New legal immigration changes

ā€œOweā€ umm I donā€™t think Iā€™d phrase it like that. I think they deserve the same opportunities that our ancestors had. To say we owe them sounds like a politically loaded term

ā€œDeserveā€ doesnā€™t fit either bud...
What have foreigners done to ā€œdeserveā€ to be fostered and funded by your fellow countrymen?
  1. do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment).
    "the referee deserves a pat on the back for his bravery"
    synonyms: merit, earn, warrant, rate, justify, be worthy of, be entitled to, have a right to, have a claim on, be qualified for, be good enough for More
They are fellow human beings inhabiting this earth. There is a level of compassion, empathy and basic humanity that some of us feel for all those around us. Sorry youā€™re missing that gene

The ultimate end game with that thought is OPEN BORDERS. Why? Because compassion overrules law. If someone want in to better themselves then they get in. Period. To not let them in is not compassionate. So if we are only basing our decision on compassion we should have open borders. Then we should supply all their needs as well because that's compassionate too. Failure to supply everyone's needs is a failure of compassion.
I donā€™t support open borders. I support a Legal system to processes travelers and immigrants. Donā€™t put words in my mouth

Dude. When you say that the foreigners have a right to come here, you are for open borders. Dont' fucking kid yourself.
Yeah well the thing is I never said that, so your fighting against a phrase that you made up. I said I support them in having to opportunity to come here. Youā€™re making this into a ā€œrightsā€ thing. Itā€™s a political word game that you are playing and it isnā€™t working.
So, to be clear, you're dropping the idea that we Americans today, "owe" the want to be immigrants anything because many of US are descended from immigrants?
ā€œOweā€ umm I donā€™t think Iā€™d phrase it like that. I think they deserve the same opportunities that our ancestors had. To say we owe them sounds like a politically loaded term

So, our immigration policy is to be based not on the wishes of our citizens, but on some type of rights that foreigners have to come here?

What is that right based on? That supersedes our right to self determination?

Politically loaded? YOu are stating that we as Americans don't have the right to control our own nation?

THAT'S beyond "politically loaded", that is a FUCKING BOMB in the idea of America as a nation.
You completely mischaracterized what Iā€™ve been saying. When did I say we didnā€™t have the right to control our nation? Was that an intentional distortion?

Iā€™ve been expressing the ā€œwishesā€ of this citizen. If the masses disagree with me then things donā€™t go my way, thatā€™s how it works.

YOu are stating that our immigration policy should be based on the rights of foreigners to have the "same opportunities" that immigrants in the past did.

That is a rejection of the very idea of America as a full fledged nation, with the right of self determination.
You are dishonestly stating my argument. Those werenā€™t my words. I never said anything about rights. I stated my opinion on how I think our immigration process should work. Thereā€™s no force or ignoring of the American people. To make these changes it has to go through a legal process. Iā€™ve never said otherwise. I should be able to share my opinions without your knee jerk reaction and distortions of my words to try and make it sound like Iā€™m putting foreigners rights over Americans.

Now in the spirit of your other thread how about you tell me what elements of my argument you respect in regards to providing opportunity to the poor around the world to succeed in America.

1. You keep mentioning that those coming here should be treated fairly or given the same chances as others has. That means that you think that they have some "expectation" of such treatment, that in your mind, is more important than our right to determine who we want to invite. That is a "right". Your saying it, and then walking back from the actual meaning of your words, is fairly common with liberals.

2. FOr one thing, I can't respect that you are being dishonest about your position. For another, it is not possible for US to be the home for everyone who wants the "opportunity" to come here.
You want welfare to go to illegals! Prove it. Start a charity and see who donates to it.. BUT DONT ASK ME TO PAY FOR SOMEONE I DONT WANT IN THE COUNTRY
Tax payer funds are spent by congress and approved by our executive. In a republic those are the people who represent the people. If they decide to spend money on illegals then thatā€™s how our political system determines the will of the people. If you do t like it then fight to change the system. There doesnā€™t exist and issue where everybody agrees. Never has, never will
I am I voted for trump.
How embarrassing...
Not for America
Specifically for America IMO
Black unemployment lowest ever is embarrassing? Ohh
The Trump admin has proposed some changes to our legal immigration criteria to exclude those who are not likely to be self sufficient. The idea is to discourage people from immigrating here for welfare benefits and encourage people to contribute more than they take.


