New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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How can you guys remember who your first neg was from?

I can't even recall who negged me yesterday or even IF I was negged yesterday.

I'm pretty sure CG was my first neg...if not one of the first two or three.

Though I don't think I've gotten one from her since.

try harder

cg is about the biggest rep whore i've ever seen, although she's toned it down a bit.

she used to blatantly suck up to anyone who had sizable rep.

i know that\ was clear.

pretty pathetic, but i guess that's the price you pay to be bill gates.


Maybe she has me on ignore or something.

I have no problem with that.
what new rules? why am i always confused?

[ame=""]Who am I? Why am I here? - YouTube[/ame]

You know, I hate to inject anything serious into Pole Rider's hilarious meltdown thread, but I always wince when someone posts that video.

Admiral Stockdale was one of the bravest men to ever wear a U.S. uniform, and he paid for that bravery in physical and mental trauma.

It really is inconceivable what that man went through. We all owe him our utmost respect. I'm sure Perot's intentions were admirable in choosing him, but by then he was in no shape to be VP. But it is in poor taste to ridicule this American hero.

James Stockdale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dammit! I can't rep you.
I truly don't believe the rules needed changing, everyone just needed rep points cut by 90% equally, for all.... and if this is done periodically, to keep most under 1000 rep points, people being negged won't be blown in to the abyss with neg rep points.

It's FAIR to all and keeps it where it is FUN for ALL...all, meaning the newbies as well as the old timers, those being negged, those giving negs, etc...

As Mods, you don't have to monitor this new rule, as a poster you don't have to worry about negging someone twice during a 48 hour period....

Just cut everyone's rep at the same gives newbies a ''chance'' of surviving the negative blasts that could come, it makes it fun, for everyone again...

It's NOT the negative rep and what's said or the nasty comment that hurts, it's being blown in to oblivion by a member with huge huge huge negative rep points that hurts and takes the fun out of it, and out of being here and truly, unfair imho.

Wouldn't you still neg rep a member you don't like or disagree with, if your rep points were half of what they were? OF COURSE you would! so the fun is still there for the long timers as well....

Previous admin, never let it get over a thousand....until the end before he left....

Echo and all of us were pushing people with rep to go over the thousand mark in echo Zulu's Rep fest zone, it was a real party around here! It should have been cut back the 50% right around then....too....but since it wasn't, it has balooned in to a huge disparity.

Don't be afraid to lose your rep 'power', the percentage drop is equal for everyone, so if you have 4000 rep points and cut 90%, then you go down to 360, and if you have 1000 points now, 90% less would be 90, if you only have 100 points now then you would have 9 after the 90% cut....

So those with seniority or boocoos of rep will still proportionately have 'the power'....but that power won't be enough to run people off the board, and it SHOULDN'T BE enough for members to run people off the board...that's when it becomes, not fun....and that's when bullies can be formed, NOT that I am saying we have bullies here or anything of the such, but this eliminates the possibility, with neg rep point accumulation.

Keep it under a thousand, periodically cut it back by X percent....much fewer headaches for mods, fewer whines, and makes it much more fun for new combers....

Well fuck lady, if you're going to periodically cut it back then why the fuck give it in the first damn place? you nutz?
Because that is how it was ALWAYS done...and Gunny was right on that WORKS and it keeps members from running a board that they don't's fair for everyone here and for newbies as well.

Is it really the neg rep points that gets you all goose bumpy when you neg someone or is it giving the negative rep....?

IF YOU are saying it's the neg rep points that you are blowing someone out of the water with, that makes this "fun" for you, then YOU would be breaking the rules and abusing the system and doing something that was never meant to be with a negative rep....

So I don't truly understand your Whine willow.
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I'm pretty sure CG was my first neg...if not one of the first two or three.

Though I don't think I've gotten one from her since.

try harder

cg is about the biggest rep whore i've ever seen, although she's toned it down a bit.

she used to blatantly suck up to anyone who had sizable rep.

i know that\ was clear.

pretty pathetic, but i guess that's the price you pay to be bill gates.


