New Muslim Pro-ISIS Dem Goes On Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage

You may be lock-step party trash, but not all of us are.
No, you are just IGNORANT white trash who accuses others of being who you and select other Democrats are. And then when you get caught making false accusations you double-down. :p
People hated your ancestors too when they came here looking for a better life. The fearmongers die off eventually, as you will. And if you cared about Sharia law you would encourage more separation between church and state. Instead you do the opposite.
Nice tale, brau. In England they have 'no-Go' areas, areas Muslims have carved out for pretty much their own self rule. Ya know, there are lessons in history Democrats love to ignore, even now. As they say, those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
It must be truly frightening right now to be a Muslim living in Trump’s America
Why? They just had 2 or 3 elected to some of the highest offices in the land, giving them a platform to engage in racist, pro-ISIS, anti-Semitic rants without fear of repercussion.....

Dude, they just achieved part of the Muslim Dream / Tactic - get elected, go inside other nation's governments and slowly change things / take over using their own govt against them. Check out some of the other examples around the world. Wake up, my friend.
They have to endure accusations of being racist, pro-ISIS, anti-semites from our nation’s inbred trash. Like yourself.
Sorry, dude - you are projecting again. Omar already admitted she is an anti-Semite, saying she needs help with it.

She needs help, alright. :p
It would solve the issue by sending her Jew-hating ass back to Mogadishu. Permanently.
People hated your ancestors too when they came here looking for a better life. The fearmongers die off eventually, as you will. And if you cared about Sharia law you would encourage more separation between church and state. Instead you do the opposite.
Nice tale, brau. In England they have 'no-Go' areas, areas Muslims have carved out for pretty much their own self rule. Ya know, there are lessons in history Democrats love to ignore, even now. As they say, those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
Mooslims are supposed to be just like everyone else, and don't have a genetic hatred of Christians, Americans, or Jews, right?

These winners on the DemNazi party sure make it hard to defend them, or their so called religion.

The Religion of Peace marches Goose Step!
Well, could knock me over with a feather.....

Democratic Party House Leadership Officially CONDEMNED Newly Elected Muslim House member D-Omar For Anti-Semitism / Anti-Semitic Remarks!

“We are and will always be strong supporters of Israel in Congress because we understand that our support is based on shared values and strategic interests. Legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies is protected by the values of free speech and democratic debate that the United States and Israel share," Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Majority Whip James E. Clyburn, Assistant Speaker Ben Ray Luján, Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries and Caucus Vice Chair Katherine Clark released in a joint statement Monday. "But Congresswoman Omar’s use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters is deeply offensive. We condemn these remarks and we call upon Congresswoman Omar to immediately apologize for these hurtful comments."

The Entire Democrat House Leadership Just Dropped the Hammer on Ilhan Omar for Promoting "Anti-Semitic Tropes'

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology

She accused deep-pocketed Jews of buying American politicians and retweeted a post calling Jews 'hook nosed'

"Democrats’ freshmen class of lawmakers are providing the party with a new source of passion — and a lot of headaches.

A series of tweets sent Sunday night from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are another addition for the latter category.

The tweets began after a writer for the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, posted a story about Rep. Kevin McCarthy “threatening punishment” of Rep. Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) “over their criticisms of Israel.” (As CNN’s Jake Tapper
noted, McCarthy’s comments were actually directed at “what he sees as anti-Semitic rhetoric from Reps. Omar and Tlaib.”)

Rep. Omar responded to Greenwald’s post with, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby”:

Tweet #1094747501578633216
The insinuation that Jewish interests were compelling Rep. McCarthy’s actions prompted some to ask Rep. Omar for clarification.

When a writer for the Forward asked, “Would love to know who Omar thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel,” Rep. Omar responded: “AIPAC!”

Tweet #1094761790595088384
As a 501(c))4), the American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) does not actually make contributions to politicians.

Omar later re-tweeted a Jewish writer who described himself as not generally sympathetic to Israel, but felt Rep. Omar’s attacks on Jews were akin to calling “us hook-nosed.”

