Trump claims Arlington incident never happened. Says Harris just made it up.

Why didn't they show the videos released by the families of the slain soldiers who invited Trump to the memorial service? Oh, no...they'll never do THAT! They'll find a mother of a soldier buried in Arlington that hates Trump and bring her on to say how Trump "desecrated" hallowed ground! They'll ignore the fact that Joe Biden went to the very same place and had photos taken of himself "grieving" for the soldiers his actions got killed! Joe didn't show for this memorial and do you know why? Because he would have gotten an earful from those families and deservedly so! All this time and that piece of shit Biden STILL hasn't called them to offer his condolences! Not only hasn't he done something as simple as that...he had the audacity to claim during the debate that no military personnel had been killed while he was in office...about as blatant a lie as Joe's ever told and he's told some whoppers!
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Stop posting stupid bullshit.

Zero died “at the hands” during Biden’s term too. So fucking what? They were still killed in Afghanistan.

Joe Biden literally forgot about the 13 Americans that his botched withdrawal got killed in the debate with Trump! But you think people should be outraged because Trump posed for pictures with the families of those murdered soldiers...families that invited him to that memorial?
Don't know who they were and don't care. posing in front of tombstones like trophies. Thats fucked up.

Ah, there you made a mistake. If it's the family of the person in question, they are probably past mourning and are remembering their fallen family member in their own way.

Who are you to judge?
Joe Biden literally forgot about the 13 Americans that his botched withdrawal got killed in the debate with Trump! But you think people should be outraged because Trump posed for pictures with the families of those murdered soldiers...families that invited him to that memorial?

No dummy the outrage is over Trump looking like a fucking idiot giving thumbs up for the dead and illegaly electioneering at the grave site.
Ah, there you made a mistake. If it's the family of the person in question, they are probably past mourning and are remembering their fallen family member in their own way.

Who are you to judge?
The family can do what they want in front of their tombstone (there were three). You standing there thumbs up and smiling is ghoulish and stupid.

I imagine there will be many pics over his tombstone just like that.
The family can do what they want in front of their tombstone (there were three). You standing there thumbs up and smiling is ghoulish and stupid.

I imagine there will be many pics over his tombstone just like that.

Was the family also smiling in the picture?

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