If "price gouging" is happening, why didn't Biden & Harris stop it? (Poll)

Is price gouging causing inflation, or are Biden/Harris policies causing it?

  • Price gouging by greedy corporations is causing inflation

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Biden/Harris policies are causing inflation

    Votes: 32 86.5%

  • Total voters
Huh? I didn’t nominate her…what a weird thing to sa

Inflation went through the roof because Biden pushed through two massive government stimulus packages right as the US was coming out of the Covid shutdowns. He was warned by Larry Summers that doing so ran the risk of being highly inflationary but he ignored those warnings. Then to make matters worse his administration failed to take steps against serious supply chain issues. Too much money chasing too few goods means inflation going "through the roof"!
  • Inflation in March was 8.5%, a 40-year high. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan helped fuel about half or less of the increase, analysts say.
  • Other causes of inflation include COVID-19’s impact on labor markets and supply chains. Higher energy prices also would have triggered high inflation even without the American Rescue Plan.
  • Inflation in March was 8.5%, a 40-year high. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan helped fuel about half or less of the increase, analysts say.
  • Other causes of inflation include COVID-19’s impact on labor markets and supply chains. Higher energy prices also would have triggered high inflation even without the American Rescue Plan.
Oh it went much higher then 8.5 percent under harris and xiden
As for how long it takes for inflation to set in? Not that long actually. What you need to know is that once it does...prices almost never go back to where they were. The 20% price increases that Joe Biden saddled the American people with are going to be almost impossible to reverse.
Policymakers generally consider average inflation over longer periods of time, ranging from a few months to a year or longer1. When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to control inflation, it can take anywhere from nine months to two years for the impact to be felt2.
  • Inflation in March was 8.5%, a 40-year high. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan helped fuel about half or less of the increase, analysts say.
  • Other causes of inflation include COVID-19’s impact on labor markets and supply chains. Higher energy prices also would have triggered high inflation even without the American Rescue Plan.
Inflation was at 1.4% when Biden took office. His fiscal policies took that to 9% in about a year and a half. Those two huge government stimulus plans injected almost two trillion dollars into an economy that was poised to come back with pent up demand from consumers who weren't able to spend money during the shut downs. Then you had the Biden administration dropping the ball on supply chain issues...making the problem even worse.
It’s an open forum dummy, learn how that works before you look even dumber…

Now, would you care to act like a rational person and answer my simple question?
Well dumbass be up on the conversation before you start answering about me talking to you. I was answering another poster, not your dumbass.
Well dumbass be up on the conversation before you start answering about me talking to you. I was answering another poster, not your dumbass.
Again, open forum…You want a private conversation, then PM the guy…otherwise, admit you were caught lying about what he said.

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