New Mexico Court: Christian PhotographerCannot Refuse- Gay Marraige Ceremony

Let me see here if I got this straight: one group of people can impose their beliefs on another that oppose them in the name of equality. Hmm. Ok.

Yes, if a private business owner doesn't want to provide services to an interracial couples, they must provide the same services they provide to other couples.

Yes, if a private business owner doesn't want to provide services to an interfaith couples, they must provide the same services they provide to other couples.

Yes, if a private business owner doesn't want to provide services to Muslim couples, they must provide the same services they provide to other couples.

Yes, if a private business owner doesn't want to provide services to a couple where one or more is divorced (some states include marital status), they must provide the same services they provide to other couples.

Yes, if a private business owner doesn't want to provide services to a same-sex couple (some states include sexual orientation), they must provide the same services they provide to other couples.

What can you do about freedom in this country anymore but just ..let it pass, lift an eyebrow, and be cynical.

These laws are Constitutional and have stood review from local courts, through State courts (including State Supreme Courts), through Federal courts (including the SCOTUS). Just because a government "can" do something though does not mean is "should" do something.

Society is much different now then it was 3 generations ago when the current crop of Public Accommodation laws were passed. I disagree with their passage then, but at least understand the why. However it's time to start repealing these laws and to allow business owners to refuse customers for any reason they which including race, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, & veterans status. With modern communications and the "corporatizasion" of businesses (you can't spit now without seeing franchised businesses) the needs to ensure sufficient access to goods and services isn't the same problem as it used to be.

With modern communications and the "corporatizasion" of businesses (you can't spit now without seeing franchised businesses) the needs to ensure sufficient access to goods and services isn't the same problem as it used to be.

Sorry Chief, as a rural dweller, I have to disagree. If the honey dipper doesn't want to pump my gay septic tank, I'm (pardon the pun) shit outta luck. You can't order that on Amazon. I'd certainly be up for a compromise based on population and access maybe ;)

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