New Liberal inanity. Vick is excused from killing dogs, because dogs are racist!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
No! I'm not making that up!

Someone finally -- finally! -- has drawn the obvious correlation between NFL quarterback Michael Vick's killing of animals in an illegal dog-fighting ring and the monstrous injustices committed against blacks during slavery and the civil rights movement.

What's hardly surprising is who's making the connection -- Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC's go-to gal for all things racial, appearing last night on "The Rachel Maddow Show" with guest host Bill Wolff to discuss President Obama praising the Philadelphia Eagles for giving Vick a second chance after serving time in prison and Tucker Carlson saying on Fox News that Vick should have been executed

You can read the whole inane excuse, but here is the money quote on this excuse:

But remember that in this country one of the ways that black people were enslaved, one of the ways that segregation and other civil rights violations were allowed is that black people were equated to animals. They were called apes or chattel or beasts of burden. And remember also that during the civil rights movement and even during slavery, dogs were often used directly against black people. And so there is a weird kind of interconnection and anxiety when you start talking about, simultaneously, issues about race, and often when you're talking about black athletes and in this case also a black president, and then animal rights. And so there's a lot of emotions that, and old historical stuff, that comes up.

So, you see, the dogs aren't the helpless victims of Vick. Noooooooooooooooooooo, Vick was the helpess victim OF THE DOGS! Yeah, that's it!!! :lmao:

A liberal will go to any length or depth to rationalize an excuse when it suits them politically.

Forgive me, if I'm wrong, but I don't think dogs are racist. I haven't seen Obama's dog trying to attack his family lately.

But, apparently Vick has this "race memory" of dogs being used against slaves, so he just naturally has to fight dogs to the death and hang them slowly to death. That poor wittle victim! Boo freaking hoo, I just want to cry for poor wittle Vick!

Yep! That's it! You heard it here first!

All you blacks out there can relax. Vick is killing the dogs that might go for your throat, the racist brutes!

Obama better look out for this one!



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What part of that is wrong?


That there are black people all over this country INCLUDUING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA that are happy, loving dog owners and feel no need to sadistically fight or kill dogs, that's what!

You know my ancestors were persecuted by the Catholics in Ireland, and I'm sure they used dogs on US.

For some reason, I don't feel any need to kill my dogs. I have four! And the worst I've ever done to them is give them off-brand milk bones.

Only an idiot is going to excuse animal abuse as some form of "black reparation."

Figures you would go along with it.

That's just stupid.

Or is a Jew excused if they kill a German?
No! I'm not making that up!

Someone finally -- finally! -- has drawn the obvious correlation between NFL quarterback Michael Vick's killing of animals in an illegal dog-fighting ring and the monstrous injustices committed against blacks during slavery and the civil rights movement.

What's hardly surprising is who's making the connection -- Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC's go-to gal for all things racial, appearing last night on "The Rachel Maddow Show" with guest host Bill Wolff to discuss President Obama praising the Philadelphia Eagles for giving Vick a second chance after serving time in prison and Tucker Carlson saying on Fox News that Vick should have been executed

You can read the whole inane excuse, but here is the money quote on this excuse:

But remember that in this country one of the ways that black people were enslaved, one of the ways that segregation and other civil rights violations were allowed is that black people were equated to animals. They were called apes or chattel or beasts of burden. And remember also that during the civil rights movement and even during slavery, dogs were often used directly against black people. And so there is a weird kind of interconnection and anxiety when you start talking about, simultaneously, issues about race, and often when you're talking about black athletes and in this case also a black president, and then animal rights. And so there's a lot of emotions that, and old historical stuff, that comes up.

So, you see, the dogs aren't the helpless victims of Vick. Noooooooooooooooooooo, Vick was the helpess victim OF THE DOGS! Yeah, that's it!!! :lmao:

A liberal will go to any length or depth to rationalize an excuse when it suits them politically.

Forgive me, if I'm wrong, but I don't think dogs are racist. I haven't seen Obama's dog trying to attack his family lately.

