New Marxist Terrorist Group: Justice Democrats

Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
"BLM admits to being trained by Marists"

Wow, I didn't know that BLM was trained by Marists!

I was educated by Marists. So BLM is good by me!

As for the rest of your post - it's pure BULLSHIT!!!!
The leaders of BLM said they are trained Marxists.

They define themselves that way.

One of the three co-founders of BLM said that she (and she alone) was a "trained Marxist"

That doesn't speak to the other two co-founders nor to the tens of thousands of other BLM advocates.

Your accusation is BULLSHIT.


What is it supposed to mean? Do you think that being a 'Marxist" is like being a karate expert? That it takes years of training and devotion to become a "Trained Marxist"?

Marx wrote a couple of books. Does she have those books memorized?

What did her training consist of? Opened to page 124 in under 2 seconds?

Seriously - grow a brain!

Nope she said “WE are trained organizers,WE have a base ideology and WE are trained Marxists.”

Why are you trying to hide what you support?

She speaks for herself only - and her statement was idiotic.

What the hell is a "Trained Marxist" anyway?

Just the fact that you get so upset by that phrase shows what a foll you are!
looks like you've learned well.

So you can't explain what a "trained Marxist" is, yet you're upset by the idea. Seems pretty foolish to be so upset by something when you don't even know what it is.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
"BLM admits to being trained by Marists"

Wow, I didn't know that BLM was trained by Marists!

I was educated by Marists. So BLM is good by me!

As for the rest of your post - it's pure BULLSHIT!!!!
The leaders of BLM said they are trained Marxists.

They define themselves that way.

One of the three co-founders of BLM said that she (and she alone) was a "trained Marxist"

That doesn't speak to the other two co-founders nor to the tens of thousands of other BLM advocates.

Your accusation is BULLSHIT.


What is it supposed to mean? Do you think that being a 'Marxist" is like being a karate expert? That it takes years of training and devotion to become a "Trained Marxist"?

Marx wrote a couple of books. Does she have those books memorized?

What did her training consist of? Opened to page 124 in under 2 seconds?

Seriously - grow a brain!

Nope she said “WE are trained organizers,WE have a base ideology and WE are trained Marxists.”

Why are you trying to hide what you support?

She speaks for herself only - and her statement was idiotic.

What the hell is a "Trained Marxist" anyway?

Just the fact that you get so upset by that phrase shows what a foll you are!
looks like you've learned well.

So you can't explain what a "trained Marxist" is, yet you're upset by the idea. Seems pretty foolish to be so upset by something when you don't even know what it is.
you're doing quite fine.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
"BLM admits to being trained by Marists"

Wow, I didn't know that BLM was trained by Marists!

I was educated by Marists. So BLM is good by me!

As for the rest of your post - it's pure BULLSHIT!!!!
The leaders of BLM said they are trained Marxists.

They define themselves that way.

Only one did. And the BLM really isn't a National Organization. It's more a locally centered group that shares one single name. And it's made up of all races, religions (including athiests), colors, liberals, moderates, conservatives and libertarians. When there is a BLM protest, it's almost 100% made up of locals. But don't let those facts get in the way of a good lie.
they're terrorists. let's make it simple.

Americans exercising their right to peaceful assembly is not terrorism.
Peaceful assembly is not lobbing explosives at cops and federal officers or burning down buildings.

Those actions were committed by people outside of the BLM movement, They may claim to be BLM members, but they are not.

Anyone that lobbs explosives at police or tries setting buildings on fire should go to prison.

They do not represent the majority of the BLM movement.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
"BLM admits to being trained by Marists"

Wow, I didn't know that BLM was trained by Marists!

I was educated by Marists. So BLM is good by me!

As for the rest of your post - it's pure BULLSHIT!!!!
The leaders of BLM said they are trained Marxists.

They define themselves that way.

Only one did. And the BLM really isn't a National Organization. It's more a locally centered group that shares one single name. And it's made up of all races, religions (including athiests), colors, liberals, moderates, conservatives and libertarians. When there is a BLM protest, it's almost 100% made up of locals. But don't let those facts get in the way of a good lie.
they're terrorists. let's make it simple.

Americans exercising their right to peaceful assembly is not terrorism.
Peaceful assembly is not lobbing explosives at cops and federal officers or burning down buildings.
he doesn't have a functioning brain, so he has no idea that's what they're doing. his handlers have told him they are peaceful, therefore they are.
Those actions were committed by people outside of the BLM movement, They may claim to be BLM members, but they are not.

Anyone that lobbs explosives at police or tries setting buildings on fire should go to prison.

They do not represent the majority of the BLM movement.
how do we decipher who is who then? explain that to us? Why don't the peaceful BLMers denounce them and leave then?
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
Here is a hint for you, acknowledge that BLM admits to being trained by Marists and has adopted a Marxist ideology.

