New nbc poll shows obama beating newt strongly in Florida, SC

Did you expect anything different? It's an NBC poll. Of course the liberal media is going to slant towards Obama. I wouldn't get too excited about Obama getting re-elected. Ain't going to happen Waldo.
This current President works for GE. GE/NBC Polls should never be trusted. They're all on the same team.
Newt is from the Bob Dole Juan McCain wing, he's the candidate the Republican run when they want to lose
If you talk about ending social security or medicare you will not win Florida.


But, in fairness to the Freddie Mac lobbyist and proponent of giant mirrors in space so we can all see better driving at night, he did say that Paul Ryan's budget was "right-wing social engineering," so he's got that base covered.

If we placed a mirror (made of light foil that reflects) at the right orbit between the earth and moon. I think it's quite possible to position such, which could reflect light onto the US at night. It would have to be many miles in size, but impossible no!

It would likely take years to get the miles of "mirror" to space and attach all parts of it together.
If you talk about ending social security or medicare you will not win Florida.


But, in fairness to the Freddie Mac lobbyist and proponent of giant mirrors in space so we can all see better driving at night, he did say that Paul Ryan's budget was "right-wing social engineering," so he's got that base covered.

If we placed a mirror (made of light foil that reflects) at the right orbit between the earth and moon. I think it's quite possible to position such, which could reflect light onto the US at night. It would have to be many miles in size, but impossible no!

It would likely take years to get the miles of "mirror" to space and attach all parts of it together.

Plus, I can't think of anything better to spend our money on, especially when its Big Government doing the spending of our money for us!
Newt is from the Bob Dole Juan McCain wing, he's the candidate the Republican run when they want to lose

That goes for any of those republicans running now. It was easy to see when the big boys all took a pass on running this election and are waiting for 2016.
Any USMB poster with a rep power greater than -183 could win the Democrat primary this coming year.

Kind of scary....
It's the 1984 election all over again.

Newt = Mondale

Obama = Reagan

LOL, dreams are good I guess..
Reagan had a POSITIVE message about the people and the country.
Obama, can't find one damn thing he likes about either.
Get used to it folks. For the next nine months or so we are going to be deluged by posts from desperate lefties that start "new poll shows Obama". Remember the infamous "exit polls" that John Kerry supporters tried to scam the election? The left wing media didn't make a big deal about it at the time (surprise, surprise) but it seems that the Kerry people interviewed selected voters after they left the polls and told Americans that Kerry was ahead by around 70% early on election day. The purpose was to try to suppress republican turnout. Friendly polls are a dime a dozen.

South Carolina: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 46, Gingrich 42 Obama +4

Florida: Gingrich vs. Obama NBC News/Marist Obama 51, Gingrich 39 Obama +12

To Back this up a poll on friday called morning call shown newt down 17 to Obama

Pennsylvania: Gingrich vs. Obama Morning Call Obama 52, Gingrich 35 Obama +17 :(

None of this is good. This is very bad.:eek:

RealClearPolitics - Latest Election Polls

In what universe is Newt the front runner?????

Only would the MSM paint him as such....
I see...

I will treat this poll about the left's 0ssiah vs. some un-nominated opponent with all the importance it deserves....

This is a NBC poll. it might as well be from the dailyKos. it has about as much legitimacy.

By Louis Harris

President Carter so dominates the American political scene now that his margin over Ronald Reagan in a post-Iowa trial heat has risen to an overwhelming 65-31 percent. And against George Bush, the GOP candidate who finished first in the recent Iowa caucuses, Carter leads by only a slightly lower 62-32 percent.

These latest ABC News -Harris Survey results, taken among a cross section of 1,195 likely voters on January 22nd, dramatically illustrate the incredible political comeback of President Carter. Only four months ago, Reagan held a 50-45 percent lead over Carter. This means that a 5 point deficit has been turned into a 34 point lead over this short span of time. This is the largest lead President Carter has held over any Republican since July 1976, when he was 39 points ahead of President Gerald Ford.
The magnitude of Carter's lead can best be grasped by examining where the Carter-Reagan contest stands among groups which are usually Republican in their preference:
--In the suburbs, Carter is now ahead of Reagan by a massive 66-30 percent. Voters between 50 and 64 years of age prefer Carter by 63-34 percent, and he has no~ soared to a 67-25 percent lead among those who are 65 and over. Among voters with incomes of $25,000 or more, Carter's margin is 60-36 percent. Business executives favor the President by a narrow 50-48 percent. Most startling of all, among those who c~ll themselves conservatives, Carter has a substantial 57-39 percent edge. Together, these groups of voters form the base of the modern Republican Party. Indeed, among Republican voters, Reagan is ahead, but only by a 61-37 percent margin. For the GOP to lose 37 percent of their party's faithful would be nothing short of disaster

By Louis Harris

President Carter so dominates the American political scene now that his margin over Ronald Reagan in a post-Iowa trial heat has risen to an overwhelming 65-31 percent. And against George Bush, the GOP candidate who finished first in the recent Iowa caucuses, Carter leads by only a slightly lower 62-32 percent.

These latest ABC News -Harris Survey results, taken among a cross section of 1,195 likely voters on January 22nd, dramatically illustrate the incredible political comeback of President Carter. Only four months ago, Reagan held a 50-45 percent lead over Carter. This means that a 5 point deficit has been turned into a 34 point lead over this short span of time. This is the largest lead President Carter has held over any Republican since July 1976, when he was 39 points ahead of President Gerald Ford.
The magnitude of Carter's lead can best be grasped by examining where the Carter-Reagan contest stands among groups which are usually Republican in their preference:
--In the suburbs, Carter is now ahead of Reagan by a massive 66-30 percent. Voters between 50 and 64 years of age prefer Carter by 63-34 percent, and he has no~ soared to a 67-25 percent lead among those who are 65 and over. Among voters with incomes of $25,000 or more, Carter's margin is 60-36 percent. Business executives favor the President by a narrow 50-48 percent. Most startling of all, among those who c~ll themselves conservatives, Carter has a substantial 57-39 percent edge. Together, these groups of voters form the base of the modern Republican Party. Indeed, among Republican voters, Reagan is ahead, but only by a 61-37 percent margin. For the GOP to lose 37 percent of their party's faithful would be nothing short of disaster

This current President works for GE. GE/NBC Polls should never be trusted. They're all on the same team.

Dude, that is really silly.

Anything but silly. GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt his "Jobs Czar?" Yea nothing too strange or corrupt about that. GE owns him and NBC. They are all on the same team. Nothing coming from NBC should be trusted at this point. They're frauds.
If you talk about ending social security or medicare you will not win Florida.


But, in fairness to the Freddie Mac lobbyist and proponent of giant mirrors in space so we can all see better driving at night, he did say that Paul Ryan's budget was "right-wing social engineering," so he's got that base covered.

If we placed a mirror (made of light foil that reflects) at the right orbit between the earth and moon. I think it's quite possible to position such, which could reflect light onto the US at night. It would have to be many miles in size, but impossible no!

It would likely take years to get the miles of "mirror" to space and attach all parts of it together.
It would not require years to install. It would require years to design, test and refine. However, Obama has effectively killed space exploration for the next few years. He'd rather have NASA concentrate on how to make Muslims feel good about their contribution to science. Here I am trying to think of something they contributed.

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