Rep. Omar subsequently deleted her retweet, apparently not having realized the post was calling her anti-Semitic. However, some online captured her retweet before it was taken down"

I remember 'the good ol' days' when the only way you found out Democrats were racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites was for someone to hack the DNC server, access their e-mails, and leak them to the public.

Since President Trump introduced them to Twitter, that's no longer needed. They 'out' themselves by saying some of the most offensive, racist, and anti-Semitic things. Just as funny, they think that when they start getting backlash from it they can simply just delete their Tweets, and they are gone. :p

Silly Democrats....

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology

Shhhhhh, just keep handing them rope.
Like with what we saw with Clinton and Podesta's Emails that Seth Rich died to get to The Public, The Democrat Party wants their Racism kept underground. As soon as it surfaces it's head they have to make some kinda statement, but what you see them do when nobody is looking really tells the story of what they stand for.

Even after Condemned by her own Democrats....

Omar contrite over comments deemed anti-Semitic, but calls out 'problematic' role of AIPAC, lobbyists

"Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes," Omar wrote in a statement posted to Twitter. "My intention is never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole. We have to always be willing to step back and think through criticism, just as I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity. This is why I unequivocally apologize."

'Unequivocally'? No, not quite.

"At the same time," she added, "I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee], the [National Rifle Association] or the fossil fuel industry. It's gone on too long and we must be willing to address it."

It was sorta like Al Franken's apology:

"I am truly sorry.....on 2nd thought, Nah, I'm not sorry."


Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar apologizes for Israel comments, calls out 'problematic' role of AIPAC, 'other lobbyists'

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology

She accused deep-pocketed Jews of buying American politicians and retweeted a post calling Jews 'hook nosed'

"Democrats’ freshmen class of lawmakers are providing the party with a new source of passion — and a lot of headaches.

A series of tweets sent Sunday night from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are another addition for the latter category.

The tweets began after a writer for the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, posted a story about Rep. Kevin McCarthy “threatening punishment” of Rep. Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) “over their criticisms of Israel.” (As CNN’s Jake Tapper
noted, McCarthy’s comments were actually directed at “what he sees as anti-Semitic rhetoric from Reps. Omar and Tlaib.”)

Rep. Omar responded to Greenwald’s post with, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby”:

Tweet #1094747501578633216
The insinuation that Jewish interests were compelling Rep. McCarthy’s actions prompted some to ask Rep. Omar for clarification.

When a writer for the Forward asked, “Would love to know who Omar thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel,” Rep. Omar responded: “AIPAC!”

Tweet #1094761790595088384
As a 501(c))4), the American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) does not actually make contributions to politicians.

Omar later re-tweeted a Jewish writer who described himself as not generally sympathetic to Israel, but felt Rep. Omar’s attacks on Jews were akin to calling “us hook-nosed.”

Rep. Omar subsequently deleted her retweet, apparently not having realized the post was calling her anti-Semitic. However, some online captured her retweet before it was taken down"

I remember 'the good ol' days' when the only way you found out Democrats were racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites was for someone to hack the DNC server, access their e-mails, and leak them to the public.

Since President Trump introduced them to Twitter, that's no longer needed. They 'out' themselves by saying some of the most offensive, racist, and anti-Semitic things. Just as funny, they think that when they start getting backlash from it they can simply just delete their Tweets, and they are gone. :p

Silly Democrats....

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology
I’m not seeing this “Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage” that your OP is referring to. What exactly did she say that you consider a racist rampage?
Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology

She accused deep-pocketed Jews of buying American politicians and retweeted a post calling Jews 'hook nosed'

"Democrats’ freshmen class of lawmakers are providing the party with a new source of passion — and a lot of headaches.

A series of tweets sent Sunday night from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are another addition for the latter category.

The tweets began after a writer for the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, posted a story about Rep. Kevin McCarthy “threatening punishment” of Rep. Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) “over their criticisms of Israel.” (As CNN’s Jake Tapper
noted, McCarthy’s comments were actually directed at “what he sees as anti-Semitic rhetoric from Reps. Omar and Tlaib.”)

