New disease hitting our schoolkids right after obama lets in 50,000 illegal kids

Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

If it's the fault of the kids at the border, why aren't any of the border states on the list?

Because this criminal fascist regime (aka the Obama regime) is SMUGGLING these kids into our states without alerting the local authorities in a great many cases. The border states face dealing with these new diseases every fucking year. This is not a new thing for them so much, but the states in the list are seeing this shit for the first time in over a century in some cases. Diaeases once thought exterminated are back from Third World bastards this administration is smuggling into our schools like heroin.

A map of the illegal kid transports.
MAP Where feds are trying to relocate illegal border surgers NumbersUSA

"EV-D68 was seen last year in the United States and this year in various parts of the world. Over the years, clusters have been reported in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and various countries including the Philippines, Japan and the Netherlands."

Seems to be a little worst this year, but doesn't mean it has anything to do with the kids crossing the boarder.

1) The clusters appear then get squelched with solid health programs.

2) How do you KNOW that this has nothing to do with apredicted and known causal association (i.e. letting in tens of thousands of unscreened kids with no inoculations)? You are choosing to believe that absurdity for some reason; what? Are you just so ideologically blinded you cant conceive of anything else? Are you a racist that thinks that the rights of a brown minority trump the rights of the nonbrown majority? You want our kids to get sick and die because they are Americans like Ward Churchill does?

You miss the most imp parts

EV-D68 was seen last year in the United States and this year in various parts of the world. Over the years, clusters have been reported in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and various countries including the Philippines, Japan and the Netherlands."

I think your jumping to conclusion, to make it Obamas fault. The Gop had been doing zip for the last year, so go and blame them. Heck maybe they started an epidemic, since they seem so hard up.

Yes, a self-hating white libtard who is more concerned about staying in step with his libtard buddies than using his common sense.

Weird, just the other day I was told I was a rabid right winger.

Wish you folks could make up your mind.

Lol, so I must have told you that? What stereotype are you using instead of actual thought this time, dude?

Where is your answer dude?

You just make these drive-by accusations, imply I am a Republican then pull up your skirts and run away?

Oh and another question you haven't answered yet; do white people have the Constitutional right to equal standing before the law like all other races do or not? If we do then how can Affirmative Action laws be Constitutional?

I was never hot on that law in the first place. As a historian I saw what it did to the Prussians..

Now Prussians are a race? What is your point?

Your confused and spouting propaganda..
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

When was Phoenix not, "infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders?"
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

From your link:

EV-D68 was seen last year in the United States and this year in various parts of the world. Over the years, clusters have been reported in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and various countries including the Philippines, Japan and the Netherlands.
The article reports NO Clusters in ANY country in Latin America over the years, but you have somehow linked EV-D68 to illegal migrants from Latin America.

Obama (and frankly, every other US President) has failed to protect US borders, but this is no example of why their failures have harmed the US.

Long developed immunities in Latin America couldn't explain the lack of published reports for clusters?

I don't agree that an absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

That such diseases would break out was explained and predicted more than a month ago, and now here is something that MAY be an example of what was warned.

But if this is nothing to worry about, then why insist that our school children get inoculations and be medically screened each year?

This is like the local fire marshall warning businesses for years that they cant store open gasoline near news paper stack in their basement, then one day his friends business burns down and it was proven the dude has stacks of papers near open buckets of gasoline and now the Fire Marshall is all, 'Ah, its nothing folks, my frined wasn't negligent at all, just go on about your business, nothing to see here.'

I don't buy it as quick as you seem to.
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

Yeah, I could see any reasonable person BEGGING to get boycotted by libtards who are almost always some of the most disease ridden pervs on the planet.
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

When was Phoenix not, "infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders?"

So unless a disease is not completely ridden and gone from a community, there is no harm in introducing even more?
Is this the kind of 'critical thought' you learned in school?
Yes, a self-hating white libtard who is more concerned about staying in step with his libtard buddies than using his common sense.

Weird, just the other day I was told I was a rabid right winger.

Wish you folks could make up your mind.

Lol, so I must have told you that? What stereotype are you using instead of actual thought this time, dude?

Where is your answer dude?

You just make these drive-by accusations, imply I am a Republican then pull up your skirts and run away?

Oh and another question you haven't answered yet; do white people have the Constitutional right to equal standing before the law like all other races do or not? If we do then how can Affirmative Action laws be Constitutional?

I was never hot on that law in the first place. As a historian I saw what it did to the Prussians..

Now Prussians are a race? What is your point?

Your confused and spouting propaganda..

You are full of shyte.

I asked you two questions and instead of answering them you accuse me of confusion.

It is a good thing that you libtards are full of hubris and arrogance. It will make things much quicker and easier when the time comes to remove you from ANY influence on our society. And you document your idiocy yourselves on boards like this! lolol
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico.

They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

Well holy crap, just accuse them of everything,

The brown recluse spider, as well as other species of Loxosceles, is a native of the USA. Nevertheless, other non-native species can be found in a small number of areas in the country, such as the Loxosceles spider rufescens or Mediterranean recluse. Brown recluse spiders are mainly found in the central Midwestern states southward to the Gulf of Mexico, especially in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. Important: these spiders can and do spread, travelling inside boxes and packaging.

