New Obama Attack Ad

I was away most of the weekend at a class reunion (Go Team Go) but when I came home and began watching the National Cable Channels again, I saw the following ad from the Obama Campaign:

As many (if not most) of you know, I support his re-election. But I've got to tell you that this is an ad that didn't do much for me. I found the last 10 seconds where it speaks of the Governor's offshore holdings more effective than the first twenty seconds. As a CEO, sometimes, you must make hard choices that aren't appetizing. Making personal choices about where to stash your fortune to avoid paying taxes...that speaks to the character of the Governor.

It would be preferable, I think, for the President to speak to the Governor's character.

Anybody with an ounce of sense would stash that kinda money in a place with the best possible tax consequences. To do otherwise is fucking stupid.
If Mitt didn't do every legal thing he could to hang onto the money he earned I'd think he was an idiot.

Yeah, I'm sure Soros' money is all stashed at a Capital One so he can pay the highest tax rate possible.

These lefties are such nitwits.... it's frightening.
I still can't believe they are running with this..

and then they turn around and vote for some the richest Democrats in congress

what a losing ass argument.....sheeesh
I was away most of the weekend at a class reunion (Go Team Go) but when I came home and began watching the National Cable Channels again, I saw the following ad from the Obama Campaign:

As many (if not most) of you know, I support his re-election. But I've got to tell you that this is an ad that didn't do much for me. I found the last 10 seconds where it speaks of the Governor's offshore holdings more effective than the first twenty seconds. As a CEO, sometimes, you must make hard choices that aren't appetizing. Making personal choices about where to stash your fortune to avoid paying taxes...that speaks to the character of the Governor.

It would be preferable, I think, for the President to speak to the Governor's character.

Anybody with an ounce of sense would stash that kinda money in a place with the best possible tax consequences. To do otherwise is fucking stupid.

Again, the yardstick isn't what is the smartest play but what is the best political move in this context. It may be a good move for oil companies to basically write legislation that benefits them then contribute 10s of millions of dollars to campaign funds. It doesn't do much to endear themselves when they do it.
I still can't believe they are running with this..

and then they turn around and vote for some the richest Democrats in congress

what a losing ass argument.....sheeesh

I can't believe you guys nominated Governor Romney in this climate. I'm sure most of you all can't believe you did it either. :tongue:
So President Obama has a big problem with outsourcing that's interesting as Jeff Immelt a big Obama supporter and head of Obama's jobs council not to mention CEO of General Electric is very big into outsourcing a good deal of G.E. jobs are overseas as are a lot of it's profits which helps them avoid U.S. taxes. Since President Obama has made so much about Romney, Bain, and outsourcing I would look forward to the media questioning him about this of course we all know they won't because if they had any plans to they would have already.
So President Obama has a big problem with outsourcing that's interesting as Jeff Immelt a big Obama supporter and head of Obama's jobs council not to mention CEO of General Electric is very big into outsourcing a good deal of G.E. jobs are overseas as are a lot of it's profits which helps them avoid U.S. taxes. Since President Obama has made so much about Romney, Bain, and outsourcing I would look forward to the media questioning him about this of course we all know they won't because if they had any plans to they would have already.

Yeah, I don't understand why he keeps bringing it up. He could get much more mileage out of the Governor stashing money around the globe.
I still can't believe they are running with this..

and then they turn around and vote for some the richest Democrats in congress

what a losing ass argument.....sheeesh

I can't believe you guys nominated Governor Romney in this climate. I'm sure most of you all can't believe you did it either. :tongue:

no I think it might be you guys aren't going to believe that the people are fed up with this thuggish gutter politics by your party..

Romney could just be the RIGHT guy because he isn't anything like you guys
I still can't believe they are running with this..

and then they turn around and vote for some the richest Democrats in congress

what a losing ass argument.....sheeesh

I can't believe you guys nominated Governor Romney in this climate. I'm sure most of you all can't believe you did it either. :tongue:

no I think it might be you guys aren't going to believe that the people are fed up with this thuggish gutter politics by your party..

Romney could just be the RIGHT guy because he isn't anything like you guys

Coming from a birther...that's hilarious. Oh my goodness....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't believe you guys nominated Governor Romney in this climate. I'm sure most of you all can't believe you did it either. :tongue:

no I think it might be you guys aren't going to believe that the people are fed up with this thuggish gutter politics by your party..

