New narrative - people are fleeing blue cities because there isn't enough housing

That's not the case, people living in rural areas usually have closer relationships with their neighbors than in the cities. We watch out for each other, have cookouts and lend a hand when needed. Stop pretending you have all the fucking answers, you don't and neither does kneepads.

I agree rural areas tend to do well, but that’s not true everywhere. Social structures are falling apart in rural areas too. Suburbs are the absolute worst.

I think it’s weird that our ideal of success is isolation. It’s not what humans are made for.

That being said, there’s just not much going on in rural areas. I prefer something more interesting.
What was learned is that if things go not so well, that cities will be destroyed from within. And like locusts, the discontented will go to neighborhoods that still has provisions for survival and work their way outward. Otherwise, there are neighborhoods within city limits miles away from the destruction, deaths, casualties and mayhem the Prog induced insurrections caused. Going to a store should not be a gamble.
Okay dude.
We know the answer. Shove them in nearly abandoned cities like DET or STL. Let them fix up those $5K burned out fixere uppers surrounded by DEM Black residents. Go off towork leaving wife and kids home to watch the stuff.
Illegals and other highspanics won’t live in those places because there isn’t enough white money to keep them employed cutting the grass and cleaning toilets. I live in the St Louis area and there are virtually no highspanics. I also live in the DC area and highspanics are ubiquitous. They afford the housing because they live multiple families per dwelling with front yards paved over to accommodate six or seven or more cars per house. Zoning laws are not applied because they will vote democrat.
I’d never say everyone should live in the city. Farming communities actually do a pretty good job developing community.

But I really don’t like suburbs. I think they’re on the whole, harmful to the functioning of the country.

I refused to live in the suburbs. The land of malls and a car for everyone. I live in a small town where I can walk everywhere, in 15 minutes or less.
I agree rural areas tend to do well, but that’s not true everywhere. Social structures are falling apart in rural areas too. Suburbs are the absolute worst.

I think it’s weird that our ideal of success is isolation. It’s not what humans are made for.

That being said, there’s just not much going on in rural areas. I prefer something more interesting.

I have homes on a 1 acre tract and one on a 5+ acre tract, we know our neighbors at both. Both are unincorporated areas and I wouldn't have it any other way. Do your thing and I'll do mine, but tell me mine is wrong in any way.

I have homes on a 1 acre tract and one on a 5+ acre tract, we know our neighbors at both. Both are unincorporated areas and I wouldn't have it any other way. Do your thing and I'll do mine, but tell me mine is wrong in any way.

Problem is you already shit on people living in cities.

Seems you have a double standards problem.
I’d never say everyone should live in the city. Farming communities actually do a pretty good job developing community.

But I really don’t like suburbs. I think they’re on the whole, harmful to the functioning of the country.

Your comment specifically said "country" ... the problems of suburbia are well documented ... many communities are now allowing "in-building" ... what Eugene termed "mother-in-law cottages" ... poor city is hemmed in by forests, wetlands and cropland; no where to expand ... environmentalism and homelessness go together like stink on shit ...
Your comment specifically said "country" ... the problems of suburbia are well documented ... many communities are now allowing "in-building" ... what Eugene termed "mother-in-law cottages" ... poor city is hemmed in by forests, wetlands and cropland; no where to expand ... environmentalism and homelessness go together like stink on shit ...
All I said is that the city subsidizes the country. That’s just a fact.
There will always be a hand waving reason. No matter how shitty they let their cities become they will always blame it on something else to deflect it.

Just like crime they always have something to blame crime on despite the fact they are ones that aren't getting rid of criminals because getting rid of criminals requires effort, money and work. It's always easier to just blame something else or say they need more cameras or something.

They don't want to actually do anything, they want the illusion of doing something.
All I said is that the city subsidizes the country. That’s just a fact.

All I said is that the country subsidizes the city ... that's just a fact ... meaning we're both right ... suburbia is the true enemy ...