Trump administration announces rule that could limit legal immigration
I honestly don't think they move here for welfare benefits--anyone who believes that ought to try living on them for six months. However, it could take some time when moving to a new country to get a good job, a place to live, get better at English (most people I hear learn at least some of it in school). So I guess making sure they have enough money to cover that is a good idea. Is that it, though? Will we really make them show us their bank accounts? Seems a little rude, but I know a lot of countries do it that way.
I donā€™t see how we can afford to invite the world over here and also give them money to live while they try and find work. That seems like a system doomed to fail. Many of us have ancestors who came here with change in their pockets and a bag in their hands. They had to do what they had to to survive and thrive. I believe in providing everybody the opportunity to do that, but we have to have a system that works in reality and not something that just sounds compassionate.
I agree. We are no longer a country that allowed people in but also allowed them to starve if they couldn't make good. I still think this whole thing is being made to sound as if immigrants are sucking up welfare benefits and I honestly don't see how, since they aren't eligible for any for a certain number of years after getting here. But if it makes Trump's fans feel that he is doing something to stop this invasion of welfare seekers, I suppose that's well and good.
So if that was true you have no problem with the new rules. Shouldn't change a thing.
ā€œDeserveā€ doesnā€™t fit either bud...
What have foreigners done to ā€œdeserveā€ to be fostered and funded by your fellow countrymen?
  1. do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment).
    "the referee deserves a pat on the back for his bravery"
    synonyms: merit, earn, warrant, rate, justify, be worthy of, be entitled to, have a right to, have a claim on, be qualified for, be good enough for More
They are fellow human beings inhabiting this earth. There is a level of compassion, empathy and basic humanity that some of us feel for all those around us. Sorry youā€™re missing that gene

The ultimate end game with that thought is OPEN BORDERS. Why? Because compassion overrules law. If someone want in to better themselves then they get in. Period. To not let them in is not compassionate. So if we are only basing our decision on compassion we should have open borders. Then we should supply all their needs as well because that's compassionate too. Failure to supply everyone's needs is a failure of compassion.
I donā€™t support open borders. I support a Legal system to processes travelers and immigrants. Donā€™t put words in my mouth

Dude. When you say that the foreigners have a right to come here, you are for open borders. Dont' fucking kid yourself.
Yeah well the thing is I never said that, so your fighting against a phrase that you made up. I said I support them in having to opportunity to come here. Youā€™re making this into a ā€œrightsā€ thing. Itā€™s a political word game that you are playing and it isnā€™t working.

Your words.

"I think they deserve the same opportunities that our ancestors had. "

If you think they deserve that, then it is morally wrong for our immigration policy to be based on the interests of American citizens.

That is giving them the moral right to come here.

if we base our policy on that, then they end up with the LEGAL right to come here.

Words have meanings. Your words mean what I just said they do. If that is not your intent, change your words.
1 judge! Use the money we save on welfare to build jails to house them. During the day they do what we say! 5 years of servitude! It will take 24 hours to round them up, chain them until the structure is built. Pregnant woman have to get face tattoos that says invader! And sent back to the shot hole
Ok, well thank for sharing you ideas. Not the country Id want to live in and not the way Iā€™d treat fellow human beings... documented or not. So no surprise but your plan gets a fat zero from this American
So move your family to a multicultural neighborhood and not not a vague one moved to Baltimore lol
Move to Chicago.. if not STFU about immigration thatā€™s actually affecting people like me
Why do I need to do anything you tell me to do? I can have an opinion on immigration and not live in urban Chicago or Baltimore. Your suggestions are absurd.
Because you are advocating for destroying peopleā€™s lives.. you should live in it
Iā€™m not advocating for destroying peopleā€™s lives. Your lying again.