Maybe she has me on ignore or something.

I have no problem with that.

stay strong

There was an influx of loons who come on here making loony pronouncements, and they got the shit negged out of them because they were batshit crazy, dishonest, and assholes as well.

And to hear you and Grump whine about it, it appears they were friends of yours!

Shocking, that!

You tried to flood the site with compatriots, who pissed their pants and deserted ship.

You poor thing. It's so sad. Really.

Get used to it. You don't represent the majority. The majority finds you, and your type, repugnant. So you piss and moan in order to force the majority to put up with your shit...because they would never do it willingly. I think we all know that.

It sucks to be a member of a hated extremist minority, doesn't it?

Sorry righties..

But your little game is over. You were teaming up to bully newcomers and chase them off the board

The Mods got fed up and ended your abuse
No one picked me for the team, dammit.

I'm gonna have to go to the secret club house and have a talk with them.

Oh, BTW, you're fucking nuts.

Yeah, I wasn't chosen either.

What you hear there are sour grapes after a failed attempt to import support for extremist views.
There has been a posse of conservatives teaming up to drive off newly joined liberal posters. They abused their power and piled red stars in an attempt to bully new posters they didn't agree with

They had it coming


There was an influx of loons who come on here making loony pronouncements, and they got the shit negged out of them because they were batshit crazy, dishonest, and assholes as well.

And to hear you and Grump whine about it, it appears they were friends of yours!

Shocking, that!

You tried to flood the site with compatriots, who pissed their pants and deserted ship.

You poor thing. It's so sad. Really.

Get used to it. You don't represent the majority. The majority finds you, and your type, repugnant. So you piss and moan in order to force the majority to put up with your shit...because they would never do it willingly. I think we all know that.

It sucks to be a member of a hated extremist minority, doesn't it?

Sorry righties..

But your little game is over. You were teaming up to bully newcomers and chase them off the board

The Mods got fed up and ended your abuse

yep they did, even when they were abusers so stfu.
There has been a posse of conservatives teaming up to drive off newly joined liberal posters. They abused their power and piled red stars in an attempt to bully new posters they didn't agree with

They had it coming


There was an influx of loons who come on here making loony pronouncements, and they got the shit negged out of them because they were batshit crazy, dishonest, and assholes as well.

And to hear you and Grump whine about it, it appears they were friends of yours!

Shocking, that!

You tried to flood the site with compatriots, who pissed their pants and deserted ship.

You poor thing. It's so sad. Really.

Get used to it. You don't represent the majority. The majority finds you, and your type, repugnant. So you piss and moan in order to force the majority to put up with your shit...because they would never do it willingly. I think we all know that.

It sucks to be a member of a hated extremist minority, doesn't it?

Sorry righties..

But your little game is over. You were teaming up to bully newcomers and chase them off the board

The Mods got fed up and ended your abuse

Go import your weirdo buddies again and see how it goes next time.

They'll still be tagged as extremist weirdos, and they'll still get negged en masse. Because EVERYBODY finds you, and them, disgusting.
I don't want them to cut the rep, the neg system they have now should help. It allows the noobs to gain a little traction and earn some rep.

I always hated repping people only to have somebody come along and neg the shit out of them. Such a waste.
Even with the new system, noobs who come in with a certain atiitude (calling the opposition posters terrorists, for example) with still get red splats quite quickly. There is a large active membership here.
Don't tell rw that. He's got his socks all lined up for another grand entrance.
I knew it all along. This is all about punishing the conservatives brought to you proudly by the whining liberals.

Typical Neo Con...starts a mess and then blames others for it...

