New disease hitting our schoolkids right after obama lets in 50,000 illegal kids

The majority of them just want to work and send money home.....r. :cry:

HAHAHA. What they really want is to go on welfare and live off the stupid gringos and if we give them citizenship, they all will. Illegals are the illiterate trash of their home country and can never get good jobs. Go to america and get $35,000 a year welfare- that is paradise to them.[/QUOTE]
There is no evidence this disease is from illegals. SOME diseases might be, but to blame all illnesses on those kids is kinda stretching it.

But why take a chance, you fool.? THESE ARE ILLEGALS. They have no right to be here and they cost the taxpayers $15,000 in school costs per kid per year.

You liberals support them because these losers will grow up to be welfare bums and vote democrat

I am not a liberal. I float many different ways, dude.
Yes, I am sure some illegals will be spreading disease in our schools. That gripes my ass, but whatchagonnado? Obama said "let them in", WE get to pay the taxes on their learning even though they ARE illegal, and WE get to suffer the consequences IF they are bringing in scabies, polio, leprosy, and God knows what else. So hold yer drawers, bubba, before screaming at me.
Very true , we do not yet know of a link , could of come from anywhere , someone could of flown In from another country.

Could also be completely unrelated to immigrants legal or not and just something that usually happens shortly after schools get back in session and lots of kids are thrown together sharing germs.

Lol, yes it COULD be nothing but coincidence, but why do you operate on the basis that lack of proven linkage means that there is no linkage? Why do you defend and justify the hideously negligent poilitically8 driven decision to smuggle these criminals into our public schools by this grotesquely incompetent regime?


Good greif, do you have the slightest clue what a fucking racist moron you look like here?
You were looking for this earlier in the thread....

The Refugees, all refugees, are given vaccinations, children and's the law of the land.

Refugees, unlike most immigrant populations, are not required to have any vaccinations before arrival in the United States. In addition, many vaccines have limited or no availability in some developing countries or in specific refugee settings. Therefore, most refugees, including adults, will not have had complete Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended vaccinations when they arrive in the United States. However, depending on health-care access, organized vaccination programs and initiatives, and availability of vaccines, refugees may have some documented vaccinations. During the medical screening visit for new arrivals, the provider must review any written vaccination records presented by the refugee, assess reported vaccinations for adherence to acceptable U.S. recommendations, and subsequently, initiate necessary immunizations. Each of these tasks presents challenges to the clinical practitioner.

Yes, that is the NORMAL procedure but that has been shown to have been suspended because the normal process was OVERWHELMED by the numbers. I gave links earlier that quoted people ion the immigration system that told this directly to the press, even after this criminal fascist regime ordered NO ONE TO TALK TO THE PRESS.

There is no basis for assuming that the hosts have EVER been given to any of them since then.
I don't trust your media source....or the person claiming suspect.... I'm sorry.
Very true , we do not yet know of a link , could of come from anywhere , someone could of flown In from another country.

Could also be completely unrelated to immigrants legal or not and just something that usually happens shortly after schools get back in session and lots of kids are thrown together sharing germs.

Lol, yes it COULD be nothing but coincidence, but why do you operate on the basis that lack of proven linkage means that there is no linkage? Why do you defend and justify the hideously negligent poilitically8 driven decision to smuggle these criminals into our public schools by this grotesquely incompetent regime?


Good greif, do you have the slightest clue what a fucking racist moron you look like here?
You were looking for this earlier in the thread....

The Refugees, all refugees, are given vaccinations, children and's the law of the land.

Refugees, unlike most immigrant populations, are not required to have any vaccinations before arrival in the United States. In addition, many vaccines have limited or no availability in some developing countries or in specific refugee settings. Therefore, most refugees, including adults, will not have had complete Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended vaccinations when they arrive in the United States. However, depending on health-care access, organized vaccination programs and initiatives, and availability of vaccines, refugees may have some documented vaccinations. During the medical screening visit for new arrivals, the provider must review any written vaccination records presented by the refugee, assess reported vaccinations for adherence to acceptable U.S. recommendations, and subsequently, initiate necessary immunizations. Each of these tasks presents challenges to the clinical practitioner.

Yes, that is the NORMAL procedure but that has been shown to have been suspended because the normal process was OVERWHELMED by the numbers. I gave links earlier that quoted people ion the immigration system that told this directly to the press, even after this criminal fascist regime ordered NO ONE TO TALK TO THE PRESS.

