New disease hitting our schoolkids right after obama lets in 50,000 illegal kids

Very true , we do not yet know of a link , could of come from anywhere , someone could of flown In from another country.

Could also be completely unrelated to immigrants legal or not and just something that usually happens shortly after schools get back in session and lots of kids are thrown together sharing germs.

Lol, yes it COULD be nothing but coincidence, but why do you operate on the basis that lack of proven linkage means that there is no linkage? Why do you defend and justify the hideously negligent poilitically8 driven decision to smuggle these criminals into our public schools by this grotesquely incompetent regime?


Good greif, do you have the slightest clue what a fucking racist moron you look like here?
You were looking for this earlier in the thread....

The Refugees, all refugees, are given vaccinations, children and's the law of the land.

Refugees, unlike most immigrant populations, are not required to have any vaccinations before arrival in the United States. In addition, many vaccines have limited or no availability in some developing countries or in specific refugee settings. Therefore, most refugees, including adults, will not have had complete Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended vaccinations when they arrive in the United States. However, depending on health-care access, organized vaccination programs and initiatives, and availability of vaccines, refugees may have some documented vaccinations. During the medical screening visit for new arrivals, the provider must review any written vaccination records presented by the refugee, assess reported vaccinations for adherence to acceptable U.S. recommendations, and subsequently, initiate necessary immunizations. Each of these tasks presents challenges to the clinical practitioner.
Domestic Immunizations Guidelines Immigrant and Refugee Health CDC
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

If it's the fault of the kids at the border, why aren't any of the border states on the list?

Because this criminal fascist regime (aka the Obama regime) is SMUGGLING these kids into our states without alerting the local authorities in a great many cases. The border states face dealing with these new diseases every fucking year. This is not a new thing for them so much, but the states in the list are seeing this shit for the first time in over a century in some cases. Diaeases once thought exterminated are back from Third World bastards this administration is smuggling into our schools like heroin.

A map of the illegal kid transports.
MAP Where feds are trying to relocate illegal border surgers NumbersUSA

"EV-D68 was seen last year in the United States and this year in various parts of the world. Over the years, clusters have been reported in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and various countries including the Philippines, Japan and the Netherlands."

Seems to be a little worst this year, but doesn't mean it has anything to do with the kids crossing the boarder.

1) The clusters appear then get squelched with solid health programs.

2) How do you KNOW that this has nothing to do with apredicted and known causal association (i.e. letting in tens of thousands of unscreened kids with no inoculations)? You are choosing to believe that absurdity for some reason; what? Are you just so ideologically blinded you cant conceive of anything else? Are you a racist that thinks that the rights of a brown minority trump the rights of the nonbrown majority? You want our kids to get sick and die because they are Americans like Ward Churchill does?
Very true , we do not yet know of a link , could of come from anywhere , someone could of flown In from another country.

Could also be completely unrelated to immigrants legal or not and just something that usually happens shortly after schools get back in session and lots of kids are thrown together sharing germs.

Lol, yes it COULD be nothing but coincidence, but why do you operate on the basis that lack of proven linkage means that there is no linkage? Why do you defend and justify the hideously negligent poilitically8 driven decision to smuggle these criminals into our public schools by this grotesquely incompetent regime?


Good greif, do you have the slightest clue what a fucking racist moron you look like here?
You were looking for this earlier in the thread....

The Refugees, all refugees, are given vaccinations, children and's the law of the land.

Refugees, unlike most immigrant populations, are not required to have any vaccinations before arrival in the United States. In addition, many vaccines have limited or no availability in some developing countries or in specific refugee settings. Therefore, most refugees, including adults, will not have had complete Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended vaccinations when they arrive in the United States. However, depending on health-care access, organized vaccination programs and initiatives, and availability of vaccines, refugees may have some documented vaccinations. During the medical screening visit for new arrivals, the provider must review any written vaccination records presented by the refugee, assess reported vaccinations for adherence to acceptable U.S. recommendations, and subsequently, initiate necessary immunizations. Each of these tasks presents challenges to the clinical practitioner.

Yes, that is the NORMAL procedure but that has been shown to have been suspended because the normal process was OVERWHELMED by the numbers. I gave links earlier that quoted people ion the immigration system that told this directly to the press, even after this criminal fascist regime ordered NO ONE TO TALK TO THE PRESS.

There is no basis for assuming that the hosts have EVER been given to any of them since then.
Because this is nothing more than another made up, non-existent, sky is falling, racist pile of hot steaming you-know-what.

