New Obama ad strikes ‘don’t blame me’ tone on economy


<<< Me in 1970
May 20, 2010
It's not my fault....

"President Barack Obama's campaign released a new ad on Monday that takes aim squarely at his greatest vulnerability: the sour economy. The ad emphasizes that the president inherited the financial disaster when he took office and insists that, thanks to his policies, "we're coming back.""

New Obama ad strikes

He said he Created 4.2 Million Jobs..... hmmmm....

What about the 16 million still Unemployed?

What about the 15 million that have gone on 1st time Un-employment during your watch? many of which have given up looking, half have been on UI for over a year.

How many of the 7 million who lost their Homes on your watch have a home back now?

Have you passed a budget yet?

How can you explain raising the debt at the fastest pace in the last 40 years of any President.

Smoke and Mirrors, that is all you have Mr. Obama


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