New GOP add is brutal


Gold Member
Nov 18, 2017
This is what we have to do.....

Take the fight to them and show them for exactly what they are.

Trump is a political genius.

2020 should be in the bag as long as the sane still outnumber the insane.

Squad Goals:
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I just think it's hilarious that these 4 dumb ass women have captured the Media's attention. This is too easy, just play the absurd, anti-American things they themselves say on camera.
Brutal to who?

They are not going to answer for it as they are all from deep, deep blue districts. Outside of the 'squad,' there is little value in an ad that is not attacking the person running.
The dog-shit GOP will cast these 4 commie idiots as THE FACE of the dem party.

It will be a brutal ass whipping in 2020.

I am almost sad. Almost.

This is what we have to do.....

Take the fight to them and show them for exactly what they are.

Trump is a political genius.

2020 should be in the bag as long as the sane still outnumber the insane.

Squad Goals:
Deno, isn't this the problem where as people are disregarding all the bullcrap attacks on Conservative Christian's, Republican's, and independent's over the years, and this for them not wanting to tow the line on everything that is conjured up these days by various groups who operate outside of their comfort zones ????

Sure it's easy to just figure that any and everything is to be accepted that is pushed, but isn't that really an unrealistic expectation to bring upon oneself in life, especially when things just don't go the way some groups think that it should go ??

The problem is that when things are pushed by various power structures/platforms/groups above and beyond the freedom of choice in America, then comes the great pushback by those who just won't agree to any and everything that is thrown at them.

Now should people just be forced to go along with any and everything by some people's reasoning or thinking today ??

Everything exist in a balance where tolerance is a huge part of that balance, but when things begin to drift to far on the scale, then the scales are then re-calibrated to get back that balance and tolerance that made everything work, and unifies the nation.

It seems that we have alot of activist today, and everyone of them think that they are the end all to this nations problems, when in fact they might be the actual creator of many problems that didn't exist until they stirred up things in which didn't need to be stirred up. Not sure what the answer is to this sort of thing today.

Yes, we always need a check up to make sure the health of the nation is good, but we need to be ever so careful of those engaging in malpractice. We must not be poisoned by the wrong physician's operating for that very reason.
Brutal to who?

They are not going to answer for it as they are all from deep, deep blue districts. Outside of the 'squad,' there is little value in an ad that is not attacking the person running.

Wrongo Tardo….

It shows them for just what they are.

And that is flucking Brutal...….
I just think it's hilarious that these 4 dumb ass women have captured the Media's attention. This is too easy, just play the absurd, anti-American things they themselves say on camera.
Mission: Make the sedition squad the most recognizable Democrats.

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