New Liberal Tool To Prevent Truth From Seeping Into Their Minds: Microagression

I assumed that when I told him that I had put him on ignore he would be adult about it and stop posting to or about me.

My mistake.


You're crying because he chooses to not let your horseshit go unchallenged?

lol, poor you. A victim of microaggression.

Figures. You can't counter it, you know how ridiculous the concept is, but its people on your side doing it, so you have to dismiss it.

Not a shred of intellectual honesty to be found on your side at all.

So you think the board rule should be that no poster can respond to posts made by someone who has them on ignore?

lol, you're nuts.

The dude actually suggested that in he feedback thread. It was the ultimate PC act.

I never said anything like that. I've called people who use ignore Wussies, that's about it.

Not talking to you.
You're crying because he chooses to not let your horseshit go unchallenged?

lol, poor you. A victim of microaggression.

Figures. You can't counter it, you know how ridiculous the concept is, but its people on your side doing it, so you have to dismiss it.

Not a shred of intellectual honesty to be found on your side at all.

So you think the board rule should be that no poster can respond to posts made by someone who has them on ignore?

lol, you're nuts.

The dude actually suggested that in he feedback thread. It was the ultimate PC act.

I never said anything like that. I've called people who use ignore Wussies, that's about it.

Not talking to you.

From the sequence of posts, and your lack of referring to a specific individual, it appears that you are.
The only tool is the OP, trying to propagate another ridiculous lie.

UC Berkeley Takes on Microaggressions as a Public Health Issue National Review Online

Zheng believes that Berkeley should be doing more to hold “faculty and administration accountable for their actions — especially if these actions included microaggressions.” (Yes, “especially,” because apparently accidentally offending someone is the worst thing someone could do.) “We needed to act — and act urgently — with respect to the professors who were committing these harmful acts of microaggression toward students,” he says.

UC teaching faculty members not to criticize race-based affirmative action call America melting pot and more - The Washington Post

Tool: Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send

Microaggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership (from Diversity in the Classroom, UCLA Diversity & Faculty Development, 2014). The first step in addressing microaggressions is to recognize when a microaggression has occurred and what message it may be sending. The context of the relationship and situation is critical. Below are common themes to which microaggressions attach….
"What a nice day"


Wow. One can only imagine what's coming.

The end result is a serious segregation as minorities are met with walls of silence except from their own ethnic group. When everything is microaggression, nothing is microaggression. The only safe position is to say nothing.
I assumed that when I told him that I had put him on ignore he would be adult about it and stop posting to or about me.

My mistake.


You're crying because he chooses to not let your horseshit go unchallenged?

lol, poor you. A victim of microaggression.

Figures. You can't counter it, you know how ridiculous the concept is, but its people on your side doing it, so you have to dismiss it.

Not a shred of intellectual honesty to be found on your side at all.

So you think the board rule should be that no poster can respond to posts made by someone who has them on ignore?

lol, you're nuts.

The dude actually suggested that in he feedback thread. It was the ultimate PC act.

I never said anything like that. I've called people who use ignore Wussies, that's about it.
Opinions are like assholes.
I've been hearing this word alot lately.


It's a term liberals seem to have latched onto that defines a feeling of insecurity or discomfort when hearing perceived racism.

It allows a politically-correctness advocate to avoid any harsh invasion of their ideological boundaries.'s a thin skin. In the Army they were called stress-cards. It was a card a recruit was allowed to carry with them in basic training that gave them a timeout from getting their butts chewed out. Now liberals want to avoid facing the truth by calling the invasion of common-sense into their minds a name. Microaggression.

The unintended bigotry that a person wearing their feelings on their sleeves experiences. Most people that sense microaggression are people that see racism, sexism, or homophobia in everything.

Microaggression theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Political correctness is indeed weakening our country. The hyper-sensitivity of people who perceive racism in everything they see because they look at life through the prism of race has only more strongly invaded our country since Obama was elected. I thought that when he was elected we could move somewhat beyond where we were but now it only seems like we've gone into a backslide. Political correctness is like Obamacare: It really doesn't accomplish anything, but it makes liberals feel good.
"What a nice day"


Wow. One can only imagine what's coming.

It's one more tool in the progtards never ending assault on free speech handbag to silence anyone that disagrees with them. They just won't be happy until everyone either agrees with them, or they can't talk.
"What a nice day"


Wow. One can only imagine what's coming.

