New Mexico Court: Christian PhotographerCannot Refuse- Gay Marraige Ceremony

Public accommodations laws are not motivated by government’s desire to protect citizens from discrimination, this is Commerce Clause jurisprudence, concerning Congress’ regulatory authority only, having nothing to do with ‘discrimination.’

Businesses refusing to accommodate patrons based solely on their race or religion would clearly be disruptive to their respective markets, where Congress has both the authority and responsibility to ensure the efficient operation of commerce, as all markets, regardless of size, are interrelated, and ultimately effect interstate commerce.

Hey, asswipe, aka [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION], you can only use the commerce clause to justify federal laws, not state laws. Until you understand that fundamental aspect of the discussion I suggest you shut the fuck up.

Well, that is to anyone that is rational about federal and state powers. Since the liberals took over though they have made the states little more than federal servants and come up with decisions like Wickard v. Filburn which is really one of the most erroneous and sickening court rulings that I can think of. By the liberal worldview, the government can regulate ANYTHING, the constitutional limitations be damned.
What ever happened to the old - "I have to wash my hair that day". I guess people are tired of having to lie which is also against their religion.

But which is the greater sin?

Don't you think GOD would understand?

To avoid any such conflict at all,
why not help all the bakers, photographers, and wedding service providers per city/state
form a network and contract out any work to subcontractors who agree to provide services.

So no one gets turned away. And everyone gets good referral for business.

This would deter any practice of couples deliberately asking businesses just to get turned away so they can sue them. Wherever you go, you would get contracted with people willing to provide the services, so no more issues. No more lawsuits, no more costs to the public.
There is nothing subjective about a law that requires anyone to attend a wedding they object to.

There is no ‘law’ that requires anyone to attend a wedding he objects to.

This entire thread is about a law that requires people to attend weddings they object to, get a clue.

More specifically, it was against "compelled speech" which is also in violation of the First Amendment. Since there is case law establishing photography as an expression of speech under the First Amendment.

Twisting the Law to Punish Heretics: Elane Photography v. Willock and the Imposition of ?Progressive? Orthodoxy by Judicial Fiat

Supreme Court Justices to ponder New Mexico photographer case

Notice: the RFRA doesn't apply directly to the persons in the dispute, since that doesn't involve the state at that point, but can be applied to the state commission imposing a fine.
Maybe it's time to test Mark Levin's point on the Amendment process to the Constitution.


We the People of the United States do hereby define Marriage as a Union between a Man and a Women. No other forms of Marriage are recognized by Federal Law from the day of passage of this Amendment.

If Prop 8 could be passed in California, a Very Liberal Minded State, then such an Amendment could be passed by 38 States.

Want to here the Libs Squeal? That would do it.

It would be poetic Justice.


What is it about you and other conservatives that manifest such contempt and disregard for the civil liberties of other Americans?

The Defense of Marriage and stopping the Moral Degrading of our society as a whole. You would of course probably applaud when these same fruit cakes attack the church.

I've got news for you. It wasn't just conservatives in California that passed prop 8.
Where were you when non-religious people were allowed to marry?
I personall feel a businessperson should be allowed to pick n choose their clients.For every one that refuses a client, someone else will accept them. And the market will decide who flourishes and who is killed off. And people turning business away for principles not found in business will die as they should.
We are losing our rights, liberties, and freedoms at an alarming pace. I pity the young.
I personall feel a businessperson should be allowed to pick n choose their clients.For every one that refuses a client, someone else will accept them. And the market will decide who flourishes and who is killed off. And people turning business away for principles not found in business will die as they should.

And you’re entitled to your personal opinion, provided you understand it’s factually wrong.

Public accommodations laws not only address the issue of discrimination, they also maintain the integrity of the markets and safeguard them from disruption, as authorized by the Commerce Clause (Wickard v. Filburn (1942), Gonzales v. Raich (2005)).

It’s both naïve and foolish to assume that ‘the markets’ would somehow ‘end’ discriminatory practices by business owners.
I personall feel a businessperson should be allowed to pick n choose their clients.For every one that refuses a client, someone else will accept them. And the market will decide who flourishes and who is killed off. And people turning business away for principles not found in business will die as they should.

