New Lincoln Project Ad. What We've Lost Because of trump's Virus

Yes you did, dumb ass. I brought up that the Confederate States were Democrats and you talked about the CSA.

The Democrat Party is an AMERICAN political party, it's not a CSA party. Have you ever read a history book? Where the hell did you get that the Democrat party was in the CSA?

Holy SHIT you're a dense one. Possibly even denser than that clown who followed your post. *******YOU******* made that claim, Dippity.

For the Nth time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Ever. Period, full stop. And there's nothing you can do about that now.

Bam! Now you're cooking with gas. Glad you did the research and realized when you said that Democrats were a CSA party you were wrong, they are a United States party.

I've literally never posted any such thing, I've posted the opposite over and over and over for literally years here. You're a FUCKING LIAR.

Go ahead asshole ---- TRY TO QUOTE ME. And I mean RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

Fucking LIAR. Go forth and fuck yourself. :fu:

Dude. You brought up the Democrats in the CSA. I just told you that the Democrat Party wasn't a CSA party, they were a United States political party. Glad I could clarify that for you. You're welcome

So you FAIL to find any such quote, confirming that you're a FUCKING LIAR.
Kiss my ass, troll. Back to Ignore you go, FUCKING LYING ASSWIPE.

My my, you can always pick out the Rumpbots from their sicko obsession with self-delusion and "alternate facts". Sad.

Dude, I'm glad you realized that the Democrat Party is a United States party, not a CSA party. Relax, we're good
This is trump's virus now. He blew the whole thing. He is responsible for making it worse with all his lies, not wearing masks and opening states up too soon.

We would be over all this like most of Europe if trump had followed science instead of idiocy.

This is trump's virus.

The ad is correct. We have lost so much because of trump.

He has no authority over states opening or not. What the states have decided to do is on them. The states shut themselves down and they reopened on their own. Look at California, Oregon and Washington, they have fooled their own rules and we are seeing increases in all four states. New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts have 17% of the nations population and 45% of the deaths in the US. Funny how it is easier to blame one guy than all the governors governing their states through this virus.

Rump was informed about the coming pandemic in January at the latest. And he ignored it, and when he couldn't ignore it any more played it down. "Fifteen people". "Will magically go away". "Goes away in April with the heat". And look where it got him.

That's because, and we've been telling you this since literally the moment he announced in 2015, Rump is entirely about Numero Uno and LITERALLY nothing else. Not the country, not the people, not his job, not any kind of responsibilities, not the Constitution, not a god damned thing but pimping his own pathetic orange ego.

We warned you. Y'all should have paid attention.

WHO didn’t know about the virus until December 31st, they thought it was pneumonia. In January on the 10-12, WHO started giving guidelines. On January 27, Trump was banning people coming from China.
This is trump's virus now. He blew the whole thing. He is responsible for making it worse with all his lies, not wearing masks and opening states up too soon.

We would be over all this like most of Europe if trump had followed science instead of idiocy.

This is trump's virus.

The ad is correct. We have lost so much because of trump.

He has no authority over states opening or not. What the states have decided to do is on them. The states shut themselves down and they reopened on their own. Look at California, Oregon and Washington, they have fooled their own rules and we are seeing increases in all four states. New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts have 17% of the nations population and 45% of the deaths in the US. Funny how it is easier to blame one guy than all the governors governing their states through this virus.

Rump was informed about the coming pandemic in January at the latest. And he ignored it, and when he couldn't ignore it any more played it down. "Fifteen people". "Will magically go away". "Goes away in April with the heat". And look where it got him.

That's because, and we've been telling you this since literally the moment he announced in 2015, Rump is entirely about Numero Uno and LITERALLY nothing else. Not the country, not the people, not his job, not any kind of responsibilities, not the Constitution, not a god damned thing but pimping his own pathetic orange ego.

We warned you. Y'all should have paid attention.

WHO didn’t know about the virus until December 31st, they thought it was pneumonia. In January on the 10-12, WHO started giving guidelines. On January 27, Trump was banning people coming from China.

By then we already had the virus, which he had been briefed on way earlier in the month, besides which "banning people coming from China" does absolutely nothing to intercept infected people coming from Europe, which was in pandemic chaos, and which is why New York suffered so much.

Unfortunately all the FM (fucking moron) can think of is "Jina".

He even scratched his head in amazement that people could die from the flu, even though his own grandfather dropped dead in 1918 from exactly that, at the ripe old age of 49.
This is trump's virus now. He blew the whole thing. He is responsible for making it worse with all his lies, not wearing masks and opening states up too soon.

We would be over all this like most of Europe if trump had followed science instead of idiocy.

This is trump's virus.

The ad is correct. We have lost so much because of trump.

He has no authority over states opening or not. What the states have decided to do is on them. The states shut themselves down and they reopened on their own. Look at California, Oregon and Washington, they have fooled their own rules and we are seeing increases in all four states. New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts have 17% of the nations population and 45% of the deaths in the US. Funny how it is easier to blame one guy than all the governors governing their states through this virus.

Rump was informed about the coming pandemic in January at the latest. And he ignored it, and when he couldn't ignore it any more played it down. "Fifteen people". "Will magically go away". "Goes away in April with the heat". And look where it got him.

That's because, and we've been telling you this since literally the moment he announced in 2015, Rump is entirely about Numero Uno and LITERALLY nothing else. Not the country, not the people, not his job, not any kind of responsibilities, not the Constitution, not a god damned thing but pimping his own pathetic orange ego.

We warned you. Y'all should have paid attention.

WHO didn’t know about the virus until December 31st, they thought it was pneumonia. In January on the 10-12, WHO started giving guidelines. On January 27, Trump was banning people coming from China.

And on January 31, Creepy Biden called Trump a racist for restricting people to come here from China. Then later he called Trump a racist for restricting people coming here from Europe.

Whatever Trump did, Biden told us he would have been worse. Of course Pogo is a nagging chick who doesn't know shit about shit. He's just a hate filled leftist partisan Democrat party hack. He doesn't care about any facts. It's about his Trump Derangement Syndrome
It's a very good ad.

So many things we've lost because of trump and his virus.

trump's virus?

wow. way to admit that you are a filthy liar. and that nothing you ever say, should be considered anything but shit.

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