But, apparently Vick has this "race memory" of dogs being used against slaves, so he just naturally has to fight dogs to the death and hang them slowly to death. That poor wittle victim! Boo freaking hoo, I just want to cry for poor wittle Vick!

Yep! That's it! You heard it here first!

All you blacks out there can relax. Vick is killing the dogs that might go for your throat, the racist brutes!

Obama better look out for this one!



One person's bizzare opinion doesn't speak for the entire "liberal" body, you ignorant fuck.
Interesting defense...

Vick killed the dogs in retalliation for their Civil Rights abuses


That there are black people all over this country INCLUDUING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA that are happy, loving dog owners and feel no need to sadistically fight or kill dogs, that's what!

You know my ancestors were persecuted by the Catholics in Ireland, and I'm sure they used dogs on US.

For some reason, I don't feel any need to kill my dogs. I have four! And the worst I've ever done to them is give them off-brand milk bones.

Only an idiot is going to excuse animal abuse as some form of "black reparation."

Figures you would go along with it.


You're the one that made this an issue. Up to you to point out..factually...where the points made in what you quote are incorrect.

Anyone who follows my posts knows how much I love dogs..and canines in general.

Vick served his time.
Unfortunately I am not surprised. There are people on the left that excuse black on black crime for the same reasons. Because they were treated like animals during slavery, we should expect them to behave like animals today. They need a couple hundred more years to fully evolve. Until then, we need to treat them like pets or something.

So sad and hateful.
edit: typical teepeesamaroid bs


It sounds as if he is being excused because he is black (by this one dimwit)...which is ridiculous...but no where does it state dogs are racist.

Are you really this much of an idiot in real life?
No! I'm not making that up!

Someone finally -- finally! -- has drawn the obvious correlation between NFL quarterback Michael Vick's killing of animals in an illegal dog-fighting ring and the monstrous injustices committed against blacks during slavery and the civil rights movement.

What's hardly surprising is who's making the connection -- Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC's go-to gal for all things racial, appearing last night on "The Rachel Maddow Show" with guest host Bill Wolff to discuss President Obama praising the Philadelphia Eagles for giving Vick a second chance after serving time in prison and Tucker Carlson saying on Fox News that Vick should have been executed

You can read the whole inane excuse, but here is the money quote on this excuse:

But remember that in this country one of the ways that black people were enslaved, one of the ways that segregation and other civil rights violations were allowed is that black people were equated to animals. They were called apes or chattel or beasts of burden. And remember also that during the civil rights movement and even during slavery, dogs were often used directly against black people. And so there is a weird kind of interconnection and anxiety when you start talking about, simultaneously, issues about race, and often when you're talking about black athletes and in this case also a black president, and then animal rights. And so there's a lot of emotions that, and old historical stuff, that comes up.

So, you see, the dogs aren't the helpless victims of Vick. Noooooooooooooooooooo, Vick was the helpess victim OF THE DOGS! Yeah, that's it!!! :lmao:

A liberal will go to any length or depth to rationalize an excuse when it suits them politically.

Forgive me, if I'm wrong, but I don't think dogs are racist. I haven't seen Obama's dog trying to attack his family lately.

But, apparently Vick has this "race memory" of dogs being used against slaves, so he just naturally has to fight dogs to the death and hang them slowly to death. That poor wittle victim! Boo freaking hoo, I just want to cry for poor wittle Vick!

Yep! That's it! You heard it here first!

All you blacks out there can relax. Vick is killing the dogs that might go for your throat, the racist brutes!

Obama better look out for this one!



One person's bizzare opinion doesn't speak for the entire "liberal" body, you ignorant fuck.


We haven't have ANY OTHER LIBERAL excuse any other black person BASED SOLELY ON THE EXCUSE OF RACISM.

Can you idiots say Barack Obama???????

FOR THE LAST TWO FREAKING YEARS, the only two excuses you idiots have had is either racism, or it was really Bush's fault.

And you claim her excuse making is just one bizzarre opinion??????

What have you idiots been saying about the Tea Party for the last two years?????????

Nice try!


That there are black people all over this country INCLUDUING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA that are happy, loving dog owners and feel no need to sadistically fight or kill dogs, that's what!