Romney could just be the RIGHT guy because he isn't anything like you guys

Coming from a birther...that's hilarious. Oh my goodness....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

that's all you fit right in with the Obama party, that's for sure
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no I think it might be you guys aren't going to believe that the people are fed up with this thuggish gutter politics by your party..

Romney could just be the RIGHT guy because he isn't anything like you guys

Coming from a birther...that's hilarious. Oh my goodness....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

that's all you figures

It's ironic that a birther would complain about "gutter politics" since your type are world renown bottom feeders. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hold on, one more....:lol:
If you own a 401K, you are hiding assets off shore!

You people better report yourselves.
It's ironic that a birther would complain about "gutter politics" since your type are world renown bottom feeders. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you don't know the truth, all you do is make baseless accusations..but you can think you've won one gives a shit

Hold on, one more....:lol:

spew on, bye

Love assaulting you with the truth then seeing you leave in frustration. Bye.

you don't know the truth, all you do is make baseless accusations..but you can think you've assaulted someone if that's what blows your skirt up, which it seems it one gives a shit
So President Obama has a big problem with outsourcing that's interesting as Jeff Immelt a big Obama supporter and head of Obama's jobs council not to mention CEO of General Electric is very big into outsourcing a good deal of G.E. jobs are overseas as are a lot of it's profits which helps them avoid U.S. taxes. Since President Obama has made so much about Romney, Bain, and outsourcing I would look forward to the media questioning him about this of course we all know they won't because if they had any plans to they would have already.

Yeah, I don't understand why he keeps bringing it up. He could get much more mileage out of the Governor stashing money around the globe.

The last time I checked offshore accounts weren't illegal and I rather suspect most if not all of Obama's big money supporters do or have done the same thing. These are not winning issues for Obama I loathe to give advice to Obama but he would be better served to get off this stuff and focus on Romney's record as Governor and Romney would be wise to stick to Obama's record from 2008 and counting.
So President Obama has a big problem with outsourcing that's interesting as Jeff Immelt a big Obama supporter and head of Obama's jobs council not to mention CEO of General Electric is very big into outsourcing a good deal of G.E. jobs are overseas as are a lot of it's profits which helps them avoid U.S. taxes. Since President Obama has made so much about Romney, Bain, and outsourcing I would look forward to the media questioning him about this of course we all know they won't because if they had any plans to they would have already.

Yeah, I don't understand why he keeps bringing it up. He could get much more mileage out of the Governor stashing money around the globe.

The last time I checked offshore accounts weren't illegal and I rather suspect most if not all of Obama's big money supporters do or have done the same thing. These are not winning issues for Obama I loathe to give advice to Obama but he would be better served to get off this stuff and focus on Romney's record as Governor and Romney would be wise to stick to Obama's record from 2008 and counting.

You're right they are not illegal. Just not overly appealing to middle income voters. If the FDIC is good enough for us...why isn't it good enough for the Governor?
Yeah, I don't understand why he keeps bringing it up. He could get much more mileage out of the Governor stashing money around the globe.

The last time I checked offshore accounts weren't illegal and I rather suspect most if not all of Obama's big money supporters do or have done the same thing. These are not winning issues for Obama I loathe to give advice to Obama but he would be better served to get off this stuff and focus on Romney's record as Governor and Romney would be wise to stick to Obama's record from 2008 and counting.

You're right they are not illegal. Just not overly appealing to middle income voters. If the FDIC is good enough for us...why isn't it good enough for the Governor?

Anyone with a decently divested 401k essentially has some off shore investment...

Purely legal too...

Methinks thou doth protest too much....
The last time I checked offshore accounts weren't illegal and I rather suspect most if not all of Obama's big money supporters do or have done the same thing. These are not winning issues for Obama I loathe to give advice to Obama but he would be better served to get off this stuff and focus on Romney's record as Governor and Romney would be wise to stick to Obama's record from 2008 and counting.

You're right they are not illegal. Just not overly appealing to middle income voters. If the FDIC is good enough for us...why isn't it good enough for the Governor?

Anyone with a decently divested 401k essentially has some off shore investment...

Purely legal too...

Methinks thou doth protest too much....

Yes, I just said that. It just isn't politically appealing to middle income voters when they are being asked to support one who certainly isn't placing his money in a "decently divested 401k". Methinks you can't tell the difference or are just a moron.

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