It's one more tool in the progtards never ending assault on free speech handbag to silence anyone that disagrees with them. They just won't be happy until everyone either agrees with them, or they can't talk.
We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

"What a nice day"


Wow. One can only imagine what's coming.

It's one more tool in the progtards never ending assault on free speech handbag to silence anyone that disagrees with them. They just won't be happy until everyone either agrees with them, or they can't talk.
We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
"What a nice day"


Wow. One can only imagine what's coming.

It's one more tool in the progtards never ending assault on free speech handbag to silence anyone that disagrees with them. They just won't be happy until everyone either agrees with them, or they can't talk.
We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

"What a nice day"


Wow. One can only imagine what's coming.

It's one more tool in the progtards never ending assault on free speech handbag to silence anyone that disagrees with them. They just won't be happy until everyone either agrees with them, or they can't talk.
We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
"What a nice day"


Wow. One can only imagine what's coming.

It's one more tool in the progtards never ending assault on free speech handbag to silence anyone that disagrees with them. They just won't be happy until everyone either agrees with them, or they can't talk.
We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.

It's one more tool in the progtards never ending assault on free speech handbag to silence anyone that disagrees with them. They just won't be happy until everyone either agrees with them, or they can't talk.
We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.

For some reason unknown to me, people seem to cave to the 'far left' every time they whine about something, hence the confederate battle flag, and the instances just keep getting more over the top, shrill and ridiculous as they play out their hand not letting a tragedy go to waste, like dingy Harry calling for a NV sports team to change their name because it contains "rebel." Where does it end? When we all wear some sort of glasses that only allow us to see certain things, and headphones that only allow us to hear certain things, and a waist band that only allows us to go certain places, etc.? Don't the ones pushing all this nonsense realize that they're actually taking their freedoms away from themselves?
We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.

For some reason unknown to me, people seem to cave to the 'far left' every time they whine about something, hence the confederate battle flag, and the instances just keep getting more over the top, shrill and ridiculous as they play out their hand not letting a tragedy go to waste, like dingy Harry calling for a NV sports team to change their name because it contains "rebel." Where does it end? When we all wear some sort of glasses that only allow us to see certain things, and headphones that only allow us to hear certain things, and a waist band that only allows us to go certain places, etc.? Don't the ones pushing all this nonsense realize that they're actually taking their freedoms away from themselves?

Along with great freedom comes great responsibility; leftists can't handle responsibility so they are all too fine with handing their lives over to the gubmint.
It's one more tool in the progtards never ending assault on free speech handbag to silence anyone that disagrees with them. They just won't be happy until everyone either agrees with them, or they can't talk.
We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.


But the people who lean left are the ones who go along, to worried to offend people and be lumped in with us "freedom hating teapers"
You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.

For some reason unknown to me, people seem to cave to the 'far left' every time they whine about something, hence the confederate battle flag, and the instances just keep getting more over the top, shrill and ridiculous as they play out their hand not letting a tragedy go to waste, like dingy Harry calling for a NV sports team to change their name because it contains "rebel." Where does it end? When we all wear some sort of glasses that only allow us to see certain things, and headphones that only allow us to hear certain things, and a waist band that only allows us to go certain places, etc.? Don't the ones pushing all this nonsense realize that they're actually taking their freedoms away from themselves?

Along with great freedom comes great responsibility; leftists can't handle responsibility so they are all too fine with handing their lives over to the gubmint.

You forgot the part where they drag the rest of us along for the ride.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.

For some reason unknown to me, people seem to cave to the 'far left' every time they whine about something, hence the confederate battle flag, and the instances just keep getting more over the top, shrill and ridiculous as they play out their hand not letting a tragedy go to waste, like dingy Harry calling for a NV sports team to change their name because it contains "rebel." Where does it end? When we all wear some sort of glasses that only allow us to see certain things, and headphones that only allow us to hear certain things, and a waist band that only allows us to go certain places, etc.? Don't the ones pushing all this nonsense realize that they're actually taking their freedoms away from themselves?

Along with great freedom comes great responsibility; leftists can't handle responsibility so they are all too fine with handing their lives over to the gubmint.

You forgot the part where they drag the rest of us along for the ride.

Well yes, there is that....


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