There is no basis for assuming that the hosts have EVER been given to any of them since then.
I don't trust your media source....or the person claiming suspect.... I'm sorry.

That is OK, you have every right to decide who is trustworthy and who is not. I do not trust any of the corporate owned major media any more. They are not attempting to bring the most objective and fully informed stories to the public.

I used to trust the Main Stream media, but after watching the Iran Contra hearings while home during the day and seeing the nightly broadcast being TOTALLY slanted, I called up all my local stations and asked them 'Why are you ignoring the FACT that General Secord has used his OWN money through all of this? It was NOT federally funded so how does it violate existing law?' They would just hang up on me after I told them I saw the hearings MYSELF. There was no 'Oh, gosh, how did we miss this' moment; they have an agenda and that agenda is not to play fair with conservatives.

I watched the 1991 Gulf War also as I had opportunity during the day, seeing videos of one building getting a missile threw a window or door, one after another. Then going home and hearing the three major network talking heads moan about how this whole thing was a disaster.

But surely the MSM would still stand against injustice, I thought until I saw how they basically ignored Tom DeLay's crucifixion by a partisan hack out of Austin on totally trumped up charges that he was eventually completely cleared on. His career is over now and the failure of the press to get this man a fair hearing was another learning moment for me.

Fox has been slanted as well, giving harsh coverage to TPM candidates as they try to squeeze into the current duopoly of fake opposition by two parties owned by the same international corporations and Wall Street banks.

So yes, I agree with you, but there are live interviews on video where people in the border patrol state that the system is not working. Cant help you much to find that for yourself but it is there.

This discusses the issue more from a humanitarian perspective

That the government is giving medical staff gag orders should tell you something.
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Waaaay back when...folks used to sleep with their windows closed at night, fearful they would get the plague because they THOUGHT it was carried on the wind. They were right in some small way, though. Skeeters did travel at night, sometimes with the wind. Most had no clue a little biting bug was the culprit. And rats. They carried it too. So burning stuff didn't do diddly squat if the rat didn't get burned with it.

There is no evidence this disease is from illegals. SOME diseases might be, but to blame all illnesses on those kids is kinda stretching it.

It is valid to say it might be a stretch, but it is not valid to say we KNOW it has NOTHING to do with those kids.

WHY put our children in jeopardy with unscreened illegals?
It's the liberal war on children.
Waaaay back when...folks used to sleep with their windows closed at night, fearful they would get the plague because they THOUGHT it was carried on the wind. They were right in some small way, though. Skeeters did travel at night, sometimes with the wind. Most had no clue a little biting bug was the culprit. And rats. They carried it too. So burning stuff didn't do diddly squat if the rat didn't get burned with it.

There is no evidence this disease is from illegals. SOME diseases might be, but to blame all illnesses on those kids is kinda stretching it.

It is valid to say it might be a stretch, but it is not valid to say we KNOW it has NOTHING to do with those kids.

WHY put our children in jeopardy with unscreened illegals?
It's the liberal war on children.

Well lets see, the libtards have cleared away all the laws protecting unborn children and now we have murdered well over 55 million of our own babies.

Christian Life Resources

We have the libtards preventing any of them from getting discipline more harsh than a scolding by backroom changes in law.

We have the libtards turning our public schools into neoMarxist propaganda centers teaching our kids to hate their own culture and country so much hundreds have gone off and joined the IS.

Yeah, I would say the libtards have declared war on the future of our nation.
Very true , we do not yet know of a link , could of come from anywhere , someone could of flown In from another country.

Could also be completely unrelated to immigrants legal or not and just something that usually happens shortly after schools get back in session and lots of kids are thrown together sharing germs.

Lol, yes it COULD be nothing but coincidence, but why do you operate on the basis that lack of proven linkage means that there is no linkage? Why do you defend and justify the hideously negligent poilitically8 driven decision to smuggle these criminals into our public schools by this grotesquely incompetent regime?


Good greif, do you have the slightest clue what a fucking racist moron you look like here?
You were looking for this earlier in the thread....

The Refugees, all refugees, are given vaccinations, children and's the law of the land.