I could use your retard logic and say if you support the sale of guns you are supporting the murder of everybody who dies at the hands of guns. Same logic that your using. Doesnā€™t make sense does it?
Every neighborhood that has new Latin immigration, illegal immigration .. IS ALL HIGH IN CRIME YOU DUMB MOTHA FCUKA LOL

sorry for the curse word lol but god damn democrats are retarted haha
Tax payer funds are spent by congress and approved by our executive. In a republic those are the people who represent the people. If they decide to spend money on illegals then thatā€™s how our political system determines the will of the people. If you do t like it then fight to change the system. There doesnā€™t exist and issue where everybody agrees. Never has, never will
I am I voted for trump.
How embarrassing...
Not for America
Specifically for America IMO
Black unemployment lowest ever is embarrassing? Ohh
Did I say the black unemployment rate was embarrassing? No I didnā€™t. This is why I call you a troll. You put words in my mouth. Say I said things I never said. Grow up!
ā€œOweā€ umm I donā€™t think Iā€™d phrase it like that. I think they deserve the same opportunities that our ancestors had. To say we owe them sounds like a politically loaded term

So, our immigration policy is to be based not on the wishes of our citizens, but on some type of rights that foreigners have to come here?

What is that right based on? That supersedes our right to self determination?

Politically loaded? YOu are stating that we as Americans don't have the right to control our own nation?

THAT'S beyond "politically loaded", that is a FUCKING BOMB in the idea of America as a nation.
You completely mischaracterized what Iā€™ve been saying. When did I say we didnā€™t have the right to control our nation? Was that an intentional distortion?

Iā€™ve been expressing the ā€œwishesā€ of this citizen. If the masses disagree with me then things donā€™t go my way, thatā€™s how it works.

YOu are stating that our immigration policy should be based on the rights of foreigners to have the "same opportunities" that immigrants in the past did.

That is a rejection of the very idea of America as a full fledged nation, with the right of self determination.
You are dishonestly stating my argument. Those werenā€™t my words. I never said anything about rights. I stated my opinion on how I think our immigration process should work. Thereā€™s no force or ignoring of the American people. To make these changes it has to go through a legal process. Iā€™ve never said otherwise. I should be able to share my opinions without your knee jerk reaction and distortions of my words to try and make it sound like Iā€™m putting foreigners rights over Americans.

Now in the spirit of your other thread how about you tell me what elements of my argument you respect in regards to providing opportunity to the poor around the world to succeed in America.

1. You keep mentioning that those coming here should be treated fairly or given the same chances as others has. That means that you think that they have some "expectation" of such treatment, that in your mind, is more important than our right to determine who we want to invite. That is a "right". Your saying it, and then walking back from the actual meaning of your words, is fairly common with liberals.

2. FOr one thing, I can't respect that you are being dishonest about your position. For another, it is not possible for US to be the home for everyone who wants the "opportunity" to come here.
Your making assumptions and misinterpreting the things I say. Are you that scared to have a honest debate with me that you need to spin up these false arguments. This is exhausting.

Iā€™d probably agree with and respect some of your opinions but my patience is wearing thin
So, our immigration policy is to be based not on the wishes of our citizens, but on some type of rights that foreigners have to come here?

What is that right based on? That supersedes our right to self determination?

Politically loaded? YOu are stating that we as Americans don't have the right to control our own nation?

THAT'S beyond "politically loaded", that is a FUCKING BOMB in the idea of America as a nation.
You completely mischaracterized what Iā€™ve been saying. When did I say we didnā€™t have the right to control our nation? Was that an intentional distortion?

Iā€™ve been expressing the ā€œwishesā€ of this citizen. If the masses disagree with me then things donā€™t go my way, thatā€™s how it works.

YOu are stating that our immigration policy should be based on the rights of foreigners to have the "same opportunities" that immigrants in the past did.

That is a rejection of the very idea of America as a full fledged nation, with the right of self determination.
You are dishonestly stating my argument. Those werenā€™t my words. I never said anything about rights. I stated my opinion on how I think our immigration process should work. Thereā€™s no force or ignoring of the American people. To make these changes it has to go through a legal process. Iā€™ve never said otherwise. I should be able to share my opinions without your knee jerk reaction and distortions of my words to try and make it sound like Iā€™m putting foreigners rights over Americans.