Rep. Omar responded to Greenwald’s post with, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby”:

Tweet #1094747501578633216
The insinuation that Jewish interests were compelling Rep. McCarthy’s actions prompted some to ask Rep. Omar for clarification.

When a writer for the Forward asked, “Would love to know who Omar thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel,” Rep. Omar responded: “AIPAC!”

Tweet #1094761790595088384
As a 501(c))4), the American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) does not actually make contributions to politicians.

Omar later re-tweeted a Jewish writer who described himself as not generally sympathetic to Israel, but felt Rep. Omar’s attacks on Jews were akin to calling “us hook-nosed.”

Rep. Omar subsequently deleted her retweet, apparently not having realized the post was calling her anti-Semitic. However, some online captured her retweet before it was taken down"

I remember 'the good ol' days' when the only way you found out Democrats were racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites was for someone to hack the DNC server, access their e-mails, and leak them to the public.

Since President Trump introduced them to Twitter, that's no longer needed. They 'out' themselves by saying some of the most offensive, racist, and anti-Semitic things. Just as funny, they think that when they start getting backlash from it they can simply just delete their Tweets, and they are gone. :p

Silly Democrats....

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology
I’m not seeing this “Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage” that your OP is referring to. What exactly did she say that you consider a racist rampage?
The same things she has been saying that just earned her a rebuke by the leadership in the US House, led by Speaker Pelosi. If you think Omar did not say anything anti-Semitic then maybe you should take that up with the Democrats who accused her, the Democrats who found her remarks to be anti-Semitc, and the Democrats who just admonished her. Since they speak your 'language' they will be able to answer your question better.
Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology

She accused deep-pocketed Jews of buying American politicians and retweeted a post calling Jews 'hook nosed'

"Democrats’ freshmen class of lawmakers are providing the party with a new source of passion — and a lot of headaches.

A series of tweets sent Sunday night from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are another addition for the latter category.

The tweets began after a writer for the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, posted a story about Rep. Kevin McCarthy “threatening punishment” of Rep. Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) “over their criticisms of Israel.” (As CNN’s Jake Tapper
noted, McCarthy’s comments were actually directed at “what he sees as anti-Semitic rhetoric from Reps. Omar and Tlaib.”)

Rep. Omar responded to Greenwald’s post with, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby”:

Tweet #1094747501578633216
The insinuation that Jewish interests were compelling Rep. McCarthy’s actions prompted some to ask Rep. Omar for clarification.

When a writer for the Forward asked, “Would love to know who Omar thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel,” Rep. Omar responded: “AIPAC!”

Tweet #1094761790595088384
As a 501(c))4), the American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) does not actually make contributions to politicians.

Omar later re-tweeted a Jewish writer who described himself as not generally sympathetic to Israel, but felt Rep. Omar’s attacks on Jews were akin to calling “us hook-nosed.”

Rep. Omar subsequently deleted her retweet, apparently not having realized the post was calling her anti-Semitic. However, some online captured her retweet before it was taken down"

I remember 'the good ol' days' when the only way you found out Democrats were racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites was for someone to hack the DNC server, access their e-mails, and leak them to the public.

Since President Trump introduced them to Twitter, that's no longer needed. They 'out' themselves by saying some of the most offensive, racist, and anti-Semitic things. Just as funny, they think that when they start getting backlash from it they can simply just delete their Tweets, and they are gone. :p

Silly Democrats....

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology
I’m not seeing this “Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage” that your OP is referring to. What exactly did she say that you consider a racist rampage?
The same things she has been saying that just earned her a rebuke by the leadership in the US House, led by Speaker Pelosi. If you think Omar did not say anything anti-Semitic then maybe you should take that up with the Democrats who accused her, the Democrats who found her remarks to be anti-Semitc, and the Democrats who just admonished her. Since they speak your 'language' they will be able to answer your question better.
All I did was ask what she said that constitutes a racist twitter rampage. Post the tweets and let’s see what you are talking about.
They have to endure accusations of being racist, pro-ISIS, anti-semites from our nation’s inbred trash. Like yourself.
BTW, read the post I wrote.....the ones calling on US House leadership to publicly CONDEMN Omar for her proven anti-Semite Tweet storm ARE HER FELLOW DEMOCRATS IN THE HOUSE, you dumb 'inbred trash'!

