New disease hitting our schoolkids right after obama lets in 50,000 illegal kids

Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

every day thousands upon thousands of people fly into this country that aren't medically screened before coming in, A lot are white Europeans :eek:

No whining about that though :uhh:
You do realize all those white people you hate, pay for your welfare? So you can sit on your black ass and spew your racist bullshit everyday.

Some history of the disease carrying christers who came to the country
The Columbian Exchange Diseases Brought to the New World
Seems the refugees have been vaccinated. If anyone is disease ridden, it's more likely to be the kids of the tards who think vaccines cause autism.

Mexico has a higher rate of vaccinating their kids than we do.

OTOH, the refugees were not from Mexico.

Doesn't matter since this is all in the imagination of racist froot loops.
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

If it's the fault of the kids at the border, why aren't any of the border states on the list?
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Has anyone told SS that the refugee children are not from Mexico, are not "disease ridden" and not illiterate?

And, President Obama did not "allow" them into our schools. The pre-existing law did that.
Seems the refugees have been vaccinated. If anyone is disease ridden, it's more likely to be the kids of the tards who think vaccines cause autism.

Mexico has a higher rate of vaccinating their kids than we do.

OTOH, the refugees were not from Mexico.

Doesn't matter since this is all in the imagination of racist froot loops.

Don't tip them off about the big plan to Bring a million more brown kids in then let them lose on Lilly white fundamentalist churches on a Sunday so they can touch and cough on them.
No evidence this came from immigrant children.

Why take the chance. Why do you america-hating liberals want to risk the health of my kids.? These are ILLEGALS??? Why do we let them stay.?? Why do we even debate the question.?


The prevention of introducing new disease is why we are SUPPOSED to screen immigrants in the first place.

but of course if it is little brown children then its cool to bring in diseased little rodents in the mind of libtards.

If I had my way, I'd get rid of slimy like you and keep the refugee children AND the undocumented. If that were possible, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment.

And take your racist, un-American KKK friends with you.
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

If it's the fault of the kids at the border, why aren't any of the border states on the list?

Because this is nothing more than another made up, non-existent, sky is falling, racist pile of hot steaming you-know-what.
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Virus whacking kids could be 8216 tip of iceberg 8217

sep 7 2014
A respiratory virus is sending hundreds of children to hospitals in Missouri and possibly throughout the Midwest and beyond, officials say.

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported now could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Viral Diseases.

“We’re in the middle of looking into this,” he told CNN on Sunday. “We don’t have all the answers yet.”

Ten states have contacted the CDC for assistance in investigating clusters of enterovirus — Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Kentucky.

every day thousands upon thousands of people fly into this country that aren't medically screened before coming in, A lot are white Europeans :eek:

No whining about that though :uhh:
You do realize all those white people you hate, pay for your welfare? So you can sit on your black ass and spew your racist bullshit everyday.

Some history of the disease carrying christers who came to the country
The Columbian Exchange Diseases Brought to the New World
What does that have to do with you sitting on your lazy ass everyday collecting welfare? Guno remember this, being lazy is a choice. Just because you are black, that doesn't make you lazy. There are plenty of hard working black men and women. To bad you call them uncle Tom's.
My son and I have already had the virus, he had it three days, I had it for 12 gays, it turned into walking pneumonia, it's some nasty stuff, but I've actually had worse. Like when an illegal brown recluse bit me and I spent three days in the hospital....

OMG, how did you survive 12 GAYS?

roflmao, and yes, that recluse is as illegal as a bug can be, IMO
Lol, so our past medical screenings of immigrants for disease was all just a bunch of hooey?

Great point. I bet Native Americans wish they'd been able to screen for dirty and diseased immigrants.

No shit...

Libtard circle jerk forming alert!

You're both wrong but you still like sharing the spittle.

We made you pivot man, I am sorry you wanted more...

Lol, maybe in your twisted fantasies, pooftah

Your the gheywad that brought it up in da first place. I am more of a daisy chain kinda guy...

Meh, I have never had 12 gays before like you, so I will defer to your expertise, bitch.
No evidence this came from immigrant children.

Why take the chance. Why do you america-hating liberals want to risk the health of my kids.? These are ILLEGALS??? Why do we let them stay.?? Why do we even debate the question.?


The prevention of introducing new disease is why we are SUPPOSED to screen immigrants in the first place.

but of course if it is little brown children then its cool to bring in diseased little rodents in the mind of libtards.