Now in the spirit of your other thread how about you tell me what elements of my argument you respect in regards to providing opportunity to the poor around the world to succeed in America.

1. You keep mentioning that those coming here should be treated fairly or given the same chances as others has. That means that you think that they have some "expectation" of such treatment, that in your mind, is more important than our right to determine who we want to invite. That is a "right". Your saying it, and then walking back from the actual meaning of your words, is fairly common with liberals.

2. FOr one thing, I can't respect that you are being dishonest about your position. For another, it is not possible for US to be the home for everyone who wants the "opportunity" to come here.
Your making assumptions and misinterpreting the things I say. Are you that scared to have a honest debate with me that you need to spin up these false arguments. This is exhausting.

Iā€™d probably agree with and respect some of your opinions but my patience is wearing thin
They are fellow human beings inhabiting this earth. There is a level of compassion, empathy and basic humanity that some of us feel for all those around us. Sorry youā€™re missing that gene

The ultimate end game with that thought is OPEN BORDERS. Why? Because compassion overrules law. If someone want in to better themselves then they get in. Period. To not let them in is not compassionate. So if we are only basing our decision on compassion we should have open borders. Then we should supply all their needs as well because that's compassionate too. Failure to supply everyone's needs is a failure of compassion.
I donā€™t support open borders. I support a Legal system to processes travelers and immigrants. Donā€™t put words in my mouth

Dude. When you say that the foreigners have a right to come here, you are for open borders. Dont' fucking kid yourself.
Yeah well the thing is I never said that, so your fighting against a phrase that you made up. I said I support them in having to opportunity to come here. Youā€™re making this into a ā€œrightsā€ thing. Itā€™s a political word game that you are playing and it isnā€™t working.

Your words.

"I think they deserve the same opportunities that our ancestors had. "

If you think they deserve that, then it is morally wrong for our immigration policy to be based on the interests of American citizens.

That is giving them the moral right to come here.

if we base our policy on that, then they end up with the LEGAL right to come here.

Words have meanings. Your words mean what I just said they do. If that is not your intent, change your words.
If I say somebody deserves something then thatā€™s what it means. Iā€™d support creating a policy to allow them the opportunity. You take that and say I said they have a right to come here over the will of the people. Thatā€™s just a dishonest spin up lie. Iā€™m about done with you. Have an honest talk or take a hike
Ok, well thank for sharing you ideas. Not the country Id want to live in and not the way Iā€™d treat fellow human beings... documented or not. So no surprise but your plan gets a fat zero from this American
So move your family to a multicultural neighborhood and not not a vague one moved to Baltimore lol
Move to Chicago.. if not STFU about immigration thatā€™s actually affecting people like me
Why do I need to do anything you tell me to do? I can have an opinion on immigration and not live in urban Chicago or Baltimore. Your suggestions are absurd.
Because you are advocating for destroying peopleā€™s lives.. you should live in it
Iā€™m not advocating for destroying peopleā€™s lives. Your lying again.

I could use your retard logic and say if you support the sale of guns you are supporting the murder of everybody who dies at the hands of guns. Same logic that your using. Doesnā€™t make sense does it?
Every neighborhood that has new Latin immigration, illegal immigration .. IS ALL HIGH IN CRIME YOU DUMB MOTHA FCUKA LOL

sorry for the curse word lol but god damn democrats are retarted haha
Really? San Diego, El Paso both border towns with high Hispanic populations. You call those cities high crime? Youā€™re full of shit
" Over Shooting Carrying Capacity "

* Claustrophobic Sixth Sense *

Why do you think the US is full?
The more fitting question is what is your purpose in over loading the system and when do you plan to stop ?

Population Clock
Why would I give you the respect of answering you question when you ignore answering mine?

Annoying isnā€™t it?
I'm watching cnn and they are talking about this new rule. Rather than simply saying that rule changes nothing that isn't already in place regarding welfare and other subsidies, the politician is talking about people needing a hand up.