Again i ask - why take a chance?. Why let 50,000 unscreened third world kids into our schools? THINK

Bush signed a law and they have due process until their outcome is determined...
And Reagan signed a bill allowing all children in the US a right to an education..

And none of those bills or their signers would have perverted and abused these laws they way this fascist President is doing now.

And you anti-white racists are supporting his efforts that will likely wreck the health of millions of our kids and might cause untold deaths by the time it works its way out.

Posts from retards like you remind me that Ward Churchill, the libtard white hating fake indian who is actually white, that PoS said that Americans DESERVE to die, and he has just recently defended ISIL's was against the US as well, which includes our kids.

You like, him, are probably gleeful that this is actually happening.

I am glad you know what I feel and how I think, can you at least pay my bills to make it complete...?
Because this is nothing more than another made up, non-existent, sky is falling, racist pile of hot steaming you-know-what.

Again i ask - why take a chance?. Why let 50,000 unscreened third world kids into our schools? THINK

Bush signed a law and they have due process until their outcome is determined...
And Reagan signed a bill allowing all children in the US a right to an education..

And none of those bills or their signers would have perverted and abused these laws they way this fascist President is doing now.

And you anti-white racists are supporting his efforts that will likely wreck the health of millions of our kids and might cause untold deaths by the time it works its way out.

Posts from retards like you remind me that Ward Churchill, the libtard white hating fake indian who is actually white, that PoS said that Americans DESERVE to die, and he has just recently defended ISIL's was against the US as well, which includes our kids.

You like, him, are probably gleeful that this is actually happening.

I am glad you know what I feel and how I think, can you at least pay my bills to make it complete...?

Just because I can read between the lines of your posts doesn't make me Houdini, you racist.
Because this is nothing more than another made up, non-existent, sky is falling, racist pile of hot steaming you-know-what.

Again i ask - why take a chance?. Why let 50,000 unscreened third world kids into our schools? THINK

Bush signed a law and they have due process until their outcome is determined...
And Reagan signed a bill allowing all children in the US a right to an education..

And none of those bills or their signers would have perverted and abused these laws they way this fascist President is doing now.

And you anti-white racists are supporting his efforts that will likely wreck the health of millions of our kids and might cause untold deaths by the time it works its way out.

Posts from retards like you remind me that Ward Churchill, the libtard white hating fake indian who is actually white, that PoS said that Americans DESERVE to die, and he has just recently defended ISIL's was against the US as well, which includes our kids.

You like, him, are probably gleeful that this is actually happening.

I am glad you know what I feel and how I think, can you at least pay my bills to make it complete...?

Just because I can read between the lines of your posts doesn't make me Houdini, you racist.

I'm a racists, good to know, since I am not all white,,now tell me what minority I am composed of...
Yes, a self-hating white libtard who is more concerned about staying in step with his libtard buddies than using his common sense.

Weird, just the other day I was told I was a rabid right winger.

Wish you folks could make up your mind.
Because this is nothing more than another made up, non-existent, sky is falling, racist pile of hot steaming you-know-what.

Again i ask - why take a chance?. Why let 50,000 unscreened third world kids into our schools? THINK

Bush signed a law and they have due process until their outcome is determined...
And Reagan signed a bill allowing all children in the US a right to an education..

And none of those bills or their signers would have perverted and abused these laws they way this fascist President is doing now.

And you anti-white racists are supporting his efforts that will likely wreck the health of millions of our kids and might cause untold deaths by the time it works its way out.

Posts from retards like you remind me that Ward Churchill, the libtard white hating fake indian who is actually white, that PoS said that Americans DESERVE to die, and he has just recently defended ISIL's was against the US as well, which includes our kids.

You like, him, are probably gleeful that this is actually happening.

I am glad you know what I feel and how I think, can you at least pay my bills to make it complete...?

Just because I can read between the lines of your posts doesn't make me Houdini, you racist.

I'm a racists, good to know, since I am not all white,,now tell me what minority I am composed of...

Holding to false ideas like racism has nothing to do with what race the believer is. Most often the person affirms his own race as the best or whose interests he would go to some effort to support, but you idiot libtards have blown that old general truth right out of the water. The vast majority of you hate the white race, even if it is your own race. Ward Churchill is the classic self hating anti-white racist of today. He is not Indian, he would just rather be anything other than white because he is a racist.

And the first defense you libtard racists use is 'I cant be a racist against whites cause I am white, duh give me a cracker.' You are so shallow, ignorant and stupid it is just amazing.

Lol, you are hilarious.
And the Republican Party can't figure out why people think it's a racist party. It just escapes them.......
And the Republican Party can't figure out why people think it's a racist party. It just escapes them.......


