune South and Central Americans could realistically be the source of a viral infection that has by-passed border states.

You may have heard of the "airplane." These magical machines can fly people between continents. Between, say, Japan and the USA!!! Amazing huh?

But I'm sure Columbus would have appreciated your nonsense.
Like I told ya once already, run along moron.

I see not only are you incapable of very deep thoughts, but you avoid original thoughts.....

Well, good for you; I appreciate consistency, especially among those who are so obviously impaired.

Talking shit about nothing....that's you "progs" way of ain't bright enough to understand that.



So since you are responding to him, you must not regard him as a troll?


Its interesting that I discovered and identified a troll?

No really, but some are more easily amused than others: consider yourself blessed

I am blessed with a wife that loves me for some reason I cannot fathom and two bright, honest and hard working kids who still have their faith in God.

I am also blessed with a weird sense of humor that no one gets, not even me.

But I don't think you identified a troll. You are merely dismissing him as a troll, and you really do know that.

He didn't grok your attempt at a joke because he lives where you insulted. Human nature there, no trolldom.

Agreed, he could be just another idiot, but the stupidity and style of his postings smacked of someone trying to hard to be an idiot. I'm guessing he's some partisan liberal's hand puppet.
Was this question:

Long developed immunities in Latin America couldn't explain the lack of published reports for clusters?

Supposed to be serious? I thought it was rhetorical, being only slightly less silly than an invasion of infected Japanese children via Guatemala.

No an entire continent would not develop an immunity to a virus that would continue to infect Phillipinos, Dutch, and Japanese.

lol, REALLY?

So three entire continents couldn't have developed immunity to small pox before Columbus arrived?

That is interesting...fantasy. The entire old world of Europe, Africa and Asia had immunities to small pox by 1500 and though some still would get sick and die it was devastating to Amerindian populations with mortality rates near 90% across two continents.

Glad you find thinking to be so hilarious, Samson.

What's hilarious is your attempt to defend the preposterous position that in 2014 South Americans are immune to a virus that has been recorded in Europe and Asia during this century.

When populations acquire 'immunities' it is more like increased resistance, really. as these diseases mutate they tend to stay just ahead of the adaptation by the local populations. So it is entirely plausible that these Latin American populations have acquired immunities to diseases that shred US citizens. Ever hear of Montezumas Revenge?

And why would it be hilarious to suggest that Latin American people could be immune to diseases known in Asia and Europe for a century? I would EXPECT that to happen over a century.

And then to further you ludicrous notions, these same immune South and Central Americans could realistically be the source of a viral infection that has by-passed border states.

No one has proven it bypassed the border states, Sherlock, they simply were not reported as new or unusual, lol.

You may have heard of the "airplane." These magical machines can fly people between continents. Between, say, Japan and the USA!!! Amazing huh?

You may have heard of 'relevance' and 'make a fucking point', dude.

But I'm sure Columbus would have appreciated your nonsense.

What I gave you is scientific FACT. The old world had immunity to most small pox by 1500, while it killed 90% of Amerindian people.

You are really showing you ignorance on this topic, Samson.
There is no evidence this disease is from illegals. SOME diseases might be, but to blame all illnesses on those kids is kinda stretching it.

But why take a chance, you fool.? THESE ARE ILLEGALS. They have no right to be here and they cost the taxpayers $15,000 in school costs per kid per year.

You liberals support them because these losers will grow up to be welfare bums and vote democrat
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Like I told ya once already, run along moron.

I see not only are you incapable of very deep thoughts, but you avoid original thoughts.....

Well, good for you; I appreciate consistency, especially among those who are so obviously impaired.

Talking shit about nothing....that's you "progs" way of ain't bright enough to understand that.



So since you are responding to him, you must not regard him as a troll?


Its interesting that I discovered and identified a troll?

No really, but some are more easily amused than others: consider yourself blessed

I am blessed with a wife that loves me for some reason I cannot fathom and two bright, honest and hard working kids who still have their faith in God.

I am also blessed with a weird sense of humor that no one gets, not even me.

But I don't think you identified a troll. You are merely dismissing him as a troll, and you really do know that.

He didn't grok your attempt at a joke because he lives where you insulted. Human nature there, no trolldom.

Agreed, he could be just another idiot, but the stupidity and style of his postings smacked of someone trying to hard to be an idiot. I'm guessing he's some partisan liberal's hand puppet.

Maybe, or maybe your having a really bad night and seem put off with him a bit too quickly?

Hell, you cant fathom how small pox wiped out the Amerindian population in the Americas tonight, bubba, and that is pretty much a settled subject for a long time now.

Maybe you should go to bed, get some sleep and come back when your sober tomorrow?
There is no evidence this disease is from illegals. SOME diseases might be, but to blame all illnesses on those kids is kinda stretching it.

But why take a chance, you fool.? THESE ARE ILLEGALS. They have no right to be here and they cost the taxpayers $15,000 per kid per year.

You liberals support them because these losers will grow up to be welfare bums and vote democrat

So telling someone they are a fool when they politely disagreed with you is what you consider persuasive?

You are a troll, or a libtard sock.

You certainly have no desire to persuade anyone to your point of view.

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