Yes jesus hates the brown kids this you know cause the bible tells you so

Wow, thanks BatShit for yet another of your pointless goofball attempts at humor.

Here, I got one for you....

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Go fuck yourself.
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc. After therefore because of it. Because B follows A, B was caused by A. Hardly ever true.
Lol, so our past medical screenings of immigrants for disease was all just a bunch of hooey?

Great point. I bet Native Americans wish they'd been able to screen for dirty and diseased immigrants.

No shit...

Libtard circle jerk forming alert!

You're both wrong but you still like sharing the spittle.

I don't think you even know what a circle jerk is!

Spittle? Hey how about you enlighten us on what's a circle jerk?

You just said you think I don't know what that is and now you accuse me?

roflmao you libtards are such fucking idiots.

Jim, bottom line the time has long past for bible thumping neo confederates like you in America. Now sit cower and lash against the brown people and changing America and your world that is no more

Lol, you are so fucking stupid that you think I am a neo-confederate?

roflmao, how can we lose with morons like you the opposition?

Face it, BatShit, by 2040 it is you libtards that will be shameful joke punch lines, the children bedtime story fools that almost ruined this country. It wont be people you cant even sort out correctly.

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My son and I have already had the virus, he had it three days, I had it for 12 gays, it turned into walking pneumonia, it's some nasty stuff, but I've actually had worse. Like when an illegal brown recluse bit me and I spent three days in the hospital....

See see! The spider was BROWN!!!!

Yes, racists like you see that the spider was brown.

Non-racists like me see an evil fucking spider that is hideously harmful to people who are just going about their business. Then racists like you call us the racists merely because the spider was brown and we didn't even bring that up for the discussion.

Your whole view of the world is obsolete, unrealistic and DOOMED to extinction in the happy not-too-distant future, BatShit.
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Great point. I bet Native Americans wish they'd been able to screen for dirty and diseased immigrants.

HAHAHA. Very funny. Fact is indians had no technology - they didn't even have written languages and if the white man hadn't come, they'd still be living in caves and eating bugs and dying at 32. Whites are the best thing that ever happened to indians.
Repubs should be pounding on this. Demand that obozo send back to mexico the 50,000 disease-ridden and illiterate illegal kids he recently allowed into our schools.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc. After therefore because of it. Because B follows A, B was caused by A. Hardly ever true.

No, Step A was 40,000+ unscreened illegals were let into the country (and people warned of the plausible consequence which just might have followed)
Step B is the spread of unhindered disease to the public starting with our children who are forced to attend public schools with a bunch of diseased illegal bastards. Since this is a plausible outcome of letting in tens of thousands of unscreened diseased little shits, there is no reason to ASSume that this had nothing to do with Step A which was called and Step B predicted.

You have your sequence reversed it appears.

Has anyone told SS that the refugee children are not from Mexico, are not "disease ridden" and not illiterate?


EVery one of these kids came from mexico. That was the last country they were in before invading america. They claim they ORIGINALLY came from some other country but they have no way of proving that. All we know is they came from mexico.

Great point. I bet Native Americans wish they'd been able to screen for dirty and diseased immigrants.

HAHAHA. Very funny. Fact is indians had no technology - they didn't even have written languages and if the white man hadn't come, they'd still be living in caves and eating bugs and dying at 32. Whites are the best thing that ever happened to indians.

No it isn't funny. While there were injustices done to various Amerindian tribes, MOST of the Amerindian wars were initiated by Amerindians. We broke very few treaties compared to others, but the differences in language and culture made it easy to miscommunicate and have misunderstandings that often led to war.

But the white hating libtard racists have to make whites out to be 100% evil and we all deliberately exterminated all the Amerindians is their slander on u s, like the slander that we started and spread slavery throughout the world when it was already everywhere in the world by 1300.

Libtards always hate America first, and if they cant make it about America then they hate whites next.
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Has anyone told SS that the refugee children are not from Mexico, are not "disease ridden" and not illiterate?


EVery one of these kids came from mexico. That was the last country they were in before invading america. They claim they ORIGINALLY came from some other country but they have no way of proving that. All we know is they came from mexico.


Actually most of them merely passed through Mexico and are from smaller central American states.

Your lack of respect for accuracy or truth undermines what you say.

Thank God.

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