Retreating to your racist talking point list already?

Yes, a self-hating white libtard who is more concerned about staying in step with his libtard buddies than using his common sense.

Weird, just the other day I was told I was a rabid right winger.

Wish you folks could make up your mind.

Lol, so I must have told you that? What stereotype are you using instead of actual thought this time, dude?

Where is your answer dude?

You just make these drive-by accusations, imply I am a Republican then pull up your skirts and run away?
Yes, a self-hating white libtard who is more concerned about staying in step with his libtard buddies than using his common sense.

Weird, just the other day I was told I was a rabid right winger.

Wish you folks could make up your mind.

Lol, so I must have told you that? What stereotype are you using instead of actual thought this time, dude?

Where is your answer dude?

You just make these drive-by accusations, imply I am a Republican then pull up your skirts and run away?

Oh and another question you haven't answered yet; do white people have the Constitutional right to equal standing before the law like all other races do or not? If we do then how can Affirmative Action laws be Constitutional?
Yes, a self-hating white libtard who is more concerned about staying in step with his libtard buddies than using his common sense.

Weird, just the other day I was told I was a rabid right winger.

Wish you folks could make up your mind.

Lol, so I must have told you that? What stereotype are you using instead of actual thought this time, dude?

Where is your answer dude?

You just make these drive-by accusations, imply I am a Republican then pull up your skirts and run away?

Oh and another question you haven't answered yet; do white people have the Constitutional right to equal standing before the law like all other races do or not? If we do then how can Affirmative Action laws be Constitutional?

I was never hot on that law in the first place. As a historian I saw what it did to the Prussians..
Libtards are so god-damned guilt ridden or just hate our country or white people that they will justify the violation of all our laws on immigration to defend a President who has smuggled in 40k+ illegals who have not been medically screened, have no inoculations and are now sitting next to our school kids.

They would rather defend this type of horror rather than support the enforcement of our immigration laws or to protect our school children not all who are in our public schools by choice, and defend this Clown of a President that has not only FAILED to end AQ but has allowed ISIS to revive and now is sitting among drug cartels just south of our Mexican border.

These ideological morons are without moral standards, have no genuine commitment to the rule of law, and give no evidence that they do not hate this country like most of their heroes have admitted to from time to time.

Remember them.
And the Republican Party can't figure out why people think it's a racist party. It just escapes them.......

He's the only one throwing out racists propaganda...I guess he is desperate to have a virus over run his ability to reason and post..

Prove I am a racist.

Because I demand equal standing for whites in a court of law?

Because I am sick of watching minority gangs have full reign to attack innocent whites at random?

Another example of which:

SHOCK Vicious Hate Crime Video from Springfield Missouri WATCH - The Political Insider

You are the racist, not me, and people are coming to realize that people like you are just fucking liars and anti-white racists. Ferguson woke me up when a white cop is being denied his right to defend himself by racists like you.

Everyone else is waking up too. Some just take more time than others.
Yes, a self-hating white libtard who is more concerned about staying in step with his libtard buddies than using his common sense.

Weird, just the other day I was told I was a rabid right winger.

Wish you folks could make up your mind.

Lol, so I must have told you that? What stereotype are you using instead of actual thought this time, dude?

Where is your answer dude?

You just make these drive-by accusations, imply I am a Republican then pull up your skirts and run away?

Oh and another question you haven't answered yet; do white people have the Constitutional right to equal standing before the law like all other races do or not? If we do then how can Affirmative Action laws be Constitutional?

I was never hot on that law in the first place. As a historian I saw what it did to the Prussians..

Now Prussians are a race? What is your point?
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

From your link:

EV-D68 was seen last year in the United States and this year in various parts of the world. Over the years, clusters have been reported in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and various countries including the Philippines, Japan and the Netherlands.
The article reports NO Clusters in ANY country in Latin America over the years, but you have somehow linked EV-D68 to illegal migrants from Latin America.

Obama (and frankly, every other US President) has failed to protect US borders, but this is no example of why their failures have harmed the US.
Dear pro-immigration "progressives":

Phoenix is now infested with bedbugs, head lice, scabbles, and brown recluse spiders from Mehico. They've also brought us TB, whooping cough, POLIO, and several respiratory diseases. You leftist turds think Arizona is racist and xenophobic....which is fine by us. We're know what's coming at the rest of you and will enjoy you experiencing what we've had to deal with for the last 20 years.....BTW, the US owes us $900,000,000 for expenses incurred warehousing your new voters and won't pay us a dime of by all means continue to boycott us...we'll get by. :fu:

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