Then admit that Marxism has murdered more people historically than Nazi ideology.

Then admit that the media refuses to discuss the fact that BLM are Marxists, and they refuse to raise the red flag of Marxism like they do neo-Nazis who show up at protests and say they support Trump.

Then admit that academia has failed generations of kids regarding the evils of Marxism, and the fact that Marxist ideology has murdered around a 100 million people last century and the fact that Stalin had far more people murdered than Hitler.

Of course, that would require you taking your head out your rear, so never mind
Let's go ahead and stipulate to all of that.

NOW what?
What would you suggest? It has created at least half of the wingers you talk about. What would you do with them?
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
"BLM admits to being trained by Marists"

Wow, I didn't know that BLM was trained by Marists!

I was educated by Marists. So BLM is good by me!

As for the rest of your post - it's pure BULLSHIT!!!!
The leaders of BLM said they are trained Marxists.

They define themselves that way.

Only one did. And the BLM really isn't a National Organization. It's more a locally centered group that shares one single name. And it's made up of all races, religions (including athiests), colors, liberals, moderates, conservatives and libertarians. When there is a BLM protest, it's almost 100% made up of locals. But don't let those facts get in the way of a good lie.
they're terrorists. let's make it simple.

Americans exercising their right to peaceful assembly is not terrorism.
Peaceful assembly is not lobbing explosives at cops and federal officers or burning down buildings.

Those actions were committed by people outside of the BLM movement, They may claim to be BLM members, but they are not.

Anyone that lobbs explosives at police or tries setting buildings on fire should go to prison.

They do not represent the majority of the BLM movement.
Why is it that when only ONE neo-Nazi kills a black at a protest, no one comes out in defense of all neo-Nazis as they are all condemned by the press and academia as a group?

The answer? Because everyone knows their ideology and their history, so no one cuts the national socialists and slack, nor should they

Marxists should be treated the same but they are not.
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Those actions were committed by people outside of the BLM movement, They may claim to be BLM members, but they are not.

Anyone that lobbs explosives at police or tries setting buildings on fire should go to prison.

They do not represent the majority of the BLM movement.
how do we decipher who is who then? explain that to us? Why don't the peaceful BLMers denounce them and leave then?

Why should you need to 'decipher' who is who. People's individual political beliefs are none of your business.

That's what is so beyond your comprehension - the fact that people are individuals and hold individual beliefs.

What matters is not what people believe, but what actions they commit.

People that commit crimes should be arrested and sent to prison. It doesn't matter what their political beliefs are.

People that do not commit crimes should not be arrested - it also doesn't matter what their political beliefs are.

I know these things are hard for you to comprehend, but WELCOME TO AMERICA!

This is a free country where people are allowed to believe whatever they'd like.

Even idiots like yourself!
It amazes me that Conservatives pretend to believe in the rights of the individual and to be against over reaching government.

But at the same time they're perfectly O.K. with police murdering citizens and against political movements that try to stop police from murdering citizens.

Police murdering citizens is the worst and most extreme form of government oppression!

Could it be because the citizens being murdered are black?

No...Conservatives aren't racist at all!


The black people "being murdered" in the BLM supported riots aren't being killed by cops... but rather by other black people.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
"BLM admits to being trained by Marists"

Wow, I didn't know that BLM was trained by Marists!

I was educated by Marists. So BLM is good by me!

As for the rest of your post - it's pure BULLSHIT!!!!
The leaders of BLM said they are trained Marxists.

They define themselves that way.

Only one did. And the BLM really isn't a National Organization. It's more a locally centered group that shares one single name. And it's made up of all races, religions (including athiests), colors, liberals, moderates, conservatives and libertarians. When there is a BLM protest, it's almost 100% made up of locals. But don't let those facts get in the way of a good lie.
they're terrorists. let's make it simple.

Americans exercising their right to peaceful assembly is not terrorism.
Peaceful assembly is not lobbing explosives at cops and federal officers or burning down buildings.

Those actions were committed by people outside of the BLM movement, They may claim to be BLM members, but they are not.

Anyone that lobbs explosives at police or tries setting buildings on fire should go to prison.

They do not represent the majority of the BLM movement.
Why is it that when only ONE neo-Nazi kills a black at a protest, no one comes out in defense of all neo-Nazis as they are all condemned by the press and academia as a group?

The answer? Because everyone knows their ideology and their history, so no one cuts the national socialists and slack, nor should they

Marxists should be treated the same but they are not.

I'll bet that you didn't know that most people that have actually read Marx think that the most Marxist country that has ever existed was the United States during the Eisenhower administration.

