New narrative - people are fleeing blue cities because there isn't enough housing

What am I missing out on? Tell me.

You're the one that dumped this big laundry list of available activities that you're obviously not participating in if you're posting here. BTW I have everything you listed within an hours drive or less.

You're the one that dumped this big laundry list of available activities that you're obviously not participating in if you're posting here. BTW I have everything you listed within an hours drive or less.

If I had to drive an hour to do anything I listed, I’d do it a lot less. That’s just reality.

What am I missing out on?
Housing in big cities has been a problem for a long time. You’re out of touch.
I lived in Dallas and Austin TX for 25 years and never had trouble finding a house or an apartment to rent.

You're in denial that there are too many illegal aliens in this country, and they're using up all the available housing.
I refused to live in the suburbs. The land of malls and a car for everyone. I live in a small town where I can walk everywhere, in 15 minutes or less.

You can walk Everywhere? but to work and now on the GOVT dole probably? Got to be pretty lucky to get a real job with survivable level wages in a small town walkable in Canada winters. Splain that Lucy.
Everywhere but work on the GOVT dole probably. Got to be pretty lucky to get a real job in a small town walkable in Canada winters. Splain that Lucy.

I retired in 2016 after a 30 year career on Bay Street working for some of the biggest law firms in Canada. Nice salaries, spring and fall bonuses, matching contributions to retirement accounts, membership in the Mayfair Club.

I'm not lucky. I'm one of the hardest working people you've ever met, and I was one of the few law clerks whose computer skills matched their legal skills. Professionally, I could write my own ticket, and was never out of work.

I know you right wing losers have difficulty comprehending that leftists are hard working, resourceful and highly employable, but all of the leftist nations are thriving, while you're flailing.

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