Bed Bugs have always been bad in Arizona, I think it must be the winter visitors, renting the same rooms out or the many motels or even the dry hot hot weather,

Head lice, ever school all across the USA had this problem,

I do agree all immigrants should be given a TB Test, and given a body check for skin infections, there are certain things that should be done. Good luck with that 9 million, we've giving it to Israel.
the evidence I find compelling is that CNN and FOX are reporting on the illness and MSNBC and NBC are not. That means there must be some connection or the socialist news agencies would not be running block for the administration.
Over a million legally enter the US every day at borders and airports.

Yes a lot of white Christians coming in everyday carrying who knows what kind of diseases, we should have massive protests at all our international airports
Just think your president flew 2 white Christians with Ebola into the united states, and you have to agree with him and stick up for him. Your a great puppet. Lol

What evidence is there that OBozo had anything to do with having these people brought into the country?
Good point, he probably found out about it on the local news.
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

Yeah, I could see any reasonable person BEGGING to get boycotted by libtards who are almost always some of the most disease ridden pervs on the planet.

Really. What disease do I have that you can prove??
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

From your link:

EV-D68 was seen last year in the United States and this year in various parts of the world. Over the years, clusters have been reported in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and various countries including the Philippines, Japan and the Netherlands.
The article reports NO Clusters in ANY country in Latin America over the years, but you have somehow linked EV-D68 to illegal migrants from Latin America.

Obama (and frankly, every other US President) has failed to protect US borders, but this is no example of why their failures have harmed the US.

Long developed immunities in Latin America couldn't explain the lack of published reports for clusters?

I don't agree that an absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

I don't buy it as quick as you seem to.

Well, in that case, perhaps some Japanese illegal migrants snuck into the USA with Guatemalans. As we all know, the Japanese are a sneaky people. Remember Pearl Harbor!!!!
Disease like smallpox and influenza is how Europeans wiped out the populations of the natives from Canada down to Chile
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

When was Phoenix not, "infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders?"

So unless a disease is not completely ridden and gone from a community, there is no harm in introducing even more?
Is this the kind of 'critical thought' you learned in school?

You can never eradicate diseases...viruses,,,bacteria,,they are at war with humans and will not surrender.. They also evolve and learn to resist our attempts at killing them off....
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

From your link:

EV-D68 was seen last year in the United States and this year in various parts of the world. Over the years, clusters have been reported in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and various countries including the Philippines, Japan and the Netherlands.
The article reports NO Clusters in ANY country in Latin America over the years, but you have somehow linked EV-D68 to illegal migrants from Latin America.

Obama (and frankly, every other US President) has failed to protect US borders, but this is no example of why their failures have harmed the US.

Long developed immunities in Latin America couldn't explain the lack of published reports for clusters?

I don't agree that an absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

I don't buy it as quick as you seem to.

Well, in that case, perhaps some Japanese illegal migrants snuck into the USA with Guatemalans. As we all know, the Japanese are a sneaky people. Remember Pearl Harbor!!!!

These immigrants are not only from Central America, though Japan seems a bit of a stretch, lol.
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

When was Phoenix not, "infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders?"

So unless a disease is not completely ridden and gone from a community, there is no harm in introducing even more?
Is this the kind of 'critical thought' you learned in school?

What I learned in The School of Hard Knocks is that if you ask a direct question, and you don't get a direct answer, then you're either talking to an idiot or someone full of bullshit.
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

When was Phoenix not, "infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders?"

So unless a disease is not completely ridden and gone from a community, there is no harm in introducing even more?
Is this the kind of 'critical thought' you learned in school?

You can never eradicate diseases...viruses,,,bacteria,,they are at war with humans and will not surrender.. They also evolve and learn to resist our attempts at killing them off....

Everybody with a 10th grade education knows that, are at least used to, but my point was that Samson seemed to imply that it is OK to introduce MORE of said disease wimply because it was not eradicated 100% prior to the more recent infestation.

You libs are really looking like fools here, I am hoping you wake up to smell the coffee not too much later.

But I doubt it. Your minds are just too sealed tight.
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

I don't know if it's the fault of the illegals but legal immigrants do have to go through health checkups and if they don't pass, they don't get to come.
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

From your link:

EV-D68 was seen last year in the United States and this year in various parts of the world. Over the years, clusters have been reported in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and various countries including the Philippines, Japan and the Netherlands.
The article reports NO Clusters in ANY country in Latin America over the years, but you have somehow linked EV-D68 to illegal migrants from Latin America.

Obama (and frankly, every other US President) has failed to protect US borders, but this is no example of why their failures have harmed the US.

Long developed immunities in Latin America couldn't explain the lack of published reports for clusters?

I don't agree that an absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

I don't buy it as quick as you seem to.

Well, in that case, perhaps some Japanese illegal migrants snuck into the USA with Guatemalans. As we all know, the Japanese are a sneaky people. Remember Pearl Harbor!!!!

These immigrants are not only from Central America, though Japan seems a bit of a stretch, lol.

I don't agree that "an absence of evidence is evidence of absence."

I don't buy it as quick as you seem to!

Once again the Japanese have launched a secret attack against the nation.

We should immediately nuke Hiroshima.
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

When was Phoenix not, "infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders?"

So unless a disease is not completely ridden and gone from a community, there is no harm in introducing even more?
Is this the kind of 'critical thought' you learned in school?

What I learned in The School of Hard Knocks is that if you ask a direct question, and you don't get a direct answer, then you're either talking to an idiot or someone full of bullshit.

So is that why you haven't yet answered MY question?

It is preposterous to assert that adding more disease on existing communities disease problem is an OK thing to do. But then libs will go to some absurd lengths to avoid their cognitive discomfort.

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