"Reps. Elaine Luria (D-VA) and Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) sent a letter to Democratic House leadership Monday morning calling on them to speak out against any lawmaker who “uses harmful tropes and stereotypes, levels accusations of dual loyalty, or makes reckless statements like those yesterday.”"

You may be lock-step party trash, but not all of us are.

Black Flag always defends antisemites. What a fool
It must be truly frightening right now to be a Muslim living in Trump’s America

As many of them as possible should make plans to leave as soon as possible.

The goal of Islam of creating a global caliphate is advanced by every Muslim in America, whether they are "nice" or terrorist or anywhere on the linear scale of threat.

Every Muslim in America brings us that much closer to our defeat I.e., the implementation of Sharia law.
People hated your ancestors too when they came here looking for a better life. The fearmongers die off eventually, as you will. And if you cared about Sharia law you would encourage more separation between church and state. Instead you do the opposite.

Bullshit. Islam is an ideology not just a religion. Safest place for Muslims in the Middle East is wait for it....Israel. You need to educate yourself. Loser.
It must be truly frightening right now to be a Muslim living in Trump’s America

As many of them as possible should make plans to leave as soon as possible.

The goal of Islam of creating a global caliphate is advanced by every Muslim in America, whether they are "nice" or terrorist or anywhere on the linear scale of threat.

Every Muslim in America brings us that much closer to our defeat I.e., the implementation of Sharia law.
People hated your ancestors too when they came here looking for a better life. The fearmongers die off eventually, as you will. And if you cared about Sharia law you would encourage more separation between church and state. Instead you do the opposite.

Bullshit. Islam is an ideology not just a religion. Safest place for Muslims in the Middle East is wait for it....Israel. You need to educate yourself. Loser.
They have to endure accusations of being racist, pro-ISIS, anti-semites from our nation’s inbred trash. Like yourself.
BTW, read the post I wrote.....the ones calling on US House leadership to publicly CONDEMN Omar for her proven anti-Semite Tweet storm ARE HER FELLOW DEMOCRATS IN THE HOUSE, you dumb 'inbred trash'!

"Reps. Elaine Luria (D-VA) and Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) sent a letter to Democratic House leadership Monday morning calling on them to speak out against any lawmaker who “uses harmful tropes and stereotypes, levels accusations of dual loyalty, or makes reckless statements like those yesterday.”"

You may be lock-step party trash, but not all of us are.

Black Flag always defends antisemites. What a fool

The Crossfield Memo says we can treat him as the enemy if he posts like the enemy.
Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology

She accused deep-pocketed Jews of buying American politicians and retweeted a post calling Jews 'hook nosed'

"Democrats’ freshmen class of lawmakers are providing the party with a new source of passion — and a lot of headaches.

A series of tweets sent Sunday night from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are another addition for the latter category.

The tweets began after a writer for the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, posted a story about Rep. Kevin McCarthy “threatening punishment” of Rep. Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) “over their criticisms of Israel.” (As CNN’s Jake Tapper
noted, McCarthy’s comments were actually directed at “what he sees as anti-Semitic rhetoric from Reps. Omar and Tlaib.”)

Rep. Omar responded to Greenwald’s post with, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby”:

Tweet #1094747501578633216
The insinuation that Jewish interests were compelling Rep. McCarthy’s actions prompted some to ask Rep. Omar for clarification.

When a writer for the Forward asked, “Would love to know who Omar thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel,” Rep. Omar responded: “AIPAC!”

Tweet #1094761790595088384
As a 501(c))4), the American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) does not actually make contributions to politicians.

Omar later re-tweeted a Jewish writer who described himself as not generally sympathetic to Israel, but felt Rep. Omar’s attacks on Jews were akin to calling “us hook-nosed.”