The fact is you have no idea of what Marx said or what it means to be a 'Marxist'.

Try educating yourself.
Those actions were committed by people outside of the BLM movement, They may claim to be BLM members, but they are not.

Anyone that lobbs explosives at police or tries setting buildings on fire should go to prison.

They do not represent the majority of the BLM movement.
how do we decipher who is who then? explain that to us? Why don't the peaceful BLMers denounce them and leave then?

Why should you need to 'decipher' who is who. People's individual political beliefs are none of your business.

That's what is so beyond your comprehension - the fact that people are individuals and hold individual beliefs.

What matters is not what people believe, but what actions they commit.

People that commit crimes should be arrested and sent to prison. It doesn't matter what their political beliefs are.

People that do not commit crimes should not be arrested - it also doesn't matter what their political beliefs are.

I know these things are hard for you to comprehend, but WELCOME TO AMERICA!

This is a free country where people are allowed to believe whatever they'd like.

Even idiots like yourself!

Right, so let's defund the police and get right on that!
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
"BLM admits to being trained by Marists"

Wow, I didn't know that BLM was trained by Marists!

I was educated by Marists. So BLM is good by me!

As for the rest of your post - it's pure BULLSHIT!!!!
The leaders of BLM said they are trained Marxists.

They define themselves that way.

One of the three co-founders of BLM said that she (and she alone) was a "trained Marxist"

That doesn't speak to the other two co-founders nor to the tens of thousands of other BLM advocates.

Your accusation is BULLSHIT.


What is it supposed to mean? Do you think that being a 'Marxist" is like being a karate expert? That it takes years of training and devotion to become a "Trained Marxist"?

Marx wrote a couple of books. Does she have those books memorized?

What did her training consist of? Opened to page 124 in under 2 seconds?

Seriously - grow a brain!

Nope she said “WE are trained organizers,WE have a base ideology and WE are trained Marxists.”

Why are you trying to hide what you support?

She speaks for herself only - and her statement was idiotic.

What the hell is a "Trained Marxist" anyway?

Just the fact that you get so upset by that phrase shows what a fool you are!
You are kind of dumb.

BLM calls themselves Marxists. They as well as the Democrat party advocate for Marxist positions. Ie,no boarders, abolishing religion,abolishing property rights,defunding and dismantling law enforcement...yet you wanna tell me to believe that’s not what they believe?

Sounds like you need to study up on their issues or stop lying about them.
Maybe the Right can take on some "personal responsibility", stop playing the victim, and do a better job of communicating an alternative.

Helpful hint: Calling people freeloaders and losers and commies probably isn't a great idea. When the Left called you guys "deplorables", did it help their cause? Nope.

This is on you.
"BLM admits to being trained by Marists"

Wow, I didn't know that BLM was trained by Marists!

I was educated by Marists. So BLM is good by me!

As for the rest of your post - it's pure BULLSHIT!!!!
The leaders of BLM said they are trained Marxists.

They define themselves that way.

One of the three co-founders of BLM said that she (and she alone) was a "trained Marxist"

That doesn't speak to the other two co-founders nor to the tens of thousands of other BLM advocates.

Your accusation is BULLSHIT.


What is it supposed to mean? Do you think that being a 'Marxist" is like being a karate expert? That it takes years of training and devotion to become a "Trained Marxist"?

Marx wrote a couple of books. Does she have those books memorized?

What did her training consist of? Opened to page 124 in under 2 seconds?

Seriously - grow a brain!

Nope she said “WE are trained organizers,WE have a base ideology and WE are trained Marxists.”

Why are you trying to hide what you support?

She speaks for herself only - and her statement was idiotic.

What the hell is a "Trained Marxist" anyway?

Just the fact that you get so upset by that phrase shows what a fool you are!
You are kind of dumb.

BLM calls themselves Marxists. They as well as the Democrat party advocate for Marxist positions. Ie,no boarders, abolishing religion,abolishing property rights,defunding and dismantling law enforcement...yet you wanna tell me to believe that’s not what they believe?

Sounds like you need to study up on their issues or stop lying about them.
And we see the hypocrisy of groups like BLM as they tear down statues on the premise of protesting racists of the past, but fail to tear down their own idol for racism

Yes friends, Karl Marx, the author of Marxism, was a racist.

This is conclusive evidence that their agenda has NOTHING to do with ending racism for blacks or erasing the offensive history of racism. It is something else entirely.
Sounds like you need to study up on their issues or stop lying about them.
He'd need a functioning brain.
Now, now, many of these kids have not heard one word spoken against socialism/Marxism their entire lives thanks to state run education and the media.

So cut them a little slack.

At best, they may question it a bit now, but what they probably need is intensive deprogramming from their cult idols.
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