You know my ancestors were persecuted by the Catholics in Ireland, and I'm sure they used dogs on US.

For some reason, I don't feel any need to kill my dogs. I have four! And the worst I've ever done to them is give them off-brand milk bones.

Only an idiot is going to excuse animal abuse as some form of "black reparation."

Figures you would go along with it.


You're the one that made this an issue. Up to you to point out..factually...where the points made in what you quote are incorrect.

Anyone who follows my posts knows how much I love dogs..and canines in general.

Vick served his time.

Oh get this! I made up this issue?

If facts are what you are interested in, please show us how the Civil Rights era excuse Vick's behavior?

Because that's the intent of the quote in the op.

Nice try!

Vick shouldn't be walking among the living. He's worthless human garbage no matter what your politics are.
edit: typical teepeesamaroid bs


It sounds as if he is being excused because he is black (by this one dimwit)...which is ridiculous...but no where does it state dogs are racist.

Are you really this much of an idiot in real life?

They are excusing Vick's behavior based on some "memory" of dogs being used against blacks. That would make them racist dogs.

Sorry, but it's pretty easy to conclude from the op.

No! I'm not making that up!

Someone finally -- finally! -- has drawn the obvious correlation between NFL quarterback Michael Vick's killing of animals in an illegal dog-fighting ring and the monstrous injustices committed against blacks during slavery and the civil rights movement.

What's hardly surprising is who's making the connection -- Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC's go-to gal for all things racial, appearing last night on "The Rachel Maddow Show" with guest host Bill Wolff to discuss President Obama praising the Philadelphia Eagles for giving Vick a second chance after serving time in prison and Tucker Carlson saying on Fox News that Vick should have been executed

You can read the whole inane excuse, but here is the money quote on this excuse:

But remember that in this country one of the ways that black people were enslaved, one of the ways that segregation and other civil rights violations were allowed is that black people were equated to animals. They were called apes or chattel or beasts of burden. And remember also that during the civil rights movement and even during slavery, dogs were often used directly against black people. And so there is a weird kind of interconnection and anxiety when you start talking about, simultaneously, issues about race, and often when you're talking about black athletes and in this case also a black president, and then animal rights. And so there's a lot of emotions that, and old historical stuff, that comes up.

So, you see, the dogs aren't the helpless victims of Vick. Noooooooooooooooooooo, Vick was the helpess victim OF THE DOGS! Yeah, that's it!!! :lmao:

A liberal will go to any length or depth to rationalize an excuse when it suits them politically.

Forgive me, if I'm wrong, but I don't think dogs are racist. I haven't seen Obama's dog trying to attack his family lately.

But, apparently Vick has this "race memory" of dogs being used against slaves, so he just naturally has to fight dogs to the death and hang them slowly to death. That poor wittle victim! Boo freaking hoo, I just want to cry for poor wittle Vick!

Yep! That's it! You heard it here first!

All you blacks out there can relax. Vick is killing the dogs that might go for your throat, the racist brutes!

Obama better look out for this one!



One person's bizzare opinion doesn't speak for the entire "liberal" body, you ignorant fuck.

What the OP is too stupid to realize is that by trying to paint a whole group of people with the actions by one individual is as stupid as what the black woman she cites is doing.

Which is the kind of irony that keeps us coming back to USMB.
I'm waiting for the OP to actually back up her claim that Professor Harris-Perry stated that 'dogs are racist'.

TPS, your comprehension skills need work.... and that's putting it politely.
Dog fighting is not particularly a black thing in the first place. It's about machismo, not race.
Oh please! The minute that jackass went back out on the football field and a bunch of other horse's asses stood and applauded all was forgiven. This is a nation that has had to swallow so much of its own cum, we no longer gag.

But that's what happens when you keep moving the line in the sand. Hell, Joe Biden referred to Dick Cheney as an OK guy. Sound a little Mayberry to you? Me too? We live in a nation ruled by hypocrisy. Don't suggest anyone hold his/her breath waiting to hear someone publicly shout about the emperor having no clothes or that Michael Vice wouldn't qualify as a slime trail.

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