Jillian was the first asshole ever to neg me. try again wimp.
negged for old times sake ;)
There has been a posse of conservatives teaming up to drive off newly joined liberal posters. They abused their power and piled red stars in an attempt to bully new posters they didn't agree with

They had it coming

I truly don't believe the rules needed changing, everyone just needed rep points cut by 90% equally, for all.... and if this is done periodically, to keep most under 1000 rep points, people being negged won't be blown in to the abyss with neg rep points.

It's FAIR to all and keeps it where it is FUN for ALL...all, meaning the newbies as well as the old timers, those being negged, those giving negs, etc...

As Mods, you don't have to monitor this new rule, as a poster you don't have to worry about negging someone twice during a 48 hour period....

Just cut everyone's rep at the same gives newbies a ''chance'' of surviving the negative blasts that could come, it makes it fun, for everyone again...

It's NOT the negative rep and what's said or the nasty comment that hurts, it's being blown in to oblivion by a member with huge huge huge negative rep points that hurts and takes the fun out of it, and out of being here and truly, unfair imho.

Wouldn't you still neg rep a member you don't like or disagree with, if your rep points were half of what they were? OF COURSE you would! so the fun is still there for the long timers as well....

Previous admin, never let it get over a thousand....until the end before he left....

Echo and all of us were pushing people with rep to go over the thousand mark in echo Zulu's Rep fest zone, it was a real party around here! It should have been cut back the 50% right around then....too....but since it wasn't, it has balooned in to a huge disparity.

Don't be afraid to lose your rep 'power', the percentage drop is equal for everyone, so if you have 4000 rep points and cut 90%, then you go down to 360, and if you have 1000 points now, 90% less would be 90, if you only have 100 points now then you would have 9 after the 90% cut....

So those with seniority or boocoos of rep will still proportionately have 'the power'....but that power won't be enough to run people off the board, and it SHOULDN'T BE enough for members to run people off the board...that's when it becomes, not fun....and that's when bullies can be formed, NOT that I am saying we have bullies here or anything of the such, but this eliminates the possibility, with neg rep point accumulation.

Keep it under a thousand, periodically cut it back by X percent....much fewer headaches for mods, fewer whines, and makes it much more fun for new combers....

Well fuck lady, if you're going to periodically cut it back then why the fuck give it in the first damn place? you nutz?
Because that is how it was ALWAYS done...and Gunny was right on that WORKS and it keeps members from running a board that they don't's fair for everyone here and for newbies as well.

Is it really the neg rep points that gets you all goose bumpy when you neg someone or is it giving the negative rep....?

IF YOU are saying it's the neg rep points that you are blowing someone out of the water with, that makes this "fun" for you, then YOU would be breaking the rules and abusing the system and doing something that was never meant to be with a negative rep....

So I don't truly understand your Whine willow.

it's not a whine asswipe. I asked a question. why go through the convoluted steps of reducing reps, if you don't want people to have reps then don't let them have reps. and I never said the second. I gave neg rep for posts I disagreed with. you got a problem with that bitch?
I don't want them to cut the rep, the neg system they have now should help. It allows the noobs to gain a little traction and earn some rep.

I always hated repping people only to have somebody come along and neg the shit out of them. Such a waste.
Even with the new system, noobs who come in with a certain atiitude (calling the opposition posters terrorists, for example) with still get red splats quite quickly. There is a large active membership here.

Well the large active membership will have to keep good records.
I don't want them to cut the rep, the neg system they have now should help. It allows the noobs to gain a little traction and earn some rep.

I always hated repping people only to have somebody come along and neg the shit out of them. Such a waste.
you will NEVER solve the problem here, UNLESS you proportionately cut the rep...periodically.

cutting the points is cutting the points, BIG DEAL. At least our free speech is not cut, you can still neg rep who ya like and it won't hurt them....

by doing it this way, waiting the 48 hours, you solve nothing in the order of making it impossible for someone to get out of the hole on rep points.

Negative rep is suppose to be given if you vehemently disagree with a poster, NOT BECAUSE you want to blow them out of the water with your boo coos of negative rep points.
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