New feature added: Ability to hide member signatures

This is not a new feature. I have signatures turned off. Can't see 'em at all and havent FOR YEARS.

Now that that is settled, how hard would it be to slap in the INFORMATIVE button?
WEll, I just unchekced the box that says "show people's signatures" and saved it, and I 'm still seeing them.

Okay, now they're gone.
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We have added an option under your User Preferences to disable viewing other members' sigantures.

The option is labeled:
  • Show people's signatures with their messages

This is the URL to get to your Preferences:

We hope you find this feature useful.
Using the forum on my smartphone, signatures never appeared anyhow, so even with the new option toggled both on or off, the screen is never cluttered with signatures
There should be a limit size on all siggies. This bullshit of youtube songs, vids of speeches, pics the size of my apt, scripts that are longer than my arm of quotes, etc is ludicrous.
Funny... because I have done it for years

Me too! Thank gawd there's someone else, I was starting to think I was nucking futs. (my spell check says nuckin futs is spelled wrong lol) I took the sigs off cause Dings was 90 miles long and irritated me.
This is not a new feature. I have signatures turned off. Can't see 'em at all and havent FOR YEARS.

Now that that is settled, how hard would it be to slap in the INFORMATIVE button?
I haven't had to see signatures FOR YEARS either. And YES, please do add a button for INFORMATIVE.
The informative button is important to many of us because doing a thumbs up means we agree with what someone said. This is not the case. SOME of the things they said we agree on or don't agree on, but the post itself is informative in some fashion or another. Shit we didn't know, or didn't think of. Stuff like that. The Shocked Smiley is RARELY used. Why can't that one be womd (weapon of mass destruction) and replaced with a button we ALL would use?
The informative button is important to many of us because doing a thumbs up means we agree with what someone said. This is not the case. SOME of the things they said we agree on or don't agree on, but the post itself is informative in some fashion or another. Shit we didn't know, or didn't think of. Stuff like that. The Shocked Smiley is RARELY used. Why can't that one be womd (weapon of mass destruction) and replaced with a button we ALL would use?
I liked informative also.
I'm missing something. I have not seen one sig ever here. I believe when I set it up it asked that

You have to actually turn them on yourself, by checking a box in your preferences and saving the change. No, you aren't missing anything, except Haftawaite's giant ass pic of that closet commie bastard Snoopy hiding behind a couch spying on the people who feed the lazy little asshole.

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