New Liberal Tool To Prevent Truth From Seeping Into Their Minds: Microagression

Don't the ones pushing all this nonsense realize that they're actually taking their freedoms away from themselves?
Yes, and that's okay with them.

They're willing to make that tradeoff.


We'll see if they get away with it.

The Illiberals just won't stop.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.


But the people who lean left are the ones who go along, to worried to offend people and be lumped in with us "freedom hating teapers"
Not all of us, including Kirsten Powers, Bill Maher, and the list is growing.

You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.


But the people who lean left are the ones who go along, to worried to offend people and be lumped in with us "freedom hating teapers"
Not all of us, including Kirsten Powers, Bill Maher, and the list is growing.


One can only hope.
You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.


But the people who lean left are the ones who go along, to worried to offend people and be lumped in with us "freedom hating teapers"
Not all of us, including Kirsten Powers, Bill Maher, and the list is growing.

The absurdity of the things these far left loonies are doing is starting to really wear on people. FED UP comes to mind.

When we implode, and we will because there's really no way possible to bring down the debt without outright defaulting, all this other imposed leftist garbage will implode with it. It will be a chain reaction of events that takes the nation completely by surprise. The entire nation will become embroiled in anarchy in a matter of hours. Yes, I think it's coming, I think it's inevitable. America is reaching it's breaking point, and I think it could happen before obama leaves office.

The leftist agenda will be set back a good 100 years.
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You can only push people so far, and then they fight back. I think the level of distress and discontent with the direction this nation is headed and the speed at which it's moving is reaching a fever pitch. People's heads are spinning at how fast things are changing, and not for the better. It will all blow up at some point, and we're going to have a real mess on our hands. That's when we'll see a reset back to some sort of sanity.
Here's what I find so fascinating: In all of their efforts to control and punish, surely the PC Police know that they're making things worse.

There's no way they are this ignorant about human nature, and of the effects of their actions.

That's why I have to wonder what they're really after.

- CONTROL - ... and in this case, it's as the old saying goes... "cut off your nose to spite your face."

Liberals and their push to control everything you do, everything you see, everything you think and everything you say, appear to be oblivious to the fact that at some point, it's going to come around bite THEM in the ass. What I call mind boggling ignorance and apathy. Liberals do appear to be the victims of some sort of severe indoctrination or brain washing. They are ALREADY 'under control.'
They're pushing for what they consider to be a more civilized society. One in which everyone conforms, everyone is afraid to say what they're thinking, everyone stays in line and takes what they are given by a central authority. That's "civilized" to them.

But it's the hardcore Left doing this, not people who lean left, not most people.


But the people who lean left are the ones who go along, to worried to offend people and be lumped in with us "freedom hating teapers"
Not all of us, including Kirsten Powers, Bill Maher, and the list is growing.

Thanks for the good convo, Mac.

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