Refugees, unlike most immigrant populations, are not required to have any vaccinations before arrival in the United States. In addition, many vaccines have limited or no availability in some developing countries or in specific refugee settings. Therefore, most refugees, including adults, will not have had complete Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended vaccinations when they arrive in the United States. However, depending on health-care access, organized vaccination programs and initiatives, and availability of vaccines, refugees may have some documented vaccinations. During the medical screening visit for new arrivals, the provider must review any written vaccination records presented by the refugee, assess reported vaccinations for adherence to acceptable U.S. recommendations, and subsequently, initiate necessary immunizations. Each of these tasks presents challenges to the clinical practitioner.

Yes, that is the NORMAL procedure but that has been shown to have been suspended because the normal process was OVERWHELMED by the numbers. I gave links earlier that quoted people ion the immigration system that told this directly to the press, even after this criminal fascist regime ordered NO ONE TO TALK TO THE PRESS.

There is no basis for assuming that the hosts have EVER been given to any of them since then.
I don't trust your media source....or the person claiming suspect.... I'm sorry.

That is OK, you have every right to decide who is trustworthy and who is not. I do not trust any of the corporate owned major media any more. They are not attempting to bring the most objective and fully informed stories to the public.

I used to trust the Main Stream media, but after watching the Iran Contra hearings while home during the day and seeing the nightly broadcast being TOTALLY slanted, I called up all my local stations and asked them 'Why are you ignoring the FACT that General Secord has used his OWN money through all of this? It was NOT federally funded so how does it violate existing law?' They would just hang up on me after I told them I saw the hearings MYSELF. There was no 'Oh, gosh, how did we miss this' moment; they have an agenda and that agenda is not to play fair with conservatives.

I watched the 1991 Gulf War also as I had opportunity during the day, seeing videos of one building getting a missile threw a window or door, one after another. Then going home and hearing the three major network talking heads moan about how this whole thing was a disaster.

But surely the MSM would still stand against injustice, I thought until I saw how they basically ignored Tom DeLay's crucifixion by a partisan hack out of Austin on totally trumped up charges that he was eventually completely cleared on. His career is over now and the failure of the press to get this man a fair hearing was another learning moment for me.

Fox has been slanted as well, giving harsh coverage to TPM candidates as they try to squeeze into the current duopoly of fake opposition by two parties owned by the same international corporations and Wall Street banks.

So yes, I agree with you, but there are live interviews on video where people in the border patrol state that the system is not working. Cant help you much to find that for yourself but it is there.

This discusses the issue more from a humanitarian perspective

That the government is giving medical staff gag orders should tell you something.

Ty Jim, for explaining your experiences with the media....

Now on your last statement, I think it is normal for any medical staff in any situation involving patients, to protect confidential medical information...just because these were refugees, does not warrant breaking our laws regarding this...and especially because some were children.... their medical conditions should not be thrown out in to the firestorm that was going on in the right wing and left wing media at the's perfectly logical and expected from ALL medical staff, so no alarms here went off for me on that one...I expected it, because it is the law.
Very true , we do not yet know of a link , could of come from anywhere , someone could of flown In from another country.

Could also be completely unrelated to immigrants legal or not and just something that usually happens shortly after schools get back in session and lots of kids are thrown together sharing germs.

Lol, yes it COULD be nothing but coincidence, but why do you operate on the basis that lack of proven linkage means that there is no linkage? Why do you defend and justify the hideously negligent poilitically8 driven decision to smuggle these criminals into our public schools by this grotesquely incompetent regime?


Good greif, do you have the slightest clue what a fucking racist moron you look like here?
You were looking for this earlier in the thread....

The Refugees, all refugees, are given vaccinations, children and's the law of the land.

Refugees, unlike most immigrant populations, are not required to have any vaccinations before arrival in the United States. In addition, many vaccines have limited or no availability in some developing countries or in specific refugee settings. Therefore, most refugees, including adults, will not have had complete Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended vaccinations when they arrive in the United States. However, depending on health-care access, organized vaccination programs and initiatives, and availability of vaccines, refugees may have some documented vaccinations. During the medical screening visit for new arrivals, the provider must review any written vaccination records presented by the refugee, assess reported vaccinations for adherence to acceptable U.S. recommendations, and subsequently, initiate necessary immunizations. Each of these tasks presents challenges to the clinical practitioner.

Yes, that is the NORMAL procedure but that has been shown to have been suspended because the normal process was OVERWHELMED by the numbers. I gave links earlier that quoted people ion the immigration system that told this directly to the press, even after this criminal fascist regime ordered NO ONE TO TALK TO THE PRESS.

