New Gallup Poll: Trump approval in freefall, sinks to 36%

That all depends on whether you believe all the polls that show his approval ratings going down since the election. If you have a poll showing his approval/disapproval rating shows otherwise, please provide a link
I'm so sure the poll is flawed I would hold the election all over again today. Hillary would still lose and so would poor Bernie after Hillary plays her dirty Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz tricks.
Polls are not fake when they provide the methods of how they took the poll. That leaves it up to you to judge the accuracy that is concluded by the method of polling. You can say the method sucks and go into detail of why the method sucks, but that doesn't make it "fake". It makes it inaccurate in your opinion. That is not the same as fake.
A poll that excluded states that Mr. Trump won is not a real poll...sorry
All those polls that show his approval going down are from polls that did not include the states that supported him??? Which ones did that? Did they all conspire to do that?
That is what we should be talking about. The rigging of an election in the democrat primary. That makes the Russian story look sophomoric in comparison.
Obama didn't sink as low as 38% until 3 years into his presidency. Trump is a at 36% two months in lol. That's of course telling
I don't know about that Billy but I would rather be low at the start than after people had years to get to know me. No,,, I will take the low numbers early thank you.
So you'd take numbers that would show pessimistic the public is about you for the years to come?
All those polls that show his approval going down are from polls that did not include the states that supported him??? Which ones did that? Did they all conspire to do that?
So you'd take numbers that would show pessimistic the public is about you for the years to come?
Sure low numbers early means you have time to turn things around. Check the right track wrong track numbers....but sit down first.
All those polls that show his approval going down are from polls that did not include the states that supported him??? Which ones did that? Did they all conspire to do that?
I prefer objective data and evidence in lieu of subjective speculation or partisan opinions. You are offering no supportive evidence for you claim. The question was, which poll was taken that did not include data from states that supported him? You only provide an opinion on the second part of the question and ignored the portion of the question that requires an objective response.
"Big announcement by Ford today. Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!" - Trump

if he does well on jobs and immigration he'll be re-elected easily!
"Big announcement by Ford today. Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!" - Trump

if he does well on jobs and immigration he'll be re-elected easily!
That was done under Obama
Do you have any alternative indicator which reveals Trump is popular with the public?
Just look at the pact auditoriums at his presidential rally's. It's the same people that showed up prior to the election campaign rally's. We haven't left the president.

Yea...I guess you can fill an auditorium with the 36% who support him

But you could also look at the millions who protested nationwide the day after his inauguration


Ol Hillary could really pack em in eh.......
View attachment 119073

Looks like the Russians hacked her rallies.
Get it Done Now ..Avoid the Rush to the Exits Later..

First GOP lawmaker calls for Nunes to recuse himself
Source: The Hill

Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) on Tuesday told The Hill that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) should "absolutely" recuse himself from his panel's investigation into Russia's meddling in last year’s election.

Jones, a member of the House Armed Services Committee who frequently bucks leadership, is the first Republican in Congress to call on Nunes to step aside.

"How can you be chairman of a major committee and do all these things behind the scenes and keep your credibility? You can't keep your credibility," Jones said just off the House floor.

“If anything has shown that we need a commission, this has done it by the way he has acted. That's the only way you can bring integrity to the process. The integrity of the committee looking into this has been tainted."

Read more: First GOP lawmaker calls for Nunes to recuse himself
"Big announcement by Ford today. Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!" - Trump

if he does well on jobs and immigration he'll be re-elected easily!
and if you get a Trump University Degree you will be rolling in dough....bwuaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
The failure of Congress to repeal Obamacare is more than likely to result in the end of my life.

I still stand with Trump.

I will stand with Trump until the end.


All this time, you RWNJs have been saying that no one dies in the US for lack of insurance but now you say having insurance will kill you.

What you really mean is the Repubs in your state have screwed over their own constituents. Lie about if you want but remember that all of us have access to real news.[
The failure of Congress to repeal Obamacare is more than likely to result in the end of my life.

I still stand with Trump.

I will stand with Trump until the end.


All this time, you RWNJs have been saying that no one dies in the US for lack of insurance but now you say having insurance will kill you.

What you really mean is the Repubs in your state have screwed over their own constituents. Lie about if you want but remember that all of us have access to real news.


I do have insurance, through work.

i refuse to be treated by Obamacare.

I have not been to a doctor or hospital in 28 years and age is catching up to me, fast.

I've really been holding on since 2010.

looks like you're teed up perfectly:

you currently have insurance at work, which like all commercial health care policies is a form of taxation btw, then the Repubs finally repeal Ocare before you lose your job, then as an unemployed consumer on the new Repub 'open market' lol there's no way you could afford a policy and will struggle to stay alive until you reach 65 then start sucking up your gubmint healthcare

take heed

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