Cities are founded for the brewing of beer ... such requires human settlement and the charity of the local hunter/gatherers ... everything else is just art ... or suburbia ...
Problem is you already shit on people living in cities.

Seems you have a double standards problem.

That's just a lie, I haven't shit on anyone, I simply relayed my experience and my opinion about it. If you like living just separated by a floor, celling or a wall from your neighbors, go with God.

All I said is that the country subsidizes the city ... that's just a fact ... meaning we're both right ... suburbia is the true enemy ...

Cities are founded for the brewing of beer ... such requires human settlement and the charity of the local hunter/gatherers ... everything else is just art ... or suburbia ...
No, it doesn’t. The country may produce food, but that’s not a subsidy. The city pays them fair market value. If anything, farming is receives significant government subsidies which come from taxpayer dollars that predominantly come from the city dwellers.
That's just a lie, I haven't shit on anyone, I simply relayed my experience and my opinion about it. If you like living just separated by a floor, celling or a wall from your neighbors, go with God.

Well, okay. If this is your opinion:
Living sandwiched between people is a bad thing. I've lived in apartments and in rural areas, there's no comparison between the two. Rural living is better by far.
I’ll give mine.

There’s no comparison in community. People in the country sit at home almost every night, eating their dinner and watching TV. The duration of time spent socializing is much less. The diversity of people you meet and know is less. The chance encounters is less. The knowledge sharing is less. The opportunity to discover new things is less. The ability to collaborate is less.

Good food is the same crap from the one or two local restaurants. Good art is the middle school production of Guys and Dolls.

You know your neighbors? Great. You know two people. Do you wave at them every day? Wow, such social connection.

I know everyone on my street and most people on the next streets. We have neighborhood dinners, street festivals. We have dozens of amazing restaurants. Dozens of amazing bakeries. Dozens of amazing coffee shops. Hand made ice cream. Artisanal breads. New exhibits and new galleries. Our parks are frequent and well maintained. Our greenways are lined with trees and along water. Our hospitals have all the specialists. Our banks have the right financial advisors. Our jobs are plentiful and have lots of room for advancement. The public schools are well funded with tons of opportunities. Our private schools send large numbers of kids to top tier schools.

My neighbors house is 10 feet from mine. The horror.

Why would I want to live in the country when I’d have to miss all that?
I'm seeing this pop up regularly now. A ridiculous take, claiming that a "housing supply crisis" is why people are leaving blue cities in droves. A normal initial reaction could be, well, that's just another example of libs shooting at the wrong target. This pattern only makes sense when you realize that the goal of leftism isn't solving problems, it's growing government and taking away individual freedoms. This perpetual state of phony crises is so tiresome. Of course, the solution will be some sort of federal housing subsidy that will further mess up the market.

Evil blue states are too popular, unlike MAGA shotholes.
Well, okay. If this is your opinion:

I’ll give mine.

There’s no comparison in community. People in the country sit at home almost every night, eating their dinner and watching TV. The duration of time spent socializing is much less. The diversity of people you meet and know is less. The chance encounters is less. The knowledge sharing is less. The opportunity to discover new things is less. The ability to collaborate is less.

Good food is the same crap from the one or two local restaurants. Good art is the middle school production of Guys and Dolls.

You know your neighbors? Great. You know two people. Do you wave at them every day? Wow, such social connection.

I know everyone on my street and most people on the next streets. We have neighborhood dinners, street festivals. We have dozens of amazing restaurants. Dozens of amazing bakeries. Dozens of amazing coffee shops. Hand made ice cream. Artisanal breads. New exhibits and new galleries. Our parks are frequent and well maintained. Our greenways are lined with trees and along water. Our hospitals have all the specialists. Our banks have the right financial advisors. Our jobs are plentiful and have lots of room for advancement. The public schools are well funded with tons of opportunities. Our private schools send large numbers of kids to top tier schools.

My neighbors house is 10 feet from mine. The horror.

Why would I want to live in the country when I’d have to miss all that?

And yet with all that, you seem to be spending a lot of your time here, bitching. Go freaking figure. LMAO


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