New Fed Boss, Same Train Wreck Policies


Sep 11, 2013
New Fed Boss, Same Train Wreck Policies

Yellen is a staunch supporter of plan to create asset bubbles through issuance of trillions of devalued dollars

Kurt Nimmo
October 9, 2013

Obama’s selection for Federal Reserve boss, Council on Foreign Relations member and Alan Greenspan protege Janet Yellen, has signaled that the fiat funny money printing presses will continue to roll.

Bloomberg propaganda humanizing Yellen and the Fed’s carnivorous economic policies.

Bankster minion Larry Summers, who worked closely with cohort Robert Rubin to dismantle the firewall between commercial and investment banking (Glass-Steagal) and allow derivatives to ruin the economy, was on the short list. His toxic background as a sleazeball at the Treasury Department (see Greg Palast’s article) got him dumped and paved the way for the president and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to be appointed. The Senate indicated it would oppose the nomination of Summers, not because he was instrumental in creating the pseudo-securities wrecking ball designed to destroy national economies, but rather, if you can believe the New York Times and the rest of the Wall Street pimped Mockingbird media, he is mean to women.

Yellen is squeaky clean, that is if a high-level bankster official can be considered clean, and she is a staunch supporter of the Bernanke plan to create dangerous new asset bubbles through the printing of trillions of devalued dollars in funny money, a scheme called quantitative easing. Because of her blasé background as a macroeconomics academic, her nomination by the Senate will present few if any problems. She’s a shoo-in.

“Yellen was the was the obvious choice if — and only if — you believe that the current direction of the nation’s powerful central bank is the correct one for the country,” opines the Washington Post. “Yellen has been not merely an engineer of the Fed’s policies of ‘quantitative easing’ and ‘forward guidance,’ but a consistent voice within the central bank to go further. She has reliably pushed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues to explore what else they might do to bring down the 7 percent jobless rate and put the millions of American unemployed back to work.”

So, under Yellen, the United States will continue to the process of destroying the once vaunted U.S. dollar through inflation, a process we are assured will create jobs in a country where millions of jobs over the last couple decades have been off-shored to slave labor gulags in Asia. Destroying the dollar and ushering in a new globalist economic regime is a long-term process. Since its inception in the dead of night at Christmas in 1913, the Federal Reserve has been directly responsible for the U.S. dollar losing 97% of its value. Remarkably, the Fed likes to say its job is “price stability,” or protecting the dollar. It has done the exact opposite and will continue to do so.

Killer inflation is now around ten percent, but this is hidden by deceptive tallying by the Fed and the government with the assistance of the Mighty Wurlitzer, the CIA’s Mockingbird media that peddles lies and deceptions with faithful regularity.

In the halls of government, a small and widely excoriated tea party-influenced crew is attempting to ring in fiscal sanity and stop profligate debt creation, a process loved by the international bankster elite, but despite their best efforts the tide is turning against them.

Ms. Yellen, who will suffer less criticism than her predecessor – under the strictures of political correctness, it is racist and sexist to criticize women and people of color who serve the elite – will oversee the final destruction of the once great and unparalleled engine of wealth creation, the United States.

Prison » New Fed Boss, Same Train Wreck Policies
Dude, does Infowars even care if their "journalists" have backgrounds in finance or economics? I'm going to say probably not.

Inflation can be defined as an increase in the general level of prices of real goods and services in the economy over a certain time period. The rate of inflation includes all prices, not sectors of the economy. It's the lessening of purchasing power in the general economy as a whole. We're not experiencing inflation.

You have to discern between the cost of living and inflation. This is another myth repeated by the hard money crowd and the cult members of Peter Schiff Inc. People then view inflation when certain key prices increase. Gas and food prices increase, then people automatically assume its inflation. The use of the word inflation is incorrect when prices go up in certain expenditure categories.

The value of the dollar increased against all major currencies since 2007 and this is reflected by the dollar index. The FED, and government spending for that matter, is always 'money creation' by default, regardless of tax receipts or bond sales. An increase in the supply of money is not the sole reason for inflation. If that was case, the world's five major central banks - the FED, ECB, BOJ, SNB, SOB - should have resulted in inflation since they 'printed' over 5 trillion in the last six years, including record deficits across these countries. And we've experienced no inflation whatsoever. The Austrians and Monetarist cult members have been dead wrong for years about the nature of inflation and the global financial crisis. They continually perpetuate these theories with false analogies and without any demonstrable examples.

In point of fact, last year, the Treasury rolled over $61.5 trillion.