There is no basis for assuming that the hosts have EVER been given to any of them since then.
I don't trust your media source....or the person claiming suspect.... I'm sorry.

That is OK, you have every right to decide who is trustworthy and who is not. I do not trust any of the corporate owned major media any more. They are not attempting to bring the most objective and fully informed stories to the public.

I used to trust the Main Stream media, but after watching the Iran Contra hearings while home during the day and seeing the nightly broadcast being TOTALLY slanted, I called up all my local stations and asked them 'Why are you ignoring the FACT that General Secord has used his OWN money through all of this? It was NOT federally funded so how does it violate existing law?' They would just hang up on me after I told them I saw the hearings MYSELF. There was no 'Oh, gosh, how did we miss this' moment; they have an agenda and that agenda is not to play fair with conservatives.

I watched the 1991 Gulf War also as I had opportunity during the day, seeing videos of one building getting a missile threw a window or door, one after another. Then going home and hearing the three major network talking heads moan about how this whole thing was a disaster.

But surely the MSM would still stand against injustice, I thought until I saw how they basically ignored Tom DeLay's crucifixion by a partisan hack out of Austin on totally trumped up charges that he was eventually completely cleared on. His career is over now and the failure of the press to get this man a fair hearing was another learning moment for me.

Fox has been slanted as well, giving harsh coverage to TPM candidates as they try to squeeze into the current duopoly of fake opposition by two parties owned by the same international corporations and Wall Street banks.

So yes, I agree with you, but there are live interviews on video where people in the border patrol state that the system is not working. Cant help you much to find that for yourself but it is there.

This discusses the issue more from a humanitarian perspective

That the government is giving medical staff gag orders should tell you something.

Ty Jim, for explaining your experiences with the media....

Now on your last statement, I think it is normal for any medical staff in any situation involving patients, to protect confidential medical information...just because these were refugees, does not warrant breaking our laws regarding this...and especially because some were children.... their medical conditions should not be thrown out in to the firestorm that was going on in the right wing and left wing media at the's perfectly logical and expected from ALL medical staff, so no alarms here went off for me on that one...I expected it, because it is the law.

Well, I disagree. The health of our nation is more important, IMO, that whatever risk giving generic medical data to the press would imply.

Have fun.
Jim, there is no benefit to releasing refugees in to our country without the required shots needed to enter the USA....there is no benefit to letting kids in to schools if they have lice or the scabies etc....

There is no political benefit, and there is no medical community benefit, and there is no sane benefit of any kind to do such a thing.

Now, this does not mean that some medical condition could not have been missed, and others in our country may 'catch' what ever that might be.... only time will tell.... and that can be scary to a degree.... same with legal immigrants, just because they have the required shots/vaccinations, doesn't mean they may not have something else, not on the list...that could spread here in the usa, but the chances are low or lower, when they have the appropriate shots....
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Jim, there is no benefit to releasing refugees in to our country without the required shots needed to enter the USA....there is no benefit to letting kids in to schools if they have lice or the scabies etc....

There is no political benefit, and there is no medical community benefit, and there is no sane benefit of any kind to do such a thing.

And yet the feds do exactly that kind of thing all the time. While I have had the good fortune of usually working under great managers, especially my last one, I could tell you nightmare stories were my clearance not an obstacle. Managers several steps up from the working drones have a totally different atmosphere, and some stupefyingly stupid decisions get made and ENFORCED because some manager up the food chain thinks this might give him a few points with his boss, or there is a sexual entanglement (real imagined or hoped for), or there is some other hinkiness afoot.

I have absolutely ZERO faith in the upper management of our federal bureaucracies. I have absolutely no faith in the opposition party system; it is rigged now, a duopoly. I have faith in the American people, the hard working Moms and Dads that have to live with the insanity that political sychophants chasing a voting block inflicts on those moms and dads because Ihave been there as so many of us have. And we don't count any more except for a few hours on election day, replaced by lobbyists, pollsters, PR campaigns and oaths to uphold a Constitution almost all of us have faith in but the elites regard as an obstacle to their ambition.

It is time for a board wipe and these people are doing it themselves.

Now, this does not mean that some medical condition could not have been missed, and others in our country may 'catch' what ever that might be.... only time will tell.... and that can be scary to a degree.... same with legal immigrants, just because they have the required shots/vaccinations, doesn't mean they may not have something else, not on the list...that could spread here in the usa, but the chances are low or lower, when they have the appropriate shots....

