New Forum Suggestion

I do care what foreigners think of us, we get to talk about other countries and the disdain we have for some so lets hear what they think of us.
I think you are worse than an infection.

You are an infection. I bet you infect everyone you come in contact with , like Covid 19.
I do. Two days around me and the real American disease takes hold and you no longer want Joe to fondle you and you buy a gun.
I don't own or want a gun, and I'm not telling you where I live. Also I do not want any man to fondle me.
You repair your own car, don’t you?

Sorry your softball league got canceled this Spring.
I do care what foreigners think of us, we get to talk about other countries and the disdain we have for some so lets hear what they think of us.

Why does the left cater to foreigners while millions of Americans are struggling?

What foreigners think of us and catering to them are different things.
Democrats provide them with sanctuary cities, they are alway passing out information to help them, an
Again I do t understand why they don’t help struggling Americans
I can only take this thread as a homage to my excellent contribution earlier today. Its not as well written obviously, but it would be churlish to deny the fact that you have made an effort. None of my other bitches has tried.
How about a forum dedicated to the irrelevant blather of foreigners and ex-pat Americans trying to impress their new neighbors by obsessing over every single thing that happens in America and competing with each other to see who can besmirch and demean the greatest nation on earth the most while ignoring what's happening in their own front yard. Give these creatures a place to rant and rave in ungrammatical if not completely incoherent English where they can be duly ignored by everyone else. Call it the "Americans Don't Give a Fuck What You Think" forum.

The greatest nation on earth is perfectly capable of taking criticism without whining about it or seeking to diminish its critics.
I bet there are a lot more foreign posters than the occasional liberal Brit. I would suggest that some foreign posters are agents of governments that are dedicated to the overthrow of the American system of government. I guess the U.S. Message Board has the technical ability to determine if posts originate in countries who are hostile to the American way of life. The 1st Amendment freedom of speech only applies to the U.S. and it's protectorates. If the Forum wants to admit speech from foreign propaganda sources hostile to the American way of life it has the obligation to identify it as such.
Foreigners who come posted at USMB should above all be pros American first of all otherwise they should not participate in the forum and also have knowledge of the USA and speak English
I was sort of kidding in the OP, you know. Most Americans really do not give a fuck what anyone from anywhere thinks about our politics or society, but non-American posters need not be blocked or censored, and I don't think there should be a requirement that they be "pro-America" per se. However, some posters (yeah, looking at you, Tommy death-monger) ONLY come here to endlessly bash America. Such trolls obsess over America while completely ignoring everything going on in their own countries.

As for English, I understand better than most how difficult it can be to express complex ideas in a second or third language, so I'm fully sympathetic there. A certain level of proficiency is a matter of practicality on an English-based platform, but then more than a few native-born American posters here regularly fall far short of that bar. Some posters are completely incoherent quite aside from any linguistic concerns.
I was sort of kidding in the OP, you know. Most Americans really do not give a fuck what anyone from anywhere thinks about our politics or society, but non-American posters need not be blocked or censored, and I don't think there should be a requirement that they be "pro-America" per se. However, some posters (yeah, looking at you, Tommy death-monger) ONLY come here to endlessly bash America. Such trolls obsess over America while completely ignoring everything going on in their own countries.

As for English, I understand better than most how difficult it can be to express complex ideas in a second or third language, so I'm fully sympathetic there. A certain level of proficiency is a matter of practicality on an English-based platform, but then more than a few native-born American posters here regularly fall far short of that bar. Some posters are completely incoherent quite aside from any linguistic concerns.
Yes, the members who are foreigners do not have to be inevitably unconditional Americans lover but they should not also be anti Trump who come to fight against the conservatives, they should respect the choice of the Americans if this year it is not Trump who wins the election :confused:for my part I would not come to insult the Americans for their choice. You are in a democracy and as far as English is concerned I think I'm doing well LOL, French is also difficult ;)
I do care what foreigners think of us, we get to talk about other countries and the disdain we have for some so lets hear what they think of us.

Sure you do. You are always trotting out the orange man bad and here are the countries that hate him stories.

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