Where's the hyperinflation? Why haven't interest rates skyrocketed? Where's the dollar collapse? Nut jobs like Alex Jones and his "journalists" have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

Lastly, Kurt Nimmo sounds eerily similar to Ron I-parrot-von-Mises Paul, who would ramble on and on about how the US dollar lost 95% of its value since 1913. A basic good or service that cost one dollar in 2013, would be priced at 5 cents in 1913. So fucking what? The averaged earned income has increased over 6500% percent since that time period. In 1913-1914, for example, the average earned income was around $750 per year, today it's around 50k per year. In the United States, averaged earn incomes beat price inflation by around 230%.
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Dude, does Infowars even care if their "journalists" have backgrounds in finance or economics? I'm going to say probably not.

Inflation can be defined as an increase in the general level of prices of real goods and services in the economy over a certain time period. The rate of inflation includes all prices, not sectors of the economy. It's the lessening of purchasing power in the general economy as a whole. We're not experiencing inflation.

You have to discern between the cost of living and inflation. This is another myth repeated by the hard money crowd and the cult members of Peter Schiff Inc. People then view inflation when certain key prices increase. Gas and food prices increase, then people automatically assume its inflation. The use of the word inflation is incorrect when prices go up in certain expenditure categories.

The value of the dollar increased against all major currencies since 2007 and this is reflected by the dollar index. The FED, and government spending for that matter, is always 'money creation' by default, regardless of tax receipts or bond sales. An increase in the supply of money is not the sole reason for inflation. If that was case, the world's five major central banks - the FED, ECB, BOJ, SNB, SOB - should have resulted in inflation since they 'printed' over 5 trillion in the last six years, including record deficits across these countries. And we've experienced no inflation whatsoever. The Austrians and Monetarist cult members have been dead wrong for years about the nature of inflation and the global financial crisis. They continually perpetuate these theories with false analogies and without any demonstrable examples.

In point of fact, last year, the Treasury rolled over $61.5 trillion.



Where's the hyperinflation? Why haven't interest rates skyrocketed? Where's the dollar collapse? Nut jobs like Alex Jones and his "journalists" have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

Lastly, Kurt Nimmo sounds eerily similar to Ron I-parrot-von-Mises Paul, who would ramble on and on about how the US dollar lost 95% of its value since 1913. A basic good or service that cost one dollar in 2013, would be priced at 5 cents in 1913. So fucking what? The averaged earned income has increased over 6500% percent since that time period. In 1913-1914, for example, the average earned income was around $750 per year, today it's around 50k per year. In the United States, averaged earn incomes beat price inflation by around 230%.
Nice try at trying to educate. Your post is absolutely true. But I think it is futile. This thread is simply about agenda and conspiracy. Truth be damned.
Dude, does Infowars even care if their "journalists" have backgrounds in finance or economics? I'm going to say probably not.

Inflation can be defined as an increase in the general level of prices of real goods and services in the economy over a certain time period. The rate of inflation includes all prices, not sectors of the economy. It's the lessening of purchasing power in the general economy as a whole. We're not experiencing inflation.

You have to discern between the cost of living and inflation. This is another myth repeated by the hard money crowd and the cult members of Peter Schiff Inc. People then view inflation when certain key prices increase. Gas and food prices increase, then people automatically assume its inflation. The use of the word inflation is incorrect when prices go up in certain expenditure categories.

The value of the dollar increased against all major currencies since 2007 and this is reflected by the dollar index. The FED, and government spending for that matter, is always 'money creation' by default, regardless of tax receipts or bond sales. An increase in the supply of money is not the sole reason for inflation. If that was case, the world's five major central banks - the FED, ECB, BOJ, SNB, SOB - should have resulted in inflation since they 'printed' over 5 trillion in the last six years, including record deficits across these countries. And we've experienced no inflation whatsoever. The Austrians and Monetarist cult members have been dead wrong for years about the nature of inflation and the global financial crisis. They continually perpetuate these theories with false analogies and without any demonstrable examples.

In point of fact, last year, the Treasury rolled over $61.5 trillion.



Where's the hyperinflation? Why haven't interest rates skyrocketed? Where's the dollar collapse? Nut jobs like Alex Jones and his "journalists" have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

Lastly, Kurt Nimmo sounds eerily similar to Ron I-parrot-von-Mises Paul, who would ramble on and on about how the US dollar lost 95% of its value since 1913. A basic good or service that cost one dollar in 2013, would be priced at 5 cents in 1913. So fucking what? The averaged earned income has increased over 6500% percent since that time period. In 1913-1914, for example, the average earned income was around $750 per year, today it's around 50k per year. In the United States, averaged earn incomes beat price inflation by around 230%.
Nice try at trying to educate. Your post is absolutely true. But I think it is futile. This thread is simply about agenda and conspiracy. Truth be damned.