Lol, I love seeing the genuine goodness and trust that so many like you still have.

Cling to it. If things are THIS bad BEFORE an election, just imagine what the NEXT TWO YEARS are going to be like.
Agreed, he could be just another idiot, but the stupidity and style of his postings smacked of someone trying to hard to be an idiot. I'm guessing he's some partisan liberal's hand puppet.

:badgrin: You're the kind of troll who brags you won a fistfight because the other guy broke his knuckles on your face. You haven't won an argument since I've been here....kinda surprised you stepped to me knowing you'd get your hero son of sam by any chance, pervo?
The majority of them just want to work and send money home.....r. :cry:

HAHAHA. What they really want is to go on welfare and live off the stupid gringos and if we give them citizenship, they all will. Illegals are the illiterate trash of their home country and can never get good jobs. Go to america and get $35,000 a year welfare- that is paradise to them.

You have no idea what you're talking about....if you want to believe the cartoon version of the average border-jumper be my guest. But to somebody living in Phoenix, you're just playing the fool. There are many reasons the border isn't closed....dims want votes, GOP wants cheap labor....Uncle Sam needs to keep as many companies here in the US as possible, and Mehico wants the young ones up here to keep them from going communist and starting a revolution.
No one knows yet where this virus originated, but it's spreading like crazy across Midwest states. You have to wonder if any of it might be related to Obama's decision to ship the illegal aliens to states and refusing to disclose the locations. Many of the children were unimmunized.

Might not be related, but this virus and the way it's spread is scary. Children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are at risk. Many have ended up in intensive care.

The Obama administration basically told everyone that it was none of their business where they shipped the illegal aliens that flooded in.

It is reasonable to wonder if there is a connection, though I wouldn't expect any honesty from the administration.

The illegal aliens were not screened before being put on public transportation and shipped to unknown locations. Many reports came in from nurses and other healthcare workers at the facilities where the 'refugees' were being held and there was concern over lice, scabies, whooping cough and other illnesses. There was no time to screen them and that means no treatment was given to any who were suffering from medical conditions and none were immunized before being sent to states across the country.

This is exactly the sort of thing that critics warned about as Obama irresponsibly started transporting the illegals via public transportation, telling states and cities that they would have to deal with the problem when it was dumped unexpectedly in their lap. If states weren't prepared for the onslaught, it would be easy for some with contagious conditions to put the public at risk. One illegal alien, who was supposed to stay in a hotel while being treated for a contagious disease, disappeared before completing treatment.

Of course, since it was Obama, liberals will rush in to say those refugees couldn't possibly have diseases or illnesses and could never actually spread them.

I don't recall anything of this magnitude happening in recent times. One hell of a coincidence, isn't it? Time for the Obama defenders to crank up the spin machine and blame this on something else without even looking into it.

Obama Dumping of Illegal Alien Children in Focus as Mystery Virus Spreads Rapidly Across 10 States - Top Right News
If you zoom in super close to each individual virus.... you'll see that each one is ACTUALLY OBAMA!!! DAMMIT OBAMA!!!!!!!!
Not that you're capable of putting some rational thought into it, but,

if this had come from a Latin American country, wouldn't that country already be in the throes of an epidemic caused by this virus?

Do we know of any such epidemic?
Jim, there is no benefit to releasing refugees in to our country without the required shots needed to enter the USA....there is no benefit to letting kids in to schools if they have lice or the scabies etc....

There is no political benefit, and there is no medical community benefit, and there is no sane benefit of any kind to do such a thing.

You're wrong when you say there is no political benefit.. The democrats want these unscreened illiterate losers coming to america. They want to give them citizenship cause they know they'll go on welfare and vote for the welfare party.

Wouldn't it be great if america could dump its sick and poor people on some other country.?

Now on your last statement, I think it is normal for any medical staff in any situation involving patients, to protect confidential medical information...just because these were refugees, does not warrant breaking our laws regarding this...

HAHAHA. Stop with that "refugee" crap. These people invade our country to steal jobs, govt benefits, and IDs from the lawful citizens. They are criminals and should be treated that way.
Not that you're capable of putting some rational thought into it, but,

if this had come from a Latin American country, wouldn't that country already be in the throes of an epidemic caused by this virus?

Do we know of any such epidemic?

Hey einstein. The citizens of their home country may have an immunity to the disease. Happens all the time. THINK

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