And you’re entitled to your personal opinion, provided you understand it’s factually wrong.

Public accommodations laws not only address the issue of discrimination, they also maintain the integrity of the markets and safeguard them from disruption, as authorized by the Commerce Clause (Wickard v. Filburn (1942), Gonzales v. Raich (2005)).

It’s both naïve and foolish to assume that ‘the markets’ would somehow ‘end’ discriminatory practices by business owners.

So convince me. I'm diplomatic. :) You're one of a few users here I feel can discuss things dispassionately and reasonably. I'm open to such convincing.

If good businesses thrive and bad ones go out of business, why not trust a free market to handle itself? Is there statistical support suggesting or proving that when markets could discriminate such businesses did as well, or even better than those that didn't?
We are losing our rights, liberties, and freedoms at an alarming pace. I pity the young.

Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

More Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any time in our Nation’s history; and that freedom and liberty have never been more secure than it is today.

That gay Americans will soon realize their comprehensive civil rights is proof of this.
I personall feel a businessperson should be allowed to pick n choose their clients.For every one that refuses a client, someone else will accept them. And the market will decide who flourishes and who is killed off. And people turning business away for principles not found in business will die as they should.

And you’re entitled to your personal opinion, provided you understand it’s factually wrong.

Public accommodations laws not only address the issue of discrimination, they also maintain the integrity of the markets and safeguard them from disruption, as authorized by the Commerce Clause (Wickard v. Filburn (1942), Gonzales v. Raich (2005)).

It’s both naïve and foolish to assume that ‘the markets’ would somehow ‘end’ discriminatory practices by business owners.

His opinion is legally wrong, not factually wrong. Learn the difference, asshole.
I personall feel a businessperson should be allowed to pick n choose their clients.For every one that refuses a client, someone else will accept them. And the market will decide who flourishes and who is killed off. And people turning business away for principles not found in business will die as they should.

And you’re entitled to your personal opinion, provided you understand it’s factually wrong.

Public accommodations laws not only address the issue of discrimination, they also maintain the integrity of the markets and safeguard them from disruption, as authorized by the Commerce Clause (Wickard v. Filburn (1942), Gonzales v. Raich (2005)).

It’s both naïve and foolish to assume that ‘the markets’ would somehow ‘end’ discriminatory practices by business owners.

So convince me. I'm diplomatic. :) You're one of a few users here I feel can discuss things dispassionately and reasonably. I'm open to such convincing.

If good businesses thrive and bad ones go out of business, why not trust a free market to handle itself? Is there statistical support suggesting or proving that when markets could discriminate such businesses did as well, or even better than those that didn't?

The one thing he cannot do is discuss things knowledgeably.
I wonder if the Christian Photographer would be able to refuse to do a pornagraphic swinger Marriage ceremony!
The answer is to remove your services from public accommodation and conduct it by private arrangement.
The answer is to remove your services from public accommodation and conduct it by private arrangement.

No, it’s not. The answer to freedom being ripped away is NOT to go hide under a rock.

You might as well just cede all your rights now then – what use are they when they are not fought for?


New Mexico Court: Christian Photographer Cannot Refuse Gay-Marriage Ceremony

Today the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that Christian photographers cannot decline to participate in gay-marriage commitment ceremonies, even though that state does not have gay marriage and the court acknowledged that providing services for the ceremony violated the Christian’s sincerely-held, traditional religious beliefs. This becomes one of the first major cases where religious liberty collides with gay rights, and could now go to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Would they so rule against a Muslim photographer?

Go to the Supreme Court, and let it rule against the Christians' rights to "Religious Freedom"!

Forcing Christians to participate in gay-marriage commitment ceremonies, or anything...surely must violate some of their rights and liberties under the Constitution.
If it doesn't, then the Constitution needs tossing out and a new one enacted.

Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war!

2min 28 secs along [click on and drag video timer]

[ame] [/ame]

Time for the Salvation Army to get after New Mexico...and then the US Supreme Court if it upholds the New Mexico court's decision against the Christians.
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Easy solution. Take the business then call in sick the day of the unnatural wedding ceremony. This way they can't sue you for not taking their business.

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