Rep. Omar subsequently deleted her retweet, apparently not having realized the post was calling her anti-Semitic. However, some online captured her retweet before it was taken down"

I remember 'the good ol' days' when the only way you found out Democrats were racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites was for someone to hack the DNC server, access their e-mails, and leak them to the public.

Since President Trump introduced them to Twitter, that's no longer needed. They 'out' themselves by saying some of the most offensive, racist, and anti-Semitic things. Just as funny, they think that when they start getting backlash from it they can simply just delete their Tweets, and they are gone. :p

Silly Democrats....

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology[/QUOTE\
Did anybody bother to fact check what Omar was tweeting about? or just knee-jerk reaction. What she is assert could conceivably be correct. Its also possible to criticize american-jewish relations without necessarily insulting to jews. just like criticizing israel (the state) isnt being anti jewish.

but more importantly:
in October, McCarthy posted a tweet that suggested three Jewish billionaire Democratic donors — George Soros, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg — were attempting to “buy” the 2018 midterm elections. “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election! Get out and vote Republican November 6th. #MAGA,” McCarthy tweeted. Four days later, he deleted it.
Last edited:
Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology

She accused deep-pocketed Jews of buying American politicians and retweeted a post calling Jews 'hook nosed'

"Democrats’ freshmen class of lawmakers are providing the party with a new source of passion — and a lot of headaches.

A series of tweets sent Sunday night from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are another addition for the latter category.

The tweets began after a writer for the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, posted a story about Rep. Kevin McCarthy “threatening punishment” of Rep. Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) “over their criticisms of Israel.” (As CNN’s Jake Tapper
noted, McCarthy’s comments were actually directed at “what he sees as anti-Semitic rhetoric from Reps. Omar and Tlaib.”)

Rep. Omar responded to Greenwald’s post with, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby”:

Tweet #1094747501578633216
The insinuation that Jewish interests were compelling Rep. McCarthy’s actions prompted some to ask Rep. Omar for clarification.

When a writer for the Forward asked, “Would love to know who Omar thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel,” Rep. Omar responded: “AIPAC!”

Tweet #1094761790595088384
As a 501(c))4), the American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) does not actually make contributions to politicians.

Omar later re-tweeted a Jewish writer who described himself as not generally sympathetic to Israel, but felt Rep. Omar’s attacks on Jews were akin to calling “us hook-nosed.”

Rep. Omar subsequently deleted her retweet, apparently not having realized the post was calling her anti-Semitic. However, some online captured her retweet before it was taken down"

I remember 'the good ol' days' when the only way you found out Democrats were racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites was for someone to hack the DNC server, access their e-mails, and leak them to the public.

Since President Trump introduced them to Twitter, that's no longer needed. They 'out' themselves by saying some of the most offensive, racist, and anti-Semitic things. Just as funny, they think that when they start getting backlash from it they can simply just delete their Tweets, and they are gone. [emoji14]

Silly Democrats....

Rep. Ilhan Omar Goes on Anti-Semitic Twitter Rampage; Advocacy Group Demands Apology[/QUOTE\
Did anybody bother to fact check what Omar was tweeting about? or just knee-jerk reaction. What she is assert could conceivably be correct. Its also possible to criticize american-jewish relations without necessarily insulting to jews. just like criticizing israel (the state) isnt being anti jewish.

but more importantly:
in October, McCarthy posted a tweet that suggested three Jewish billionaire Democratic donors — George Soros, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg — were attempting to “buy” the 2018 midterm elections. “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election! Get out and vote Republican November 6th. #MAGA,” McCarthy tweeted. Four days later, he deleted it.
She came here with nasty, smelly, hateful anti-Semitic bigotry and who in their right mind wants more Muslims in America to help strengthen theur numbers here to more greatly influence the move to supplant the Constitution with Sharia law some day.

But the issue of the Grand Jihadist conquest of America would be decided long before the changeover would happen.

We need to peacefully and legally rid America of as many Muslims as possible, as quickly as possible.

Every Muslim here brings us that much closer to conquest.

Even the "nice" ones.

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