New government are about to let Kiev's zoo animals starve to death.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Whoa geeze. I'm going to be contacting my zoo up in Winnipeg on Monday to see what can be done if anything to prevent this. What a freaking nightmare! If I find a legitimate fund set up to help, I'll post it.

The city allocates funds needed for maintaining the zoo, but Kiev redirects the money to some of its needs.

'As a result, the animals in the zoo, are in a catastrophic situation.’

‘Along with the whole country, our zoo is living through difficult and terrifying times,’ said the zoo statement.

'By Monday, we will have nothing with which to feed the animals.’

The zoo dates from the 1890s and survived two world wars.

Animals left to starve to death in Ukrainian zoo as new government of debt-ridden country divert funds elsewhere | Mail Online
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While there are agencies that help animals in these straits we can't be sure the new nazi government won't seize the money. I donated to such an agency to help the animals in the zoo in Afghanistan.
Oh don't worry. Your hero, Putin will make sure they don't die for nothing.

Maybe he'll shoot them in his next phony macho photo op.
President Putin is a well known animal lover. When the city government of Sochi sent killers to destroy the stray dogs President Putin set up an emergency animal shelter and people to save their little lives. Povodok I think it was called. When we didn't have a contemptuous ass in the white house Bush brought Barney to meetings in Moscow.
Whoa geeze. I'm going to be contacting my zoo up in Winnipeg on Monday to see what can be done if anything to prevent this. What a freaking nightmare! If I find a legitimate fund set up to help, I'll post it.

The city allocates funds needed for maintaining the zoo, but Kiev redirects the money to some of its needs.

'As a result, the animals in the zoo, are in a catastrophic situation.’

‘Along with the whole country, our zoo is living through difficult and terrifying times,’ said the zoo statement.

'By Monday, we will have nothing with which to feed the animals.’

The zoo dates from the 1890s and survived two world wars.

Animals left to starve to death in Ukrainian zoo as new government of debt-ridden country divert funds elsewhere | Mail Online
Many human Ukrainians are finding out how expensive their "freedom" is when it comes from bankers:

"According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian pensions from $160 to $80 so that Western bankers who lent money to Ukraine can be repaid at the expense of Ukraine’s poor. Ú.Óêðàèíà-Ãàçåòà - Øîê è ðàñ÷åò

"It is Greece all over again."

The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun -
Oh don't worry. Your hero, Putin will make sure they don't die for nothing.

Maybe he'll shoot them in his next phony macho photo op.

Come on man. I know you are an animal advocate. This crosses all political boundaries. No beast needs to suffer let alone die.

This is wrong. No matter where one stands on this issue we have to pony up and make sure the innocent do not pay the price of stupid politics.
Whoa geeze. I'm going to be contacting my zoo up in Winnipeg on Monday to see what can be done if anything to prevent this. What a freaking nightmare! If I find a legitimate fund set up to help, I'll post it.

The city allocates funds needed for maintaining the zoo, but Kiev redirects the money to some of its needs.

'As a result, the animals in the zoo, are in a catastrophic situation.’

‘Along with the whole country, our zoo is living through difficult and terrifying times,’ said the zoo statement.

'By Monday, we will have nothing with which to feed the animals.’

The zoo dates from the 1890s and survived two world wars.

Animals left to starve to death in Ukrainian zoo as new government of debt-ridden country divert funds elsewhere | Mail Online
Many human Ukrainians are finding out how expensive their "freedom" is when it comes from bankers:

"According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian pensions from $160 to $80 so that Western bankers who lent money to Ukraine can be repaid at the expense of Ukraine’s poor. Ú.Óêðàèíà-Ãàçåòà - Øîê è ðàñ÷åò

"It is Greece all over again."

The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun -

Nuland picked the new President. Go figure.
Maybe they can move the Zoo to Crimea.

This is a nightmare for Ukranians. If they do not throw the EU Nazis out on their collective asses, Ukraine will be supporting Parisian bankers.
Whoa geeze. I'm going to be contacting my zoo up in Winnipeg on Monday to see what can be done if anything to prevent this. What a freaking nightmare! If I find a legitimate fund set up to help, I'll post it.

The city allocates funds needed for maintaining the zoo, but Kiev redirects the money to some of its needs.

'As a result, the animals in the zoo, are in a catastrophic situation.’

‘Along with the whole country, our zoo is living through difficult and terrifying times,’ said the zoo statement.

'By Monday, we will have nothing with which to feed the animals.’

The zoo dates from the 1890s and survived two world wars.

Animals left to starve to death in Ukrainian zoo as new government of debt-ridden country divert funds elsewhere | Mail Online
Many human Ukrainians are finding out how expensive their "freedom" is when it comes from bankers:

"According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian pensions from $160 to $80 so that Western bankers who lent money to Ukraine can be repaid at the expense of Ukraine’s poor. Ú.Óêðàèíà-Ãàçåòà - Øîê è ðàñ÷åò

"It is Greece all over again."

The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun -

Nuland picked the new President. Go figure.
The next big question for Nuland is how much she knew and when she knew it:

"After hard talks, all major parties including the majority of protesters, agreed to new presidential elections in December, return to the 2004 Constitution and release of Julia Tymoshenko from prison.

"The compromise appeared to end the months long chaos and give a way out for all major players.

"The diplomatic compromise lasted less than twelve hours.

"Then all hell broke loose.

"Snipers began shooting into the crowd on February 22 in Maidan or Independence Square.

"Panic ensued and riot police retreated in panic according to eyewitnesses.

"The opposition leader Vitali Klitschko withdrew from the deal, no reason given.

"Yanukovich fled Kiev.[3]

"The question unanswered until now is who deployed the snipers?

"According to veteran US intelligence sources, the snipers came from an ultra-right-wing military organization known as Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO)."

Ukraine: Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization Involved in Euromaidan Sniper Shootings | Global Research

If the snipers that drove Yanukovich from power were Neo-Nazis responsible for killing police and opposition supporters, Nuland's fucked.

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