New Hampshire Primary Thread

Fox claiming and thing Bernie and The Donald.
I think New Hampshire is going to get some bad press. Maybe even CNN for declaring so early without actually counting.

New Hampshire should allow everyone to vote. They are closing without people in line voting. That's bad.
Rules are rules.
They should've voted earlier.
Some of them didn't come near the time of closing though, it's just that the lines were so long they didn't get up there in time.

nice win Trump!!!!!:2up:

Trump won. Color me shocked.


Yes he did! :biggrin:]

Why? Who did you expect to win??:eusa_angel:
Trump wins New Hampshire with a nice 35%. HUGE!!!

"Karate Chop Hands" Kasich comes in a distant second at 15%. This is the best case scenario for Trumpeters! Kasich spent every waking moment in NH and conducted over 100 town halls. He can't do that in the other states. He doesn't have the money or the organization. He shot his wad on a distant second showing...pathetic! I don't see him doing well beyond New Hampshire.

This is VERY VERY BAD news for La Raza Rubio, Crispy Creme Christy, and Jebba the Bush....
Rubio is crashing hard. He'll be lucky to get 4th place at this point.
Her excuse?

Skin color

Her campaign has released statements saying that the BLACK vote will carry her later.

If the left didn't have race baiting what would they have...
well I am pretty sure that when the world saw Hillary choking on a cockroach that flew into her mouth,,,that alone cost her 20 points.
This skank is going down like all the 'H' sigs around here. Well, maybe......


Bernie Sanders soundly defeated Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, propelled by a wave of independents and young voters unhappy about the economy and skeptical that the next generation of Americans will live a better life.

Once considered a fringe candidate who stood little chance against Clinton, the Vermont senator pulled off a sweeping victory by tapping into voter unhappiness about the nation’s direction.

He defeated Clinton among women and swept all age categories except voters over 65, exit polls showed. The result underscored the appeal of Sanders’s argument that billionaire families and powerful companies are rigging the economy against the American middle class.

Bernie Sanders pulls off sweeping victory over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire
Her excuse?

Skin color

Her campaign has released statements saying that the BLACK vote will carry her later.

If the left didn't have race baiting what would they have...
not if Kernal Sanders promises free KFC gift cards to every black voter in SC,

Speaking of this

I just ate fried chicken at this local famous Ann's place in Greenwood SC and I don't see what the big deal is, Its to bland bojangles taste way better.
Her excuse?

Skin color

Her campaign has released statements saying that the BLACK vote will carry her later.

If the left didn't have race baiting what would they have...

Hillary is getting her ass kicked by a white Jew who embraces Socialism. FACT.

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