I'm convinced democratic pundits and leaders are the dumbest strategists. They have absolutely no skill in framing winning narratives. It's like watching a train wreck. It's bloody but I just can't turn away.
1 judge! Use the money we save on welfare to build jails to house them. During the day they do what we say! 5 years of servitude! It will take 24 hours to round them up, chain them until the structure is built. Pregnant woman have to get face tattoos that says invader! And sent back to the shot hole
Ok, well thank for sharing you ideas. Not the country Id want to live in and not the way Iā€™d treat fellow human beings... documented or not. So no surprise but your plan gets a fat zero from this American
So move your family to a multicultural neighborhood and not not a vague one moved to Baltimore lol
Move to Chicago.. if not STFU about immigration thatā€™s actually affecting people like me
Why do I need to do anything you tell me to do? I can have an opinion on immigration and not live in urban Chicago or Baltimore. Your suggestions are absurd.
Because you are advocating for destroying peopleā€™s lives.. you should live in it
Iā€™m not advocating for destroying peopleā€™s lives. Your lying again.

I could use your retard logic and say if you support the sale of guns you are supporting the murder of everybody who dies at the hands of guns. Same logic that your using. Doesnā€™t make sense does it?

Haha... youā€™re getting super desperate nowā€¦Supporting our constitutional rights and supporting illegal immigration is not synonymous.
Supporting illegal immigration is kin to supporting drunk driving. Think once.
I am I voted for trump.
How embarrassing...
Not for America
Specifically for America IMO
Black unemployment lowest ever is embarrassing? Ohh
Did I say the black unemployment rate was embarrassing? No I didnā€™t. This is why I call you a troll. You put words in my mouth. Say I said things I never said. Grow up!
Itā€™s part of his administration.. you are the troll not me
So move your family to a multicultural neighborhood and not not a vague one moved to Baltimore lol
Move to Chicago.. if not STFU about immigration thatā€™s actually affecting people like me
Why do I need to do anything you tell me to do? I can have an opinion on immigration and not live in urban Chicago or Baltimore. Your suggestions are absurd.
Because you are advocating for destroying peopleā€™s lives.. you should live in it
Iā€™m not advocating for destroying peopleā€™s lives. Your lying again.

I could use your retard logic and say if you support the sale of guns you are supporting the murder of everybody who dies at the hands of guns. Same logic that your using. Doesnā€™t make sense does it?
Every neighborhood that has new Latin immigration, illegal immigration .. IS ALL HIGH IN CRIME YOU DUMB MOTHA FCUKA LOL

sorry for the curse word lol but god damn democrats are retarted haha
Really? San Diego, El Paso both border towns with high Hispanic populations. You call those cities high crime? Youā€™re full of shit
El Paso yes parts of san Diego yes
" Proven That There Is No Reasoning With The Unreasonable "

* Punk Answers *

Why would I give you the respect of answering you question when you ignore answering mine?
Annoying isnā€™t it?
My answer is that carrying capacity in the face of catastrophe is beyond tenable and that there is an overall lack of necessity .

Your answer is likely aimless that there is some merit in gluttony and cannibalism .
How embarrassing...
Not for America
Specifically for America IMO
Black unemployment lowest ever is embarrassing? Ohh
Did I say the black unemployment rate was embarrassing? No I didnā€™t. This is why I call you a troll. You put words in my mouth. Say I said things I never said. Grow up!
Itā€™s part of his administration.. you are the troll not me

Technically, I don't think he can be a troll on his own article. But I'm noticing that stranger things have happened on this forum site.
I'm watching cnn and they are talking about this new rule. Rather than simply saying that rule changes nothing that isn't already in place regarding welfare and other subsidies, the politician is talking about people needing a hand up.

I'm convinced democratic pundits and leaders are the dumbest strategists. They have absolutely no skill in framing winning narratives. It's like watching a train wreck. It's bloody but I just can't turn away.
I agree but it seems to be a problem on both sides. Itā€™s because both sides try and take these hardline positions and end up sounding like jackasses

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