Dude, I've had it with these libertarians, right wing reactionaries, neoliberals and other douche bags that have no fucking clue what they're talking about. We have Tea Party retards holding the country hostage over something as fucking trivial as the debt ceiling. No, let's not talk about achieving full employment, fixing an utterly laughable health care system, wage disparities, wage stagnation, education, our human capital needs for the future, etc. NO, we can't do the that. Instead, let's turn the United States in some type of dystopic, neo-fuedal, Ayn Randian douche fest. These people need to go to a fucking library, incur some late fees, and read about US and world history, because their narratives have NO BASIS in reality.

At this point, every member of Congress needs to go, they don't have a clue.

</rant off> :)
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Dude, does Infowars even care if their "journalists" have backgrounds in finance or economics? I'm going to say probably not.

Inflation can be defined as an increase in the general level of prices of real goods and services in the economy over a certain time period. The rate of inflation includes all prices, not sectors of the economy. It's the lessening of purchasing power in the general economy as a whole. We're not experiencing inflation.

You have to discern between the cost of living and inflation. This is another myth repeated by the hard money crowd and the cult members of Peter Schiff Inc. People then view inflation when certain key prices increase. Gas and food prices increase, then people automatically assume its inflation. The use of the word inflation is incorrect when prices go up in certain expenditure categories.

The value of the dollar increased against all major currencies since 2007 and this is reflected by the dollar index. The FED, and government spending for that matter, is always 'money creation' by default, regardless of tax receipts or bond sales. An increase in the supply of money is not the sole reason for inflation. If that was case, the world's five major central banks - the FED, ECB, BOJ, SNB, SOB - should have resulted in inflation since they 'printed' over 5 trillion in the last six years, including record deficits across these countries. And we've experienced no inflation whatsoever. The Austrians and Monetarist cult members have been dead wrong for years about the nature of inflation and the global financial crisis. They continually perpetuate these theories with false analogies and without any demonstrable examples.

In point of fact, last year, the Treasury rolled over $61.5 trillion.



Where's the hyperinflation? Why haven't interest rates skyrocketed? Where's the dollar collapse? Nut jobs like Alex Jones and his "journalists" have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

Lastly, Kurt Nimmo sounds eerily similar to Ron I-parrot-von-Mises Paul, who would ramble on and on about how the US dollar lost 95% of its value since 1913. A basic good or service that cost one dollar in 2013, would be priced at 5 cents in 1913. So fucking what? The averaged earned income has increased over 6500% percent since that time period. In 1913-1914, for example, the average earned income was around $750 per year, today it's around 50k per year. In the United States, averaged earn incomes beat price inflation by around 230%.
Nice try at trying to educate. Your post is absolutely true. But I think it is futile. This thread is simply about agenda and conspiracy. Truth be damned.

Dude, I've had it with these libertarians, right wing reactionaries, neoliberals and other douche bags that have no fucking clue what they're talking about. We have Tea Party retards holding the country hostage over something as fucking trivial as the debt ceiling. No, let's not talk about achieving full employment, fixing an utterly laughable health care system, wage disparities, wage stagnation, education, our human capital needs for the future, etc. NO, we can't do the that. Instead, let's turn the United States in some type of dystopic, neofuedal, Ayn Randian douche fest.

At this point, every member of Congress needs to go, they don't have a clue.

We have done it your way only, so it's us that are tired of you... You can't possibly be tired of us. We got like 1% in the GE, Government grows and they are printing over a trillion dollars a year. Trying to blame us is full on retarded.
Nice try at trying to educate. Your post is absolutely true. But I think it is futile. This thread is simply about agenda and conspiracy. Truth be damned.

Dude, I've had it with these libertarians, right wing reactionaries, neoliberals and other douche bags that have no fucking clue what they're talking about. We have Tea Party retards holding the country hostage over something as fucking trivial as the debt ceiling. No, let's not talk about achieving full employment, fixing an utterly laughable health care system, wage disparities, wage stagnation, education, our human capital needs for the future, etc. NO, we can't do the that. Instead, let's turn the United States in some type of dystopic, neofuedal, Ayn Randian douche fest.

At this point, every member of Congress needs to go, they don't have a clue.

We have done it your way only, so it's us that are tired of you... You can't possibly be tired of us. We got like 1% in the GE, Government grows and they are printing over a trillion dollars a year. Trying to blame us is full on retarded.

My way? What would that be? What is it with you guys and this "printing money" meme? For the 100,555,756th time, we're no longer on a gold standard/fixed exchange rate. We can't use dollars until the federal government spends them. Any taxes and "borrowing" occur after the government spends so to speak. The government effectively taxes and borrows back what it has already spent.
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As much as I hate inowars it's nice to see an alternative take besides the media that is inflating her credentials like she will the money supply. :lol:

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